5723-95 ORDINANCE NO. 5723-95 AN 0RDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE CLEARWATER POLICE OFFICERS' PENSION TRU$T FUND; AMENDING SECTION 2.471, CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO I3D CEr TIONS; AMENDING SECTION 2.4-74, CODE O ORDINANCES, TO SPECIFY THAT THE AGGREGATE OF INVESTMENTS IN COMMON CSR CAPITAL STOCK OR CONVERTIBLE SECURITIES NOT EXCEED GS% OF FUND' S ASSETS; AMENDING SECTION 2.475, CODE OF ORDINANCES,, TO CLARIFY THAT A FINDING O DISABILITY BY THE EMPLOYEES' PENSION PLAN MAY BE EVIDENCE OF DISABILITY UNDER THE POLICE OFFICERS' PENSION PLAN; ADDING SECTION 2.480, CODE OF ORDINANCES, TO PROVIDE FOR DIRECT TRANSFERS OF ELIGIBLE ROLLOVER DISI^RIBUTIONS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITE' COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. Section 2.471., Code of Ordinances, is amended to read as follows: Set. 2.471. Definitions. The follow [rig words, terms and phrases, when used in this subdlivision, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section , except were the context clearly indicates a different meaning. "Board" means the board of trustees of the police officers pension trust fund as provided for in this subdivision. "'Elicible rollover distribution" means :any distribution of all or any oortion of the balance to the credit of the distribdtee= except that an el igible rollover distribution does not include: any, distribution that is one of series of substanti'a�ll y equal periodic payments (not less frequently than annua' l made for the life or 'life exoectancy) of the distributee 'or the pint lives (or .joint life expectancies) of the distri'butee and the distributee's delsiunated beneficiary, or fqr a 'specified Deriod of ten years- or more anvidistribution to the extent such distribution is reg_uired under section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Service io_de. and thp nortion of anv distrihi,tinn that is not irrludihle iC� r�SS ia�GCb1�9�„ Eligible retirement Oan" means an individual retirement account described in section 408(a) of the Internal Revenue Service Code an individual retirement annuity described in section 408(b) of the Internal Revenue Service Code, cin nn L,i p 1 a de>t! i bed i n sect i a n 403 a of the I nterrba l Revenue Service Code , Lra. Tied trust descr°ibed irs ion 401(x) of the Internal Revenuer Service Co-d �--that�acci�s the distribu .ee' s eible rollover distribution. However, iM the case_ of an eligible rollover distribution to the surviving scouse, an ell ible retirement Galan is an individual retirement account or individual retirement annui,t "Distribuaee'" means an employee or former employee. In addition, the emDloveels or former employee' s survivig spouse is a distributee with regard to the interest of t`e s odse, �. "Direct rollover" means a oayment by the plan to the eligible retirement s�s ecifie 5. t aie dlstributde. "Net credit" means the amount standing to the credit of a participant' s share account as at the end of the preceding fiscal year. Section -2. Section 2.474(1)(c)3, Code of Ordinances, is amended tap read as follows: Sec, 2.474. Same - dower and authority.. (1) The board of trustees; shall have power and authority to `-invest and reinvest the assets of the pension fund in. (a) Time or savings accounts or a national bank, a state bank incurred b the federal deposit insurance corporation, or a savings, building and loan association insured by the federal savings and loan insurance corporation; (b) Obligations of the United States or obligations guaranteed as to principal and interest y the United States, (c) Coon stocks, preferred stocks and bonds and other evidence of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by a corporation organized under the laws of the united States, any state', or organized territory of the United States or the District of Columbia, provided. 1. The corporation is listed in any one or more of the recognized national stock` exchangesA 2. The clorpor°ation meets the standards set forth in section 185,05(1)(b) , Florida Statutes, as the same may be amended from time to time; and 3. The board of trustees, shall not invest more than five (5) per cent of its assets in the common stock or capital stock of any one issuing company nor shall the aggregate! investment on any one issuing company exceed five (5) per cent of the outstanding capital stook of that company, -,,.-r shall the aggregate of its investments in comnion or capital stock or convertible securities t1 = ,; at :cast exceed sixty-five X55) percent of 'the fazed°s assets. Section 3. Section 2,475, Code of Ordinances, is amended to read as -follows: Sec. 2.475, Death and disability benefits. (1) If a participant shall die while employed by the city, his beneficiary or estate shall be entitled to the accumulations standing to the credit of the deceased participant, irrespective of the age or years of credited service of the participant. ,.._- (2) ilpon satisfactory proof to the hoard of trustees of toted and permanent job-re i ated d i sab i I i ty wh i ch renders the aff ected part i c i pat i ng 1 ember unable to perform the duties and functions of a police officer, a participant will be entitled to receive his outstanding shares on the date of retirement. In the event that the City of Clearwater Employees ' Pension Plan has dete min_: d than a police ° off i�c =r his become perianent`l y i ncapac�tated throu_qh' i n.ir r or t I iness contracted': in the I ine of duty. such de#.�-_rmination ma be consiM�n.ed as proof of a„_dob-re ted disability under this Police Officers' Pension Se ction 4. Section 2.480, Code of Ordinances, is added to read as follows; Seca 2.482. Q tt transfers of eligible <rollover distributions. This section spokes to distributions made on or after January 1 . , 199 aA otw thstandino an )rovision of the system to the contrary that would oth .rwise limit a distri`buteeks election under this section a `dstributee may ewer„mat the time:e and in the manner prescribed by the board, to have any oortion of el i _ible 'rol lover, distribution paid directly to an el sj le retires eta fir— l a jp�tcfied by fhe Ciistributee in a” direct rollover. Section . This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED ON FIRST READING January 5, 1995 PASSED ON SECOND AND FINAL READING AND ADOPTED January 19, 1095 R. a Garvey Mayor-Commissioner Attest: c Cynt, i a F. Goudeau Cityt.lerk Approved as to fora and legal sufficiency: f' 1 'All Robert if Surette AssistaM ity Attorney J