EDGAR AND NETTIE ROBERTS . "~ , - 557070, I - DEED 795 PAGE317 .' -< '~ ~ E E D. ssm OP FLORIDa. ) I OOT1Bft' 01' PIDLJ:.lS) it ' ..,. ~"Jfad. thia 'the t~ -- 4&7 of IItlrch" A. D. 1938" .b7and b.....,~".j.1a.d bJ his,wife",~ nSII B.QIERTS, 1118 1I1re. \,ot ,tb.eOo'tUltJ of P1Ilelle.., Sta'te ot Florida" par1iiea ot the tirat par', &IldqITY 0' OLEAR1lA.'lEIl. PLORIDl, a II\m1c1p.l Corporat1ea" of PiDellaa CountJ'. S'tate ot Florida" parq- ot the ..cond III rt J t1f"8~t ~t tJ::aaaaid Portie. ot the tirat part, tor and 1n con814eratl- of tl:Ie a.ot '!en Dollars. and other val-..ble COIl- ai4eratlGlae, laWhlIlODej ot' tJ;u4.tWl.',llt~..tea ot "~loai .. them ~f;t*ll4 i"14b"~: '...:,.,..~:.t .... .ecoacl ~tat" o~b.t.r. tM , .j'.,' ",~i ~.;..~. _...,._....'...'r_ _._.. _ ~_.,'~_ ""'_._"-'<__~-~"'" .,..........-.- ....,..- - ".' -.. .." -- . . '-.. easealiDg and de11ver, ot these pre8<<Dta. tba rece1pt whereot 1_ h.I'.b7 aob.wle4p4., bay. pan"ct.barp,1aed., 80ld" CODV..,e4 and .. eoDf1rlle4, &114 b7'th8.. p...... _ put"barp.1n. 8ell, co.....,. and coDtiN \1D to tbe aa1l1. paJtt7 ot .. ae.oDd part, and 1;0 / ita __0...01'. and a..1pator....r. all the tollew1aa p1ece. parcel, 10. _I' 'tract ot 1&a4..1.... 1a tbe Oo\1lltJ: of P1Dellaa, Sta'te ot Plor14a and 4..or1b84 aa :to11o_. ,to-wit I Lot ~n (10)" ill B10ek -BIi 01 AV01U>ALE SUBDIVISIOB" acoord1q 1:0 the, _p orp1.at 'thereot a. reco1'484 1Jl Pla t Book Sevea (')" pas. por'tJ' ( 4.0) ot the publio recorda ot naellae Ootmt7. Florida. "TOGE!BBR _~I~ a.;!~,.!~_".~*,~. ;h...",,:t;Qeaen1;a.u~'ta- ",,_u""'~'_.~"'_."~":'~""""'~.~'- ,'_ . ~" ,-,- - -'- MD.' .... ap.......i~. ~~o..1q 0Jt appertal~"a J and everr r1ght" title or 1a'tereat. lep1 or eq1d.1ab1e of the ea14 parti.. ot tM f11'.t part, ot, 1. aad to the ..... Jd-cm~OD (5) ,. DUD 795 PAGf318 , - , - .. ...., -.... ~ ;""i ..C i.; 19 HAVE AID '.rO BOIP. the __ _M 'the .a14 partJ' of the ..oOlld pal'.t,aD&l1t;........OJl. aDd a.aigns, to their own proper \188, b..t1 t aB4 behoof tor..8r. ., ..t1a8...u pl r1;le. oL tl18 first part haTe here\lDto set their hands andseala,the a&,. and year fust above wr1tt_. (SEAL) (SEAL) Signed, ..aled and de11..ree ./ - - ~ ~_..,-----~-.---.~- ~~--",.../ ,._~ ;f~,'-",~ . -"--'''~;--- ."'" -!.,.,^ .,_. - 2 - -, ,: , - I - , . . - ... .' .~.; ...., ,DEED 795 PAGE319 sa'm OF FLORIDA ) t COUN'i'I OF PIDL1A8 ) ~ _II .. 1Ib18 tbe l['-44A7ot.1I8.nho A. D. 1938, betore me the undera1gl1ed-iuibor1ty, appeared EDGAR A. ROJ~!S' and IE. ~ w1te, to - aU ..... .azMl mo,. to me to be tile s..u.vw..le 4.scZ'1-.a'D and wbe ueouMcl the torego1q oonft7Ulce to tbeOlt)",of' Olearwater, Flo~lda, a JluD1elpe.1 Corporatl.., aDd .....erallJ' aolatowMdp" the aecu1;1oD thereor to be their he. act &Di1 4.e4 tor tihe 'WIe. eat purposes th8rein mentloned J t PURfHBRc:EU.m that the said IET~pj FI8Bll~, tihe wif'. of' 'the .ald ~ on a ..JI&I'&W and pl'ift~ ex- AlIIt.na.tl_ talteD. and 118.4e b1 and betore .., and ..llU'atel,. u4 a~!jif,e:e~",~r.a~:~_~:~~!"i'~.~~~~ t~t .~~~ ~._r...~ a part,. to tbt sald deed ot oonv8J'&110e tor the purpose. ot renouac1JlS, rel1DCl\d.8h1.D8aDdoonvqS.aa all ,hez'l'iPt, t1tle and later..', whether of' dower or of ..paratepro.,erq, ..w'torJ' 01' eq1l1w.'bla, 1a and to the -...n48 there1a described, and that she executea ..14 4ee4 treelJ and vol=tarU,. and wl1Mut &DJ' cona:&irILs.at, tear, apprebenaloll or oOlQl)1laloD ot or :tr_ lieI' ...lel buabaad. !!DIE! ., ,haad &D4 ot1"1c1a1 .8&1 tbe date ator.add. .0 r'1 Public, C;i'.~i.ii,~'..~.~.,,::~;p.;.l.,~.'.:". ,..,... ..... .aJ.oi.""~"~"1J~;. 7~://ft:t ..!' ~"..~ ;_u . "..'.~""'1~1t!i!~;i.",'.H"ii~..:"1.:':'."'....':;'.,.,I., - CJ~( , ..-.. .l'J~' ,:~ "..,;;:,~,i ~.r""'- , ~/ \\ \j.fltJ;'(~:. '" .~\c'~lid;:~~t~~f"!~ J~; t lI,,\'r"J'"'''' "..:,:!IiII. ,,,"..'''' .,........ .' , ,,~~" . ill' >J,.~~~~;:~/ti,~;" ," ,,:. J~...~.. ,.hl'l!",,"'ll.'."':.... .."... H"i.r~. . 1.".. " :, ~............ \.. ' tl. lUI'~' " -' . .i,:~" 1 4' ~'_''''''_~'' - s -