5704-94 CMUQVCE NOO 5704­94 AN ORDI1%VCE OF THE CITY OF C LEA �A�3,x , FLORIDA, F�IFI TO : Js TS r1�"S COIN-OPERATED` DEVICES; AMENDING: SECTION 7.41 , CODE OF ORDI NCES T R- TTW7 TO PERMITS; A�!ENIDIIUT SECTION 7.43, CODE OF ORDIMNCES, ; REIMI TO INVEST CC"C-B IONS I, TO ELEE7'E A 1 �, ERENCE TO , PMVJrL"S TO REVJMIE 2N7 TIC ION S FOR OCCUPKICIUCIQL LICENSES FOR EUUR. OR MORE COIN OPE PTED AMUS DEVICES CR GAMES, AND TO ,DET_Ej1E, A REQUIRE-T THA ,AN APPLIUINT RBGISTER.AND BE F rWoER INU' PHOTOGRAPFED BY 'THE 11.'O1'JICE' DEPARru%mir; AmmDmG sEcTiON 7.44, CODE OF ORDINAKES I 'R] TING' TO ' R .A.TI0 3', ` TO DE= A RE EM CE TO PERMITS TO PRONTDE FOR REV=ION OF OCCUPATICNAL` LIMISES' 13Y '1 HE CITY C0021ISSION UNDER C '[ CIRC .SFS REP SE "°ITOi 7.22, CODE OF ORDI�W E S, MUCH H °' REGISTRATION, PA P. -, A F:CNGE PRINTU G OF E PEES OF E.yF� A SHMU'4S OR PLACES OF BUSINESSES WIEM COIN OPER P=! AMUS&= DEVICES OR FWBINES OR VIEWING MA " ��+ ° OF 'TYPE ARE OPERATED; REPEALING SECTION 7.42, CODE OF ORDINANCES, REQUIRIW3 FEES FOR LOCATIONS RE C'OILN-OPERATED .AMUS MAOUNES, DEVICES,, GAMES, ; OR TIEWINS IAMINES ARE NTG; PROVIDI AN IVE DATE FEE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CC I SSION OF THE CITY OF GlEAWdER, FLORIDA: Sec>tion. 1`. sections 7.41, 7.43 and 7.44, Code of Ordinances, are 1 amended to read: Sec. 7.41. R p1axe . It shall he unlawful for any operator to can, ;operate, manage, lease or control in the city arly cow-operate or token-operated amusement machine) device or game - :', until such operator has paid to the city an occupational license tax and obtoined an occupational license! as provided ija section 29.58. Sec. 7.43.' IrWestigation before is ce. Before the issuance of any ocgMujtional license Off dkvi-&koff for four or more coin ed amusement devices or 'mss, the city manager shall dete zin ne that t-te operator, if an individual applying for the pert-Lit, or than the officers and 'directors, if a corporation applying for the permit, have not oee�n a party to the maintenance of 'any nuisance, din tly or indirectly,rat 1y n the city. for the ,preceding t years, or if' the ind-L vidual, corporate officers or diaect.ors applying : have been convicted of a 'felony, involving moral turpitud9, either La the state or elsewhere. A applyifq i - -- sf --k -- - _-sue . __—r.------ -. ---- -- _ r.�-a 'w .w.�,.. ,.w-,..,.•,..y ,>,,,a -2�...•,. ice.... i-.Q ;..,.e A .�,�.,- "'�'•°"""'� �`� -i:.w ,...�,-, ��z caT.0-ewY. to 8� irrti r° --c'as--r-€?qu 4 r-4_-4-°. -T,- Sec. 7.44. Revocation, reissuance. I Upon the chief of police notifying an * operator licensed pursuant to article II of chapter: 2 that any location the operator has any= coin- ,, operated amusement device' or E�iame §�a�;-r„�? `° 1�' �^ r-t-, ; is cr'eat'ing a nuisance, the licensee shall , within a period of five days , rectify the conditions satisfactorily to the chief of police; and upon tNe failure to uo so, tFie city commissioners, upon the recommendation of the chief of, police, , 'and of tee a hear i ng - for which the operator has been q i yen not, than three days ng e and has an opportunity to aooear and >y.be heard, may revoke acrd cancel the occu a'tional license i4- issued for that particular, location. Upon the ceasing of the nuisance,' upon application, 4 e e1 a . =� - -- -a new r�ccu ar Tonal 1 icense may be issued , and the new occupational license shall be subject to this section. Section 2. iSections 7.22 and 7.42, Code of Ordinances, are hereby repealed, Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption, . PASSED ON FdRSI READING December 2, 199 PASSED ON 'S;ECOND AND FINAL READING January 5, 19915 AND ADOPTED, --- Rita Garvey Mauer-Commissioner Attest`: Cyr hi'a E. Goudeau Ci Clerk' Approv' as to form and legal ' f i c > Alan S. mm an�Le< V IL �Lve ,�Cy 2 r