96-09� ,t. RESOLiJTI01� N�. 96-09 � A RESOLUTION OF Ti-� CITY OF CLEAR9VA�'ER, FLORYp.��L, ASSESSING CEYtTt�d REAL I'ROPE�ItTT�';�� I.QCATED IN GBtEEleTWOOD MANOR, CLEAR�VATP.R, F�.,OR�E4., i�AAVIl�TG A P05T OFF�TTCL ADI�RES� Or 1003 Y,ASALLL S�TiEE'T, C�.F.A�tWATLR, FLORIi?A, AS 1�Y?,SC�2IBED IviORE P.�4R'TICULt�RLY �, IN TH� AIvYQUNr OF $15,901.00 P()R THE C05TS OF DEIVIOLri'ION INCiTItRED iN REMpVINCs A DANGEROUS ST1tUCTURE, WITi�OUT Ti� CONSENT OF O�JNER. W�iERLAS, pursuant to Chapter 47 of the Clearwater Code of Ordinaaices and the Stia�dard �u�lding Cod�, the �uilding Official determined that cert�i� real property described here�a and �e builciang situated thereon were unsafe, unsaciitary, �nf'it fo� hum�an habitation, and dagagerous asad deirimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of tfie community, and did not properly comply with tlae requir�s�xents oi said Code, and found that an emergency existed ovtuch, i�s lais opinion, iaivolved slanger to human life and health, and ordered the demolition of the building; and V�S, �tae City of Clearwater has caused the demolition of the building, and the cost of sucta work shoudd now be assessed as a lien on tsehalf of the City of Clearwater against the property; now, ttzerefore, BB IT RESOLVLID BY THE CITY COMIVIISSION QF THE CYTY OlF CLEAR�IVATER, �LLORIDA : Sec�ion 1. The Building Off'icial having ordered the demoli�ion of the building situated on the following described progerty: Greenwood Manor, Lots 9 and 10 (Parcel iJ�amber 10/29/15/33498/000/0090 & 0100). Owner of record: Milton P. Rooks 1139 Pierce Street Clearwater, FL 34616-5723 ���'� � � and the City of �learwater having now completed said work, the City Commission does hereby assess and charge a Iien on behalf of ttte City of Clearwatar against the pmparty for the necessary costs incurred as fallows: TO'Y'AL DEMOLTTIOIV COSTS (3e� Attachment "P�") $15,901,00 5ection 2. As s�n as practicable, a Ceaiificate of Indebtedness against the property for the amount oi assessffient shall be �Fepared, which cereificate shall constitute a lien prior to all other liens except the liem for ta�ces. Said certificate, when issued, shall be payable to the City i� not �xce�ding ten (10) eq�aal a�ua1 iaistalSments with int�rest at a rate not greater than eight percent (8°!0) per annum. Section 3. The �ity Cleak is hereby directed to prepare a Notice of Lien in the amount of i�e �ssessmen� ag�st said p�operty, and �o recorri the sa.nne iai the Public Records of Pinellas County, �lorida. tios► �. This resolution shall take effect immmxediately upon adoption. PASS� AND A1�O� this lst d�y of Februarv , 1995. A4tes�: �y ' E. Goudeau Caty Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: i����,��.�-�f_� �la K. Akin City Attorney Ri Garvey Mayor-Commissioner ����'� � " �" . � ATTACHIVVIENT ��.��� Resolution 96-09 (1003 LaSalle Street - Clearwater, Plorida) TASK NALOL -(Pinellas County Itecoads for ownership) �larious coaa�espondence and telephone calls Furchase requisitians Take photograpbs T�TAI. HOi.TItS E�LP�TSE� Bleven (11) hours (� $25.Q0 per hour Film, developiaeg, and prints ��al:if'ied Mail and regular y.�ostage Tit4e �earch - 5exton Title 5ervices, Inc. Asbestos Survey - Qccupational Healtla Cous�.rvadon, Inc. Asbestos Re�tavat - I.�v� Engineering of Florida leioaptoring of Asbestos lteanoval - Occupa�i+��al Health Conservation, Inc. lZ$molition (E. L. Trevena, Inc.) TOTAL ER�'ENSFS LYEN AIl�IOUNT � TIllZE 11 AMOUNT $275.00 43.32 3.16 65.00 1000.00 6530.Q0 995.00 6990.00 $15,901.A8 $15,901.00 �� "�'"�