CLEARWATER ISLAND BRIDGE COMPANY (3) .................. &.... i..,. 0..- ..,-~.,_......,-,.. · -..."6J~' I eb" JnDentu", Mad. MU,_.._._. -.. . --.u, 0/___....,_. '_______________. 4. D. 1'_.10.., BETWEEN -------m.--.-~.'_~~_~__,!)MiI....~;....., ,~________.__.______.__, 4 OO~ uIA#."" UruNr tlw Zau" 01 tlw StGtie o/_n.u...___.u..,...,.'u,..._._., IuwiAI U. prlMtpol pZoo. 01 ~ &", · Cou1lt1l ol.-______..I1~IW.__...,_ .aatl S,.,. ol__..,'l.~....,.,_. po"" 01 tlw ftrd pori, 4q..--..IUIiM.L._Iillllf... ......__.R~...____....., -~..... .1...... r ------...---.----____._____U___h_______.._..., . '.' '-------.---.-..... , , 01 Uu COuMg 0/______. ..~,,~ _....._._____.____ .4IIICI 8.... o/_m__ ,-...n".It~L___ ptIrl--'---- 011A. -.00'14 ".,.., .ttn"...., ftoI 1M MI4 porlv 01 1M ftm pGrl, lor a".d ill (l()Muur. olio", 01 IM.um 0/_._." .&11....__ _.......~ .,..'-~--....i...U....., _ _ _ _ !),)lla,.., 10 U lA Iuuad pai.d" tIN ,.""". wlwwl'" ~ ~Wftltl, la.. fra,PI-fMl, 1Ja",aiMd, 'old. aluMd. HmWd, ,..l4aM4, 0tnIWpeII4114 <<mft,.""., 4,", br lIuw ~ tloUt. Ira1lt, barloJ"" HU, aile"" ,.". miM, reltJtJM, <<mwg a",d <<mft,."., ura.to . 11I44 Jltlri..'-.. , 01 1M 'fJC()M pan, 4,",.. ,* ,." Mlr, and aail,.,. 10NIW,., all that ~ ptJrt>>l ()I land II/i"" 4IId btJt"" i1a tht. CfJun.t" 01 __,"'-1'1-_.._..... ,., '--________n,' , arad 8101. .,-.-..L..___..I'l.___., , more pa,.fjl'lIfarlg dMcrl.1Hd tuloUfJw,: .......lft..__ J.l._~_'-'-~_l'),.,'l'.~.._~.. _u_.._ -..., , ....~_.t!,~~,,==I___~~~AJ ...~ ......t ... ...-.r..,..~~, ----..- ..... , ~~ ~~-~-~ ~.~..C~C~..oIt..... "-1_, ~_....,.. . ,-*...~---~....~.....,~t ,~-.P,---JIIItI~., '.. ,I I I I I I I I I -.-----...-...., II JMIft,-.JI.,..t.lMIt .-.--........n...aaflllU." ,aw.. . "l.-..-J'a.....-1euIt.-ALJ..... . IJM\,M tt ........ '. -" ~.~~~....._,---_._....- .- -..~ -~_. .... _n_ _._... . . .. .._...._____,._..._ "-'.'-.---..-. ..-...-....-.-. .-...... . ..- - ,. .-.... .., .-- --_______4_._ eoptter with all the UMmIJIIU, 1&uetUIa."..",. aNd oppurU,.,.,..., wUA ~rJerll prir';/,'t>. ri,M. ""le, t",U/,flllt and utate, rew,.,40"" remaUIcIR tJIId ~ .rflW hlmtli.A1 or in flnllrm..fJ opper- faini1lli Co If)8be anD to ~olD tM IIQ..... t", I_ ,impM 101W1e,.. "'1<<1 tho/! w.td pang 01 1M /lrd JIG'" cfofA, OOWlltJllt II1UA eM tltJitl pari l. 01 M. ~rL.~t U W I.4wlutlg ~illf'.d of 1M MI.d """"""; M4l tltt!1I are IIW 01 all t.ulr"....bNJ,~~ tood rilht a1&d .lawful autlaorU,I to ..u ell. -....; find. ... ItJid partg ()I UN fi,.., pan dn..M MrWIg . ""1/ U1Q,rra".t tM euz. 10 ea.i.d 1tJ1Wl., and rD&1l rUl_red u... 'a.... alaUad fA. "'Iul nlat"." o{ all per. ..... wAom~w,.. In raftn". ..... Uu Ml4 1J4I"IJI 01 'M flrtrt pari half "fJruttd eM. ",....,.. to a. It".. i.A ... JIG.... by it. Pruidt>"t, ,,,Id II" ~ I<<J.l to(} h af/f.;1cMl, a"-W "" iu 1e9Nt&17 1M .. aAtl .~,. d,me ~. ,1111~'~'~,'r\T tifi III f\.._".......... ./ "" <r ~..~'I..!/lIllih.:; -., ", ~'....~.. "'1 (' " "i!,!!~ ".:" _ .... '. .lf1~),,~1 '" ,~~ . ~r!... ~! .. '" ;_, I ~hff'" .",&:L:... ::.. $~." -~ fT!11"'!':"I....;.loot1-..' ~. ',"'.".T..A "'. ..;;, ;:.., -..., .I.'..~...... "-"" ';i,': .., ..~' 4~~,\.'1 ~ .,-' ..' , ,PI;' '",,,,.. .~, ." ^. t' ,11--:" ,."...... ,liJi...., .. V.I :, i ~ ~~ v:. ".......~ c:,. ,/ "., .~ d. J~O" 'I." " I ........... , aJ: .,.1. "".J;'8MW'~ DfUwrM ill o.r p,...,..,: } .""........ .-.. ~_.._:._~~~~~.::~.- - ,i" ~' ;~,i,H_:!; ) , ! t "':-1' _......_ _ _ ______.......__ " i:;i~r!" . . . 1'1" ,'" ~ rl:::" t: , ~_----~I"':- -"- - , ~;1'1 i.'. '/~' · ,'. " . B,I .h, too, '. . A II...~~(,.. (; P~~;d."t, J, !i .__._._.e._._.:"'..~,...,.... . ' , ! "., " -' , ...I<<,"~' ......... ,u, ,~R. I _ .:II. l (. "'",-, .."___~__......_ -...... '"""--" .....1 ,_...,~...~,,~....",. 1'i_I"l",a 1/'\ , , i . j , , I J I r ~ ' , t ~. I I 'I ~ I I ;i.. .... ./ll! .i ~il.~:.......... loa :' ':' ~: ':" ' '1' \!,,:: ; ":. :"', ,h, ::-"".:, "," . :,' ,._ ", :'.: '~l:. .~ i ./. "'D/~~__~ ~I"~~I~I" ,'.....;~w..~.. ..... ou*'d,. . . ''''/~H.,''','~~. 11II.". ~.' "i' tT. ' ....I;..,.~.' '.:. OO.'~....'. m.~::,~.'..".;"" '.'., '......'.. "'.'.. '. '.I.('!I!I~t" 4 1I'1llili!j~,,, 'I:'. .______.._. ~,.,.,..,,'~i...~ ..'~~_~~..__~, /01''- -.......-- ~'""" .....~ 1!'II!<<.""".,ot --...- I III ~~ ""'M4~-M ,:, "';"'~~~~./,-,~j'!I,:il" , , ~"~.:,~", lllll~.~~~i:,.I: II ... eA. 0..... o/--.""WJ',J I, ,; ....., ,.~~~r;:t'&IIM'l"" "1l]l~"": I ,'" '- ~.. .......... (#'.~4' '".....;:-,~;:~T.iM-A~ '~I~. '. ,,", !I .;: ; J''''~O 'A"'~" .. ~ j'~ij''':'''\!' I~r.!t ';il\~ ::~ .tj~ '*~-<~' '&:t:. ;.... ';~m~' ~;,..!. 'a:i~., ;~\ 'j::l..,"'" "..~ ~. '-'..io:~B ~ I~!'t' i ~ -;';~I~ '''..~ 4.; ~~f" ," ". ~ . ...4..... ...' ,,," ....' t ',. I.' \)...' "'", 0 n I \\\' P III'tIUItU"" ...1 ..;; Wji~! ",r',' . Gl L..i. r I_ ,~ 'ijIFlI'! : ,till ~..liA:': !. j rr: ~.~ ~!! , "1' ~,[; , ~l~ ti:.. " , JHf~ ~1 r .,., ~t ., ~"i4I"""'.~'Itt'~""""""'I''''''''''''' r II . ~ " r f J r ;'