METZ & WHITE INC , J r, ' , , ~ i> 8~,tJJ' .,.i ,,","" ~ Q,K,.1"j12 PAG[ JJtJ A!NnOa SVl13Nld '.',".>.":"::..::"-.,.,....','::. Clearwater Fjast South Intercept.or,'FLE I - 44 ~ A S E M ..E.. N T INCONSIDERATION of the sum of One ($1.00) cashihliand paid to it, the receipt of which. is hereby acknowledged, certain further consideration agreed to by the ;paft:i.~~)and tlJ,e benefits to be derived therefrom, M:ETz & waITE, ':":':),:::::,:,:i;~',?:~~~ FJl.pridadbtporationi does hereby grant an<:i~q1'1vey to the C~1tRW'A1'ER"FOO:RII)A, an easement over, un<.1~'~,<and across sit~~~~in the ""'" ;:l ;'~ .... b .::t. ~; WoO ;3...!:>< 0.. (3Jc1 .., i:t~' ~,~~l CI,. ,.."J ...~'.~,:';,f4 r~ f:4C) ,f:1p"" P..p-< ..(). 'U... ~'.'~~.. ... '..';....~.'.'.. ...Ql Q .~' 'U..,,",' a Qi ~ 4tt Sua.teaf Florida, to-wit: 'ClIl!'J .,.. .. Beg1n at, the NWcor. of the SW .~. of sec.:i.~, Twp. 29....,~.,...~..,...."..~~.~.....~..1.~ .E. and. run..thence 589029'13" E., all-oIle t'h:~~~e'c. line ,611. 72 . ft. for~..g.~., thettc~~:E39029' l3"E. , along ,the ~ Sec .li~e,i 611.12 ft. ,thence SQ024'43wW 15.0 ft.,t.l:lence N890291l3"W 611.66 ft.,th$~ce NOOll'3Z!IEilS.0 ft .to P.O. B. Containing 9175 square fe~,~. 1:: '4IJ "l. ~ ....I '~ ;) permanent in nature, isgJ.yen for the "".', installation of a main sewer transmissiqrx.~ine. For the benefit of METZ &. WHITE, INC., the customary se'ir!i~~ tap charges <f>? HfUllmuf ~<.. c..'.', '...J I- _ (';J P- .. ' :l:::E:. ~. I :O~ ,..,.1 '" t..L;) .~ ~'i~ I 'oI.,liZ 1'\ I~..:..... w ~ ',...,.~ '" i,<t:>,~ ...~ ,..-o.~ 0... ..... 0' - :reo 1".1) i:li hmm 118 c.: will be waived :brisdfar as connection with the maint;tansmission coneerI1~d,.a::cidno front foot assessment will.l;>e levied a'butt;i;~9pr()perty for thi.s improvement;. \ .. ITISiFt1~HER AGREED that City will inst'~i:t at least manhdl€foh the'maint.ro.nk lil7leabutting the,,<:~,~operty of \' ,', ~ ' '.:. ' ,. : ' INC.,andproVtdetwo (2) eight inch p~1J.gged stubs ;\:"":",' :t~ IS~:R.EB't expressly understood and a$'~eEld that the main sewer transmission line will become available to & WHITE, INC., at such time as their said maybe annexed by the City of Clec;JI:Water. ;"',.,1, :'''''''''''',' restoration of the Subj~ctproperty will ~l1\~qebj~i:~Y~!li~ecompletion of the said san:i.tax-y sewer - 1 - L ~,-:') ,fl.';" :/;C, PHILLIPS & McFARLAND ATTO,RNEYSI\.T"AW 3.1-1' 'So M:I'SS,OURJ- AVE"N,O~E' CI.EARWATER.. FLOR'IDI\. ~hewO.rk is considered complet:e;;;;ll rubbish ",::.:':;.'."'-,.,:.:",_:.',,:,':-:,,:'.>,,' li#~~.aQrtt.ater;tal~X'e'SUlt.lng from. orconnected.~it~i~ the ,',,:::,: :'-.':',':, '-,', constructiori,rnu8t be removed and the premises left in a condition satisfactory to the owner. All property, both public,and private, damaged during the prosecution of thewox:k shall be condItion. !""':',:,:::'",', ":,-:.:> ::,:,::'::._i: ;,,":':' and install .al~":~ecessary The City shall furnish ':.,',": I ,:;''<',::i '~', " for the protection of t.he WOi:k,and,"'.~~.e safety Of ,'",-,,::,,',:,' '\ -c.:-,,}:t,-.,: carryon its work irithem~l)rl~i~:best calcu... bathe publicottcr the workm~hi "", -", ":""!,:':':':':"'.-',"',<: conduct its Work insu~~.:,a manner as adjacent private orptiblic proper.f.j, and shall repair or pay for any dama.ge incurred t:ijf~ugh its operations in areas of wilq ~~~wth shall be . ., confIned 'totheac'tuaJleasement or rigb,t"'of-way pro#~ded. Cleal:',:t:!iiJparaTlel tot,l:)e provided easement for cons~qct1on ":'/:,',::,':,:;';::\ will ..be...alloweaif t.he permi,sslon of thep%lBJ?erty owner Ol?1=:aitiedbythe City for such clearing. S . Brush and treeS cleared from the woX:k}~3.:te Shall be '::~ :1" ., . ,',,;'.:.':, from tbesit:~andsatisfactorilY disposedof~y the City. bYburn:l;~~i~Ybe allowed if, in. the opiniQnof the City, c:ideq-qat.~: .p:t:i~(Jallt..:i.p~.iiis been taken to prevent spreCl~~~9' of the ,'::.,"}:",:;::'"::,',:,;:,':,'P'"":',:,, nUl.Sance.1toadjacent property. The City slj.~il, however, responsible :for all consequences of such burning. THISEASBMENT is expressly granted forsan:l.tary sewer FLORIDA, r igh t 1nstallation.(cmdmaintainence . premises and 'BILLIPS III McFARLAND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 31.1 8" . M.SSO.UAI AVE:N:U'E - 2... ,f,~-i5) .... r~T Wl.~;'..I;;'i..li~ PAiGt:JJJ a:rterstl.cihsanitary sewer line from t.:L:rtle'bo time. , , mairiti,a.:iri tbereonany sanitary Sewer ,IN WITNESSWH$REOJ? , the party hereto ---"',-', ,,{ \ this 25ttfday of \.+(J...~C: , 1963. U Sj..gned, sealed and delivered *nthE!presence of: ,)/' YXJ~~~4~j~ ..,~, t'7~~l~. hi :;~4,a..,Jl.4&'" u By: ,,--': :'. " '-" . '. ~..'....~ Attest- . ~....,'.' _"'..., .' _ Its .. . ... / 55. me persoha:l$Y appeared ~ "~,.",.(..........'.........,...','.....,...,...,............."..~.......,.,.....,...".'....,........ , ,,' : "","',", :''',-,;,,,,,, tgtnewell 7A/J,.Z '....". ~',:.i,i kn.ownand known to me to be the'lnd.:t~~du.als ,.' I respectivelYiof'",METZ 8< WHITE, wl1o~:xecl.l.ted the foregoing ins trwne,nt and "~~leaged iloe;9~ ~...llt>at they executed the s_4q.t:llhe !,urpos.,s ':'::, t. li.,.,"..'..e.....t~:~*-.,.'....',~~'~$~,:l;l~d.,..: ,. "......:, ";,,,." '-. .,'. ': ":', ,'-L' ,,""', i, ',','. ,. ..', :. '_ '" '.., ':.' ,~~ '" - '\:; , " .-', . , . - . , ~ '. ,.1'" . - ; .;', :' -, '..:j ':;:~', 'i.'~'~;" '.' - -, i;~~I~~.~o~~~~~, _ . ^- ,[!" y?\ c.i.c............tmm't.......... .ii.i...'t;i~~on'i..1SX. 'pires: "-:"':"'" ",'- .,,'.' , . ~::,~:',':::}'",;: '::,',/:,;1:::, :/":.,,, , _... ',: /, , "RUblic::"StMe of Florida at Large ><>PI'l')!I11::5Sion i~)([jires Dec. 21,1964 i ',::',').i~p~qe(jby American Surety Co. o.f N, Y. ATTOR~EvS ATl>AW :u',," s..' M-I-SSe-"........ ;A-V:E'N.lf'E CLEAR,WATER:, ,~1.:.'9:R","DA - 3 - .. JS 858f138 ';.1 ,i:~~:'>"~'::;/:'::,:"~':',J"'j(~ :/" ., "::':r',,."C',.: ",: i,~,!~".11fl~35U l;learw~~~~!~?lst South InteJrC~l?!:l:ior,! CLEI ..:. 44 ,!A SEM ! .J)l! CONSIDERATION of the sum ofQJ}.<'i ($1.00) METZ & is hereby Florida corporation, doesherebygran-t and convey CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, an easement q'V~t/! under and , 'j'1' fol1~w:lng!.~~$cribedla.nd,ly:tn9..!artd .'~~ir!~;*tuate . in !o,fP;i;nel1.~$,.S1:a.te of Florida,to--wit;i.. ~. Beq:tnatt:.;lteNW cor. of the sw ~ oiE Sec. 19} TWP.29S.,Rge. 16 E. and run thenceS~~q291 IJ!'E .,along' . the ~ Se,c . line, 611. 72 ft.,.f,or P.O.J~., thence S89029Il3"E, along the~i~ec:. line 611.72 ft., thence S 0024143"W 30.())~1;., thence N89029 I 13 "W 611.60 ft., thence NP<:?l:L,' 32"E 30.0 ft. to P.O.B. ", EASEMENT is granted for the purpqs'~'?~::p.l10Wing '.~' ....,. -=5. a permanent easement in whichasani ta:r:y~~er is he.ing ';~,,: ":'.': ':>-':' ~':':, - <', \.,' " ,>J,~":,::,:',:,:::::,:'::! bythei~i:t:jbfclearwater , Florida. It t~!:/~utual1y that the City of Clearwate,t ~~;tor its .,1., " " . \\t.i.llhavl!i:\fteright of access for delivery ()#p~rsonnel, "::""::",:,,'::,,""':','"..':,,',",' ~~~$Pxn~l1t and materials over existing traveled roa~~~y~ to the , ~ ': site6f:work: the right to clear and dispose. ofU1)(l~.rp;rush, vines, ",",: ',,"",,'."",:::,,;-, hraunb1Jesandtre~$ than six lnches lnd iamepE!'):',<fue asured :<~~;~(').i.fttt~~fe~t ~}jd~ie: ground) in said. easement)i~[~l1t to I',"~, ,',' ',' ,,:'.::'_:'.;' -":>:,i;f'::,'::';:" "':, ~~~~"peat:<!>rGthersoft or unsound materi~iL~~6m trench, ,'-' :':,:'.-: -':,,".';--.:, I'.'" ~fa:@:1ace $arrte W:t'thsound material: and righ't..~~'~nteri. fOr "::::,:,,,::",_:,:,:.'.' ' ''\'' ~ndtol1llake boix'lngs and soil investl9'atiC>~~):(This ease- istemp9,Jtaiy~L~KPires automaticallya:fterio*~year from hereof or upon the completion of the project, .wld.qhever is u.nles:s extel'lded by written agreement of the parties I-ULLlPslirMeFA'RLAI'H) Restoration of property shall be made asfdllQws: ,',"," "",,'1,:'-, 1 .bf;i$work ...1s conslderedc0mplf!t~:),<all rubbish and un~sed .:...:.....ii.................,. re:sulting f:romof c()nnected~~!~~. the Al'TORNIlY!5 Al'LAW 9Tt s. ""':I:'ij'soiU';'R.:( AV,i!:'N:U.'E CLEA.'R.WA,:r:'ER ~': FL::ORI D'A (1)>- <to- ~z LoU :::;) 20 O:u - 1 - ,_':i\ " caria.tru&ti;otl:} ll\ustbe remaved and the premises left: ib.' a candi tian ," ':',,::.' ':,::'0"','":,,,,- ",:'::" ""',',,:: id.~$t:'ti:b:bedor dla1'i\agedd1.lr:tng theprosedutian of the.wQrk shall be totneowner. Allpraperty, bothp'-'I1:>:l.:I:;t;!':and private, toitsfo:r:mer conditian. 2. The City shall furnish and install all necessary far the pratectian af the wark,andi:.he safety of Cli:lrty on its work in thema;J:>,Il~~.best calcu- pulJlic oree the war]qneri\ canduct its wark insucl1a manner a.s adjaeerit. private ar public pra~J!tY, and shall 1', ': repair ar pay far any damage incurred t9:,r'augh its ,"1) 4. Clearing aperations in areas of wi~d9,~qwth shall be 5. Brush and trees cleared from the wor;;1<..'site shall be '. the site and satisfactorily dispased.o~'py the City. ,::,," ':',',."1::-::-', B.i;~p<)~;~li l:>y'burri.:l..::ng maybe allawed if, in the OP~Xli96iaf the City, a,l:'l~~'\ia~~precaut:tonbJa$ been taken to. prevent sp~eili;l~rig af the ATTO RIol EY'S AT. LAW 311S, MISSOUR' AVE.N'UE CLEAR'W:II\T,ER. FLORIDA .,_,,;.. "Ie' " ;' ",,',, '\i :;' ':,1') :j ~i .'J ':,'.' 1 ' ~;~;;:;a;;~:' ~;e::;:Z;;~:t:U~:~.!t...,,~.~:,j~l~s' ---- -- --', :',~~,'" :"";,', . "'.... ~~"P::;~ce ~:. delivered MErZ :iIT~.~~;tJz:,/iL:.'J ,/?k:(,i..L A_~/",<.'i~~. ~(hl, By: Its ~ v1~':~,~~:;';.:{SE~t) ; ,i'. <.......,i\;:.,..'.,...".. . . I # Attest~...I~~r ;.' (SEAL) !1,i jr} fLo~ Its .... ... ............>Q - 2 ~ IHILLlfiS8c MCFA~LA.N[) 1~1-" . .... 'Jr'J O.R...,13 PAGE'dO" appreared. i:;'::;//> '" ')'l,..,f <rz, 'd2t: /rU~~. .,. ,~? , respecti.veiy, 9f1"1'.ETZ & WHITE, I~e.., . tofuewell known and known to me to be the individuals d~s'ci-j;bed in and who executed the foregoing inst.r\1It\eht and ';. ".,' rnethatthey exe~uted thesaInfi!i;O:r the this , A.D., 1963. :C:L.EA:R,W'A:T'E.R. 'F,L.ORlPA - 3 ~ js 1';'"