Kane, Violet H JOUIToCtAIM DUD RAMeo FORM B -Retunrto: (enclose self-addressed stamped envelope) J ~~ Violet H. Kane r 8 8 2 0 3 l~6 0 OR 6 8 r 5 PG 0 3 5 2 Addr...: 211 Broadway Dunedin, Florida. 34698 This Instrument Prepared by: Kane Funeral Home nUPN TOt A~r...: 1006 N. Ft.Harrison Ave. Clearwater, Florida. 34615 ~rv ~~ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR PROCESSING DATA . lhis 8uit-{laim Jeed, Executed this 10th day of SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDING DATA August . A. D, 19 88 . by first party, to Robert K. Burgess, George E. B~rgess, and Marjorie L. co Nicho:!i c= G:l h t ff' dd ,Violet H. Kane w ose pos 0 tee a ress tS 211 Broadway Dunedin, Florida. 34615 co -0 :::t: ,'n, ~i-;;:1: "':::rTll> z~:<J rTl7.r I= 0 r'1 :::> -,,~ (;) c-) .,; n=O' a (-, C) ~:;;S"" ~-1~ :-<n)> -,.,o~ r c:: ", - ?:; ;;0 second party: (Wherever used herein the terms Ilfirst party" and "second party" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal ~ reprc~u~nt.ativeJ, and assigns of individuals, end the successors and assigns of co~porationJ, wherever the context so admits or requires.) W N 1lC:Iitntsstlh, Thai lite said first party. for and in consideralion of Ihe sum of $ 350.00 in hand paid by tlte said second party, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, re- lease and quit-claim unto the said second party forever, all Ihe righi, title. interesl, claim and demand which the said first party lias in and to the following described '01, piece or parcel of land. siluate, lying and being in the County of Pinellas Slate of Florida , to-wi!: Lot 52 (Fifty Two).Block 8 (Eight), 1st (First) and 2nd (Second) Space South. (From the North). 4)1 a1..coPlM .J DC t,. c"'u 1 1>5 c-:< . .)_. 9 m PEES IITr PIC aEV ;JJO ~ ,. N. s......:....._-- ,. ,'......,........... Intnf"'lgib'e Tu ~ k.*Z. 'f. Dl~' cle. rk, Flnclh.u Colli" _"'" _. - ~1,.,.,.., Pepl'" ~ . 8' , .;l.,~ ..,.( 1---- 14t2'853 5PB .08-1e~a o lJ)ED~!URGE55. AECORDIIC 1 DOC 5TAHP5 2. 13:5&1 $&, .Sa. '" ,TOTALI .CASHAI1T.TENDEREDI aiA~E I $8. 0 Sa. 5 St. 5 '!'OrAL " To 'ltaue and to )told the same togelher wilh all and singular the appurtenances thereunto helonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estale, righi, title, interest, lien, equily and claim what- soever of Ihe said first party, eUher in law or equUy, to the only proper use, henefit and hehoof of the said second parly forever, In Uilness lffhereof, The said first party has signed and sealed Ihese presenls Ihe day and year firsl ahove writlen, /:/ ..r./ ~ Sig~. .se.aled. ..a. n,d /iver:d in presence of: --_L....~~--.~T-~~~_ .~.__~___ . t%'lJ~-#~t~ . _ . ~ -. ~..-..._. '.'~-. ~ ftn (.f.'.:/...) . .....~u .....u.....t~t...._/~2?':.; dfLM1.... .... ....(.f.t.Lu.......~uL3,,~.uu ST ATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF P;i,~el1as. \ } '. ('/:.' . ..officer' duly a~h:Sri~~.~in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared : '~...' -' .Rob~,r~'IC Bur,ge(3S, MaMarjorie L. Nichols, George E. Burgess . : to nte; kritiwtl.' to ..~('"..1hi' person described in and who execu ted the foregoing instrument and they bcCor~'Jlli~jhat:tltey execu\~d the same. WITNE~S 'my hand arid official seal in the County and .s~te last aforesaid this 8th /~. day of .1'",.; , '00 l'N\fllnsNI SII1NAAO Olnv <<~a"uoB /" ) -zf~ August A. D. 1988i6t 'E J9l'.!wa:laa 89J!(113 UOISSIWJ,If03-~l'1~)" (;j 7 ,/' /Y.', 93J91 Jll llP!JOH JO ,'1'"'' ')I~ln(ch~<<6~,(C.-,:,4,......._.Ld.@:L... ,__......'.CL<...L..;........... I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an acknowledged