97-31T � f�`` � RESOLUTIOY+T No. 97-31 A RESOLU`PI�N OF THE CITY OE' CLEARWATER ACCEPTING THE RECONIl��I3DPrTTOATS OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER NEIGH�ORHOOD AFFORDABLE HOUSTNG ADVISORY BOARD AND ADOPTYNG A LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTAN'CE P�1N �OR i'iIE CI'1'X OF CLEAY2WATER IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STATE OF FiOF2ID14 S'1'ATE HOUSING INITIATIVES PARTNERSHIP (SHIP} PROGRP.L4 PROVISIOiJS . WHEiT�S, the NEIGIiBORHOOD AFFORD�,BLE HOUSYNG ADVISORY BOARD, has met its statutory and organizational a�signm�nts by psegaaring, a set o� recomaaendations to th� CYT°I COIeII�ITSSION add�essing °' a�'fosdabie iio�+asing incentives and associatecl issues and, �&tfl�r7s, the CITY OE CLEARATER CITY COrII3ISSYON has seceived f.�ae reco�ssasgce�.aa�ions from the PIEYGEiBORii00D AEFORDABLE HOUSING ADyTSOS�� �O�sRB?, anci has prepared a I,OCP.L IiOUSING ASSISTANCE PL�N }'asect aagaoxa thase recommendations, and Tr1FiEREP,S, �he LOCAL HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN provides that ten psrc�nt (10�) o£ the to�al SHIP allocation will be used for acim9.aaistrative expenses, and i�Ei�S, Soction 420.9075(6), Florida Statutes, provides that �•� tt►e caty �ay use fave pereQnt {5�) o£ its annual SHIP allocation for admini:s�ra.icive �xpanses. I� alsa provides that i£ the city cora�i�sion �►a3��s a findang, by resolution, that fs.ve p�arcent (5�) is no� su££icierit to aover the administr�tive costs, tY►e city may �ake up �o ten pescent (10�) £or administrata.on, and WIiEREAS, the City of Clearar�t�r £inds that five percen'c (5�) of �he SHIP �unds are insufficient to adequately pay the necessarg► costg of adma.niste�ring the loan program. The City o£ C1e�rarateg iind� i� nec�ssary to in.cbs�z�sa ug to but not to �xceed tea perc�n� (10�) oi ].oc�7. hnu�ing distributions depasited in tY►e trust ftind to cower admini��rative costs, noea, therefore, �1E I7.' R�SOLVED Bi' �FIE CIT'3C CQNiMI83ION OF THE CITY OI' GIaF.�fhtWA'I'Eft, ii'LORIDA: 3ract� ion 1. Tk►e Cit�r u£ Clearvrater hereby accepts the NEiGiiBpEtHOOA AFE'ORDASL'E Ii0133�NG YZl�DVISORY BOARD recommendations attisched �o ichi� rasol.ution as tho LOCAL HOU3ING ASSISTANCE PLAN. 5nati.on 2. The Citig,r o� Clearroater hereby adopts the Housing Do].ivezy' Goa1tt E'nr Eiscal Yaa� 1997�98. S�etinn 3, '1'ho Ci'�y o£ Clattswater herehy adopta the Housing � D�].i.vasy Gaals for Fiseal Y�ar 1998y99. ft�s�17��1 F ' �' 1 Sectiion 4. The City o£ Clearwater hereby adop�s the � Hau�ing Delivery Goals £or Fiscal Year 1999-2Q00. �,;�;;,,. `'Sec�ion 5. 7'he City of C].earmater hereby �dopts the LOCAL FiOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN for State fiscal gTear, July 1, 1997 - Jur►a 30, 1998. , Section 6. �'he Ci�y of Clearwater hereby adopts the LdCAL HOUSII3G ASSISTA2dCE PLAN for State fiscal y�ar, 3uly 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999. Section 7. The City� of Clearwater 4�ereby adopts the LOCAL fIOUSYAYG ASSYS'PANCE PLF�L3 £or State £iscal year, July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000. S�c'tion 4. This resoluicion shall take effect imm�da�.tely upon aetoption. �'�� PASS�D R�ND ADOPTEb THIS ist IyAY OF MaY , 1997 Ri�a Garvey, Mayor-Connmi ioner At�est: 1 �/�� �I �� Cy ..h .a . Goudeau, Ci� "� i9� � !' Apprdved as ta form: �� r �hn Carassas, Asst. Gity Attorney ttes.�'9�'��1