FLORIDA POWER CORPORATION (11) t. I THIS 1UIMIft, Ned. thU ;2..-6 ~.y of c:.~ ~ I.. D. 1963, betwMn em or CtrIAalAfta. r'LORIDA. a 1IRIIllcipa1 corporation Muttna "'el" tbe 1.. of the Itat. of 'lorida. 'arty of the 'lr.t 'art. Gaurroa her.iIl, .. II..OIJ:M ... COIrOI4TICII. . oorporat1oa orsan1aad end exlltiaa ..de.. Che 1_of the ltat. of 'l.d.... wlth lu principal ,lace of bu.iD." at 101 'lfth Itr.et loutb. 10 the City of St. '.terlburs.County . .f 'tIlel i.. ... 'ta.. .'n.~.... .t.n, .. the ,..... 'art, 0UIftI h..etn. :Hu '. Lu.i A. WIll"'. t.... GIAIITOa ta the Owner 1a. f.. of a tract of land 1n the County of Piael1aa aad Itate of 'lo..Wa. '..cr1bed .. follow., to v.. t I Ie.ta at ,be I. W. 001'. of the lIW\ of the .. .f '.d... 10, TGn8hlp 298ovth. laDle 15 IUt ... WIl theM. J1'. .,. 05' 19.1 I.. 1'1.14 ft. to a pout OQ cbe M.terl1ne of au..ell. .....tl 'MM. . -. a9' 16' 5,ft 8.. .1.. .aU ...tel'lI....e t 64.>> ft. I thace II. 21- at' 53" W., 27.35 ft. for r. o. I. ., . 10 It II ..... ,......t 4..... .aU ......t uu ~"'iaa "t. a"__ .i"'eof cbe loll..... rd.Ml'tbed .t.rU...... w1rteh be.n't lI.21- 09' 53" W" 98 .45 ft. to end of .....Dt ar... t... aacl _up. .., pol"tioa of the .~ve 4UGI'DW ......t ..... 11:1aS wi. tbin the I'tlht- ......,.. .aW. .....U 'tre.t. rile do....dAI trMt of 1... is _1'8 particularly .... em. ...... Bo. '-ZOO-'. datecJOctober 25. 1963, .".... 'e..ate. incol'pOratect h.ar.iIl ad .,. tll... '."I'..a .... . part lunraof. a_ I. WBIIIAI, GIWftU u ,_pel ill the bUllna..of 1IIUlufac~riQ8. tl'....ltt101 ... .itt'1&u,~ _1.etrie "'1'1V to the publicJ and C. WIll.... 0I4ft0a i. GOUtructlaal upon . portioll of It. prop...ty AdJ..-I to tU .....".........1kcI .l'.....t,. a buUd1'q te b. kaown .. CLIAIWATD DtCDlDATOI. fLAI't. In __ect1oa therewith, CIA1ft'Ot ha. requested GllAIftl 10 p...Ue ............ '.U1t1.. D......ry to _ted elMtl'to .,"le8 to ..... 1J\li1..... ... to the ,...1.... and I I J). W1CIIW,OIWrfOl 1. COUCRetin. .ud innalUna (1) a COllQrete 'oun..tion pa4 (outdoor type) upoa whloh w111 be locattad . met.l nelH" t.r..former. and (2) uad."aroUDCI coodult, all Nlftl Dace.lary to ,rovt.. .1ectl"lc ..rvle8 to ..1e1 buil..... ad premia... OlAln.'oa'S conerate touadatifD pa4 ADd UDlIel"pOUBd eoDdutt ue to be conatructecf and in.t.lleel at the lo~ti.... .howaoa .atel ))ralns Bo. '-200-11&00 B. WIDIU. GlAlft'II ... cI..bOWl of otit.aiag an e..ement to (1) utUiae CIlftOt'S concrete fo...s.tioa pad, (2) occupy .net utUbe QIllft'Oll'S UDdara..._ CODduit. (.3) tutan, op.rata and ..alatain ..ld uaetale..lo.ed tr..'.....1' with l"elated. ace....d.a., (4) loo.t., ot>Uate and_illtaba in .aid _.po." OODdult, pl'taal'Y cablea, (5) 1nlt.U, eOD.tJ!'uct. oparata ad maiat.aia ,fixt..a.. ..ul....t &ad aco...or1.. nec.. ....l"1.I14. cI..lreble iD .......tiAm witla It_ (1) It (2). (3) and (4), .aU Xt.. (3). (4) and.(.!) bu.1aaft.r callad "faciUti..... 1fGW, TJaUfou.'" and in cGUtderatton of the mutual benefita hue.cI.r aDd of the 1IlUt_l.~. .......1...... aoot<<t......ta. GIWftOl. doe, hereby srut ad convey to GIAftII the r1aht, prlvlla.e, riaht-of-way .... ........1: .hewA OIl ..U >>raving '-200-8 <...ta refan" to u the 'feae8ll8llt ar..f') OIl. .,..., acro,. t throup.aDd UDder laad, cle.cribed in 'arear.,h A above aDd the ript (t) to \tttliae .aW concrete 'oUlld.tlon pad ADd oOlMl..d.t. (I) to ~tt'1lctt...r.&:., _intain. rep.ir and rfRlOve G1AftP1'8 ~.MS.U.tI.... (3) of iaar.... aDCl e,r... to aD(! upoa the f1rlt ebove-cl.,cr1bed 1_ Uld _jO:(.ldAI 1... 01 the GJWrrOl for the purpoSe of exerCliata, the r1aht. aDd prlvUe... he~ei.ll Irant" for .uah period of tlH a, it -, .. tM ... 01' UIItU tM u.. thereof 11 abandoned by GIAftII. The partle. hareto air.. .. 'ollow.. 1. GUftD a"Uhav. the ript to b,ect, alt.., iaprove, repair ,remove a1ld rebuil' ..:14 facili.tt.. to.....r with the rtahtl and ,rivl1e.e. nee...ary aDd COIIYeftHnt tOJ: the full Ole aDd .jo,ment thereof. - 2 - I I 2. GIA.lrtO& .hall DOt OOD.truct or loa.te ., buUding. or .true... ture. over or .bblA ...........t area without written notificatlon to the GIWftIl ... ....11.1. of wrltt. pl&.... " ,rope.eeI con.tructlooud ..ld GaARrOI &'1'''' to reiab\ll'" GIWrrU for any r.loaat101l of uad.erground fac1U.t#A. neoe..itatell "" ltiMToats co_truct:l.on over or acljacent to 0"11 t 8 UDCIWarouDd '&411 it te. ctov'l'ed by th1. Ga.ement. s. GIA.IIfII. ...11 DOt uN or cau.. to be v." ..id ..-.me 11'1' 1a.y way 0,1' "'11' wblch would create , d_aeroWl ccmcU.ti.OI:l wlth tl1'e,,,eetto .aW f,aUid... orcru..eaay iDtel'f'l'eace with the conatruet101l. " i .,....tructloa, l'.-val. ...,.11' .1' ..f. op.r-.t.ioa aDd .&fe .af.Dteunc. )' I 'thereof. 4. IIMN14 olA1Jfa .,..WI or ......on the uae of .aU ',etU.ti... or fail for &D1 r...ouJJ1. ,.d.M of tilla to .xlrei.. the right. her.iIl P'utM. thell 10 that ..ea. ,11 rf.Cht. aM 'l'ivU.ae. ber.UIld'l'.ball c.... .. the .....t. ,,~lvU.... aDd r1ght. here10 ar8Ated .hall ..wert to the OIAftGL ,. C..... .-v__ta that it baa the right to conveytht, .......t ,Dd tbat GI4lIfU .haU bave4luet and peaceful po.....ton.... .Dd .ajoyDltlDt .f .aU .......t. AU tkrv__t.. telM. ,"ov1alou .aI'14 ccqlitlOl'le hereof ..11 11.\\11". to the beDeflt of .... ~ .WtGa upon the putt.. a.reto ad their r..peotiv. .veee... 'and ...t.pe. D Wl'DlIIl WI.... the CIlIrOA bu uund the.. presents to be lill*l ill ite .....yie. ct.,. MaDaser f "~I' eo.bl1oaer .-d Cit, Atto.,.y aDd it.coq.ol'aQ ...1 to be aff1ucl, att..ted by h. City Clerk, ."" . I I the day aDd 7"1' ':trlt aMY. vr1.ttea.. 811neo, ...led aDd ..U,,,.. tache pre'eDce Ofl ~~~~ >>~"!4rL /' Approved .. to ION and correct....t ~~~ H.rkrt M. 1'0WIl. C1 AttoI'Der, · 4 · I I $TATI or J'LOIJDA 1 COt1JIn 01' .IRILW ~ ... ~er:8ODJI.11" ~.. N'or8 _. the "er.lped authority. CU. ... v8 P 11"01 "'Il'/:}~':.""':~' A. I), 1963,3.... I.. Stewart. ".l't L. W..the..l,.. ~"I't c. Whitehead ad lIel'Mrt K. 1rowD. to me .ell -- eo-be ... Ii" 1'1 ....... 1_..... "'iM*'-., ..... CI.I, Cteric, en4C1ey Attol'M1. r..pect1vely. of the CITY 0'1 CLIAIJIATD, I'LOI.IJ)A. aDd Mktaowl*,.ecI ta.t th.,. ...uted the 'oregoing Wtr\lll8Dt a. .uGh fol' and on "half of tJae .aW em .. CLIAlWA"tD. rLalUM., '0.. the UN. ad PUl"pO... there". _,r.... aDd that the,. d1et '0 ".1' .... by virtue of .uthor:lt,. 1.'u11., o.f.r..ed upoD tUlt __I' the 1..0' the Itate of rlor1claJ aad that the ...1 __eel t......,. i. the tru. ad aenu1ae corporat. ...1 of tM ern or CLIQWATD., fLO&D4. WUllSS ., .... and o'flc1al...lthe elat. .fol'''.U. <JiIOtAI.W. SIAL) , 'K7'-c..i...s.on Ixptre.l - - - -. ~:o~"rv Pub'j'" -':'-' ...' '-+,...rL; - r , "_.:' '. , ',e of ,.lon:Ja at Large' -'J OJH.TI"'O.;;i on ['(n...... r- D "7 (:ondcd1.J . -' '.' ,"'~" ec. '" , 1965 _ - - ~ l'.liJlllfican Surety Co. of N. Y r.P...:e jI -r jj · 5 · , I. N "'J "V CCR.Ni:.R. 01= N E: 1-4 OF -! SE.':" iO, T">/,"'P Z.~5 I Rc..e ''Sf:.. ~--'4 :;- , \ __ ~\ C"-,_'" f, \' 4': ,\" \ \ Le:. c, E"~ D \: '-, 1="_,:;1; ~A. ~ :_'.~', :.~" ':"o,,-r '~-,L:L..L-. tA::,e:.....;e:."'T A.F'-E:.A ~ ?G o' "\, c-" \ /, \ \ It c.tJ~TC"-1''!:...R... Ov... NE:.L' T~t,.~FCR.IV,",K "./.:.,.1,.,\>0", f'A.,D -.".,...... c... '-.: ':) TO........\ E: liZ.. c:: ~,'- ,..... ~ D :.,...J........l~r::...RGtR.C~.Jt--..[') C.Ol>..;DUIT CONCJ\)\T SE,:.TI:"r-." . ~LOR.ID,o... POWE:R. CORP leI<. MINA.,',- POLl:::, A'? ~e GR,,:>c.'''-<C LI::.'..!C,L - '. ?t,::, V~N C::'VEY, I ~ ill ()\ , " '.~ ';, ~ ~ '1 I 0', o G' Z - P. \. .". / '\ ..-v:/ ,P>- , \, \ \ . ,. f, , ,~..., '. '>J ., , " ~,'A -- ,.., ~-- ",,0 A.<;,SUME:.O NOR-TH R/,,",,' 01= R.U-:.<:,E:.LL ~T, ....7 ._'___ ,..f...... \ t \ 50' \ / I '(, ~ - "- / '( ~ I" ,J PO~5, /0 ..J. (~o Ii' 'I,\' \0-1 TE:R.MIN,o...L PO,-E:.. =-0,0 ~4. <?' ~r.\ \ T m,.._n_ un k:.';:.~~LL 5T, PIL C Q. a ~~ S~t' ~ c;./L ill ~, l' c' J)'; ... o rl1 U L 0- ~l ~, .... ,~:;R.t.e.... '::1= r....v. ~4 C;:' N E~ ;"4 os: SE.':' 10 TWP 't.., "', R."'&. \,,~ PaOl'IUY D&SCUF1'101' Beaia at tbe S.W. cor. of the NW 1/4 of the WI 1/4 of Sec. 10. Twp. 29S. age. 15E aDel rU11 thence B 0005 '19" B. 131.54 ft. to a point on the centerline of au..ell Str..t. thence S 89016'53" E. alooa .aiel centerHne. 64.9 ft.. thence Ii 21009'53" W. 27.35 ft. for P.O.I. of a 10 ft. wide eaa_ant ar.., .aid ...-.at ar.. at_dina 5 ft. either aide of the followioa de.cribed canterline which beara: N 21009'53" W. 98.45 ft. to end of e.a-.nt area. Leas and except any portion of the above described ".eRent area lyina within the ri&ht-of~y of said aus.ell Str..t. PINl:::LL..A..$ C.OU"-lTV F L ORtOA POWlCR Cr ,~P(\'" 1':/,:,1':' , D~ Rl'Ri)U"'D ,11,;1 "'Hi " ." UNDE:,RG.R.CLi""Cl :::./...;:'E:McNT Fe!:;:. CL_E A,kVvA,TE:.R. !t-.lc'INi:.R..A,TOR.. P.,~A.:cT :':'l-E:.A.",-\,,\iA.T=-R I F....OR.lDA. :.;cHh.A'. Sf040VVr--... ..D.~e \O-~'::.-~~ [I,..... A.. 7" ''', .:....d"d ))'T!'! tJlI;;5 ,\ I . '.'~ ..:..1.c ;(L."., ~ ~ , ~ . \\' '., '-'0. ; I IFL-1I79r) :~'''9' No P - '2.0:::l- 5