03/18/1986; 02/14/199703/18/1986; 02/14/1997 400 MANDALAY AVE DOUBLETREE RESORT & SURFSIDE TIKI HUT POOL BAR T0: FROM: SUBJECT: COPIES: DATE: c~~~i~ CITY OF CLEARWATER Interdepa-tment:il Correspondence Ream Wilson, Director, Parks & Recreation; Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer; Bob Perkins,CE III; Mike Quillen, Environmental Engineer; James Goodloe, Fire Marshall; Steve Doherty, Central P rmitting Supervisor ~// J Allen V. Mahan, Coordinator, Central Permitting ~G~~~ /v/ Re-Certification of Site Plan for DoubleTree Resort Surfside(Holiday Inn) to Add A Tiki Hut-Pool Bar:: -February 14;.1997, ~, Attached is a copy of the amended site plan for the Double Tree Resort Surfside(Holiday Inn formerly), submitted on February 12~h for re-certification to add a Tiki Hut Pool Bar. Please refer to the Holiday Inn Surfside Certified Site Plan of March 20, 1986 in conducting your review, The Doubletree Site Plan was brought to BPRC for an informal review. If you find the site plan to be acceptable, please initial and date, If you do have an objection and/or recommendation, please comment below or attach your comments to this memo. Comments: (by whom and with date, please) d~ ~Jd i~ Your assistance in preparing the plan for a February 215 re-certification will be appreciated. Thanks. AVM/avm Doubletree ResortSurfside(HolidaylnnRe-cert 1 ,~ 1. CITY OF CLEARWATER Lrterdepartmental Correspondence T0: Ream Wilson, Director, Parks & Recreation; Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer; Bob Perkins,CE III; Mike Quillen, Environmental Engineer; James Goodloe, Fire Marshall; Steve Doherty, Central Permitting Supervisor FROM: Allen V. Mahan, Coordinator, Central Permitting ~+ SUBJECT: Re-Certification of Site Plan for DoubleTree Resort Surfside(Holiday Inn) to Add A Tiki Hut Pool Bar COPIES: DATE: February 14,1997 Attached is a copy of the amended site plan for the Double Tree Resort Surfside(Holiday Inn formerly), submitted on February 12~h for re-certification to add a Tiki Hui Pool Bar. Please refer to the Holiday Inn Surfside Certified Site Plan of March 20, 1986 in conducting your review. The Doubletree Site Plan was brought to BPRC for an informal review. If you find the site plan to be acceptable, please initial and date. If you do have an objection and/or recommendation, please comment below or attach your comments to this memo. Comments: (by whom and witf~,date, please) DEB ~ e ~9p Your assistance in preparing the plan for a February 215 re-certification will be appreciated. Thanks. AVM/avm DoubletreeResartSuriside(HolidaylrmRe-cerl .. ~ ;., , ~, February 10, 1997 Mr. Val Mahan Central Permitting Coordinator City of Clearwater 100 South Myrtle Avenue Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 34618 RE: DOUBLETREE RESORT SURFSIDE TIKI BAR AND POOL Dear Val, 9 ~ 6tl 4~y f ~ FEe ~ z ~g~r CE'#~TR;~~, PERMt~lNG Ct-~-~ ~?~~cEAR-_ER This application is for a site plan certification (re-certification) for a new pool, pool deck and pool bar (Tiki Hut) to be constructed at the Doubletree Resort Surfside, 400 ~ (~.._ ~~ Mandalay Avenue, Clearwater Beach. .-~(, ~~ This plan was reviewed and approved by the D.R.C. on November 6, 199 This plane with variances was approved by the City Development Code Adjustme Board at a public hearing on December 12, 1996, Item 10. We have added additional utility i~ ~ C , information for the new work as per your request. j~ Specifically, the work involves the following: 1. Construction of a new pool (second pool) and whirlpool 2. Construction of a new pool bar (Tiki Hut) 3. Extension of pool deck area with new landscaping 4. Deletion of existing beachside bar (Sand Bar) 5. Deletion of fourteen (14) existing parking spaces. The final building location was shifted east 7' and south 11'-10" to reduce conflict with the existing FEMA V zone. This reconfiguration was informally reviewed and approved by members of the D.R.C. on 1/23/97 including yourself and, among others, Jeff Daniels. KIMBROUGH ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS Richard A. Kimbrough, AIA Florida Registration No. 4038 Sixty Five Fifty Central Avenue St. Petersburg, Florida 33707 813-384-1844 FAX 813-384-1900 ~ ~ ~ ~' T t Mr. Val Mahan February 10, 1997 Page 2 Plans and specifications are now complete and we wish to proceed as soon as possible with construction. Please contact me if you desire any additional information. Very tr ours, "chard A. Kimbr gh, AIA RAK: kmr cc: Ms. Maria Cheng Mr. Dave Smith Mr. Bob Walter i. .. 4x. ' i FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY O.M.B. No 3067-0077 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM ExpiresMay31, 1993 FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATE FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES The floodproofing ofnon-residential buildings maybe permitted as an alternative to elevating to or above the Base Flood Elevation; however, a floodproofing design certification is required. This form is to be used for that certification. Floodproofing of a residential . building does not alter a community's floodplain management elevation requirements or effect the Insurance rating Unless the community has been issued an exception by FEMA td allow floodproofed residential basements. The permitting of a floodproofed residentaa/ basement requires a separate certification specifying that the design complies with the local floodplain management ordinance. FOR INSURANCE COMPANY USE BUILDING OWNER'S NAME POLICY NUMBER Clearwater-Surfside Hotel ~'rust,`'c/o Financial Securit STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite and/or Bidg. Number) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NUMBER AS SUran~MPANY NAIC NUMBER I 350 Park Avenue, New York, New YoY'k 10022 OTHER DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, etc.) See Attached Legal Description CITY STATE ZIP CODE 400 Mandalay Avenue, Clearwater Beach, Florida 34630 SECTION I FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION Provide the following from the proper FIRM: COMMUNITY NUMBER PANEL NUMBER SUFFIX DATE OF FIRM INDEX FIRM ZONE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION _ (In AO Zones, use depth) 125096 - 0007D` D Aug. 19, 199 AE EL12 SECTION II FLOODPROOFING INFORMATION (By a Registered Professional Engineer or Architect) Fioodproofing Design Elevation Information: Building is floodproofed to an elevation of ~J.(J feet NGVD. (Elevation datum used must be the same as that on the FIRM.) Height of floodproofing on the building above the lowest adjacent grade is W . ~ feet. (NOTE: for insurance rating purposes, the building's floodproofed design elevation must be at least one foot above the Base Flood Elevation to receive rating credit. If the building is floodproofed only to the Base Flood Elevation, then fhb building's insurance rating will result in a higher premium.) SECTION III CERTIFICATION (ey a Registered Professlonai Engineer or Architect) Non-Residential Floodproofed Construction Certification: 1 certify that based upon development and/or' review bf`structural design, specifications, and plans for construction that the design and methods of construction are in accordance with accepted standards of practice for meeting the following provisions: The structure, together with attendant utilities and sanitary facilities, Is'vvatettight to the floodproofed design elevation indicated above, with walls that are substantially impermeable toahe passage of water. All structural components are capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic flood forces, including the effects of buoyancy, and anticipated debris impact forces. I certify that the information on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. 1 understand that any false statement maybe punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIER'S NAME LICENS~ENt1MBEFi (Qr.AHix Seaq Richard A. Kimbrough, AIA At(11UU4U3ti TITLE COMPANY NAME Architect ~ Kimbrough Associates Architects ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP 6550 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, Florida 33707 SIGNATURE _ DATE PHONE 2/12/97 813-384-1844 Copies should be made of this Certificate for: 1) community official, 2) Insurance agenVcompany, and 3) building owner. FEMA Form 81-65, MAY 90 REPLACES EDITION OF JUN 87, WHICH IS OBSOLETE. ' M- ~ J •r 1 • y1 PAPERWORK BURDEN DISCLOSURE tlOT1CE GENERAL -This information is provided pursuant to Public Law 96-511, (The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, as amended), dated December 11, 1980, to allow the public to participate more fully and meaningfully in the Federal paperwork review process. _ . AUTHORITY -Public Law 96-511, amended; 44 U.S.C. 3507; and 6 CFR 1320 DISCLOSURE OFBURDEN -Public reporting burden for the collection of information entitled "Post-Construction Elevation Certificate/Floodproofing Certificate" (FEMA Form 81-31 and 81-65) is estimated to average 12 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and . reviewing the forms. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any aspect of the collection, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to: Information Collections Management, Federal • ~ . Emergency Management Agency, 500 C Street, S.W. 20472; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (306?-00??), Washington, D.C. 20503. .v. '_ ~_ ~:;: 6 ~ ~ uy ~U.s. Q~: ~99O129-004~2012~ J, y PA 12,C EL t1 M •~ ~ 1L ~ 'That part of the North 725 feet of the South 1,575 feet of. the Ne~rth ~ of Section 8, Township 29 South, Range 15 East, Pinellas County, Florida, lying West of the center line of the right-of-way of Mandalay Road and being rnore part.i.cularly described as follows: Begin at the intersection of the South boundary of Palm Street (no~,r known as Papaya Street) and the extension of tl~e West boundary of Gulf Blvd. (now known as Gulf View Blvd. ) as said streets are s}-sown on file record map of plat of CLEAI'.WA'TER BEACH PARK as recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 42, Pi.nel.las County, Florida for a Point of Begin- ning (P.O.B.); thence traverse S 89059'43" W to the inters~c.t:ion with the Mean High Water line of the Gulf of 2~lexico to a puint designated as Point "A"; return to the P.U.B.; thence S 06030'52" W, 10.07 feet; thence N 89059'43" E, 251.63 feet to the platted lJesC Boundary of i~;andalay Road: thence S 06030'52" tti', 689.88 feet along the West boundary of Mandalay Roach thence S 89059'43" W, ]89.17 feet; thence S 00000' 17" E, 29.58 feet; t}~ence S 89 59'43" W to the intersection with the Mean High Water Line of the Gulf of ~'~texica, to a point designated as Paint "B"; thence meander in a Northerly direction along the Mean High Water Tine of the Gulf. of Mexico to Point "A". Containing 10.64 65 acres, more or less. ' LESS AND EXCEPT PARCELS B AND D, deeded to the City of Clearwater, as recorded in O.R. Book 5271, Page 2113, and PARCEL. C, deeded to tl~e City of Clearwater, as recorded in O.R. Book 5271, Pages 2120 and 2128, public records of Pinellas County, Florida, which are described as follows: PARCEL B The East 12.00 feet of Parcel A, being more particularly described as follows; Commence at said Point of Beginning for Parcel A; thence traverse S 06°30'52" W, 10.07 feet; thence N 89059'43" E, 251.63 feet to t}te West right-of-way line of Manda- lay Road, said point being the Point of Beginning for Parcel B; thence S 06030'52" W, along said right-of-way line, 689.88 feet to the North right-of-way line of Marianne Street; t}tence S 89°59.'43" W along said right-of-way line, 12. U8 feet; thence Id 06°30'52" E along a line parallel to and 12.00 feet from the West right-of-way line of Manda- lay Road, 689.88 feet to a point on the South right-of-way line of Papaya (Palm Streetl,~: thence, N 89°59'43" E along said right-of-way line, 12.08 feet to the P.O.B. for Parcel . B. Containing 0.1900 acres more or less. PARCEL C Begin at said Point of Beginning for Parcel A; thence traverse S $9°59'43" W to the intersection with the Mean High Water Line of the Gulf of Mexico to a point designated as point "A"; return to the P.O.B.; thence S 06°30'52" W, 1.0.07 feet; thence , S 89°59'43" W to the intersection with the Mean High Water Line of the Gulf .of Mexico to a point designated as point "C"; t}fence meander i.n a Northerly direction along the' Mean High Water l..ine to point "A". Containing 0.0852 acres more or less. PARCEL D Corxnence at said Point of Beginning for Parcel A; thence traverse S 06°.30'52" W~ 1 0;Q7 . feet; thence N 89°59.'43" E, 251,6.3 feet to the West right-of-way line of Mandalay Rpad~:; thence S 06030'52" W along said right-of-way, 684.88 ~ee.t to a po~.nt on the Nortkir ~ , right-of-way line of Marianne St. ; t}~ence S 89°59'43'r W~ along said right-of--way lirte~... 189.17 feet to the Point of Beginning of Parcel D, thence continue S 89°59'`43" W to `;fit;': the intersection with Ehe Mean High Water Line of the Gulf of Mexico to a point ~ „~,y designated as point "D"; return to the P.O.B. for Parcel D; thence 5 00°00`17.", E:along the West right-of-way line of Coronado Drive, 29.58 feet;-thence S 89°59'43" W along '`'~ the Northerly boundary of CITY PARK SUB as recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 37 .of~the ~. 'Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, to the intersection with the Meari High '~~'~.~.~;` Water Line of the Gulf of i'lexico to a point designated as point "B"; [hence meande~_ ~ ' in a Northerly direction along the Mean Iligh Water Line to point "D". Containing „~, 0.3407 acres;.. more.-or'1ess. All containing 10.0305 acres m.o.l, ~, ~ y ~~~~~c~`~.~ ~~~ -- - -~ +C~T~t~ ( 1Y CLE~~~;,^vATER ~E~.13'~Ji ~ FLATS f aQ. F1Cl TOIL 1~C.G0 CHC~: 15Q. C!D CHiYG . Ct0 ~?G~13 11:1:[ H !'Lr~TS 150.(}0 TOTL i50 . ~ c~cf; i5aoo ~~~~~~:Z~~~~~i~~~cti~~ .00 i.I~E 05 ~ ~` ~- _-~--- _ -~ . ti ~ ~ ~. t s~ d \ ~l .+ . `\. \ \, a f "~! , ~ do ~ ^~ 1 ~ ~' d ~~ ~ f February 10, 1997 Mr. Val Mahan Central Permitting Coordinator City of Clearwater 100 South Myrtle Avenue Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 34618 RE: DOUBLETREE RESORT SURFSIDE TIKI BAR AND POOL 1;~ 1~ Dear Val, ~ ~~' (' This application is for a site plan certification (re-certification) for a new pool, pdof eck and pool bar (Tiki Hut) to be constructed at the Doubletree Resort Surf ide, 400 ~~~ Mandalay Avenue, Clearwater Beach. ~, ~ , T - _~ ov T is pl~~ with variances was approved by the City Development Code Adjustment Board at a public hearing on December 12, 1996, Item 10. We have added additional utility information for the new work as per your request. Specifically, the work involves the following: ~ 1. Construction of a new pool (second pool) and whirlpool 2. Construction of a new pool bar (Tiki Hut) /Y~,~/!'~ 3. Extension of pool deck area with new landscaping --~~ 4. Deletion of existing beachside bar (Sand Bar) 5. Deletion of fourteen (14) existing parking spaces. The final building location was shifted east 7' and south 11'-10" to reduce conflict with the existing FEMA V zone. This reconfiguration was informally reviewed and approved by members of the B.P.R.C. on 1/23/97 including yourself and, among others, Jeff Daniels. KIMBROUGH ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS Richard A. Kimbrough, AIA Florida Registration No. 4038 Sixty Five Fifty Central Avenue St. Petersburg, Florida 33707 p ~C~Dd FEB 18 1997 C! FC EARWATER 813-384-1844 FAX 813-384-1900 February 10, 1997 FEB 2 U 1987 Mr. Val Mahan Central Permitting Coordinator City of Clearwater 100 South Myrtle Avenue Post Office Box 4748 Clearwater, Florida 34618 RE: DOUBLETREE RESORT SURFSIDE TIKI BAR AND POOL Dear Val, This application is for a site plan certification (re-certification) for a new pool, pool deck and pool bar (Tiki Hut) to be constructed at the Doubletree Resort Surfside, 400 Mandalay Avenue, Clearwater Beach. This plan with variances was approved by the City Development Code Adjustment Board at a public hearing on December 12, 1996, Item 10. We have added additional utility information for the new work as per your request. Specifically, the work involves the following: 1. Construction of a new pool (second pool) and whirlpool 2. Construction of a new pool bar (Tiki Hut) 3. Extension of pool deck area with new landscaping 4. Deletion of existing beachside bar (Sand Bar) 5. Deletion of fourteen (14) existing parking spaces. The final building location was shifted east 7' and south 11'-10" to reduce conflict with the existing FEMA V zone. This reconfiguration was informally reviewed and approved by members of the B. P. R.C. on 1/23/97 including yourself and, among others, Jeff Daniels. r~ KIMBROUGH ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS Richard A. Kimbrough, AIA Florida Registration No. 4038 Sixty Five Fifty Central Avenue St. Petersburg, Florida 33707 813-384-1844 FAX 813-384-1900 r Mr. Val Mahan February 10, 1997 Page 2 Plans and specifications are now complete and we wish to proceed as soon as possible with construction. Please contact me if you desire any additional information. Very AIA cc: Ms. Maria Cheng Mr. Dave Smith Mr. Bob Walter ,lfl~j/i~ry ~~~ tt~f ~yi13.9v );trct'~ - \~I,;~ ~ ~~ ~ =- ~ vY ~/ f ~ ffJi, '°-u..,vwryr July 3, 1995,. Mr. Richard A. Kimbrough, AIA Kimbrough Associates Architects 6550 Central Avenue St. Petersburg, Florida 33707 RE: Surfside Holiday Inn -Clearwater Beach Connection to Re-Configuration of Coronado Drive and Marianne Street Dear Mr. Kimbrough: ~~ Please be advised that I have reviewed your proposed site plan and have the subsequent comments: - the ingress driveway may be no more than 14' in width as the passenger car design vehicle is adequately accommodated in this aisle, - the ingress driveway must "neck" down to a 12' aisle width on site just south of the vehicle being able to turn left or right, - the access must be marked with "Do Not Enter" signs to discourage exit through this ingress driveway, - the site layout must reflect 24' aisle widths where landscaped medians are present, - a gated entry would be the most positive means to relegate the Coronado access to ingress only, - the site plan pavement markings, signing and landscaping, etc. must all meet City Land Development Code and Florida Administrative Code 14-110. I will await your review and response hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~ Richard J. aier, P.E. City Engir} er RJB/jl cc kimbrogh.jr If you have any questions or need further information, please don't William C. Baker, P.E., Assistant City Manager i! Don Meerians, Assistant Traffic Engineer Scott Shuford, Director, Central Permitting Department X "Equal Employment and Affirmative Action Employer" ~°f~~--~.__ s./ C I T Y O F C L E A R W A T E R. POST OFFICE BOX 4748 CLEARWATER, FLORIDA 34618-4748 DEVELOPMENT CODE ADJUSTMENT BOARD CITY OF CLEARWATER December 12, 1996 C10. John S. Taylor, III/Clearwater Surfside Hotel Trust (Doubletree Resort Clearwater Beach Surfside) for the following variances: (1) an open space variance for the lot of 13.76 percent to allow 11.24 percent where a minimum of 25 percent is required; (2) a parking variance of 42 parking spaces to allow zero additional parking spaces where 42 additional parking spaces are required; and (3) a clear space variance of 137.8 ft to allow 0 ft of clear space where 137.8 ft is required at 400 - ~ Mandalay - ~/ Ave -, Sec 08-29-15, M&B 23.01, zoned CR 28 (Resort Commercial) and OS-R (Open Space- Recreation). VR 96-86 Mr. Richter presented background information and written staff recommendations. He stated the applicant wishes to construct a new swimming pool, gazebo and tiki but bar south of an existing swimming pool at the hotel facility. A smaller bar/grille existing on the northwest corner of the building will be closed. He detailed the resulting outdoor alcoholic beverage service area, open space, clear space, and parking requirement calculations. Staff felt conditions support the request and recommended approval with three conditions listed on the staff report, plus three additional conditions he read into the record. One board member was gratified the bar with the outdoor band will be moving further away from the residential neighborhood to the north. Another member noted removing the northerly tiki but bar will correct problems with the property owner having failed to meet the parking requirements associated with a 1986 variance approval. Richard Kimbrough, architect representing the applicant, and Bob Walter, hotel general manager, addressed the board. Mr. Kimbrough profiled recent face-lifting and interior renovations. He said the new tiki but structure will incorporate cooking and seating areas, handicapped restrooms and pool equipment. The existing pool deck will extend to encompass the second pool. He displayed a site drawing and explained the proposed layout. He responded to questions about. closing the old tiki but .Regarding the parking variance, he said guests often arrive by limousine, taxi and bus. Personal transportation is frequently not needed because the hotel is a destination resort providing complete needs for guests. He said they have never experienced a parking problem. He briefly related the history of construction since the 1980's, and said they have no problem with staff's recommended conditions. He submitted a conceptual drawing and partial site plan for the record. Bob Walter responded to questions regarding the parking service. Valet parking is optional, and the parking lot is monitored and controlled with gates. He plans to soften the feel by building a gate and guard shack in front. Discussion ensued regarding Mr. Walter's plans to relocate activities that formerly accessed the beach through the back of the parking lot. He said the new tiki but bar will be open to the public as well as guests. It was indicated the board had previously received complaints regarding loud music directed toward Mandalay Avenue. One member responded the noise problem has been corrected during the ten years he has lived in the vicinity. He said he has not observed parking problems, in general. Mr. Walter agreed the entertainment style has changed to a more acoustic sound to attract a different type of clientele. Two persons spoke in support of the application as an improvement to the property and to the beach. One speaker said Mr. Walter graciously alleviated her concerns by explaining the proposal to her in detail. She is satisfied the new structure will not block her view of the Gulf. No letters were received and no opposition was expressed. In summary, Mr. Walter said the Clearwater Surfside and Ramada Inn Gulfview have the same owners, who have invested approximately $13 to $14 million into Clearwater beach improvements. He felt the proposal will be positive for everyone. In response to a question, he said they will have a grand opening. Member Schwob moved to grant the variance(s) as~requested because the applicant has substantially met all of the standards for approval as listed in Section 45.24 of the Land Development Code, subject to the following conditions: 1) These variances are based on the variance application and documents submitted by the applicant, including maps, plans, surveys, and other documents submitted in support of the applicant's variance request. Deviation from any of the above documents submitted in support of the variance request regarding the work to be done with regard to the site or any physical structure located on the site, will result in these variances being null and of no effect; 2) The requisite building permit(s) shall be obtained within one year from the date of this public hearing; 3) Prior to approval of a final inspection or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the new pool and bar, the bar/grille located in the northwest corner of the building shall be closed; 4) The peak of the roof on the new tiki but bar shall be no higher than 17 feet above grade; 5) the planting or replanting of any trees within the clear space shall be closely coordinated with the City Environmental official to ensure that views are preserved through this property for the general public and for the residents of the 2nd story dwellings located on the east side of Mandalay Avenue; and 6) The applicant shall provide shrubs on the east side of the new building that, upon maturity, will substantially screen the east wall of the building. Prior to installation, the applicant shall submit a landscaping plan to the City Environmental official for review and approval. Members Gans, Johnson, Schwob, and Jonnatti voted "Aye"; Member Stuart was not present. Motion carried. CITY OF CLEAR1hIATE~r Interdepartment Correspondence Sheet . .r ~~o ~r~y~~~Ay. T0: City Manager Anthony L. Shoemaker FROM: John D. Richter, Development Code Admini ator COPIES: See List SUBJECT: Plan Change - Holiday Inn Surfside ~ DATE; `March 1.8,, 1986 The Vice President of JP Hotels requests approval of the attached amended site plan for Holiday Inn Surfside (400 Mandalay). The changes to the certified plan consist .of a new deck/bar facility at the north end of the existing dining room (the existing pool bar will be eliminated)iand relocation of the existing trash compactor. `While a few parking spaces will be relocated, the proposed total number of parking spaces will be equal to the existing number of spaces. I recommend that the request be approved as a minor plan change. If you concur, please initial this memorandum and forward the attached copies of the revised plan to the City Clerk for certification and distribution. JDR/SG/df List ~i_",~V~J~~G O:~t'~1~~i ~7~N~' (1 ) Developer/Project Sponsor (1) - Jim Pauley, Vice President JP Hotels 4500 W. Cypress Street . Tun:pa, FL 33607 1r ` Edward Bethel, Building (1) Bill Baker, Public Works (1) Ream Wilson, Parks and Recreation (1) Cecil Henderson, Utilities (2) Keith Crawford, Traffic Eng. (1) Nicholas W. Lewis, Fire Marshal (1) Paula Harvey, Planning (1) John Richter, Development Code Administrator Cyn ie Goudeau, City Clerk (1) ;BAR ~ ff 1~ _,,• ~~~ CITY OF CLE~RWA~TER.,~ ' ' - Interdepartment Correspondence Stieet City Manager Anthony L. ShoQmak~r p TO: David P. Healey, Planning Director ~ FROM: ~ Lucille ~~'illiams, City Clerk;~oy Ayres, Building Director; COPIES: ~}ax Battle, Public Works Director; Keith Crawford, Traffic Eng.Directo- SUBJECT: ~~~E~~~ ;~ Minor-Plan-Change/Holiday Inn Hotel ~ DATE: June 5, 1980 ~+`.t ~' Ig$p. The City Commission approved the preliminary site plan for Holiday Inn Hotel on February 7, 1980 and March 20, 1980 subject to conditions. The plan was certified by the City Clerk on Iviarch 20, 1980. The developers of this property are now pz•oposing the fallowing changes: 1, deletion of the free .standing canopy at the entrance of the building and its replacement with a canopy attached to the building. 2. repositioning some of the parking spaces under the building to accorunodate the building columns ; 3. deletion of ti,To parking spaces on t,~e northwest side of the parking area to make way for a dumpster pad; 4. the use of some 90-degree parking south of the building rather than 60-degree parking; S. decrease in the turning radius at the access of the entrance drives-from Mandalay; and 6. final drawings of the drainage plan on the south side of the property. The drainage plan on the north side of the propert; has not changed from that submitted on the original certified plan dated 3/20/80 and is not shown on the revised site plan. The City Forester and the Traffic Engineering Department have reviewed the revised plan and have no objections to the modifications. I recommend we approve the modifications as a minor plan change. If yeu COnCt1r, pl.as~ '!nitl?~1._}1715 zn°':~O c:*'id forWr2'L~ the f:L~VE sttached CCp1eS Of the revised plan to the City Clerk so that she may certify them as a valid record of change and distribute them to the appre}~?riate depart;r:er is . DPH/PH/ms Attachments