6312-98,. , ; , � ORDINANC� NO. 63'12-98 �, ' AN ' 0#�D[N�►�ICE ' C?F THE C1TY C)F CLEARWA�ER , - FLQRIaA, CREATING THE +GITY fJF CLEARWATER ' ENTERPR��E zC3�1� UE'1lELC)PhlfEt�T AGENCY P�Ut�SUANT T� ��8� FLOR��A E�1Ti �F�PRi�E ZONE ACT �! Q� �9�4; F'R,+C3V��?�C�G �t�R �H� P'��ERS AND I!, R��Pt�N�i�3���Yi�S �F� ��4l� �CE�VCY; �STAB�I�HI,�G A �, gUAg2� O� ��1VI�i1���1C3�i'E€�� ��#� SAiD J�GENCY; �' PRt�'�I��NC� FiJ� THE �(��P��l�'IC3�i, TEft�I1S O� I U�F��1E, �CR��PEi�SATi4hl, �tE�TI1VG RU�ES �4�1D �I ���iCFEtS 0� SAId 80,�RD flF COMMISSIONERS; �EPEALING ALL ��t�ii��,t�CE�, �'�t PARTS O:F O!3��I�hIGES, IN +Gt�(�FLIS�T i�ERE'U'"Vi1�Hl; PR�VI��NG FOf� S�►/Ei��`IL�TY; Ft��'�E�,AL�N+G �IRD1�1�4NCE 58�� �5; , PRt�ViDi�VG; �41� EFFEC'��UE I[)A�'E� 'iM-�EREAS, pu�rs�ant fio ��ctiQns 2��.{�a'1��9Q.01fi o� the �lorida St���utes, t�e �Ic��id� Entsrprise` Z�ne Act ��' 9�94 ��ti�� "��k"), #he Ci#y of �Iea�ww�t�� Er�terp��s� Z�ne t;eas�d #o ��cist o� Glecember 31, '� ��4; an� I �ERE�1S, pursua�t to R�sQi�°�i�on �lo�. 98-28 ad� ted b the �i � �II' ' ! P Y tY c�rnr,l��s���o�r �af #he ��y � Cl�a�r�#er:�fi d�ugu�t 2fl, 1�98, �� ��ty +�ommi���vr� fc�unci �nd �e�Mare� th�t the ar�a de�b�d in ��xfi6b�t A t�a Re�o��lt���c���w �ia. �8-2� {the ,'Area�'� �hronicall�� exhib��s �x#��� and ��a�c:e�b�� ��v�e1s c�f �ove�fi�, un�mpio�rnent, physical dete�ior�;p�ica� ��� +�ccrr�c��ic disirtvestr�e�t; �nd , , ��REAS, as' a res�l# o� th� contir�ua#ion of variaus cor�d�#iQns ir� #he� Ar�a ��s ` �describ� �� Re�olu#�on N�. 9�8-28, the �i�y �€ C1ea�rw�%r �le�ires to exercise #�e�', autFror��r ��nferred by th� �c� #c� indt�cc� #��e �rirr�te se;ctar t+� is�ves# priva#e resvurc�s in pr�duct�v� �nte�p�ses #hat buitd ar rebu�l�d th� �ecor�orraic; w��bil�tyr ,�f �he Area, and ' ''I�iEREAS� �ric�r to �h�e Area b�:�nc� `a9��igana#��i as a state enferprise zo: e by t�ee '` �tatte �rf. F���da, Depiar�x+en� �C�r�m�:rce, thereby �Vl�w�ir�g the Cit�l of �ieaa a�er ��' exercise the authorityi► c�a��n�'�rr+ed �yr t'he �'#ct, t�� Gi�yr C��ission musi :�create �n �r�terp�ts� zone �ev��apmer�� a�er�cyr �����s�a�nt t� th�e �4ct; arad . : �: �€HEREAS; it �s ne�ssary #c� c�reate a�n er�terp�is� zone de�►�lo�men� �gec�cy . p�rs��nt #c� the Ac� t� hawe th� Area ���sigr�ated a� � st�t+� en#erpris� Zflne scb th�i th�� �i�,r xs �u�harized tc� e�c�rci�� the autha��ity cor�ferred by the Act; r�r�w, th�refore, �, � #�� �T C�F�D�f�J�[} BY �"FiE C)TY C�l'�9�#SSDON, CITY OF CLEARVII�TEF�, FLC1RlD�A►: , , ��.� il, , , , , '� � � Ordin�r�,l�� � � i �-�3� ! : .a� ��� . ' � S�ctian '!. , �r�eatian af �1aq�ncv�. '� Tttiere is hereb estabiish+ed u i' a b ic bc� co Qrate an i' d o l t i c t fl t� e Y P Y r P P k n a w r � � s' t h e C�fiyt of Ctea n n j r ater Ent�r p�ise Zon� D+ev�elo pment A�enc y (the ,'A gen c y,�). T r e e a c e� c���� b y t h� Age�cy o� i he por�°er� �nferr�d by fhis �rdinance and the Ac# �halt bel deem�� and h�;��d tc� be th� per�orm�n+ce of an �sse�ti�i pt�bRic fun�io�. '�, I ' S�ct�on Z. P+�w�ers ar�d F�+�spor�sibilit�es n� 1i�e �Qencv_. : �4. T�e:,4g�nc shal! ha�we th� �oi�owi� owers and res ansibil�es: � �i P P I �'�j ;to a�sist i� �t�e dev�el+opme�n� and irn�lerr�en#a#ion of the s#raiegic p�an �r th� l�►�a, i (�) ,�o oMer�ce an� ��rnitvr t�+e "rmpteur�entation of #he strategic pl�n ' for �he ; , r4r��a; ; � �3g t� a�opi a s�e� of by�av+rs #v govern its rra�e�ings and other activiili�s : I �4� ta fi1e w��� �h� City �omcnission ana� witta the A�ditor General �!�f�r th� a��#� �f �iorida, �;t�r �for� N�arc� 31 �f �a�:h y�ar, a reperrt af iis acti�ri��s for tll�e prec�din� fi�� year, w�i�h �ep�� sha�l �r�c.l�+de a cc�mpl�t� f�n�ncial sta#err�ent se��ing f�rkla its a�s�#s, l�ahilit�s, ��corr�� and vper��ing ��pens�s as +�� the end o� sc�ch fiscai y�ar. �t �kh� t��� of filin� #�� r�part, ti��� �c��n�y s��1'i �r���ish i� a r�e�rspapet �f g�ne;�� �circ��a�i�r� i� th�� �Crty of �leiar�a#er a n+�#i�e #+a ��e e�'�� #��a# s�.�ch ��p�►rt has #�ee� �iled �nrilth #he +�i�r ca� Ct�an�►ater ar�d #�ai t�e �epart is av��l�ble f�r s"nspe�#icn du�ing busin�s�'�,ha�rs i� �th� �€�ce crf #he C� Gierk �in� a� �he oifice o� �he Agenc�r; ; {5� #� rnake s�ar�erl �e o�ts i�� th� C' ��am�miss�Qn eval�ratin ih� r r�, • � l Y P' � Y �'� g� p c a g ��► �� i��lerrien#ing the stra#e�i� pl�n fc►r the A►��a; ; fi �o '� n' ;��rd r mrn �n � �eca e � #�o the C' � Commi i ss on wa 'I i i �Y' �' �s t+� r�r�+crv�e reg��atory banhers; ' {� to �i�nt�+ #c� tta�e +C�fiy �f ��le��r�#er ��e financiat �needs ; �f, and �����1 r��c�rce.s or �ssis�tnc� �vail�bie tm, �ligable b�sir�essea in the Area; � ��} pr�r �o ` aec�m�e� 1 0# �ac� y�:ar, �s�bm� #� t�e St�e�!, �f ��c�r����, C��p;��nent af ��merce„ a cc�mpl�%e ar�d ��t�i6eici �rrrit�ter� repart set#ing forth'�: �a} �s ap�ra��mns �r�d acr.�rm�C�shments during tt�e �isca� yea�, tbj -�e a�ccamplisF�ments �nd pragress �onr,erning the irnp , p,,;�� �tr��+agic plan �or th�e Ar��; ' ' 2 c�f �,h� Qrdi��,ar�ce ��1�-�8 ' � (�) the n�mber ar�d types of busir�ess�s a,sisted by the Agency duiing the f scai year, ; �cJ� ` the nUmber of jobs cr�eated with �he Area �during the fscal year; ; �e) the uSage an� revenue imp�ct of state and I�c�i incentives grantedl during the ca�endar year; a�d � an cr:ther info maation re u"r ��i t ed b �h e S Y � Y #ate of Flor�da, Departrr�e�t oi G�rnr��cc�e; E3. Th e A en' �a v h� e #he fol� o�in ow � an rs +d r s i i9 e ons biliti � Y e i ; 9� A s cont nge�t up+an a;pRrouat o� th� Gity �amrmiss�or�: � � ('6� 'subjeat to; fundinc� awailabuli#y, tra empioy an` executive dir�ector, te� hr�ic�l ��xperts, legal couns�t, ajnd such o�e� a�ents �nd �rnpl�yees, permanen# and temd mraryr, �as �t req��res, and d�t�n�i�e #heir q�alifica#i�n,�, dut�es �nd compensatian;: , , �`2� to rev�ew, pr�cess, ar�d �rEi�,+ ,a�plicatic�ns fs�� state er�terprise zti�ae fa�c ' ��t�enti�►+e� pursuan# to F.S. §2'�2.a8�5j{�), §212.4$(5}�h), �2�2.�8�1�), �2��I2.Q��, �2�t3.'���1, and 2�0.'�82; . �, �3� #o prc��ride assis'�r�ce� tn t�usinesses at�ci r+��id�nts vvi#i�in the en#�I �i�� �t���; �� ��4) to promc�t� the d�y�3c�pment of the er�te rise z�ne, includ�n �e ' arin "rP 9 P � �, p�rchas���, a�nd distribuii�g by mai9 t�r c�ther ur�earas oiF acive�#�sin�, iiter�tur� anc� a#taer rraa�€�nal ��eming the enterp��e z�n� and enterpr��e zone �n�aen#ives, , (5� ' fo �iorrow mvn�y and apP�r fcar at�d a��ccept �dvances, loans,� c r�►rats, �nt�but�a�ns, and a�iy �o�rer '��rrn Qf fina�+ci�� �a�;�sis�ar�� f��mi �e Federa� !Governr�+en# c�r tl��e sta�e� '�ur�ty, or` ottier ptr�lli� bc�dy r�r� �ro�m� a�ay s��ur�s„ �ubfic or pri�te, f r i�e ' pur,�oses �rf t�e Ac��'an�d to ��v� suc� se�;�rifiy a�s ma� b� �q�w��red and to enter ir��fl �ind ��+' oc�t �n#rac�s ot ag��nts ir� �con���ic�,�n #�herev±r�th; and �o inciude un any cc n�ract ��r fina�i��ial assistajnce ; with �h� F�f�ral G�averr�r�e�nt fi�r or w�i#h r�spect #� the c��e+v��c�prr��t of �he' entierpri�e zc��e a��d r�late+d a�t'i�rities such c�onditio�s iml osed ���s�;�n# ��+ fec#eral �vs � th� ��veming �ciy deerns r�asc�n�bte ar�d appr�priat� �I,w►�i�� �r� r��t i�ac�nsis#eni ��he p�sr����s �f t��is s�c���n; �� , ��� �o ap�rt�pr�t� ��c�� fur�d� a���i rnake �u�ch �xpenditur�s as ar� �ec�s�i�r�r tr� ��� ��It ��e purpos�s �f #�e A�t; , {?� �a make an� �x+�cut� c�►��tract,s �r�d �th�r instrume�rrts neces����,r �r ��rr���+e��t to the exerc�s� of r�� ��owers urrder t�»� s+�!�tir��; '� I � , � Ordinance �,� � �-9� 'I 8 to nocu�e insur�nce or re �ire bond a�inst a�y foss in connectioi with its f ) P, � 9 pfaperky in such ar,r�QUnts and from suc� ���suarers as m�ay b� necessary or de�icat le; (9) #o injvest any funds hei� in r�serves �r sinki�ng funds, oc any� f� nds n�ot r�equir�d= for imrnediate disb�cs�ment, un such investments as may be authorized by �he ihct; . . � othe r n aa d �1�j to purchase, se�i, �r t��id s#c�ck, ev�dences �ofi mdeb#ed ess, n c,���t�� �a�icipation instrurrae��s; , ��1� t4 inarest in c�orramunifij ir�vestrv�ent c�orporaii�ns whi�M conduc#, or �agr�e to �nd�ct, toan g'�aran�tee pra�gr�arr�s assisting bus:iness ente�prises {ocated in the en�erp�se aone. The �gency shall first atterrdpt to inv�st i� �existing cammunity in� estrne�t ` ca�o�r�fions, prov�ding servic+�s in #he �enterpri��e zon�. Suci� investments shall ! e made under �canditions �i�ed by f�aw and as #he agency m,ay re�qurre; including, but nM t Icra�ite� to: , ; ; , , (a} �e ��ds investec! by #h�r age�+cy shall be :a��d io provide loan gu ran#ees tc� i�dividuals for business ��t�r�rases l�cated in the enterp�ise zor�e; , �; �b� Ti�e :cc�irirn�r��fi/ 3n��str���t corp�rati+�n o�nay nc�t a�prove anY a�ppliE�'ratio� #�� , a��n g�arar�t�e �r�� �� p��c�� ap���ir�gr fi�r �h� ���� guara�tee sh�s tMa# � e or sh� ha� �pp��ed #or thi loa� or i�oa� g���ar�t�e t�er��gh no�rm�i b�nkin� cfiannels an� th�t �h� �oan +�r ioan guar�intee �as b�e� r�fused by ,ai �+�ast a�e b�nk or o#her financial ir�s�i��ti�n. S��fsan �; Bo�nci r�f �c►mmis�ioneess o� th�: ���, � � �. The pcn±vers +�f th� Ag�ra+r.y �h�ll be ������s� by a board �f comn�i���s�n�ers ���i���� o# not fewer th�n eighf (8� c,r �are than �irt�er� (13) commissror�E�r� �o be appc►��t�d by #he; C�j/ G�r�rnissic�n by subs�qtaent ordinance; provided, that'� the C�y � +C�mrr�ission rnusY appoint at f�eas� >one �1) re�r�sen%a#�ve fi ��rn each of the follow�N g. ; : � , � ( ) the bca� �harni�er of CoGn�nerc;e; (2) local fin�ncia9 0� insuran�c;e �nt�ties; �3j th� bus��ess�es �aperati�g with�m th� Are�; � ��) the tesiden#s residing w�hin th+e Ar��; � , ��) nt�n-prc�fit co�nmuni�ty ba�>e�d c�eganiza#ions Qpe�a#ing w�thin the Are,�; (�6j the iocal Privat� '�ndustr� Cour�cil; �7} the City �f Cle�rwv�ater �c�mrnranity �+�spor�s�e T'�am; and !� �e �312-��8' . . . . I . � . . . .. . � ' . ... � . .. . ' � . ' ' � ' � � . . � ... . . � . . . . � . . . . � , . � . . , . . . . . .. . � .. . . .. � . � .. � . . . ' .. . . . . • . . . . . , . . �. . . � . . . � . �8� the Gity, of �fearwaater Poii�e� pepartment. I , The Ci#y Commission shall also coi�sider t�ae importanae af minority represen ation �n the A�s�ency by majl�ing a�pointments so fhat the Age��cy generally reflects the g+ r�der a�d �thrai� compos�ian o� the +�cam��nity �s a r�hole. B. Tl�e terrns of offic� c�f �h� c,c�mrn�ssioners s�a�� be #or four {4j years, e� cept t�aa'i, �n r�a�Cing the in�tia� aPPoinf�nerats, the Ci#y ��nnmissic�n shall appc�int fwp {2j n�ember� fi�u �em�s o� �r�e (3� �rears, t�nr�o (2� �nembers for t�rans oi two �2) years'�,, and t��e �'�) m�er�ber f�r a%rm of Qr�e ('1) yea�r; the ��esnain�n� ini#iai members s#�all se��e �o� t�:rnns of �a�� (4} Years. A; vaca�r.y cjccurria�g d�r�r�g � t�r�m shall be fified f€�r the une�pir�� term. Ea�h co�m�ss�pr�er sh�all hafd a�� ur�iil a succes�or has been appoin:eci anc h�s , qual�ed'. A aertif�cate oi �i�e appoir�tr9nent or rea�p�ointrr���# of aray commiss�oner st�; l� be ' ' fi�e�i w�th �t� Cii�i �I�ic, ar�d tfie certificatW is �on�ciusive �evi+d�nce o€ the due and p' oper a�pp+�in'#��nt of the cojmm�ssi�r�e�. ; : C. Th�e City► Ccir�n�aissi�n may rwem�ov� a�cornmissio��n�r for- ine#ficiency, neg9e�ct c+€ dutj,� o� m�dud� in c�ffive c�r�l�r aflier a��ea�i�g a�d o�v�y if #he commiss�ner has een g�v�� � c��ay o� the �harg�s at least ten �(10� dl�ys ��i�r iQ #he h�ea�ing �nd has h� d�r� o�po�turai�y #a b� �ie�r�i � pe�-rss�� or by ����+el: I' D, A ct�rnmissigt�e� shail receive na c,�mpensar�is�n f�r his or her services, ��,�u� is entiti�ed ta �he neaessary �xpens�es, incluc�ing t�arrel ex��r�ses, in�urred in the discrlwarg� s�� hs� �r ��r dt�s: : �� �. � �n�'o ' �� #h� ca�m�s�ic��aer� �n��i����s � q��rum f�r t�e pu v�ll��� �f 1 �Y �P �����t�� D�usi�e�s ar►ti exer��sur�� �� �c��r�cs �f the ���n�� ���i fc�� a�i �t��r p��cp���. A��ki�r� �a�► be #aken by the �►g�rac� �ap+�r� a vcate o# a�na��r��r �f the c,�mm�ss�+��n�rs pu���er�t, un�,s in any; cas� ihe byiaws of i�he �gen�y requi�e a l�rger numt�er. '� F. The �it� Coi�rimis�ir�n sha!# +desigr��te by �ulbs�q�a�n# ordinance a chair �nd ' vi�ce-chair +e�# #!�e Agency �friotri �r�n+vng the c�rn�mi��ion�rs. S+� ' n 4. �on�i�#ir�g �Ur+dinar�ce;�. ' r a�s o�' ordinanr.,�s ini �r�fiict �er�ew�i#� ar� "hereta re ea��+�d �t�a A�r�� �dmanc:es, o P � ' Y P t�� ��ct�r�t t�f su� c,o��ict.' �e�f�c�n_5. S�ev�r�bi�i#�►. f If ���r �a�t of this ��rdina�t�� �ha�! �a+� �if�cl�r�l �nc�ansts't�tional or i�va�id t�y a q�t��t ��' �����+��t �unsdic#ion, th� r�ma�nar�c� prQ�ri��a�� �h�il r�m�ira Nr� full fc�rce ar�d e�'ecilt. ���±�n . �!rdinanc�e N�, �815�=9�5 is h�e���y rep�alert. , � Ordinance f�1��'�� ' ;... ,. � S, �tion 7: ; Th�s ordinan�e shall #ak�► effect immediately upon adoption': � PASSED O�[ FIl�S�' R�A►D1NG Augus� zo; i�9s `F'�SSE� Q�i �����1� ,�t�[� F[9�AL 'j ��l�}t�G /�iN� �DC��T�d September 3, 199$��T � II� : , ; Ft�ta Ganrey, Mayor-Corr�r�i �one r � - . ; ` , , , , �RP�+�^v�f as.#s� #orri�: ; At�est: , . .. � : ; �� � � � - � ; ���t�C.. r �...�� � �'����� K. Akin, Ci� �i�c��y �y► ia E, �s�udeau, Ci� �1e�c �- _ _' � , � � �� _ , , i ; ; ,. � , , _ , ! : ; , � . , I � � �Ordinanc�l, �5�12-��