6310-98 ORDINANCE O. 6310-95 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEAR° ATE ', F1 O IDA, RELATING TO THE SCHEDULE FOR DOMESTIC WATER, LAWN 'ATIE'I . AND WASTEWATER CC�LLECTIC>l l UTILITY ` DES; AMENIDING APPENDIX A, ARTICLE XXV ;PUBLIC WORKS— FEES, RATES AND CHARGES; SECTION (3)(a) WATER RATES AN <SECTION ( )(b) WASTEWATER COLLECTION UTILITY RATE,), CLEAR WATER CODE OF ORDINANCES, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. E IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section J. Appendix A, Article 1/, PUBLIC WORKS--FEES, RATES AND CHARGES,, Section (3)(a) Water Rates, 'Clearwater Code of Ordinances,; is amended as follows: (3) Fates: (a);, Water rates. Water rates for all water furnished by the city shall be as follows: 1. Domestic wader rates shall be the following based on monthly consumption and will tale` effect on Oictlober 1. 1995 FebFbiaFy 4, as shown in the i following;table, and shali remain in effect thereafter unless amended: x-= ; October- 1. Meter Size 1995 Under 1-inch: Minimurn charge riith usage $1 $-64-2 7.05 asp to 400 cubic feel: P us, from 401 to 1,200 cubic k._78 2.15 feet, per 100 cubic feet Plus, from 1,201 cubic feet up, ?4 .' 2.55 1-inch: Minimum charge with usage 43,76 15.93 up,to 900 cubic fleet Plus, from 901 to 5,400 Cubic 2.15 feet, per 100 cubic 11 et,NmF Plus, from 5,041 cubic feet up, 2244 2- 2.551 per 100 cubic feet Ordinance 6310•-98 r e Minimum charge vviith usage 4-96 237.10 up to 13,400 cubit;feet Plus, from 13,401 to 10,700 �- 2.15 cubic feet, peg 100 pubic feet Plus, from 10,701 cubic feet ILL 2.55 up, per 100 cu is feet 2-inch: Minimum charge,with usage .46 550.47 usage up to 3 1,100 cubic feet Plus, fro in 31,101 to 45,800 4-.- 2.15 cubic feet, per, 100 cubic feet Plus, from 45, 01 Cubic feaet, 2.55 per 1,00 cubic feet 3-inch or 2-inch in manifold inimunn charge With usage 6 049.60 up to 40,000 cubic fe=et lulus, from 40,001 to f>3, 00 2.15 cubic€eat, per 1'00 cubic feet Plus, from 63,401 cubic feet ffi?- 1 ` 2- 2.55 up, per,•100 cub €ef t 4-inch: Minimum charger With usage - 44, 4 42 1,635.40 up to 92,400 cubic fee# Plus, from 92,4 31 to 1130,900 2.15 cubic feet, per 100 cubic feet Plus, from 130,0011 cubic feet -244 249 2.55 upV per 100 cubic feet 6-inch; Minimum charge for usage 3; 4,200.21 up to 237,300 cubic feet Plus, from 237;301 to 270,700 4--7 2.15 cubic feet, per 100 cubic feet Plus, from 270,701 cubic feet .2-44 249 2.55 up, per 'l 00 cubic feet 0-inch: Minimum charge With usage' 9 6444-2-9 7,000.0(3 up 110 400,000 cubic feet - Plus, from 400,001 to 456,300 4-48 4-86 2.15 cubic feet, per 100 cubic feet Plus, from 456,301 cubic feet 2-44 X2.0 2.55 up, per 100 cubic feet 2 ®rclh=ce 6310-93 2. Lawn grater meters. 'Lawn water rates shall be as follows: Lawry meter size. Under 1-inch:' Base charge, with no water allowance $ 249 2.52 Plus, up to 200 cubic feat, per 100 cubic feet 2.30 Plus, from 201 cubic feet up, per 100 cubic feet 3.16 1-inch: :, Base charge, with no water allowance 7.67 Plus, up,to 900 cubic feet, per 100 cubic feet 4-99 2.30 Pius, from 001 cubic feet.up,'per 100 cubic feet -73 3.16 u 1 Y2-inch: Base charge, with no water allowance 37.85 Pius, up to 1,200 cubic fleet, per 100 cubic fleet 2.30 Plus, frrorn 1,201 cubic feet Grp, per 100 cubic feet 3.16 2.inch: Base charge, with no water allowance 9446 105.99 Plus, up to 5,400 cubic fleet, per 100 cubic feet 2.30 Plus,i from 5,401 cubic fleet up, per 100 cubic feet 316 3-inch cir'two 2.-inch manifold: Base charge, with no eater allowance '20 PlUs,i Up to 113,400 cubic feet, per 100 cubic feet 2.30 Plus, from 13,401 cubic feet up, per 100 cubic feet _24-3 3.16 4-inch: Base charge, with no vaster allowance 403.76 Plus,, ups to 31,100 cubic feet, per 100 cubic feet _ 2.30 Pius, from 31,101 cubic feet up, per 100 cubic feet L7,3 3.16 6-inch: Base charge, with no water allowance 4-;Q&'--94 Plus, up to 48,000 cubic feet, per 100 cubic feet 2.30 Plus, from 48,001 cubic feet up, per 100 cubic fleet 3.16 3. Standby and other charges for fire protection systems: For fire hydrants and fire protection systems on private property connected to the city water system, the customer shall pay;a monthly standby charge as set forth in the following table: Monthly Facility Charge Fire hydrant , per hydrant $ 5.00 Fire protection systems, bated on fire line size, per building 6 inches or less 5.00 8 inches 9.0 3 Ordinance=6310-98 geHCFkt@:.::; 0 10 inches 14 0o 12 1 ine h es or larger 20:9 Water drawn from a fire line and used for purposes other than firefighting will !be charged at the lawn meter rate if the water does not enter the sewer system, or the domestic rate if the water eaters the sewer system. Such charges shall be in addition to the monthly ; handy charges. 4. Service out of municipal limits. Accounts outside of the corporate limits of the city shall be subject to a surcharge equal to 25 percent of the monthly changes. 5. A charge of,-the monthly minimum for a 1 1/2-inch water meter is required ifor a deduct meter for air conditioning cooling water and similar purposes, but not for lawn irrigation purposes. This charge shall be required only where a separate irrigation meter cannot be set in the right-of-way or easement and the meter reader must physically read and deduct consumption for billing purposes. S. The water rapes shall be adjuste-" periodically to rec)Yer arty increased cast to supply water due to changes in the wholesale rate the city pays for eater. Any such adjustment shall be a proportionate increase based upon the ratio of water the city buys wholesale to total system water. Such rate adjustment shall be recommended by the public works d4 administrator and approved by the city manager, and :a copy shall be filed with the city clerk following'approval. ?. Annual`indexir_ of water rates and lal.�in water rates. 10Yat r and lawn water rates m, be ad'dted annually on October 1 based on the Price Index for Water and Wastewater Utilities established each ey aar by the Florida Public Service Commission IFP The maximum rote adiustment based on the Price index for Mater and Wastewater Utilities is 3.5 e� r cent. Such rate adiustment shall be recommended by the`city Manager for approval by t, ie city commission by ordinance. The initial adiustment pursuant to this subsection shall be effective October 1, 1999 bases: upon the 1999 Price index for F Waster and Wastewater Utilities to`be established by the FPSC in 1999 8. ;Er Dormant accounts. The monthly charge for a dormant lawn water account shall' be at the applicable water lawn base charge for the size of meter at the premises. Section 22. :Appendix A, Article XXV, PUBLIC WORKS--FEES, FATES AND CHARGES, Section (3)(b) Wastewater Collection Utility Rates, Clearwater Code of Ordinances, is amended as follows: (b) Wastewater collection utility rates. 1. There is hereby established a uniform schedule of rates and charges for the use or availability of case of the wastewater collection systern. The wastewater collection utility rate shall be a monthly fee consisting of a minimum charge for are assigned volume of 4 Ordinance 6310-98 5„ domestic water associated with each eater meter size, shown as the basic alllowance in the following table, plus a charge per 100 cubic feet for water consumed above the assigned volume. Such rates shall take effect on October 1 199€3 y4, Z'- as shown in the following table, and shall remain in effect thereafter unliess amended: Base'Monthly Charge With or Without Consumption Size'of Meter Fig , '1_T October 1, Basic 449Q 4492 1998_ Allowance (cubic feet) Under 1-inch $--- . 9.72 400 or less 14nch —4Q,08 ?= 21.87 900 or less 1 %-inch —'�4 . �- A 325.62 1 3,400 or lees 2-inch --' -- 755.73 31,100 or less 3-inch or 2 2- ; 1 ` -^ 1 1fifi. 0 48,000 or less inch manifold -inch 4, ;�a - 1 2,245 32 92,400 or less 6-inch 5z?�'_.- -�' 5�766.39 237,300 or Mess 3-inch 9,720.00. 400,000 or Mess Charge per 100 ­2_42 2.43 cubic feet of water used over the basic allowance 2. Service outside of the municipal limits. accounts outside the corporate limits of the citti7 shall be subject to a'surcharge equal to 25 percent of the monthly wastewater collection .utility charges. 3, The wastew��t a collection utility rate schedule shall be reviewed by the city commission as a part of the annual fiscal budget preparation to ensure that adequate revenues are 5 Ordffiance<6310-9'8 a generated ;to 1 pay the costs of operation, ,maintenance, and outstanding bond service requirements, 4. The wast6Walter collection charges provided in this section shall not apply to sprinkler irrigation syst�-rns separately metered or deduct meters. 5. Basis where j'NiE ter is unmetered. For accounts existing as of the effective d to of this article at Ore ises which have a source of water oth` r Irn e than city water systerm, where the spent or 'used water from which goes into the wastewater collection system, the customer'shaall pa`p e charge according to the schedule prodded in this section, based upon an estirrlsite of the amount of water going into the wastewater collection ;'ystem. In the event of disagreement as to the amount of such water reaching the wastewater collection system, then a rrmetering.device,or devices shall be installed at the c ustomer's expense to d #ermine that amount. For accounts established after the effective date of this article,; tide,customer shall install at the customer's expense a water rrie er on the water service,Ii�Ini which me#er shall be accessible to city employees for the purpose of reading the rrieiter. Water consumption measured by such meter shall be the basis for the wastetat6r s:ollection,charges for the premises. 6. Annual indek-in i of wastewater collection :utilily rates. Wastewater collection utili rates may be adjusted annualiy on October 1 based on the Price Index for Water and Wastewa#ar tiitiiities established each year by Florida Public Service Commission The, maximum rate 'a&stment based on the Price Index for Water and .'Wastewater lttiilities'is 3.5 per cent. Such rate adiustmen# shall be recommended b p the city irtaatiiaijer fair « royal by the city commission b ordinance. he ini#ia9 adjustment pursuant to this subsection shall be affective October 1 1999 bE sed upon the '1999 Plric' e Index for }Vaster and Wastewater Utilities to be established b the FPSC in 1999. 7. �- Dormant accounts. The monthly charge for a dormant account shall be at the lapplicable sanitary sewer base monthly charge for the size of meter at that premises. i 6 Orditancc 6310-98 1 ai Section: . This ordinance shall take effect immediately opera adoption. PASSED ON FIRST READING July 16, 1998 PASSE? ON SECOND AND FINAL August 6, 1998 READING AND ADOPTED R to arvey Mayor-Commissioner' Approved as to drm: Attest: John Carassas -- y� ��. Ccrudeau Assistant City AW)rney ity Clerk F F f F f 1 7 OrdiTianCe 6310-9