97-64� RESOLUTION NO. 97-64 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORiDA, RELATING TO THE MONEY PURCHASE PENSION PLAN; APPROVING THE DECLARATION OF TRUST OF TPiE ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST; AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF CLEARWATER i0 SERVE AS TRUSTEE UNDER THE PLAPI AND TO INVEST FUNDS IN THE ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST; DESIGNATING A CERTAIN OFFICIAL AS COORDINATOR FOR THE MONEY PURCHASE PEfVSION PLAN; AUTHORIZiNG EXECIJTIOM OF ADMINISTRATIVE AGREEMENTS BY THE CITY MANAGER; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has employees rendering valuable services; and WHEREAS, the establishment of a money purchase pension plan benefits employees by prnviding funds for retirement and funds f��` their beneficiaries in the even# of death; and � iNHE6�ERS, the City of Clearwater established a money purchase pension plan (ttre "�lan") by Ordinance 6180-97 adopted August 21, 1997, and the Plan shali be rnain#ained fior the exclusiv� benefit of eligible employees and their beneficiaries; and WNEREAS, the City of Clearwrater desires thaf ifis money purchase p�nsion plan be administ�r�d by the EGMA Refiirement Corporation and that the funds held under such plan be ind�sfed in the ICMA Retiretnent irust, a trust established by public employers for the collective investrr�enf of funds held under their retirement and deferred carv�pen�ation plans; now, therefore, �E IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT1' COMMISSION OF THE CiTY OF �L.EARVi/ATER, FLORIDA: �ectian 1. The City Co�nmission hereby approves the Declaration of Tiust of the ICt�A R�tiremeni l`r�sst in ihe form at4ached hereto, intending this execution � fo be operative wiih respect to any retirement or deferred compensation plan subsequently established by the City, if the assets of the plan are to be inve'sted .in the ICMA Retirement "irust. � S�ction 3. The City of Clearwater hereby agrees fo serve as trustee under the Pf�n and to inv�st funds held under the Plan in the ICMA Retirement Tr�st. Resolution No.97-64 - ^ � Section 4. The City Manager or his designee shali be the coordinator for the , Plan; shaii receive necessary reports, notices, etc., from the ICMA Retirement Corporation or the ICMA Retirement Trust; shail cast, on behalf of the City of Clean�vater, any required votes under the ICMA Retirement trust; may delegate any administrative duties relating to the Plan to appropriate departments. Section 5. The City Commission hereby authorizes the City Manager to execute all necessary agreements with the ICMA Retirement Corporation incidental to the administrative of the Plan. Section 6. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2oth day of Nov�mber, 1997. Rpprov�d as to form: �� P mela K. Akin, Ciiy �A4torne Y 2 Rita Garvey, Mayor-C issioner Attest: ,:;, _ `' � � Cyn ia E. Goudeau, City Clerk Resolution No. 97-64 1: � r� ICMA RETIREMENT'�'RUST.. D��L,P�ATION OF TRUST C�� �'�-IE ICMA RETII�MEIVT �tJST ;'K �,�� � amended )anuary 1995 DE�LA�tATION OF TRUST OF ICMA RETI REMENT TRUST ARTiCLE 1. NAME AND DEEINITIONS Section 1.1 N�ma The Name of the Tnut created h�reby it the ICMA Rctirement Trust Section 1.2 DeHnitions: Wherever they are used hcrein, the following terms shall have the following respective meanings: (�) Bydaws. The $y-laws rekrred to in SectitTn 4. l hereof, as amc�ded (rom time to time. (b) Deferred Compensation Plan. A deferted compensation plan established and maintained by a Public Employerfor the purposeof providing retircment income and other deferced benefits to its employeos in accordance with th�e provision of section.457 of the lntemal Revrnue Code of 1986, as amended. (c) Empioyees. Those emplopees who participate in Quali(ied Plans. (d) Employer Trust. A trust creared pursuant to an agrcemrnt between RC and a Public Employet, or an agreement between RC and a Public Employer for administrative services that is not a trust, in either case (or the purpose of investing and administering the funds ut aside by such Employer in connection with its Dekrred Compensation agreemenu with its employees or in connection with iu Qualified Plan. (e) lnvestment Contract. A non•negotiable contract entered into by ehe Retiremrnt'trust with a financial institution that provides for a fixed rate.of remrn on investment. {f} IGPr4Pc. 'ilie Intemational Ciq�/County Management Assaiation. (g) flCtv�A/ItG Trustees. Those Trustees elected by the Public Employers who, in accordance with the provisions of SECtion 3, l(a) hereo(, aee also members of th� Board of Directors of 1CMA or RC (or in the case of RC, former members of the RC Board). (h) lnvestment Adrisea The Investment Adti�iser that enrers inta a contract with the Retiremrnt Trust to pro��ide a,�lvice with respecc to investment of the Trust Pro�+erey. (i) Port�olios. The separate commingled accounts of invescment established by the Investment Adviser ro the Retirement Trust, urtder the supervision of the inutees, for the purpose of providing invatments for ehe T�uu Peoperty. (j) PublicEaaployeeTeustees. ThoseTrusteeselectedby the Pu6lic Emp loyers who, in accordartce with the pro��ision of 5ection 3.1(a) hereof, are full•time emplayea of Public Employer�. (k) F'ubiic F,anplaqer Trustees. Pubfic Employers who serve az mutees of the Qualified Plans. (1� Publie Employer. A unit af state ar laal govemment, or any �ncy or insteumcntaliry t�xreof, tha; has adoptcd a Defcrred Cosnpensation Plan c;r a Qesa{ified Plan and has exccut�:d this Declaration of Tiust. (mj Qualifies! Plan. Aplan sponsored by a Prblic Emploper for the pur�+o,e of providing retirement income to us cmployeeswhichsatisfiesii cquaiificationrequirements of Secuon 401 of the Intemal Revenue Code, az amended: (n) RC.ThelntemationalCityManagcmcntAssociation Retiremrnt CorEwration. amended Janua�y 1995 • � �. (o) Retirement Truct. The Trust created by this Declantion of Trust. • (p) Tnut Proper�. The amounu held in the Retirement Trust on bchal of the Public Emp loyers in conncc�ion with Dcferred Compensation Plans and on behalf of the Public Employer Trustees (or the exclusive benefit of Employees pursuant to Qualified Plans. The Trust Property shall include any income resulting from che investment to the amounts so held. (q) Trustas. The Public Employee Trustees and 1CMA/ RCTn�stees elected by the Public Employecs to serve as members of the Board of Trustees of the Retirement Trus� ARTiCLE 11. CitEATiON AND PURPOSE OF THE TRUST; OWNERSHiP OF TRUST PROPERTY Section 2.1 Creapon: The RetirementTrust was created by:he execution of this Declaration of Trust by the initial Trust- ea and Public Employers and is established with respect to each participating Public Employer by adoption of this Declaration of Ttust. Section 2.2 Purpose: 'fhe purpose of the Retirement Tnut is to provide far the commingled investment of funds held bp the Public Employers in connection with their Deferted Compenradon and Qualified Plans. The Trust Propercy shall be iavated in the Portfolios, in Investment Con- tracts, and in other investmenu recommended by rhe Investment Adviser under the supervision of the Board of Trustees. No part of the Trust Properry will be invested in securities issued by Public Employers. Section 2.3 Ownership of Trust Propecty: The Trusteesshall have Icgal title to the Tnuc Property The Public Emp!oy- crs shall k the beneficial owners of the portion of the Tnut Propetty allocable to the Deferred Compensation Plans. The pottion of the Tiust Property allocable to the Quali- fied Plans shal( be held for the Public EmployerTrustea for the exclusive benefit of the Employees. ARTICLE lll. TRU3TEES Section 3.1 IVumber and Qualificadon of Trustees: (a) T6e Board of Tnutces shall consist of nine Trusrees. Five of thc Trustees shall be full•time employees of a Public Employrr (the Public Employee Trustees) who are authorised bysuch Public Emp loyer to se�ve as Trustee. The remaining four Tnutees shall consist of two persons who, at the time of elation to the Board of 7rustees, are membersof the Boaid of Qirectors of ICMA and two persons who, at the time of elation, are members or former members of the Board of Directors d RC (the ICMA/RC Tnutees). One of the Trustees who is a directot of lCMA, and one of the Trustea who is a diraror of RC, shall, at the time af election, be full•time employees of Publie Employers. (b) No person may serve as a Trustet for more than two terms in any ten- year period. Section 3.2 Ela6on and Term: (a) Except for the Trustees appointed to fill vacancies pursuant ro Section 3.5 hereof, the Ttustees shall be elected by a vote of a majoriry of the voting Public Employers in accordance with the prae- dures xt forth in the 8y-Laws. (b) At the first election of Tnutees, three Trostees shall be elected for a term of three years, thra Trustces shall be elected for a arm of two years and three Tnutees shall be elected for a term ef onc year. Ateachsubse quentelection,threeTrusteaslu�llbeelected, each to serve (ot a term of three years and until his or her successor is elected and qualified. � � -� ° � gt3 -•.�,�1L ;_�!'i'M' � �. � . .�, ..� u ,. .. ,,, ..� . � ... ,� a' : - � , . . . ., .. _ . . � . . ' .� . .. .� C .A..- t:�,'i.�tS `:. �;. . � � -. .._ .. . . . .. . .. .� . ' ' _ _ _ - _— __ ' _ � Section 3.3 Nominations: The Trustces who arc full•time � c�ttployees o(Public Employcrs shali serve as the Nominat• ' ing Committee (or thc I'ublic Employee Trustees. The Nominatin�g CommitteeshallchoosccandidatesforPublic Employec T'tustea in accordance with the praedures set forth in the ByLaws. Section 3.4 Resigmdon and Removale (�) Any Trustee may resign as Trustee (without need for prior or subsequrnt a�ccounting) by an instrument in writing signed by the 7'nutee and dolivered ro the otf�er Trustees and such tesignation shall be e(fective upon such ddivery, or at a I�ter date according to the terms of the instniment. Any of the Trustees may be removed for cause, by a vote of a majoriry of the Public Employers. (b) Each Public Em- ploya Trustee shall resign his or her position as Trustee within sixty days of che date on which he or she ceaus to be a full-time emptoyee of a Public Employer. Section 3.5 Vacancies: The term of office of a Trustee shall eerminate and a vacancy shall occur in the event his or her death, resignation, removal, adjudicated incompetence or other incapaciry to pedorm the dutia of the office of a T�ustee. In the case of a vacancy, the remaining Trustees shall appoint such person as they in their disccetion shall see fit (subjecc to the limitations set forth in this Section), to serve for the unexpired portion of the tetm of che Trustee who has resigned or ochenvise ceased to be a Trustee. The appointmentshall be madebya written instrument signed by a majority of the Trustees. The person appointed must be the same type of Trustee (i.e., PuSlic E�nployee Ttustee or 1CMA�RC Trustee} as the person who has ceased to be a"Crustee. �4n appointment oF a Trustee may be made in � aneieipaeion of a vaeaney to oceue at a later daee by reason s�.,` of retirement or resignation, provided that such appoint- enent shall not become effective prior to such retirement or r�signaeion. Whenever a vacaacy shall acur, until such vacancy is filled as providrd in this Seccion 3.5, the Trust- ees i� office, regardless of theie number, shail have ail the powars granted eo the Trustees and shall discharge al1 the dutirs imposed upon the Trustees by thu Declaration. A wtitten instrument cercify ing� the exisrence of a vacancy signed by a majoriry of the Trustecs shall bP conclusive evidence of the existenct of such vacancy. Section 3.6 irustees Serve in Reprcsenta4ive Capacity: By executing this Qeclaratian, cach Public Emploqer agrees ehat che Pub6ic Emp{oyee 7'rustces elected by the Public Emploqers aee authorized to act as agen[s and representa- e9ves of thc Pubiic Employers colltctively. AR"I't�LE liy. POWERS OF TYtUSTEES Sesticen 4.A Genenl l�atvses: The'Ceustees shall have the pnwer eo eonduct e�he business o£ the 'i'rust and to carry on its operations. Such powcr shali include, but sfiall not be 3imited to, the power to: (a) teceive tht Trust ('roperty from thc Public Employers, Public EmployerTrustecsorthe trusteeoradministrator undor any Employer Trusr, (b) enter into a contr�ct with an Investment Adviur praveding, among othcr things, for the eseablishment and operation of the Portfofios, ulection of the tnvescment Gontracts in which [he Tnut Property may be invcsted, ulection of the other investmenu for the � Trust Properry and the paymcnt of reasonablc feea to ' ehe Investment Adviur and to any sub�invatment adviser retained by the Investment Adviser, (e) rcwew annually the performance of the Investment Adviser and approve annually the conaxt with wch Investment Adviser, (d) invest and reinvat the Tnut Property in tht Portfolios, � the InvestmentContractsand inanyotherimestmrnt recommcnded by the Investment Adviser, but not including aecuritics issued by Pubiic Employets, • provided that if a Public Employer hazdirated that its moniesbe invested i� one or morespecified Pordolios or in an Investmeot Contract, the Trustees of the Rctircment Trust shall invest such monies in ' accordance with such directions; (e) keepsuchportionoftheTnutPropertyincashorcash balances as thc Tnutees, kom time to time, maydeem to be in the best interut of thc Retirement Trust created hereby without liabiliryfor interest thereon; (f) accept and retain for such time as they may deem advisable any securities or other proporry received or acquired by them as Tnutees hereunder, whethec or not such securities or other properry would normally be purchased as investment hereunder; (g) cause any secutities or other properry held as part of the Trust Properry to be registered in the name of thr Retircment't'rust or in the name of a nominee, and to hold any investments in bearet fotm, but the books and records of the Trustcesshall at all tima show that all such investments are a part of the Ttust Property; (h) make, execute, acknowledge, and deliver any and all documents of transfer and conveyance and anyand all other instruments that maybe necessaryorappropriate to carry out thc powers herein granted; (i) vote upon any stock, bonds, or other secu�ities; give general or special proxia or powers of attomey with or without power of substitution; exercise any conversion pnvileges, subscription rights, or other options, and make any paymenrs incidental thereto; oppose, or consent to, or othenvise participate in, corporate eeorganizatio�sorto otherchangesaffecting corporateucurities,anddelegacediscretionarypowers and pay any assessmenu or charges in connection therewith; and genenlly exercise any of the powus of an owner with respect to st«ks, bonds, sewrities or other properry held as part of the Trust Property; (j) enter into contracts or arrangements for goods or xrvices required in co�nection with the operation of the RetirementTnut, including, but not limited to, contraccs with custodians and contracu for the provision of administrauve urvices; (k) bonow or raiu money for the purposes of the Retirement Tnut in such amount, and upon such terms and conditions, as tha Trustees shal) deem advirable, provided that che aggregatc amount of such bortowings shall noc exceed 3096 of the value of the Tnut Properry No person lending money to the Trustees shall be bound to see the application of the money lent or to inqwre into its validity, exFudiency or propriety or any such borrowing, (I) incurreasonableexpensesazrequircdfortheoperation of the Retirement Tnut and deduct such expenus .-from of the Tnu[ Property; (m) pay expenses properly allocable to the Tnut Properry incurredinconrxetionwiththeDe(ertedCom�pensation Plans, Qualifed Plans, or the Employer 7'rusts and deduct such expenses from that portion oF the Trust Property toufiichsuchexpensesareproperlyallocable; (n) pay out of the Tnut Propercy all real and personal properry taxes, income axes and other taxes of any and all kinds which, in the opinion of the Trustees, are propedy levied, a asxssed under existing or futurc laws upon, or in �espect of, the Trust Property and al loca te anysuch taxes to the appropriate xcounts; amended )anuary 1995 (o) adopt, amend and repeal the Bylaws, providcd that such Bylaws are at ali times consistenrwith the terms of this Declaration of Tnur, � (p) empioy persons to make available interests in the Retirement Trust to employen eligible to maintain a Dsfertcd Compensation Plan undcr Section �57 ot a Qualified Plan under Section 40l of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended; (q) issue the Annual Report of the Retirement Ttust, and � the disclasurc documena and other literatme used by the Retirement Tnur, (r) in addition to conductin the investment ytogram authorized in Section q.l�d), make loans, including the purchase of debt obligations, provided [hat all such loans shall bear interest at the current market rate; (s) contractfor,anddelegateanypowersgrantedhereunder to, such officees, agents, employces, auditon and attomeys as the Trustees may ulect, provided that the Trustees may not dele te the powers set forth in paragraphs (6), (c) and �oj oFthis Section 4.1 and may not delegate any powers ifsuch delegation would violate their fiduciary duties; (t) provide for the indemnification oi the Ofl'icers and Tcustces of the Retirement Z'rust and purchase fiduciary insurance; in) maincainbooksandrecocds,indudingseparaceacwunts . for each Public Employer, Public Employer Tnutee or Employer Trust and such additional separate accounts az are eequired under, and consistent with, the DefeRed Compensation or Qualified Plan of each Public Employer, and (v) do al! such acts, take all such proceedings, and exercise aU such iights and privileges, although not specifically mentioned herein, as the T�ustea may deem necessary or appropriate to administer the Tnut Properey and to carry oue the purposes of the Retirement TnLSt. Seecion 4.2 Y3istrebuNon of Truse Peoperey: Distributions of the Trust property shali be made to, or on behalf oE, the Public Employes or Public Employer Trustee, in accordance with the terms of the Defereed Com�e nsation Plans, Qualified Plans or Empioyer Tnuts. The 7'nutea of the Retirement Tnut shall be fully protected in making paymenu in accor- dance widi the directions of the Public Employe�s, Public Employec 7'rustees oe austees or administraton of any Employer Trust without ascertaining whether such pay- ments are in compliance witii the provisions of ehe ap�Pli- cable Ikfened Compensation or QualiFied Plan or Em- ploytr Tnuc SecNon 43 Execudon of Instnunenta: 'iiu Trustees may unanimousiy designate any one or more of the Tnutees to execute any instrument or document on behalf o( all, including but not limited to the signing or endorsement of any check and the signing of any applications, insurance and other contracts, and the action of such designated Truseee or Trustca shall have the same force and effat u if taken by all the Trustees. AA'TICLE �1. DLITY OF CARE AND LIABILITY OF TRUSTEES like capacity and familiar wi�h such matters would use in the conduct ot an enterprix of a like chataccer and'with like aims. Section S.l Liobility: The Trustces shall not be liable for �ny mistake of judgment or other action t�9ccn in Qoad faith, and forany action takenaromitted in rcliance in� faith upon the books of accounc or other records of tTe Retire- m�nt Trust, upon the o inion of counscl, or upon reporu made to the Retirement�rust by anyof its officen, employ ees or agents or by the invcscment Adviser or any sub- investment advisee, accountanc, apQreiser or other expert or consultant selected with reasonable care by the Tcustees, officors or employees of the Retirement TrusG The Truse- ea shafl also not bt Iiable for any lou sustained by the Trust Property by teason of any invatment made in geod faith and in accordance with the standard of care ut fotth in Section 5.1. Secrion 5.3 Bond: No Trustee shall be obligated to give any bond or other ucurity for the performance of any of his or her duties hereundee. ARTICLE Vl. ANNUAL REPORT TO SHAREHOLDERS The Ttustees shall annually submit to the Public Empioyers and Public Employer Trustees a written re�rt af the eransaceions of the Retirement Ttust, inciuding 6nancial statements which shaU be certified by independcnt public accountants chosen by the Tnutees. ARTICLE VII. DURATION OR AMENDMENT OF RETIREMENT TRUST' Section 7.1 Withdnwat: A Public Employer or Public Employer Tnutee may, at any eime, withdraw from this Retirement Trust by delivering to the Board of Tmstees a written statement of withdrawal. 1n such statement, the Public Employer or Public Employer Tnutee shall acknowledgc that the Trust Property allocabte eo du Public Employer u derived from compensation deferred by employces of such Public Employer pursuant to iu Defereed Compensation Plan or from connibutions to d�e accounts of Employees pursuant w a Qualified Pian, and shall dcsignate the financial instimtion eo which such property shall be aans- ferted by the Tcustecs of the Retirement Tnut or by the trustee or administrator under an Employer Tnut. SecNon 7.2 DuraHon: The Retirement Tnut shall continue until tertninaced by thr vote of a majority of the Public Employers, each castingone vote. Upon termination, all of the Trust Property shall be paid out to the Public Employ- ers, Public Employer Trustees or the trustees or adminutra- tors of the Employer Tnuts, as appropriate. Section 7.3 AmendmenG The RetircmentTrust maybe amended by the vote of a majoriry of the P�blie Employors, each casting one vote. Section 7.4 Procedure: A tuolution to terminate or amend the Retirement Trust or to remove a Trustee shall k submitted to a vote of the Public Employers iF• {i) a majoriry of the Trustees so dirat, or, (ii) a petition requesting a vote signed by not less that 25 pecccnt of the f'ublic Employers, is submitted to the'frustees. ARTICLE Vlli. MISCELLANEOUS Section 5.1 Dutyof Carc: [n exercising thepowers hereinbefore �ction 6.1 Governin& law: Except u othetwise required by granted to the Trustees, the Trustees shall pedorm all acts state ar laal law, chis Dectaration of Tnut and the Retire• wiehin their authority for the exclusive purpose of provid• mrntTrustherebycceated shall kconstrued and regulated ing benefits for the Public Employen in connecdon with by the laws of the District of Columbia. Deferrecl Compcnsadon Plans and Public Employer Trust• Section 8.2 Counterp�rc� ?his Declaration may lx exauted by eespur�uant toQualifiedPlaru, andshall pedormsuch acts the Public Emp ol ye�s�and Tc�tees in two or moce caunter- with the care, skill, prudence and diligence in the circum• parts, each d which shall be deemed an original but all oF atances then prevailing that a prudent penon xring in a whichtogethershallconstituteoneandthesameirumunent. amended january i995