Brown, Michael RobertsCITY OF C LEARWATE R POST OFFICE BOX 4748, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33758-4748 CITY HALL, 112 SOUTH OSCEOLA AVENUE, CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 33756 TELEPHONE (727) 562-4090 FAX (727) 562-4086 DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY CLERK December 4, 2002 Mr. David E. Platte 603 Indian Rocks Road Belleair, FL 33756 Dear Mr. Platte: Per your conversation with Bryan Ruff, Assistant City Attorney, I am attaching herewith the Consent to Conveyance form which is required to transfer ownership of privately owned spaces in the Clearwater Municipal Cemetery. There is a $25 charge for the transfer plus $14.00 for recording fees. If I can be of further service, please contact me at 562-4097. Yours very truly, Susan Stephenson Document & Records Supervisor Ss Enclosure Cc: Bryan Ruff, Assistant City Attorney BRIAN J. AUNGST, MAYOR-COMMISSIONER WHITNEY GRAY, VICG MAYOR-COMMISSIONER Hm7 HAMILTON, COMMISSIONER FRANK HIBBARD, COMMISSIONER BILL IONSON, CO:NIMISSIONER 'EQUAL EMPLOYMENT AND AFFIRMATIVI? Ac'rION EMPLOYGR" Stephenson, Susan E. From: Ruff, Bryan D. Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 9:43 AM To: Stephenson, Susan E. Subject: Roberts-Cemetery-Block 5, No. 123 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Due By: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 3:00 PM Flag Status: Flagged Susan, Thank you for all the information you provided. I spoke with Atty David Platte who is representing Michael Roberts Brown. I informed him that an Affidavit stating to the best of his client's knowledge he is only remaining heir and holding the City harmless. The atty said that he would try to reach his client, but believes he is traveling. Also, I informed the atty that a Consent to Conveyance must be signed, in the event of sale. He asked that we send this document to him for his review. Would you be able to send the Consent to Conveyance to : Law Offices Of David E. Platte 603 Indian Rocks Road Belleair, FL 33756 Thank you, Bryan Ruff Law Offices of 603 Indian RncLs Road Bel?eaim, FL 33 756 (727) 460-0,420 Admitted in C?ol®raal® November 8, 2002 Pamela Akins, Esquire City Attorney P.O. Box 4748 Clearwater, FL 33758-4748 C EI Qd ??®) 4 61- -5 6v,5 NOV 12 2092 CITY ATTORNEY Re: City of Clearwater Municipal Cemetery -Block 5, No. 123 Dear Ms. Akins, I represent Michael Roberts Brown, who is a great grandson of Nettie Fish Roberts,'the last person to whom the above-referenced cemetery plot was deeded. Edgar A. Roberts (1867 - 1939 was buried in said plot and was subsequently moved to Sylvan Abbey in 1953. Nettie Fish Roberts also owned plot 122, which she deeded to a Horace Roberts, where four people are buried. My client has no knowledge of who Horace Roberts is, but assumes he is a distant relative. My client, the last of Nettie Fish Roberts' lineal descendants, would like to sell plot 123 We would like to know from you what documentation ou require as ar as droving lineye• such as j' wills, death certificates, etc. for this' plot to be deeded to Michael Brown. Michael's mother, his closest living relative, is willing to sign an affidavit as to Michael's lineage, if that would be sufficient for the transfer of the property in question. Another issue related to this matter is that of a headstone which is on plot 123. That ti headstone, which is more like a monument, had only the nameme?`Roberts" on it for years, but now is ,engravcd _with 1 orace Roberts' name, My client believes the headstone belongs to his family, and the owners of plot 122 may believe it belon s to them. I understand the cemetery does not own the headstones, however, my client would like to sell this_ headstone so we would like to know the proper procedure for removing the stone. --___ Stephenson, Susan E. From: Ruff, Bryan D. Sent: Monday, November 25, 2002 9:28 AM To: Stephenson, Susan E. Subject: Legal Susan, I have been assigned to answer a question regarding the documentation required to prove lineage and was told that you may know the answer. An attorney representing a client who would like to sell a cemetery plot has asked (1) what documentation the City requires for proving lineage, such as wills, death certificates, etc. for a plot to be deeded? and the related question (2) what is the proper procedure for removing a headstone? Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated! Bryan ? A