CLEARWATER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (5) CJ , /C. 16 c.. ~- p~, 'io7- 'fd1 2.-7-t.'f FE}: SIMPLEomED CITY QF CUl:MWATER, FLOlUDA, a municipal c;orporation exiliU~g undUthe l4L.,B of'h~ Stat. of Floricla. panyof the fint part, &IIlcl CLE:ARWATER(l~MllltR 101' COMMlll1\CE. a non-profit corporation exilting Wi\cler the ll!-WBO( ~e S\:lLte of Florida, who.e maUin. aclclre.. Ie 4.11 Clevelaacl Street, Clearwater. Florida, party of the eecone! pad. WITNESSltTH: That th. s.i. CITY OF CLtCARWA'i'ER. FLORIDA. for aIlCl ia cOnsWel'atiOJl of thll sum of Ten DoUal'8 an' otbel' valuable coneWel'atl._e, to It in hand paW by die aaW party of.the .~.Cloocip&l't, the receipt of which iebereby .clm_le.,eel. baa gl'anteel. N"gabuMlancl aoW. to the aaid pal'ty 01 the 'eilonclpartfo~vel', die followin. de.cl'ibecl1aD.cl altuate, lyinllll,li,cl bein. u.. t~e CQuty of Pine11as. State of Flol'lda.. to wit: 8..in a.t the Northe..t (NE) cornel' of 8eoti_ 16. 't~,hiP !'aouth, RaQ.eU East, Pia.Uas County, FlO~Uilr,. I'UDth~ce S~b.I"058'fOu Welt, al_. the No...~line oha14Ill4M!UQrl16.1.1:fJ.J6 f.et..more o,lofllfll to a polld: Ofin_I'..,~..wWtthe \yest I'l,btof we,y lbae of Northc;>.lIl"~ ~"..~.e it p.....Uy..... in Clearwate..... Flo~WaI.1'Wl th_c:e 80\1tll 0016~ 11" EaBt aloe. ~. W....ipt of wayUn. of North OBe..~ Avenue. 50 f..t fot.a Poiatof 8e- ..in.l from sa14 P.....t of B..atwda. .tun theRn Sl\IIlth 0016'1 'to Jl:ast aloei .~'We.tl''''t of _y.Un. of Mo. Ole_a Aveaue. 100 f.etlNn th.-ce SC)Uth 8.o58~40" w..t !OO f'.l rua tlMoc. No.at 0016'11" w..t 100 f"'l I'UI'l theao. Nol'th;88o....011 Eas' !OQ f...ttoth. PolD' of B.,maia..! luJeet tp the Ii_ of tllat ..ne,f.o monaa.s in the o'15,-1 .\lll!\~tlf.."OOO from tile Clty.ofOl..,..,te~. J'1...ida.. to B,.t.'~"""'41'" of (n..."",~t~-:.Fl~"'l4a' .....Novemb.~ 1. 1~(t~~ '>.........cll)1l...t~t.J. ~~_I a..... Book 101.6. ~. . .' .~ClJl'C:~~'~'~\lJ~~c"..tr. J'lo....cla.....~ ~~lt.~~.~.'1&lnP~OP.~,. ofMlichthe abo.e ",cl'ilHlcl p~~p.,W I. apart. 1'-'1'1'&-0"", ie ."'~-tllil~~<i:!'W'.~~. ~"'la .01ill1' to be und .nd maintained as tII. lllil~~.f.1' a, Cham".. of ~Onunel'ce .,ft..or bu11clins fo. the City of el~~.. . cOIl..lateat with the putpo.e. of sucb an o~,ani..UOD. as ....c~ibed ill its p~e.eat Cban.r ~\ of :II1corpor&tioD. an4 the Or_tol' bel'8ia r..el'Ve. _to i'selt aIlCl it. l..al succ."or. all .igbt of I'evel'.lon in aUto .aiel p~oputy ~l~ 1.2- (}/f'O~(.ij)) ~ r"~ ~. '.r .... - ..... ~,! -. * .,) .. J too.. .......,.. ~. ..,.. ... ....~ .., '110 ......ny .. --.... ....- ........~... aIIaU ... 'Uj... .. .. ........ .... .. ......~~...~.. ... ............... .. ......~ ........... ~~.....,. --- Cf-. JalttJott .... ...... .... .. 1'lIa....... .......,~I .... .., eJaa............ C~. J'~~. a -~I ~"""'!!fd~~".~.. ,.~ '_ ., ~ no..... DeU.u. ..... .........._ ~.Ilile....... .,'...... ..._ ''-''- .t 'lIoIDc~.. ......""-'a.. ... if ......-....aIIaU _...,... ~- - IM,tte-... ear ........ ..........._~. -.Pt pqey ..,... .............. .1IaJI................,.. '"- ,_ "'" .......... ~..... IN .hi......,.~..cr .......'..... ......, ., ...... ......... ...... ..... ......... .. lie .,......... "1IIl!!IC ... ................... ...... .. .,3 I......r-::-..,. .., ~....., 1963. c......'...r C!1Yo, CLEAa"AnA. ".va (&)4. tI!h L. ),) e ,,-711(,"'1; '_ .ua,;O...C...l..___ /., "\",,0." ..to I..... aa. ............: 8r_. .~. s 1f!~C<J~,7 7:'.... .,. ...... '. '.'D ) 4"';k..'~,'.. '.t'. 6:. '~~~.;;:::? , lyel_ ' . . '. . i;' .1..... hat..... Deli...... ia .... P.....c.: ~ /?( c~/~ ~~/ ~~ .L./..d::~H~L I~. --. - / '. . . ~'~h,KM,J~~Jf;w ' ' l' "'- -a. - P'L'.'.'~.~'! ...~. " - '''',: l""." -- .. '._:.,.., ..... .,- " ,':-""-i/t4 I I ITA_or ,.~",.. ) ).. COVtrlYOr ...~,I.jl ) 1.....1' ",1FT ...'..... :3 f /~..y of )J-Le~4,~t""I'1'-' 196 '3 . ........ .,..".Uy ..J!....,..... LIUWAaT.L '0. 'WJIrf:"'AD. ....., N. ......... _.01" L. WU....aLY. ...,.cti..ly Clty.~...ftf "'.'C(.~'i'IhrA*""'ii1;Wa"'.-CII r ~..........":tb. CITY" GJ,&A&W...... :rLQII..... . ......tpal co.......... to me ..... .... .......v:ld.1.................. fa 8M who.......... f........ ....,...... CT.f!A&...Aua..~...a OF CONN.-.. ... ..vc.all, .......W............. ......,:......... ................ ...It offlcc.... ........ ....."....0.,1.... .....t.. offiCial .w of ..w a..a,.,.................,..'_ ....1... aU au .... ~_""GC .. .. .ct.......4 .1 .al4....,........, .1".... ., .......~... .a1MtJ. ..al at cn........ ia tn. C-*Y .1 ........ ...... ." .......Ir..".,.... yea.. la.lU.......t4. Lue f~/~ '. &-// Ii...,. ..-u. W:rComm~.ioD ......: - I; ~ ':).. ~. -~ (... , ~l~r:' .,,"."'\ >oi ." Bseaoo .,- ,l.t::,.jr..c. ..'......,.... "_',.a.....;IIol.il.tJ:"~...