5510-93 AN ORDINAN :E OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, RELATING TO THE D0WNTOWN1 DEVELOPf ENT BOARD;' AMENDING' SECTIONS 2.141 , 2.143,, 1' IN D! 2.147 THROOGGH 2.150, CODE OF ORDINANCES; AMENDING DEFI IT IONS; ESTABLISHING THAT THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY O CLEARSWATER 1 SHALL' HAVE PRIMARY RESPONSIBILITY FOR PLANNING AND IMPLEtEN I G; DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT; REQUIRING A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE BOARD OEMBERSHIP FOR ALL, DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD ACTIONS, ESTABLISHING PUBLICATION Or NOTICE AS AN, ALTERNATE' METHOD FOR NOTIFICAf1QN' OF GOWNTOWN'DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETINGS; REDEFINING THE FUNCTION OF . THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT BOARD; REMOVING THE AUTFORI2ATI'Oi' FOR T{ E RECEIPT OF REVENUES FROM PROPERTY AND FACILITIES ��D THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE CERTIFICATES'; REPEALING SECTION 2.1154,. CODE OF ORDINANCES, RELATING TO THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE CER71lCATES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE; Il; ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA. Se tion Section 2.141 , Cede of Ordinances, is amended to read: Section i4]G„ Definitions. The foIIuwing cords, terms acid hrases, when used in this division shall 'rave the 'meanings p gs and construction ascribed to them in this section, except where 'ithe context clearly ilndicates a different meaning: CRA' me `ns the Community Redevelo ment Agency of _ _ �a the !City of Clearwater, v Fier da,,create ur5uant to Resolution 81-67 and Ordinances 25701-81 and 2779-82 as the, same may+ Isd2� amended from time to tire. � "Downtown" cind "downtown area" mean the area established by Section 2.1 4 and any areas added pursuant; to such section, or, a different area' created b el iminatino any pd)rtion of such area. Section 2. J Subsection (5) of Section 2.143, Cade of Ordinances", is amended to read Section 2.14 . Statement of Policy and Findings. 5 j�c rsibility for the olan7jna and imt)iementation in the Lo ntown area as described p `r the recedino`;subsection (4) rests primarily Frith the RA. The City Commission declares that the powers of the Board created by this division are desir,ed as an aid to the CRA to 4 J ' { i ° -.�" Gu 1 de and accomplish the Coa d3..ateda bi ,ance,_ and harpobick development of the tJ.C+wnt,'?wn area in accordance with existing and future alOeds, jbj jf Probate; the health, safety and general welfare of the 'area, and its inhabitants) visitors , (property owners and workers; IQ Qf Isltablish, maintain, and preserve aesthetic values aid pre: erne and foster the development and display of attractiveness {dl 441: Prevent overcrowding and congestic' , � � I 'i�,, - ,� III �� 4 ; ImP ove auto traffic and provide pedestrian saz e-tyi and Provide a way of life which doanbinos the conveniences) and amenities of jodek living with the traditions and pleasures of the past. `sect ion 1 Absection (4) of Section 2.147,1 Code of Ordina=sces, is amfl tided to read. i I Secti on;2.2 47. I I reatiorrP r _urbers. (4) To qualify for service on the board and to remain qualified for service: on it{, board member shall have his or her principal place of business own rshli_11 car employment in the downtown area or shall own ,,444 procerty in the ditmte;n ,area. Section ,,4.1 Subsection (2) and (4) of Section 2.148, Code of Ordinances, are amended to r�e<rd. Section ,2.148. Bylaws; quorum, officers; meetings. Fdur, quoting members of the board shall constitute a quorum fort the transaction cif blusainesrs, Wit Rewn= a�n � � a� No 'action slll'i be valid or bindina unless idIpted"' by the affirmative 'vote 'of the majority of all. oar-d I 4) The I�c rd shall schedule regular meetings at least once, a mo n tr and shall provide inlits bylaws for holding special meetings. Regular meeting;P may be clancelled gy he chairperson if there is nothing on the agenda, or there is otherwise no-necessity to have a meeting. All frocyclders in the downtowD d'(,ea shall be notified In mail or by publlc notice< 2ubl shed in a newspaper of bereral circulation init ejareaiof the time and place of all regular or special meetings and shall have the right to 'attend and voice opinions at such meetings. 2 Ccde t0f O d}nances, �s amended to read„ Section 2.14IL Functions. 1' The oard sha l 1 nca _' go � I I J t proarde city �av rnmentat services, bat sha11 a�t as an tic$ to the ty and the CRA a � ,,rr+ to see that such serv�des a e properly planned! fors 1v4t-h R the downtown area and are provided in a proper ana full anr;,=:r wi th i r? that arwea (2) The .i arci shall assist the city; and the CRA in preparing il d P � a maintaining on a current basis an analysis of the economic conditions and chang;'s occurring in the ddwntown area, including the effect thereon of such factors as metropolitan growth, traffic congestion, 'lack of 'adequate parking , and other access facili ties, 'arnd structural obsolescence and deterioration. 3 Th e :board shall assist the 'city 'and the CRA in formulating and maintaining on a cuarr"ent basis both short and long range .plans for improving the attractiveness and ;ac:cess b"i l ity to the public of downtooin facilities, promoting effi ;ert 'use ther of, remedying tine deterioration of downtown property values and developing the downtown area in general . ) TI„ e boArd shall advise the c ty and the trustees of .the CRA on PQ]icies and proceldillures', which' will succeed in brinaincf more businesses and residebts into t e downtown district and thus amprov6 its tax base `and overall economic conditi nsi. �AAe-b ' - e- ---e-t y far- T , r r a r—'a—crs.. T7"e The` oard shall work with the CRA and the Greater Clearwater Chamb(lr of Commerce tca foibrm aL�Dubl'ic"private partnership whose ourpose is to improve tf e downtown -tax base ' overall economic conditions and to enuage i activitic s includina,' but nowt limited to the followirLaL Beve o inn and implementing a revolving loran fund: e o i cy a relatior�siri ? with the St. Petersbui~ Clearwater conorn c o Development Council to see dre industrial revenue bonds fear' gual f yi n gpmpa ae! DevdI2�i r?c aand imolernent ; a business relocation assistance oroar[Lm to enable smaller f arms to relocate and improve the 4r newly leased s ao cet Pevelooirrc, a cooperative effort with the federal Small Busine,�s Administration tj rovide. acidit ;onal loan services; . Interfalzinci with Job Service of Florida` to encourage hiring of t Ie nem lode i 3 5 olio impalementing c", 11ab3raitive, proce'+'tru-e :to iolbow•�.uC ,i 3r , t* s^ 5 gbta1d inc fy-o 3 a tgeY bus nes recry j a n­g o'ro r Develop_ina an nncE:nt'nve DackaQe neared to the needs of present businesses tTn,,k fii s ref Movnno out of the areal and 4eekinQ energy credits sand d-scoUnts from utiiit es or busines:�s which increase e l�+ #y ent levels or occu vacant building ace, .M e4ne 1--e-444es, - effle 4� f E's'c3 i b�r°—tit r - 3^car^cr- �ci- eet4en shall '6 The h• � in ' boar: s all , e o � amend of 1 .�,_...� ,� ��. es and proced.�res which v�r.l l lead to tax revenue nroWt' through the enhancement of existing businesses (retention and re acatios of Gsine sirs (recruitment Such recommendations might 'intlLde but are nat li fted—o issues such gas: Z on nj and l and use co6 we nt s 6b 1 �,�ar'aroces and the 'way they are qr anted or refused° _ _ eawtif c ation and standards for building and lot i t man -nance° ssise Tic e in gualifwin for and obtaining state and federal oniEs° and 1' IdentilfiLing le F iti'mate needs of present or prospective businesses in the district wh�c]� airE be addressed by either the ,public or or vate sector. Sich needs ht include: Dark i Lsa e and Wither accts of traffic flow c nd traffic enfor t police or other acts ofDpublic safety, individual nE d for room or workjnjj ax ansion purposes or other aspects of business entenprj t . The boardl shall clan, fwid and im0ement marketincu�ties to the l imit of its available f financial r€=sources in support of the ity's downtown n . tia'y€�!1�1,r !'nt �".11`w'�. �,�LcCh aCi.iv 4 u ae^.i Tial q ilt include b tit cti'e llot r lil'1i a-t'tI LC7: Assistirm in the eriodic dpdatisne of a space 'inventory for t�ht downtown district- . _LbI;� i'uruev research of downtown freeholders' and businesses to determ l ane needs and attiitdws, to monitor progress to evaluate success or failure of initiatives, 4 I, Y E L u b l i c attendance a t "+°r_c-h events and support of downtow�l� -!i nts; � Pre ar . cLand distributing pub' 14 relations -pieces such as but n t irn 1 ted to oro n�tr w� ar€d videos• Co Coo ii no w i th the Chamber of Commerce the Convent i on and V 1 s 't rls dreau: and all others interested_ i'n oromc�tirr� tk�e ;d,astr:ictas, a tourist destination and Plarara and conducting tours of historic s Et;es in the d istr c.t. The board r�� -s4a44 carry on such additional lawful projects anj undertakings related to the downtown area as tlha city commission or the trustee of the CRA may = 0s1 Section 6- , Section 2.150', Code of Ordinances, is amended as follows: Section 2 Asoi, Powers. n the perforlmance of the functions vested in or assigned to the boar under section 2 49,, the board is hereby granted the power td: 1) Eater into contracts and agreements to accomplish the functions sent forth in section 2.19, and sue' and be sued as ',a body corporate; 2) Have 3ana vase a corporate' seal; ( 3) Accept �raints and donations of any type of property, labor, or othe thing of value frbl any public or private 'source- Receive the proceeds of the tax imposed by this division; �{.,¢.� a.+p Et i $ s �•t" Y"L I h"°"'7t."1�"J' ,. e r jgei 6a ,n-,4^ f tinder- '�..r'9 not r•91 z b i e e$ rs r,. 6 ail (C) Fire et:lusve control of funds legally available to it, subec to limitations imp Ved upon it by law or, by any agreement validly entered intp by it 61 (7) ' Cdoperate and enter into agreements with other governmental) agencies or other puiblic bodies; except that nothinin this division shall by construed as authorization to initiate a'` federally subsidized urban renewal program and any such urban renewal program is hereby specifically prohibited;)' . 'fir.•!n°�l r,.,e run» r .i r i s):^a rE); �+ 1"""'T'caT[TTI. aC:TTCt°i'C�'♦•.'CS.1 nnn,wr-i r ten- w T'-'G7�t"he r.�ET9r't"�'II'fl'T"'G'P� s-4 e 4-e13 -- = c 8rr-ezrr ' .k .. a --- �f£�--£-E �Jp y�.,,„ (a'Yr-L`c yy @ s¢, E �+ /the- h&gr �,�pr�r� �....'l�"6'" -, 4 .T.,�" �'h1'P~ !a..'1- r. I'T1' �' m TY �. 1s^}TC}- -----'-- 1 +— CJ�'G'�'�' = i�=r 8�- 9 ^t--1 -jec'�tes r—.&H,tt-�r r ���r n� _ ,.d 5 -W z :sect;ar{ 7. Section 2.154, (Code of Ordinances, is hereby repealed. ; ecti n "his ordinance shall take effect inummdiatelti= upon adoption. PASSED ON :FIRST READING AS ,MENDED Decei7nber 2, 199.: I PASSED ON SECOND A14D FINAL 'READING AND ADOPTED AS AMENDED December 16:, i993 r I w Rita Garvey/ Mayor-Comnii ss ioner ` ff M r� F I cynl i s E. GoUdelau C:i l Clerk Approved rrhh nn t 1'#���Q��$C3 a�«"R to ����+1� L�i�d t".orr�?��ne;>s: 1 �I .0 I° C;i t Attorney a f I I II I 6