GENERAL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF FLORIDA ......-::.~; . ... I ~V,~~ J 7S~ // 4(0 >, ..(1)00 >,::::"" ..o8~ 't:J:ti"" ~~><oo "" 0""" C;l >,Aq 1.0 0....- .e>:l Q.) ~~. .. '" ""00 A ~ ~'. 't:J UJ Z ~ .- C;l "- '"' ~::= ~o OS~ ~~ ~ ~ (1)Aq~S E ........- ::::l~ ~ C;l '"' (1) ~ ...-"-,-",, UJ<:"""OCl: .S ~ 'H Q) ~ 0..... re "" U ..... .... po. ...c:A:;",-> ~~.... 1J40 , " , 1 I n.R.,3133 PAGE 358 6907Z/1Z, I QUITCLAIM DEED /1~' (l i THIS INDE~TUU .maele tbl. daY9! CJ L ~ ) A. D. 1969. b.tw.... GENJ:ML TlIlLl:PHONlIl COM;PANY or rLO . ~A. a corporation exl.t~uad.r the Jaw. of the Stat~ ()f Florida, COUDty of Hill.boroulb, p&rtyof the ",..pa1't, aDa the CITY OJ" CLEARWATER, J'LOl\lDA. a mUDic,~,..l co.pontioll. party of the .eeiODfl p&rti .IT.... 1'. I That the ..$4 party of .... fh'at part, for aael in c..-ut.ration of the .wn of One Dollar "fl.. .:aMotb.r ,004 aad valubl4t cOJa,alcl.rationa, 11\ band paiel by tbe ..~ 01.... ...oa4,..,t.the receipt whereof ia hereby acknowl.c1I.cl, ba. 't.IIll.... ....... aM. quitclaimed, aDd by the.. pre.ent. cio.. ramlee, 1'.1.... ...,."..:J*.., uato tIacl.a.i.cl party of tM ..coad part, ita .ucce..or. ...4i~..lp. fO"~"''', all the ri.kt. titl.. iDl.....t. claim and Ii.man which the ,..tty ef u.. fl..., part haa i" aad. to:1:he followiDI d..cribed p..operty ."wU. lD:-,C"ty .f'~""11a., S.te of Florida, to wit: Tbe W.at UJ f..'.f t,etao..e(l) a!14Two(arMd the North Z!S feefor L;OtT'ht.. (')"inJUoek tIS.' of. .utMlt~.itm of Lqta 5..... ,(U~) ..' ~.....t..~ (1") . aactlbe, :It iL" .1/2 of Lot",J'.~e..'f1);.~..~..,~)Qf~. ,AJ)OET1' E$TAT:i: f' ~~ s t1JU)~VJ$10N. '.~~""I, t~ the --., ;o,.,.~t Ulel'.~fa. . ti r.co. ,.... .. .... ,.'P~t::.~,.~.. '.'..i6. .pa... 19 of, __.PVr~~R.c~1'4. ot- iE. '''', ' Pi.ea~" c:~.,'_,... ' "f.>> B ~ A~ ~ ~- , a 5= The .,.._, 10l..,01. ,,,,'.UowiD...arU.4 ptope~tyz .a 'S- Lot,9. 1.. ....AI,.'l'~! I,at, 01.... ;:~. ttJNNltDY'S FAIR. - '" . LA_ AD!)..,...., ac:~..r4lnl to .. rnap.~p1at ther.of at r.coS'decl .;._t.~ 11...p 16 o' tbe Pu1tllc a.COI'" of Piae14a C...,.., rlo.wa. \ " ~i.,\ ,', t",. ,,1 \ Tht~;eclla liveD .,., rillat of way pul'po.... TO HAVE .'" TO HOLD the .ame te..ther with allanel .inplar the &PJNI'...........i._I$':',............................... .......U.,.-.. ..tate, ri Iht , title, to.....t ADC1 c1&lm ~_taoever of tbe aaiel party of the firlt part eUk.r in law 01" equity. to tbe only proper u... ben.fit and beboof -1- C~ <n <;0 "'::!': >- j~ LD lM~ '=0 ""- C:V en c::> , {~~.l~~~'~A D~IC~~Tm: :1~ :: 1;301~TJfA~:o';':~8.~J9'&: ~ I I;:;:; 0'> - COMPTROLLER 1/ "'c.: I .;; '.[ AU< 1"691 I:: 0 O. 5 5, ~~ ~8 :: L. ~ AU""" ' " 0 0.3 0 I 1(.(,,:5 -----l ' 1__ == 1052\ _I = '.~4....I'\..~A...V_...."-~u.;...'--L~."_"-^^-~~,,.A...,~...~...~ ..,~.~,..)J....j,""-^AA.AA~ In 010 1)).(3~ \ "~M'~'^"'A/.ov'~"'~'" ..,. . .......~/J,.^~.,,',j.N'^".J'.". r:7.- . ~ - /} .~ I 1 I I O.R. 3133 PAGE359 " '!:t" " of the laid party 0' the ..coatS p&l't. it. .ucee..or. aact a.,iln. forever, IN WITNE88 WHEa~()J:", th. .ald party of the fir.' part bat cauled the.e pr....b to bo duly e."~ted by it. proper officer. and it. corporate ....lallbed. tho ..... be"eta a..., abov.. writte.. A~ I' ,.,:. I . Secretary :: ~,J; OMPANY ,/'-- ~/~,.i .... , ," .'t: " .~ Oe..ral T.l.,hO..C:..~y of J'loricla. a co..poratiOD ..1' the,Ia.. of .; ri,"O, '''' I ".' 'e' '.. ""'\. Sate 01 Flori.... to !Q......!.to be ......r.oa. dHcl"ibecl,Ua aadwho . ~~"~'- ~~. . ". r;;;. '~ executed tbe fOl"el~l", iI.a._~um..t~.veral1y ~...owledl" the ...cuti~~l';'_}; 'I:" 4-r~ ".i.<.~ thereof to b. t~tttl' f.... ~* fa....."... .~... oUice....!." __ ..... aDd t: PUl'PO... the...ia; ~eaU"', .... th. aa1d ia.t:rumeat i. theiac:t and d..d of .a14 corporatlOD. WITNESS my .i....r:. aad of.1&1 ...1 ta.alel Couaty and State the clay and y....la.t, al.......'. My Commi..loa J:xpbe.: :otary PU~II? State of Frolf,. If Ltrgj '1 CommISSion Expi", .r~~.(\ J W7.1 : "". - <,.1 ~ ' ~W\'-:~,i.:'~:~''-':~:'. " " )) -2.. t". "~<:~~O' 0 .. \...." \r ' / ~/. ._...IIIIIIiliL lL ;.~. ,M