1825 SUNSET POINT RDo�nRn�eNr oF �EUwd sECURirr c„��: esser o.�ca nro. �eea-owo FEDERAL BNERGENCY NIANAI3E#AENT AGENCY �. ��y �p yp�g STANDARD FLOOD NAURD DETERMNAi10N FORY (aFH SECTI�N 1 7. LENDER NAME ANd ADORESS 2. Cp1U7�liAl_ (BuNdinplMobM F'lom�h'�� Propwty) PROPERTY ADDRESS ���a� USAM�tIBANK CC-3UN3ET POINT LLC PO BOX 17540 CLEARWATER, FL 33782 1825 SU MHEf POINT RD CL.EARINATFR, FL 8378�1024 S, I.ENDER ID NO. 4. LOAN IOEMIFlER 5. AMOUNT OF FLOOG INSURANCE REQUIRED �� i SECTIQN II A. NATIONAL FLOOd INSURANCE PROGRAM (NFl� COMMUNITY JURISDICTION � 1. NFIP Canminiqr Nrns 2 Courdy(f�s) 8. S� 4. NFlP Comrrn�nky Numb�r CITY OF CLEJ4FtWATER PINELLAS R 125096 B. NATIONAI FLOOD INSURANCE PROGi2AM (NFl� DATA AFFECTING BUILDING /1iAOBILE HOME 1. NFIP map numb�r or aamruniqr-p�nel number 2. MFIP m�p psnal eRsctivd S. LOAAMLOMR 4. Flood ZorMIBFE b. No NFlP Mep (cortrrnmRY name� !f not �he eem� p'A'� rovissd dals 12108C 0107H ��n� � C. FEDERAL FLOOD IN8URANCE AVAILABILITY (� vl ihat spply} 1. Fsdenl Flood inauranoe Is avMebls (com^u^uY P��P�� in NFlP�. � Rp� �Y� ❑�Y�Y Pmpram Ot NFIP 2. ❑ F�daral Flood (n�urance I� not walabN bseeu�s oorm�unNY is not Pntldpatlnp In 4hs NFlP 3. ❑ BuildnplMo611� hortr is in a Co�dal Barfi�r Rs�a�ras Am (CBRA) ar Olharwiae PrvOs�.isd Araa (OP�� Fedarel Flood inwnnce rtt�Y nW ba �vaYobl�. CBRNOPA dafyndion d�b: D. DETERMINATION la BUILDINQJMOSIL! FIOMC IN SPlCIAL ROOD MAZARD AREl1 YES X NO {70NE8 CONTAINN(� TME LETiiR3 "A' OR'V"j? If yas, lbod iquranoe b ro9uil�! M tl1e Flood DiasaEsr Protacllon Aet d 19T3. M no. Ilood Ineuancs b not ro4uirsd bY ths Fbod dssstar Pmtecdon Act of 1979. Plaaa� tiob. Ih� rlsk of lbodirg in thk uw is oriy �ducd� not nnwved. E COI�AMENTS (optloralj: Reque�t Daile 11C1W2013 Ssrvle� lyrpr. Lifs d Loan Additlanal Lflen ID: R�qwsbd BY USAMFRIBANK Loen Artwur�t 5320,0oQ00 Input Addn�a:1825 SUNSET POINT RD, CLFARWATER, FL 937E51024 HAADA Infon►�atlon: �u1SNMD Codr. 45500 SI�Es: 12 Courty: 70S Cena�m Traet 0287.02 T�ct TIiN Ilood d�UniNnation is N«'��d soNb (arlM ua and bsnMR of fh� �ntlgr nsrt»d Nf S�Won 1, Box 1 In artMr �o oampq wHh tlw 1!M RaFnrm Aet �M m�y not bs �wd for or rdl�d �P� b7l � dNK �tl4/ w k�dlvld�ul 10� �np P�rpoN. Indu�, but not YrrdO�d to d�cl� �r io Purd�ua � PropoAY or d�IMni�hq !IM vaYN of � pl�opabr. • 1'his deEemdnatlon Is be�sd on �aminin0 tlro NFIP msP. anY F�dra� EmrY�^�Y Marx��� A6�r�q nviaioin t�, �nd arry oUwr kdbrt�tion needad 40 boals ths buAdh�p/mobils honN on Ihs NFIP mep. F. PREPARER'3 INFORMA710W CsftlflcaE� 55288i50-0001 Name, addiess� mispha�e nuribsr pf alhsr thsn L�nds�j. DATE OF DETEFiMINATION LERETA, LLC 11120/2019 L E T A 1123 South Parlaiew Drive Covina, CA 91724 800-676-1430 FF?MA FORM 086-0-32 f4/l2) PREVIOUSLY FEMA FORM 81-93 Name of Borrower/Applicsnt: CC-3UN3ET PO1NT LLC NOTICE TU BORROWER OF PROPERTY NOT IN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA usn�R�n1vK Loan ID: Certificete No: 53286150-0001 Property Address: 1825 SUNSET POIlVT RD CLEARWATER, FL 337bS-1024 Date of Determiaation: l 112�%2013 Attac�ed ia tt�e completed Stsndacd Fload Hazard DeDecmination form diat indicetes that the buildmg ar mobile home securing yaur loen is not located in an ec+ee designeted by the Federal Emergeacy Management Agency (FSMA) es a 5pecial Flood Hazand Area (SFHA). As a �esult of this detarmination, you will not be r�equired to obtain mandstory flood insurance in oonnection with the making of your loan. However, there is still a risk of flooding, even in non-SFHAs. As such you, or your lender, may went to consider the advisability of obtaining flood insw�ance at reduced rates. You ahoutd chack witt� your insurence egent or compeny as to the cavecage types and amounts avaiiable to you and make your own determina[ion as to whether you desire accy such �verage. I� howeva, at any tima during the term of your loen the imp�vved real es�te or mobile home securiag your loan is� due to re-maPP�B bY FEMA or otherwise, located in en erea tbat has baen ideatified by FEMA as an area having special flood hazerds and in wtuch flood insurance ia aveilable under the National Flood Insurance Program, you will bo so notified and advised thst you must obt�in en eppropriste amouet of flood insucsnce caverage. If, withia 45 days aft� we send you such notification, you fail to purchase flood insurence in an amowat not less than the amount we advise you is necessary, we ahep pvrchese such flood insu�ance on your behatf at your expanse, as we are suthori�d to do in �xordance with the provisiona of the Flood Disast�or Pmtei.-tion Act of 1973, es ame�nded. UWe, the undersigned borrower(s}/applicant(s), herebY understand end agree to all the above. � �� Signature of Borrower/Applicant: Date Signatiue of Bo�rower/Applicanr Dete The subject has 37 designated parking spaces as counted, reflecting a parking ratio of roughly 4.7 spaces per 1,000 sf of gross building area, which is considered adequate. Additional grass parking is available along the south side of the parcel. Nuisances and Hazards No adverse nuisances or other hazards were noted at the time of inspection. Per FIRM community panel number 12103C 0107H map revised May 17, 2005, the subject site is located in flood zone "X", designated as an area of minimal flooding. Flood insurance is typically not required in this zone. Easements and Encroachments The survey of the subject reflects a 10' utility easement along the south side of the site. No easements or encroachments which would adversely affect the subject were observed at the *ime of the physical inspection. It is assumed that n�ne are present. Concurrency The January 1990 enactment of Concurrency Laws in the state of Florida directly impacts the use of a site. Concurrency is part of the 1985 Growth Management Act, which states in part that all of an area's infrastructure, which are or will be affected by the development of a property must be in place or concurrent with development and must be adequate. In mid 2011 the Florida legislature made major changes to the growth management laws. The act was changed from the "Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act" to the "Community Planning AcY'. This reflected a change from State oversight to local government control of the planning and growth management process. The Act's purpose moves from "control future development" to "manage future development consistent with the proper role of local government". The new statement focuses on recognizing and protecting "the traditional economic base of the state, agriculture, tourism and military presence" while also encouraging "economic diversification, workforce development and community planning". The site is developed and is therefore, vested Zoning/Future Land Use The subject is zoned "O", Office, by the City of Clearwater. The future land use is '"ROG", Residential Office General. 1'ermitted uses within this zoning district include offices, medical clinics, and services, veterinary clinics, etc. Use of the subject improvements as an office or a branch bank facility is permitted. Summary In summary, the subject is a wrap site located at the southeast quadrant of Sunset Point Road and Keene Road within the city limits of Clearwater. The site is "L" shaped and contains 73,700 square feet, or 1.69 acres. It is zoned Office with a Residential Office General future land use designation. It is basically level and has adequate access. Based on the above analysis, the site appears adequately suited for commercial development. Tod Marr & Associates, LLC 18 10132803 e Prepared for: InterFlood TodMarr 8 Associates Q°y °1� "*�' 1825 Sunset Point Rd www.interFlood.com • 1-800-252-6633 Clearwater, FL 33765-102d �'.935-2:�'3 S��rceProse am�or FIar-Se�rce CDfpJfe[i71*5 All rr�h�s reservea. Patents 8.B3t,328 ane E,81S,8'S. Otber p;tarts per.ym., For In{a� io+o�{A�a:source.a�m. FLOOD MAP Tod Marr & Associates, LLC 21 10132803