97-22� ; . •, �� . •� l• A RESOLUTION OF TI-IE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEt1RWATBR, FLORiDA, ACCEPTING THE FRANCHISE, PRIVILEGE AND CONCESSION OF THE TOWN OF BELLEAIR SHORE, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF FURNISHING GAS WITHIN BELLEAIR SHORE AND TO ITS HABITANTS, AND APPROVING THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT RELATED THERETO; FROl/IDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. FVI-iEREAS, on M[arch 19, 1997, the Tawti of Belleair 5hore, Florida appcoved an interlocal agreement with the City of Clearwater, copies of which are attached to the original of this resolution and incorporated herein by reference, granting the City of Ctearw�ter a franchise for the purpose of furnishing gas within Belleair Shore; and WI�EREAS, the terms and conditions of the franchise and the interlocal agreement are acce�t�ble, and now, therefore, �E IT ItESOLVED BY THE CITY COMIviIS3ION OF TI� CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORII3A: �ion 1. The terms and conditions of the gas system franchise, privitege and concession granted by the Town of Belleair, Ftorida is hereby acceptsd, and the City Commission of the City of Clearwater does hereby agree to com�ly with the tectns and canditions of the franchise and interlocal agceement and with all reasonable orflina�s�es adopted by the Towrr Council of Belleair Shore nat inconsistent with the franchise. ctiqil2, This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. Upon adoption of this resolutiot�, the City Clerk shall deliver a cectified cogy to the Town Clerk of Belleair Shore. PASSED AND ADOPTEB this 3rd day of A ril, 1997. Ki Garvey, Mayor-�omnn' •ioner Appraved as ta Form: John Carassas, Asst. City Attomey �i�,,,,''CYrithi� E. Goudeau, �:����t�����t �i���' � �� � ' �, ,,, , . ,.. � -. : a � � : � • ;yc > ,x� �' �/� � ,� •• 1'. . . �, ;• : �. ..- � � , ,;,_� :� � f; ' '[ ` �' ' : ,�' ` �FiYB AGIf�EMENT, ma�.e arad entered in�o this day of , 1997, by and bEtween the To�m of Belie�ir Shore, Elorida, a Florida municipal corporation, by and through its Town Board of Commissioners (herein "TOWN") and the City of Clearwater, a Florida municipal corpora�ion, by and through its City Commission (herein 1°CITY"). wa����s�T� 6P�EREAB, it is in �he best interests o� the citizens of TOWN to be provi�ed gas service whenever and wherever feasibl�; and, �ERE�B, puxsuant to Chap�ers 16G and 180, F1oxa.da Statutes, the CITY kaas the power and the pr�sen� capability to p�ovide such gas servi.ce in TOWN; and �ER�AS, TOWN and �he �I�'Y wish to set for�h tiaeir agr��men� with respect �a the provisions of such gas service to those areas within the corporate limits of TOWN, pursuant tn the provisions af the Florida interiocal Cooperation Act o£ i9+�9, as amended. NOW, THEAEFORE, for val�e and ath�r aonside�a�ion, it is ag�eed: �ly�a�ib=�� 1. �Yd'�'ERLOCAx, 7�►�RFEMExi't'e xYae parties acknowledge that the CiTY has �he lega7. au�hority pursttan� ico the �lorida Statutr�s ta provide gas serviCe �nd, � tt���lueic�tt �'�-��2 � further, that Town, upon appropriate exercise of its powers could also provide such service, The Town and City have determined it is in the best interests of both parties and their citizens ior City �o provide gas service within the corpora�e limits of Town as defined herein. s�cTaoN a. �ECa�a�ss The recitals and findings contained above are hereby inaorporated wi�hin this agreemen� in fu11. BECTION 3. TERM° G12�►NT; DEFINITIO� OF GAS. �or a period of 30 years from the effective da�e of this ag�eemen�, TOWN, its successo�s, and assigns, do hereby agree and give and grant to th� Czty i�s successo�s and assigns, any necess�ry right and au�ho�ity to exercise the power to, and to furnish gas and ta cons��uct, operate and maintain within �he corporate limit� o� To�n, �11 �acilities required by �he City �o supply gas �o Town, its inhabitants and �h� �laces o� business located within Town's corporate limi�s an� a�her custom�rs �nd areas now or hereafter supplied, or to ba supplie�s gas by City. The word "Gas�� shall mean na�ur�l gas and/or commingled gas which is distributed in pipes. I� sh�Zl nat mean bottle gas or a�y other £uel; however, na�hing• herein shall be intQrpreted �o prohibit City from engaging in the sale of Iiquid pe�raleum (propanej gas. Z R�soluti�n �i��2 0 ��cxaort � . RA'1'Eg • The rates, charges and fees to be charged by the City for gas service within the corporate limits of Town during the term oE �his Agreement shall be as provided in the City�s rate schedule now or hereafter approved by City's City Commission, or as modified by �he Cfty Manager, or other designed Ci�y official, to the extent City Manager, or other designated City official, is expressly authorized t� a�sprove charages to such rates, charges, and fees, or such other age�cy ofc �he State c�f Florida as may lhave proper jurisdiction over such ���kes and charges of City� under the general laws o� the State of Florida, or City�s charter and ordinances. Such rate schedule sha11 Yze identical to the ra�� sch�dule appZied to rate payers within the corporate l�.mi�s o� th� Ci�y of Clearwater. SECTYON 5. ANPTEXATIOP?. � In the even� of the annexa�ion of any territory to the presen�t corporat� iiaaits af Tocvn, such annexed terzitory and all po�tions af �Yte ga� sys�em af Ci�y 3.ocateci thErean shall become su.bjec� ta � a3.�. of �he �erms and condits.ans oF �his agreement as of ihe time stach anatexa�ian becomes effec�iv�. �t sha11 be th� responsiba.lity of the Tawn to notify City in wri�ting wi�hin i�i�arty {30) da�� a�t��c the effective date of every sucla ann�xaicion. The Ci'�y sha7,1 i�mp�.ement such annexation wi�t�in thirty (30j eiay�s of i�h� recexpt of the notice from the Town. BEC2'ION 6. ��CTENSIO� Ok' gERVIC�s. In consic�eration a� 4:he r:.gh�s granted unde� this franchis� a�d the duration of this ��anchf.�e, �he City agrees that its 3 Re�r�].utiu�Y 97--22 0 � � �. � facilities to be installed within the corporate limits of Town will be expanded to provide service to ne�a customers on the terms and conditions hereinagter set forth. Such expansion shall accur on the following terms and conditions, to wit: A. Gas service shall be extended to cus�omers desiring sa�d service based on a feasibility formula. Such formula shall be the formula currently in effect system-wide as then adminis�ered by the City, but, at a minimum, shall be as follows: Gas service shall be extended i€ the corrstruction costs experaded to service sucia customer(s) including, but no� limit�ed to deb� ser�v:�^e, axpenses, +snd cos� of fuel, �aill be racoverecl by City throug;� rates pa:Ld by customer(s) wi�thin a maxix��.un of l years. IF an arplication for gas service does not �eet t4�e 7-year pay�back period, then, in such ev�nt, such � ��a�'come�(s), may make a lump sum contribution in aiai of constrtac�ior► to �11ow the 7-y��r paybacY standarci t� be met. B. Yn �he event the system-wide formula provides fora �ormula longer than seven (7) years, �hat longer period shall be useci. SECTZSSN 7e F'ORCE MA3'E[FR�. In tlne event by act� af Gad, strike, riot, pub].ic enemy �r o�Iner calamity, ar restriction in � he suppiy of g�ns bey�and �he anntrol of City or its inters�a�e supp2ier or by x�eason of regulatiara exerteci by the Fiorida Public Servir� Commission or the Federal, Energy Regulatary Commission or ather r.egulatory body 4 R�solution 97�22 having jurisdictiion in the premises, the supply of the gas should � be interrupted, the City shall, nevertheless, continue to supply the available gas to such customers as it is possible, shall employ its full services to remedy such deficiency of gas suppl�, and shall resume comp3ete gas service when that is possible. ����I�� �. CO%�ETITION. As � fur�her consideration of this franchise, Town agrees not �o engage in the business of distributing and selling gas during the life of this franchise or any extension thereof in competition with the City, its successors and assigns. �ECTIO� 9. EB�ENSION OF AGREEMEN�e Upon expira�ion of this agreernent, or upon expiration of any extensions provided for in this paragraph, said agreement shall automatically be renewed �or five (5) year periods until such time � a� the To�n prnvides ta City, p�ior to the end of th� ini�ial texm or the end of any �dditional five (5) year periad, a six (6) months �ri��en notace o� Town's elec�ion not to extend the agreement �or an ad�itional five (5) year p�riod. Upon natification of non- extension, �he City s�all have, �or one (1j year from the end of tta,e �erai, the right, priviiege ar►d option o� xemcsving a11 agx�ement �i�ing and equipmer►t. In the ev�nt of the removal �� s��� ecpuipment, the City shall xe�air a11 of the Town°s propertlt' to th� same condition as theretofor� es:is�ed. City shall also have for a period of one (1) year af�er such termir►atio;�, the xight to se11 � 5 i ResoluCion 97-22 any or all of i�s piping and equipment to Town or a third party who �`'� at �he �ime of termfnati�n or subsequent thereto. SECTION 10. �RANCHiBE FEE. In consideration for the granting of this franchise and the use oi the rights-of-way, easements and o�her public places allowed her�und�r, the Town reserves the right to charge a franchise fee and the City agrees to pay such granchise fee in an amount not to exceed five percent (5�j af the gross receip�s from the sale of qas wf�hin the corporate lima�s of the Town for the zor the term of this franchise as established by subsequent ordinance of the Town Commission. Such amended franchise f�e shal� be implemented by �he Eitp no later tYaan thir�y (30) days from the date of the delivery of written notification �o the City by the Town of such franchise fee charge, or amendment, said wra�ten notice to be accompanied .by a copy of the adopted ordinance. Paym�n� af the franchise fee by the City to the Town shall b�: made on a quarterly basis. �ECTION 19.o CONF'Y,�C'A'. A1.1. ordinances and pa�ts of ordinanoes adopted to effectuate �his agreement in conflict herewxth be and the same are iae�°eby repealed. BECTgON �2. SEVERA�IL�TY. I� any sec�ian or s�ctions nf this agxeement are declared invalid for any reaso�a, suah anvalidity shal.l nat aff.ect the remaining sea�ions thereo�. � S Resolutiion 97=22 �. f � ;� SECTION 13. F.FFECTIVE DATE. This agreement shall become effective upon the acceptance of this agreement by appropriate ac� by City's governing board after adoption by Town's governing board. YN WITNESS WHEREOF, BELLF•AIR SHORE and CLEARWATER hereto have executed this agreement o� the day and year above wri�ten. Coun�ersigned: lNiayo�°C�mmissioner TOWIV QF � LLEAIR SHO �, FL ID� BY• PSA R � , ESQUIRE � ATTORNEY CITY OF CLEAR63A�ER, FLORIDA �X• • City 2danager . Appxoved as �o form and legal suff3ciency: ATTEST: CITY CLEPi{ JOHN CAI2ASSAS ASSZSTANT CITY ATTORNEY � telf c+;rahacal ju.�gmt ��