2724 VIA MURANO BLDG 600 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ F'��ERAL E�AE3ZGE9vCY 1NANAGEAAENT AGF.lNCY Q.�.�. �o. 30&7-0i�7� � � . NATiOMAL FL�30D 9NSURa�NC��ROGi�il �pires Juiy 31, 2(7t32 . � ' ���iQ1���� �.v���,F�C��� � � Im�ortarrt Read the ir�structions on es 1 -T. SECTlON A-PROPEFtN 01NNER lNFORMATtON F'cr(nsurar�ce Canpany the;. BUILDING OWNER'S NAME . �Poliry Number ING STREET ADORESS(Induding Apt.,Unit,Suite,andlor Bldg.No.}OR P.O.ROUTE AND BOX NO. Comparry NAIC Plumber Venezia at Ba atch - Building #600 - 2724 via Murano -- C earwater, .:7, �� ZIPCODE 33764 PTaxEFo ioS No��9/�29%6%00000/220%020a0 Namber.Legal Desuiption,etc.) SUILDING USE(e.g.,Residential,Non-residential,Addi�on,Acc�sory,etc. Use Cammerns sectlon if necessary.) Residential • LATITIJDEiLONGtTUDE(OPTIONAL) HORIZOM'AL DATUM: SOURCE ❑GPS(TYPe)�----- ( �fK'-##'-#t�.�#' or �.� ❑NAD i 927 ❑NAD 1983 ❑USGS Quad Ma P ❑Other.----- 3ECTiON�-FLOOD INSURANCE RA7'E MAP(F1RAI�INFORMATION 81.NFlP COMMUNITY NAME&COMMUNIIY NUMBER B2 COUNTY NAME B3.STATE I Pinellas Count FL Unincor . 125139 Pinellas Florida i B4.MAP AND PANEL 65.SUFFDf B6.FiRM INDDC B7_FlRM PAiVEL B8.F10OD 89.BASE FLOOD ELE1/AT10N(� � NUMBER DATE E�ECTIVE/REVISED DAi'E ZONE(S) (Zone AO,uso depth of!lood'mg; 0128 D 8 18 92 8 19 91 AE 10 r B10.IndicBte the saurce of the Base Fload Elevation(BF�data or base flood depth entered in B9. ❑ FIS Protlle �FtRM ❑Community Determined ❑Other(Destxibe):_____ 611. tndicate the elevatlon datum used for the BFE in 89:�NGVD 1929 ❑NAVD t988 ❑Other(Descnbe):_____ 812.Is the bu�d'mg located in a Coasta!Barrier Resources System{CSRS)area or Othervuise Proteded Ar�a(OPA)? ❑Yes�No � Designation Date ____ SECTION C-BUILDING ELE1/AT10N lNFORMATiON(SURVEY REQUIRED) C1.Building efevattons are based on:�Construdion Drawings' � Building Under Canstrudion' ❑Finished Canstruction 'A new Elevation Cerbfipte wn'il be required when construdion af the building is complete. � C2. ing Diagram Number?-(Seled the build'mg d'iagram most sirru7ar to the building for which this ce�te is being completed-see �es 6 and 7. If no dtagram accurately represeMs the building.provide a sketci�or photograph.} C3.Elevatlons-Zones A1-A30,AE,AH,A(with BFE7.VE.V�-V30,V(with BF�,AR,ARIA,AR/AE,AR/A1-A30,AR/AH,AR/AO Complete ltems C3a-i below acxording to the buiiding diagram specified in Item C2;State the datum used.lf the datum is d'rffererrt from the datum used for the BFE in Sedion B,cornert the datum to that used far the BFE Show field measurements and datum conversion cakx� Use the space provided or the Commerrts area of Section D ar Sectmn G, as appropnate,to docum����d�.cornrersicr__ � .,; D8tL1Ii1 � CO�IVeI'SiONCOmrt1@11tS 1�j�A_ ,r.y � ��°�' �;'r a �'r� Elevation refenence mark used Does the elevation reference mark used appear on the FiRM? Q�Y� ,�°°3 - �"�:�` ry �. 7 , ❑ a)Top of bot�m flaor(induding basemeM or endosure) 10 .1 ft.(m) � �,s,� kG�,�����y� : 0 b)Top of next highe�floor n/a . ft.(m) o._�� o'�� � ��; . ,r ' �,; S.`y p � 0 c) Bottom of bwest horizorrtal struciura!member(V zones oniy) �L�• 1t-(m) �� , � ;°° .�-*3 =� �-. ❑ �Aitad�ed garage(top of slab) n/a. }t,�m� �° ' �,?��3U°�` � �y � ❑ e)Lowest elevatlon of�inery andlor equipmerrt `�� �,.�� °, ,,: . � ��' � `i servicing the building n/a ._ft.(m) �� A f� f '�' e� � ..,; , 3 ❑ fl Lowest adjacent grade(LAG) n/a ._ft-(m) _� �� , ,;: .0 g)Highestadjacent grade(HAG) n[�,._ft(m) � ''j�,,^, ,,, .�,s,�,6�,'�� 0 h) Na.of permanerrt openings(flood vents)within 1 ft above adjac�nt grade nfa_ � "^, O")Total area of all permanent-openings(flood.verrts)in C3h 0 sq.in. (sq.cm) ' SECTION D-SURVEYOR,ENGiNEER,OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveycr,engineer,or architect authorized by law to ce�ifyr elevation ir�formatian, I ca�tify that the iniformation in Sections A, B, and C on this ceKficate�epresents my best efforts to interpnet the data availa6le. 1 understand that any false staNemertt may be punishable by fine orimprisonment under 18 U.S Code, Seciio�1001. CERTIFlER'S NAME UCE��NUM ER All'an F_ Oc1 �nA� P�M nT�-F CQMPANY NAME Frofess�onal Survevor and Mapper Kinq Enqineerinq Associates, Inc � � ClTY STATE ZIP CODE 492 o ial . 3 Tam a FL 33634 SIG RE / ;- -�-�---� 1D 3 0 1 8 �3-�8 NE8881 -EMA Form 81-34,AUG 99 SEE R�VERSE SIDE FOR CONTlNUATION REPLACES ALL PREVIOUS EDITIO�S �lVI��DR'���T: 9n�ese�pac�s,c�y�a����nding detlFormat3on ffi�om Sec2ion�. �:For�nsuraix� �UILDING STRE�i'�DDRESS{indudin g _ _..__ ��Y Use:.:.' - .. •:_:- . 9.�-,���t. ' and/o r�sy� OR� R 1JTE AAID 80X NO. •Pol �Number:, • , ;:::..--�:: . Venezia at Baywatch - Building #�D - ��Z'�F V�a 1�Iu'Qang �l.:r:, . - C1N .:. .. :::- _ -_ ` Clearwater �L� Z!P CODE °��p�y��C��r - 33764 -= SE+�TiON D-SURVEYOR,ENG1fVEE3�,013 ARC�IYTEEC�'CERTiFlCATION(CONTINUED) Copy bath sides of this Elevation Certificate fer(1)community effiaal,{2)�ins�rance agerrt/company; and(3)buiiding owner. C�MME3vTS Ct�eck here if attachmer�s SECTION E-BUILDING ELE!/ATION INFORMATION(SURYEY NOT REQUIRED)FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A(WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zcne A(withaut BFE),complete Items E1 through E4. If the ElevaSon Certfflcate is Inter�ed for use as supporting informadon for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Sectfon C must be completed E1.Buiiding Diagram Number_(Selec!the building diagram most similar to the buiiding for which this certifiqte is being completed—see pages 8 and 7. If no diagram accarately represents the buading.provide a skeich or photograph.) E2.The top of the bottom floor Cnduding basement ar endosu�)of the building is _ft.(m)_in.{cm)�.above or ❑below{d�edc one) the highest adJacerrt grade. E3. For Building Diagrams 6-8 with openings(see page�,the next higher flaor or elevated floor(eleyation b)of the buiiding is _8-(m)_in.(cm)above the highest ad'�acent grade. E4. For Zone AO only: If no floed depth number is avaiiable,is the top ofi the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the comrtwnii��s _ floadplain man�ement ord'mance?�Yes [No ❑Unknown The local official must certify this information in Seciion G SEC'f70N F-PROPERTY OWNEiZ 40R 01NNER'S REPRESENTATIVE)CERTlFiCATtON The property owner or owners authorized representative who completes Sedions A,B,and E for Zone A(without a FEMA-issued or � community-issued BF�or Zone AO must sign her+e. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNER'S AUTHQWZED REPRESEM�A7'ryE'S SVAME ���� C�TS' STATE Z]P CODE SIGNATURE . DATE TELEPHONE COMMEAIZ'S ❑Check here if attachmer�s SECTION G-COMMUNITY INFORMATtON(OPTIONAL) � The local offica!who is autheriz8d by law or erdinance to�miniater the community's floodplain managemeM ordinance can compleie 3edions A, B,C (or�,and G of this Elevatlon Certificate, Camplete the appGcabie iterrt(s)and sign below. 31.�The informa�on in�on �was taken from other documentatio�that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor; engineer.or�r�chitectwha is authorized by state or locai taw to ce�tfty elevatio�ir�fortnation. (Indc�te the souroe and date of the �levat�on data in the cartunerns area below.) 32.Q A comrtwnily of6cial�mpl�tad Sedion E for a building lopted in Zone A(without a F�NIA-issued or communiiy-+ssued BF�or Zc�ne AO. 33.Q The following infortnatis�n(ltems G4-G9)is provided for communiiy floodplain managemeM purposes. G4.PERMIT NUMEER G5. DATE PERMIT lSSUED G6. DATE CER'PIRCATE OF COMPLWNCElOCCUPANCY ,:, ISSUED �7.This permft has been issued far. ❑New Construc�ian Q Substan�aF'Imprrnrement �8• Etevation cf as-built I.owest floor(induding basemerrt)of the buiiding is: iL(m) Datum: �9.QFE or(in Zone AO)depth cf flaoding at the building si�e is: _ft.{mj Datum:_____ LOCAL OFFlCWL'S NAME n� COMMUNITY NAAqB TELEPNONE SiGNATURE �.� COMMEl�TS ❑Checfc here if attachmer� EAAAA Form 81-31,AUG 99 RFPLACES ALL PRF/IOUS EDITiONS