EASTERN ORTHODOX COMMUNITY OF GREATER CLEARWATER INC }9 ~~> ~, , L,.' l' \' I ~ " ~;1 /~\\ ' t; '-I( );):.!!.at1 ) ~ 2855 ;,~~: 522 THIS EASEMENT, Made this 26th day of ADril , A.D. 1968, between FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the .., 1;, :; I'Q ,,"- ii/ ~-~. ~ ,.; ~. State of Florida, Party of the First Part, GRANTOR herein, and EASTERN ORTHODOX COMMUNITY OF GREATER CLEARWATER, INC., a non-profit corporation organized and exi.ting under the 507 South Paula Drive, Dunedin, Fla. laws of the State of Florida, Party of the Second Part, GRANTEE herein. NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSETH, That, for and in con.ideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowl- edged, GRANTOR does hereby grant and convey to GRANTEE and to its .uccessors and assigns, the right, privilege, and easement to construct, reconstruct, operate and maintain for such period of time as it may use the same or until the use thereof is abandoned, two access roadways, water mains and sewer mains together with related appurtenances under, sthrough . ::c a- o .:r and across the following-described lands in Pinellas County, Florida, to wit: N A 60-foot wide Easement Area which lies 30 feet on each side of the following-described center line: 0=>> C"'ooI ;z :=>> -, From the Southwest corner of E~ of NEt of Section 18, Township 29 South, Rang. 16 Ba.t, run N 89059'47" E, along the South boundary of said E~ of NEt, 254.86 feet to a point that is 87.5 feet Easterly, measured at right angles, from the center line of GRANTOR'S exist- ing Northe.st-Curlew 230KV steel tower electric trans- mission linei run thence N 0037 '08" E, par.llel to s.id existlng tr.nsmi.sion line center line, 490 feet to the ~ si Beginning of the center line of s.id 60-foot wide Easement Area which be.rs S 89059'47" W, p.r.llel to ..id South bound.ry of E\ of NEt, .pproximately 254 feet to the Point of Terminus on the West bound.ry of said E\ of N~ubject to right-of-w.y of Old Co.chman Ro.d (County Ro.d No. 32). (rJ 'r: ''0 ~._ I,:'" I :I~ ~. . l ~~, . r, .., III In , ') .. , . ~ .. r c:J: ' . .1 ~~; ,~{ c) ;- I ~~ . ~ t u~ r. j n )' ..-- ~ ~ ~1] i:/ ~: 1 ~_-j r Q, ~ ,.1 .... ~, ~ a:) ~ y~ r.:l GRANTEE sh.ll h.ve the right to patrol, in.pect, repair, repl.ce, change the size of or remove said underground water main., sewer mains and .ppurten.nces, together with .11 rights and priVileges reasonably nec....ry or convenient for the enjoyment or use thereof for the purpose. herein described, subject, howev.r, to the fOllOWing term. 1. The final gr.de of .aid acc... roadway. .ball not be above pr.'.nt ,round lev.l. 2. Equipaent utili.ed in the construction and/or us. of said .cc... roadways shall not exc.ed 25 f..t in hellht or have a boo. ..0.84101 25 fe.t ln be1abt. 3. Th. acc... roa"ay. .ball be con.tl'ucted ill such a Mnner .. to allow perpend:l.oulu OI'os.loa thereof'" CiIU1I'1'CIl'S vehiole. travelltaa aloaa it. rllbt-ot..a,.