DYNAMIC INVESTMENTS INC < , .) . .(') ,:1 (/ ''', >> .. <l) r;Q ~p~ .D ... l- i O--lol ~ '. "'0 -' cf:) <l)<:i~...-t ~ '..J lO '" ,,", C~ CIJ ~ :~.~ _ .. 0':) ;... U C'.) ~ p. . . "'0 fh ~!.~ p.., ':::' cd~ ~s: i;:;"> en O:;..~ 40J ,.~ ~ l=l"'" 0;: ~ <l) ~ :; <l) S .;...."'d ~ ~ ~ ::= b~S;'" ~ ~ '+-< .~ W 0 .;!3 ~ >-. ,..t::p:<...., E-di;l U ,.:. ~ WARRANTY DEED IFROM CORPORATION> . 6809330~, 50 2940 P~~;E RAMeo's FORM A.3 (PHOTOSTATI , ..... ~ t:' I,' 11 tJl. 1his ltfttarranly Jeed Made and executed tlte 9th DYNAMIC INVESTMENTS, INC. day of Octobe r A.D. 1968 by a corporation existing under tlte laws of business at 305 N. Ft. Harrison, Itereinafter called the grantor, to Florida Clearwater, Florida , and Itaving its principal place of CITY OF CLEAR WATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, wltose postoffice address is PO Box 4748, Clearwater, Florida 33518 hereinafter called tlte grantee: (Wherever used herein the terms "grantor" and "g-rantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations) Uitnesstlh: Tltat tlte grantor. for and in consideration of tlte sum of $1. 00 and other valuable considerations, receipt wltereof is hereby acknowledged. by these presents does grant. bargain. sell. alien, remise, release. convey and confirm unto the grantee. all that certain land situate in Pinella s County, Florida, viz: The South 33 feet and East 33 feet of the South 210 feet of the East 365.04 feet of the NW-l/4 of SE-l/4 of Section 7, Township 29 South, Range 16 East. AND The South 33 feet of the West 295 feet of the East 659. 30 feet of the South 210 feet of the NW-l/4 of the SE-l/4 of Section 7, Township 29 South, Range 16 East. AND The South 33 feet/gl9i~ M~t 4~~1~~t of the South 210 feet of the NW-l/4 of the SE-li4'of Section 7, Township 29 South, Range 16 East. AND The South 33 feet of the East 75 feet of the West 340 feet of the J hSouth 210 feet pf the NW-l/4 of SE-l/4 of Sectiqp, 7& Tf>~itsh~ 29 S, ogtl er with all tIle tenements. hereditaments and appurtenances"'}~~A~ be'tong'f,fg 'or in any- wise appertaining. Jo Jtal'e and to Mold, the same in fee simple forever. Rnd the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that it is lawfully seized of said lqnd in fee simple; that it has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that it hereby fully war- rants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances :t: .~ ;,-0 C):-= ~:~ ::'n _~ j :::',:: p-' :=::.1"-c,:-j , . ,~.' -.,::1 , ;".1 , ,. f;"">'\; 4.'" ;tJ '",,_",J f-~; ~::- ;III \.....' 0"> lI> ''-J "">- ~>- ,Y) -.-';:0: lL=> ~o ('0 ;~u 'l:.;j' <"'":':'1 " ;~ r--'~-----,\ DO" '. ",' r-. · .'.'1\..... \. ,..., -~ll', \~ '1 j,,,,,,,,-'\ll Vi- "...~'---:.':..!.-) - '~~ , '.Jd!'i!,_\~ ;(:,;\ j '- u l7i'1\~~ '" \ SUR rA v -- l~,~~ )&;> F L. 0 f~ I ~) t\ \ I '~! ==. "'~. ':;'0 -1 \" \ t : ,- 0, r . ~ \. ' _ ~B IOCT30'68 . ~ 0 O. 5 51 ~~~. I ,. ~ .~ '- lu,~, ~..__,__J 'J .,__,.,.__....J "_ )' '..."J : In 'lilfitness ltthereof the grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name, and its corporate seal be hereunto affixed, hy its proper officers thereunto duly authorized. the ay a d year first above written. .....; ~: <CORPORATE SEAL);.;" ~" -~."'"" ,../ ,1,1; ..- " lOll'" ~~:.......m..................................,........,.................. ~l![ presence of: By......... f } berore me~, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared i i.l >- ""G!:"P~ttick Hey 0 ~ ~ . ~ well known to me to be the -:">\jOP,esident ~ ~ 01 the corporation named as grantorWz g ~ in the loregoing deed, and that' tn.;y'seveflllly as1i:nowledged executil)gthe same in the presence 01 two subscribin,g witnesses Ireely and voluntarily rf--w := g under authority duly vested ii/ ~~:n' by'said corp';:ation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal 01 said corporation. :<t~ ~ 1111 ., WITNESS my hand ana ,0~ficial,s;;'1 in the~ County and State last aloresaid this 9th day 01 Octo be r , A, D. 1968 11-(5 U f.~ I IOOOIIII/IlI; ~;::~;;-~f:~~'_m- z ::::f~?m My Commission Expires Aug 1 1970 Bonded by Transamerica Jnsura~ce Co. I).. 0 '13 ('I) S \ ,~ ':"1;', ;il]