96-75,� : � •..• � A RESOL�3'iiC�i� i� Ti}�f� �Ci'1'Y'' OF Ci.�ARtrVATEr'�, rL�u�li�t�, H���8�i�1G THE OWNERS OF PROPERTY THE COSTS OF HAVING MOWED OR CLEARED THE OWNERS' LOTS. WF-lERE�S, it has bsen detemnin�d by the City Commission of the City of Clearwa#er that, for the purpose of promoting the heaith, safety and general welfare of the citizens and residen#s of the Gity, real properiy within the City should be cleared of weeds, rubbish, debris and other noxious material; and WHEREAS, notice pursuant ta Section 20.38, Code of Qrdinances, was provided to the owner of each of the lots lis4ed in Exhibit A, and the notice required each propert� owner to cause the violaiion to be remedied or to file a notice of appeal within 10 days after the date the property wras posted; and VVNEREAS, #he property owners have fiailed to take remedial action within the time provitled and ha�oe failed to file a notice ofi appeal within the time allowed, or app�aled the notice ofi violation but faiied to take remedial actio� within the time provided by the Code Enforcement Bo�rd, and it becarne n�cessary for the City to take remedial action; and �MFiEREAS, the ov��ner af each lot lis4ed on �xhibit A has been provided with a notics and opporturiity vdiihin which eo pay the costs and administraiive charges se4 forth on E�hibit A, but na payments have bser� r�c�ived; now, therefore, BE !i R�SOLVED �Y TFiE CITY COIJIMISSi4N OF THE CIiY QF CL�4RW�i'ER, �l�ORiD,4: �ti�. The City Commission finds the preambl� hsreoi io be true and correct. Se�tion�. The Gi#y Gommission hereby as�esses a lien upon e�ch parcel of real properiy listed on Exhibit A for the actual c�sts �f mowin� or clearing, plus administrative co5ts, as shown on �xhibit A�. ;�#ion 3. The City Cl�ric is hereby directed to prepare a notice of lien against each property lis#�d on Exhibit A and ta record the same in the public records of Pinellas Coun4y, �laritla. F'A�SSED 01ND ADOPTED thls 21 st d�y of November , 1996. Riia Garv�y Mayor-Commissioner Approved as to form and legal su�ciency: �..... � a n Carassas Assistant City Attomey At4est: Cyn ia �. Goudeau City Clerk ites�iutan No. 96�75 F�' •.�..: E; X H T B I T A �- •�1 ADMIN. COST CHARG.E TOTAL Home Savings of Ameraca Eastwood Terrace 3rd Add $ 125.00 200.00 $ 325.00 B1k E, Lot 22 W1 S F' Tx�ust 8/6/90 Greenwood Park #2 Blk E Lt 36 I25.00 200.00 325.00 James Brooks Jr. & Lincoln Place Blk 2 Lot 6 C1eo Sommons Charles/Pear1 Lorabardo Pa2rr Terrace Unit 2 Lot 49 Barbara A. Pa-rsons Palm Terrace Unit 2 Lot 5� c/a Freeland t7ef�`rey A. Tomasevic Sunset Lake Estates Unit 2 B1k E Lot 1a David/L�slie Schriver Sunset Lake Manor Lot 27 �,,i 125.00 200.00 325.00 138.72 200.00 338.72 141.45 200.D0 341.45 137.25 200.00 337.25 134,80 200.00 334.80 `���` %S�