97-21a � ' :1. ` A RESOLUTION OF THE CITI' C1F CLEARWATE�, FLORIDA, APPROVING A SOVEREIGN SUBM[ERGED LAND3 USE AGREEMENT WITH THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND OF THE STATE OF FLOItiDA FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A NATURAL GA5 NIAII� WI'THIN THE �'ASCO COUNTY'S RIGHT OF WAY UNDER THE ANCLO'TE RIVER �,ND AUTHORIZING TI3E MAYOR OF 'd'II�E CITY OF CLEAAWATER TO EXECUTE THE A�''aREEMEI�IT; I'�.OVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Ci4y has compfleted the installation of a natural �as mainline under the Anclate River ; and WHEREAS, the State desires that a Sovexeign Submerged Lands use Agreement be executed for the natural gas main that will be ifastalled under the anclote River; now, tlaeaefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY TI� Cfil'Y �OIvIIViI55ION OF THE CIT�' OF CLEARWATER, F�C3RI1iA: ,�ion 1• The 'Sovereign Submerged Lands Use .�geeement, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved, and the Mayor oif the City of Cleaxwater is authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of 4he City. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of Agri1,1�97. . �--� _ ..� Ri a Garvey, Mayar-Commi aner Attes : Cynthia E. Goudeau, 'ity Clerk Approved as to Form: � ---z- w�YOt121 �."81'�SS85i �5513f$IIf �1� ��1(�t21E� ��tl�U�lt�i! ��z�� BOARD OPTRUSTEESOFTHEINTERNALIMPROVEMENT7RUSTFUND OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA SOVEREIGN SUBMERGED LANDS USE AGREEMENT NO. UA•51-194 BOT FILENO. 512902693 THIS USEAGREEMENT is hcreby granred by the Baazd oCTrustees of tfie Intemal Lnprovemrnt Trust Fund of the Smte of Florida, hereinaRer referted to as the Gru�tor. MTNESSE'fH: 'll�at far the faithful and timely performance of and compliance tvith thetertns and conditions stated herein, the Grantor daes hcreby grant to the CiN of Clearwater , hercinaftcr referted to as the Grantee, a use agrsemenf on, under and across the sovereign lands, if any, contained in the following legxl description; A parcel of submerged land in Section 2_ 9, Township 26South . Range. 16 F�st . in the Mclote River . Pazco County. TO fiAVE Tf� USE OF the hereinabove describcd pramises from June 19. 199b , the efFective date of this use agreemenG The terms and conditions of and for which this use agreement is sranted are ac follows: 1. USE OF PROPERTY: Thc above dacribed pazal of lend shalt Ue used solely For instaliation of a natural eaz main within BOT Easement No. 28091(3801-.511, grnnted to the� Ps�sco Countv Board of Countv Commissioners . Iulv 24, i996 . Grar�cee shall not engagc in any activity exceptas described in the Submerged Lands and Environmental Resource Permit Exemption No. 512902693 . dated lune 19,1496 , incorporated herein and made a part of this use agqement by reference. 2. USE AGREEM:3NT CONSTD6KATION: The consideratioo for this Agreamrnt shall be an amount ns deteemined by the mle establis3�ing fees for thc use provided for herein. Once the rule is adopted, payment shali be remitte�, to the Grnntor according to the rulo. The estabtished fee shall be assessed from the effective datc of the subject rule. 3. RIGN7'S GRANTED: The rights hcreby granted shall be subject to any and all prior rights of the bnited States and any and all prior grants by the Grantor in and to the submerged lands sittiate6 within tife limits of this Ageement 4. PROPER7Y RIGHTS VES7ED iN GRAN1'OR: 'l7fis Agrcement constitutes pertnissive use only and the placing of facilitles end rcinted shucfures upon pubIIc proparty pursuant to this Agreement shall not operate to create or vest any property right in Grantee azid shall not con0ict with the consrnation, protection nnd rnhnncement ofsaid lnnds. 5. GRANTOR'S RIGHT TO GRANT COMPATIBLB USES OF THE EASEMEN7' YROPER7Y: '[he Gtantor, or its duly nuthorized ngrnt, sNall rctnin thn right to enter the proptriy or to engage in manr.gement activides not inconsistant with the use hcrcia provtded for and shall rctain thc right to grant compatibie uses of tt�c property to third parties d�uiog the term of this AgrcernenL 6. $(GIiT TO INSPECT: Grantor, or it+ duly authoriud egrnt, shail have the rigbt at any time ro inspect the works and operatiwu of the Grantce in say m�ttet perteini�g fb thti Agrcemrnt, 7. AiITOMATIC TERMiNA'f10N: Should a need of greatu publie brnefii and use arist as detemsineG by Granior in its sole disaedon, the GranCOr shal{ Fuve the rigfit to tcrmfnnle this A�essnrnt At such time, the Qruqar ihall tssuc writem not;ficaiion to thn Grantee ateting the etfeai�e datc ofwch urtn�n�tioo. 8, R�SOLU7TON OF ANY iNEOUiT(E3: Any inequiiia that efay wbssquentiy etiu a4 a«suh ef thii Apeemtet shatl 6e subJec� to negotiatian �pun vvriHta tequest of e'nhd pd+fy Meretd, snd �:e pmiti �gree ro nega;au in gcsad f,i�h. tn csse oP fa;fur� by uu ttspeaivo sra�`i w raolva �rie con0:u(s), ifee msnet thall br rcfimed ta the Gtanitsr for feEAl ttwtution. ��gj �I�Sx A � �:���iuftat� g�-��l 9. INDEMNIFICATION/INVESTIGATION OF ALL CLA[M5: T'he Grantee shall investigate all claims oCevery nature at its expense. Each pany is res�onsible for ali persanal injury and propecty damage attributable to the negligent acls aromissions of thnt party and the officers, employees and agcnu ihcreof. Noihing herein shnll be � construetl as an indemniry or a waiver oCsovereign immuniry enjoycd by any parry hereto, as provided in Section 768.28, Florida Statures, as amended from time to time, or any other law providing limitations on claims." 10. VENUE: Grantce waives venue az to eny litigation arising from maners relnting to this Agreement and any such litigation betwern Grantor md Grantee shall be initiated and maintained anly in Leon Counry, Florida. I1. ASSIGNMENT Of USE AGREEblENT: This Agreementshall not be assigned or otherwise transfened without prior written consent otthe Grantor or its duly authoriud agent. My assignment or other transfer without prior �vritien consent of the Grantor shall be null und void and without legal effect 12. 7'ERMiNA770N: The Gnntee,by acceptance of this Agreement, binds iuelf, itssuccusors end assigns, to abide by the provisioas and conditions heroin set forth, antl said provisious and conditions shall ba deemed wvenants of the Grantec, its successors and assigns. In the eveut tlle Graniee fails or refuses to comply with the provisions nnd tonditions herein set forth or in the event the Grantee violates any of the provisions and conditions herein, tUis Agrcement may be terminated by the Granror upon 30 days written notice m Grantee, and Grantee shall immediately remove all equipment and swcmres erected on the property herein at Grantee's expense. All costs, ineluding anomeys' fecs, incuaed by theGrantor to enforce this provision shal! be paid by the Granta. All notices required to be givcn ro Gra.�tee by this Agrcement or applicable law or administrative rules shall be sufficient ifsent by U.S. Mail to the following address: Ciry of Clearwater 400 Nort6 Myrtle Avenue Cleazwater, Florida 34615 'Ihe Grmtee agrees to no6fy the Grantor by certified mail of any cfianges to this address at least ten (] 0) days before the chenge is effectiva 13. TAXES AND ASSESSMEIJ'TS: 7Le Gcantee sha{I assume all rcsponsibiiity for liebili6es that accrue to the subject property or to the impcovements thereon, including any and alf drainage orspecial assessments or taxa of every kind and ducription which are noq� or may be hereafter lawfully assessed and levied against the subjeM property during the eifective period 6f this Agreement which resnit firom the existence of this Agreement or the activitia of Grantee hereunder. 14. REMOVAL OF S7RUCTURES/ADMINISTRAT►VE FINES: If the Grantee daes not remove said � structures and cquipmcnt occ�fpyin� and crectcd upon the premises after ezpiratian or cancellation ofthis Agreement, such struchucs and equipment will be deemed forteited to the Granror, and the Grantor may authoriu removal and may scll such forfeited swchua and equipmrnt after ten QO) days written notice by certified mail - addrcssed to the Grantee at the address specified in Paragreph 12 or nt such address on recotd as provided ro tfie Grantor by the Grantee. Howeveq such remsdy shall be iu addition to all othet remedies available ro Grantor under applipble laws, rules end rcgulations including ttfa right to compel romoval of alt structures nnd the right to imposc ' administrative fines. 15. ENFORCEMENT OF PROVISIONS: No failure, or sucsessive failura, on tl�e part of the Grontor to enforce any provision, nor any waiver ar successive waivers on its part of any provision herein, shall operate ns a discharge thercof or rcndu ihe same inoperative or impa'v the right of the Granror ro enforce tha s.me upon any renewal Ihereof or in tha event of subsequentbreach or brcaches. 16. AMENDMEN7'S/NlODIFICATIONS: 7iiis Agrecmrnt is the cntire and only agreement betwcen the partia. its provisiex�s ar. aot severable. Any arnendmrnt or modificauon to this Agreemrnt must be in writing and must be aacpted, scknowlzdgod and executed by thc Grantoe and Graiuor. . 17. ADDITIONAI. STRIfCTUItES OR ACiT1/I7TF�MERQENCY STRUGTUkAI, REPAIRS: No additional structuree shall be erecled and/or activitiu undatalcon, including but not limited to, dredging, reloradodrcalignment or mejor repaus or renovations to au;hodud swchues, on, iu or over sovereignty, submagcd lands without prior written conscnt from the Granto , with the ezcepdoo ofemergrncy rcpain. Unless saxeifieally authoeiud in writtng by the drantor, sueh aetivitits ar sweture� shal! be considered unauthoriud and a violation oCClwpta'?S3, flwide Statutn, and shall subj:ct dfe Grentec to aGminisualive fines uadtt Chapter 18•14, Florida Adminfstrstive Coda If emerensy rcpxirs sre requ'ved io tx undeAskrn in �1,: inlerutt ofpublic hwlth, sakty or weUare, the (Srantee shill ao�ify �he Grantor of such npain as xNickty as 1s pnctecablc; provided, howeve , that sue6 emeegeney aa(vides shaA na ezeeal tiiz aaiv'r�a auth�riud by tht� agrcemenL Pagt„�nf.�,,,ftiga ttse A�rmtnt tJa„� j; jQ9: it���riuti��t ���"�1 •� � WITNESSES: BOARD pF TRUSTEFS OF THE INTERNAL [MPROVEMENT TRUST FUrID OF THE STATE OFFLORIDA , Original Signawrs (SEAL) 7'yped/Printed Name of Wiuiess BY Ricliard D. Gertiry, Ph.D., Director of Dishict Management, Southwest Disvict, TJepamnent of Environmental Protection, as agent Cor tl�e Board of Original Signature Trustees ofthe Intemal improvement T�ust FLnd of the State of Florida Typc�llPrintedNume of Wimcu "GRANTOR" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY QF 't7�e foregoing instrument wac aclmowledged before me this day of . 19� by Richazd D. GarritV. Ph.D., Director of BistrictManaaement Southwest District Deoartment of Environmenhal Protection, who is personally lrnownto me. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Notacy Publiq State of Florida DEP Attomey Printed, T}ped or Stamped Name My Commission Expires: Commission/Serial No. WIINESSES; Citv ofCieacwater (SEALI Grantee HY Original Signahua Original Signat�re o£Executing AuPhority � Rita Garvev Typed/Printed Namebf Witnus Typed/Printed Name of Executing Authoriry Mavor Otiginal Signatune Tit1e of Facecuting Authority 7yped/PrintedNninc of WiNess "GRRNI'EE STATE OF COUNIY OF 'fhefotegoinginsn�mrntwa+aclmowledgedbeforomethis dayof, : 1g_, by iRte Gxrvgy as e n for and on behaif oEthe �iri ofCiwrwalez . She is �trsbnally lrnown W mc orwho has ptalutod a4ldrntlficadon. My Cortuntuion Eacpi�d: -- Ncrtary Pubito, 5tatc oC _ _-- Commusi6nJSerial Nb. _ . _- - - - - -. _ t'rinud, Typcd ar 5�amped Namb Pa�e „�„bf,,.�, i'zges iUse Rp�er�t Na.�1:15�,.:�. it�salutiiri� ����L