FLORIDA CLEARWATER BEACH HOTEL COMPANY JI .-...( ... ,,~_.r_ , I QUIT CLAlW DEED THIS lHDENTUU, mad. tIli. 15th day of AUlut, A. D. 1968, betw.en the CITY 01" CLEARWATER, FLOIUDA, .. aUDio!pal cOI')N)ration. party of the fir.t pan. aM FLORIDA CLEARWATER BEACH HOTEL CO.. a Florida. corpora',OG' of.. COlUltyof Pla.Ua. and Stat. of Florida, party of the ..conet JlAl't. WITNESSETH. That tb. .aiel party of th. fir.t part, for aad in co..i_l'ation of the '\IID of Oa. Do1lal' iD baad palel by tho .ald party of the ..coacl part,. the rO..'pt wh....of i. her.by ackaowlo".el. batb raml..d. r.lea..d...d quit clalza.ed, ad ,by tha.. ,I'....u 40th rem,.., 1'.1.... and ,.it claim _to tbe......rtyof;.aa. ...... part, it. ..ce...or. aD4a...lp8 lor.ver, a.U the J"i~t~~ title, W...t, claim &ad demua,d. whicb the ...id party of th. fir... pal't bataa la.._ to the foUowla, ".arlMellot. ,loceol' parcel of land, .it\\&te. Iy...., ......... bI the COlUltyof Pia.l1&" State of Florida. to wit: The North 20 f..t of AmWol' Stl'..t 1yUl' W..t of tb4t Ea.t Une of Lot 9 ,roJMM4I01ltla a. .bOWD OR tho Plat of MUler'. Replat I'.CO".. ,*Plat Book 36. pal. 11, Public a.coI'4. of Pla.,lla. CPtlUJ:, I'lol'Wa, '~J.cttoaa.r..ervlal thol'e- bom. ..d..tl'.........'aa.. w.lkway fo.. the ....ra1 public Ia ..".t\d.ty ..,....ri.... &act ...01'4.. iIl.O. R. Book alZI,,.,o '.00'" PutlUe a..co.... of PiD.Ua. COUDty. rl~d..... Sal.,,....t..iaA ..'.m..t &ad walkway for tIl. ...~...al ,."1.. 1'11101'. panicnl1a.l'1y d..crtbe. .. foUow.: ,. B..m .t the,U........ ., Lot 9 01 MUlert. a.plata. recor'" ...j~...ook16. ..... 11 of .... puW..a.cord. 01 Pbiella.C'-ty. Flo~1t1&. .... tuntheacellQOO'04tt W, 8. SO leet al4ta'" .ov.tMt"ly: ........ 01 the ....1'1, liDe 01 laid Let .'01' aPt 0.8.1 th..c. cOat,... I 10"'0"" W, 10d) f...; .........,'....U.l to ... South ltae .f .aid 141Uel' '. a.,.." to.... Jltp W.ter Mark ia .. O\l1lol Mexico. thou_ N l"'h'~.. 10.0 f..t &1_, .aidlli.b Wale.. ....1'~th_...ut,,..r.U.l to the ..enel_ of the South 1.. 0'....1. MiU.... __plat to,,-. P. O. B. A .ul'VeY of the ped.I;Piaa walkway 1. ...aodeclle Official a.col'd. Book Z2Z8.,.,..yao. Piae.. CO\1la'Y_ "lo..kIa. It i. uaclera.... aad .'I'..el tb&-t the a..tt"" 'I'ope..ty OWD.I' to tlM a~I,:.'lcdbed ......trian .......t... walkway .ball bav. the 1'1_'" bl'lt.... .aW.....'r..... ......at in accordaac. -16 p1au .... .,.clfie.UDa' .ubmltt" to aad approv.. by,....U.....peeto.. 0' tho City of Clurw.t... and abo th.,~' to ..... ."W ....ll'iaa ...em.at aad walkw.y. tl:4..1Z'.cl. TO BAVJ: Ala) TO.OLD. tJa. .ame, t.,.th.Z'wlUt all'" .1np1a1' the appu.....naac.. th...... "loIaillll or ia _ywl.o appel'taiaiDI.aad all the e'tate. dabt. Utle. .ta....t ... claim what..evel' 01 tII. .aiel ...rty of the fll'lt part. eithe.. In law 01' ..v.lty. to tJlae only '1'0"1' 1I..e, b.aefit aael beboof ..( tha .aid party .1 the ..~. ...rt, ita .ucc...o... &ad a..l,nl loravel'. -I.. -------------- I:; -ooCj (3) _.~'~ '\ ..... j!.;' I /J r"/ .., / Ii' ,/ / / , -.~~... ",....., , .l I IN WITNESS WHJ:UQI'.. the .aid pany of da. fil'.t pan baa cau.. th... 'I'e..atato be,_."ted .. ita.... by .,. Actiaa City M&I\&"I'. Clty Cl..k. cOUlltal'.t.....'..l'. Ac-., ,....yor..COIIIlDl..loa.l". &ad a..ov.d a., to ftt,.-maad c...w...... ."" it. City .,......y....4 ita co:rporat..Ml to be heN.UIlte attachecl~ ..... day: _4".al" nalt ala... Wl'ltteSL. CITY OFCa..B:AR. W A TEa, FLORIDA COUIl'I,..i....: "{~fl~lacka:t~'~'lI1 . .' "0.. Way.r-CO~.~, By ,. .lel.a., B. ..Weimer '. . Aelle. .elty. Maaaa,'1' , , ,.-,:. ' Slp.4...al.cl...4....U"...... $a ~. ,"I.eDceot; A"":I'~R.. 0.. Whiteh!-.d , ltyCl'l'k . . '''', . . {~l i'1Y~ F. SY~~:I~.'.I/ ' F,':;~-~'i. .',.., , APP~.' t. form and, ..o...l'.c....: 1-(lftUx A. JW,'.'i!C..';''', '.' 't' , '. -""'" l~ ( H~h.:r~ M. . BroW>>. .,. . . . " "'ity <Atto"MY . · ~ I STAT!: OF 1'1.01\.. ) .' COVNTYOF PINEtLMt I HEU.V,..TII"Y.. that_ tld. '.~.~ ,-..,. of Au...t. A.D. 19'8. before ~ "~"'Uy ....a.. Q. B. .... ....". H.r..d..... BrOWll. J.. G. Whl..JMa4 .,tal.I.a._~Ji....o....lJACltilll. C"y; 14......1'. Ci'Y A........, t Cl"C:"~~"'A__: Wa"'I'~c;lt"",~"lOD..r ~,"CUy 91 .,.1.......1'... a ........i........... _l.Uaa-_~ tbe 1&..01 the S~t. of Flo:rida.to'me ___to ..tMWlvtAhal.... ....r. d..c:I"l...4 Ua aDC1 who ...c... the fO~.M'" ..'V!'Y....~to Flo..W. C-.....terB.&cla.Hotel Co.. .. rio_tela e.t,....,-. ...;;......., ..........,.. ...cpn_ th....of to .. Oaelr fIo.. act.,.."" hell..l..... tb.......tb duly aut1aol'l."; azul that eM omolal ....., .~.....tt.l CO"fO_U.Y 4wy all.. th.r.to; &ad u.. .al'COD"',"'O."'.' ~...t"" .... of ..Wc.....atloD. WITNIl" ..,..'Art-.... ......cJlcial ..... _,Ol.a...atel' ia the County ., PlMUa. .....Itat..., ~lol't".tll. ....,. .... '''..1' above "l'ltt.. (.'--- R~tt.J ~..J-t1.8eU Notary "lie. Wy COQ:uni... E.,l....: A~IJ1.t L 1 ~'tQ ..z. ,\ ef.SGC 0 j