GEORGE & ETHEL MOORE r - s' ')1 ~ '1 i tJO 5 .~;~.. f>.l" STAn: 0.. n.oRIDA } COUNTY 0,. PINELLAS TIDS JNDENTUJlE, made tile ___,_~___ day 01 _________F.~p_rJH._U____ A. D. II_'LL lIotw_ U.e CITY 0.. C1.JWlWATJ:1l, n.oRIDA, a mUDldpal eorponUOD. parl7 01 tile ftrot part, .... __~_Q*Q~__~~MQQM-An4--_---------- ETHEL L: MOORE' his wife /5'0" ~Q.../.t-QqXdr,c. 6"~"",~ ,,.. Pinellas _____________________________________I______________l_____________________________, of tile CauDtJ of ------1j,-s=7C;----------- ...01 5\.1\.1 of __-X..!~_!!S~______________. part.i.l?_~_ 01 tbe _01 put, W1TNESSBTH, That tho par1y 01 tile ftnt part, lor and In conaIdanUon of tho rum 01 :.::.=.:.:r.4t!!;:.:..':--:-_:_:.DoUan and otIIar ,004 and yaJuablo conaIdenUoD to " In band paid b,. ..101 part_iJ:.a.__ 01 tile IOCOnd put, at or belon tile uuoaIInI and deU.e.,. of tIl_ PreMDu, tho ncolpt wbereol .. b.,nb7 acknowlec!,ed. bu ,noted, bar,alDed, told, eoDyqod an" eonftnnod unto tho uIcl partJ~I_ of tho _Dol part, and to ___~~iJ"______ belR and ....pIa lonyar, aU tile followlnl P'- paieeI, lot or tract of land, altuau, lyIn, an" belDe In tile CountJ of P1neUu and 5\.1te 01 Florida, and deocrlbod u foDDwl, to-w1t: CITY DF CLEARWATER Thi. in.trument. prep.red by HArbert H. BravO 307 s. C.rden Ave, C1e.rwater, Florida 33516 ',C013497 DEED OF CONVEYANCE a.R. 3265 PAGE 330 I , / The West 110 feet of the East 115 feet of the South 137,50 feet of Lot 238, JnGHLAND LAKE SUBDIVISION, FOURTH .ADDITION, according to the map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 30, page 97 of the P \hlic Rp.cords of Pinellas County, Florida. ;:' :Ie ~ .... ell 0- u::t '~::r' :If...,.., c:;;n .lit. ~nc:' ... zo~ :g~o vo ,.,,.. rTI ~ ("00 n!.' .. "'0 -.. ;~ c:a .. Subject to reservation8 and restrictions of record and 1970 ad valorem taxes and thereafter, TOGETHJ:B WITH aU an" oInplar tile tenemenu, bendltalDeoll ...01 appvtenaneea tIlerounto bel0D,IDe or apperto1nlnl; and nU7 rlIbt, UUO or Inte"",- 1oc01 or oqul\.lble, or tIla u1d parV of tIw lint part of, In and to tho _a. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tIla _e unto tile u1.. partJ.~.!m of tile MCODd part, _!h~_1'boIn and uaIpo, to Jh~_i..!'____ OW'D proper ..... benefit and behoof foro...r. IN W1TNESS WHI!:IUCOJ', tIla uIcl parV 01 the ftnt part bu eo""" u.- .......1I to be uecatod In III IWDa b7 Ita aty Mano,or, City Clerk, eountonhrllecl b7 III Moyor.comml's1oner. and approyec! u to 10nD aDd eorreetnou by Ita City Atto....,., and Ita eorponte ...01 to be lIerounto at\.lebec!. tile da,. and ,.ear ftnt abo... written.. . . :: ~ $., ~t . ... . ... .~ ..... ... .:- 2'" .... ;:3 ... - ,.....,. \,.,,\ _..........., '!, C r- " ~111, -~\~~':'''''''':'';'':~' a'" a.r "",-.1 1",' c; I, '" - ~ ....i,.. ( "/ '. '/', . :- ::'. .~.. ~ - -:.~..-' ...~'>" :; ,....: ,"- . '.;-;. ~:: '.'~ ~. ;; ...: t..~.....\: . . . ~ 0 : jjj.::r.. : ~.:: ~ ,.J ~ ~ -:;:( ,= .1 .... : t..u ~ ......... -':',i: II .:,: . " .;>" ", I ,,' .: .- " tJ - _. I ..' ~ APPfOY:: 7'/f~ eorncta-:':III '(J i~'. : .~;:'.' ~~m~~~~~-'~------ riAn: OF n.oRIDA } COUNTY OF PINJ:LLAS J JD:JlEBYCERTlFY. tllat OD,thla ..___~u~______ day of___Iehrl1U~___ A. D, lI1Q.__.beloro .. pononally apPMJ'ecl .bI e r rlLtt.B.-L...~ie }".h~j,m..._ll~!.p_~!.tM!_J~:_~~~~..9, Whltehe~d.!=-~ ve r!.!U!.C?~&.!.I!__ reapectlyetJ City ......,or, CltJ A",,",.,.. City Clerk and lIoyo..c_'.......er of tIla C1tJ of Clearwater, a mUDldpal COf1>OI'OUon adltlna uncIer tIla Ia... of tile l\.Ite of FlorIda, to me kno.... to be tile lDdl'fldualo and offtcon deocrIbod In and who uoeutecI tho lon'DiDI eon.,.a_ to Ge~~.&!.~.:__~~~_~!'__~.~~_~.!l}.!!..!:_..'...M~!>_~! hi. wife, ______ ________. and NftftII1 IlCIaIow.....od tile _Uoa tIlerool to be tIloIr me oct ..... ...... u neIl ollleon thONllllIe ... allUlorllodl ... that tIlo ofllelal aool of ..w II1IIIIclpaI ~tIOII II d. affbod thorolo, ... tha ..w -..,. anee .. tho oct and ...... of u14 ~Uon. '.' , ' ~."......:' . WJTNI:B8 ..,. ......t_ and 0fflclai MOl at -::Tr:~t" t1W~~ of ~ and ste.. 01 r1orIcIa, tIla day and :r.... lut aboftwrtUen. ,",r., .......-:...1,.':. '~' ~ ........:~:......,). .:.~.,,> ..... " ..' ...: . ,- 0 "'~ , ., . , ,: <;c _" - ---- _Ci..__ ----------------- -------- .. '( : ;.. i -1 :. ~ :." N Publle lito.. of FlorIda at lArIa , ,::" 0 J CJ M7.~-'- , ~ '.,. ~ . '. , , ",..... n .. c'Ncito Publl S " "/.. ", .. ...,'.... ry Co 1I1~ 0' ~Irr!de .Ila". .' "'.". .,: t' ..~..~mllllUlOn ElIplroa Aul 1 1'70 : 0.,'" ... -~ IlI.I! I1111N/nef1c1 ~ ~ , I' ,...I~'''''. :~'t /;-CJcJ,5-~O ~r ..4P' ~"!..,.~' ' . .ntracl for ~a~. of ~cal 7:frzta. ~ - DECKER REALTY &- INSURANCE '. ~ 1456 Court Street Clearwater, Florida DEPOSIT RECEIPT ..~.~~~.U.~.~__..q~~~Y.,....:f~.Q.~.i9:~ ..___.__, m.___.J.~!l,ll:~r.Y__.Q......__....___, 19.7.Q__ Receipt is hereby acknowledged of the sum of: __~.()J,l!'...'rl1.9.ll:e.Ci.~.g.__.p()n~~e.__e..~.g.....QQL)'.Q.Q--:.-::~.~.~.=.-:::.-:::~.=~.~.=.-:::.-:::.-:::~.~ Dollars ($ .~.J..Q.Q9________..) from .__G.~.().I'g~__.A.!____~.__:g:.~~1__.~.....M:9g.I'.~._t~ie...\i\7.i!~.L.___..___.. .___.______..__nm_____..__..__.'_____'.~__U...'.U'__ __m~.Q5__..1J.ntv:~.:r.~lty__.J='1~~.~___G.l!?.C>.~.~~...J~~9JI!t~.,--..M~.~bJg~~.___m.u.m.___.__..m____.....m...._..mm..__.__m..... as a deposit on account of the purchase price of the following described property, said deposit to be held in escrow by Decker Realty &- Insurance subject to the terms hereof. Description of property: ____.:W~.J..;1,.Q.~__g!mfu.~___~.__J..;1,5.~...QL.fu~___.$.j3.'Z..5!___9_L~~()t.. 23.~.m___.. ......Highlandck.ake.--ll,th..Additio.n--Q.'l'.HE-RWI.SE..-K.NOJ&'N---AS..150.4....Se.abree.z'e .__...St:r.~.~t....__..J.~Q,~w9J~p......!D_Q.:rlgCi_.m............__...u__.nu.......mm..m.___...............__..___...mn..m__.m.....---..--...... ------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ --- - --------------------------------------- -----------------------~----------------~--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ --------------------------- --------- -------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- Purchase price: ..J:'.w.~ntY:~.~QJ),;r,---1'.hQJJ,.~-q,ng,u.~---:f'JY~..JiJJng;r,~.d:::.-::~.:- Dollars ($ ..~l:i:.,.5JWm.__ ) Terms and conditions of sale: ___,.E.ar.n.e.sL.m.Q.ney-__.is__.he.r__e.b,y...a.ckno.wledge.d_____$...4..0.0.0...00 ,...Ealance...of....cash. .neede.d...at...clQ.s.ing~.~.~~.:':".:':".~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.:::~.~.~.~.~.~.~~.~....Z.0.....2.0.0...0 0 __.._____._....______...__..._.______.....__..__..__..._____________..__.___.u.....____...__.._____.._____T.OT.AL.._.......~._.:"'._..__.._._.____$24r5-0D...0 0 ------------------------------ -------- --- -- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ..S.elle.r__.to...fur.n.iQb..__te.tmljte....ins.p~.ctiQn...Ry....r.e.p.1J,@J~l~___.c.Q.m.p.any:...--.--.......----....--..--...........-- .AlL..pQQ1..e.quipment...and..ac.c.e.s.sQ;d~.s...to..__r.e.m..~in...Q.n...premi.s.e.s..__...c........,___....._........__.., ------- ------ ----------------------- ----- --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- ------- ------------ ------ ---------------- ---------------- ------ ---------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------------ ---------------- -- -- --- ---- --- -- ----- - --- -- ----- -- - --- --- - -- - --- -- - - -- -- - -- - - - --- -- - - -- -- - --- -- - - -- - -- - -- --- -- -.- - -- - ---- - - ---- -- - --- -- --- - -- --- --- --- ------ - -'-- -- - - -- -- - - -- -- - - ---- - - ---- - ------.. - - - -- - ----- - --- - --------- ------ - ----- --- --- ---- - - - -- - ------ - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- - - - --- - -- - --- - - - --- -- - -- -- - - --- - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - --- - -- ---- -- ----- - - -- --- --- -- ----- - -- -- - --- - -- - ----- --- -- - --- --- - ----- - ----- --- -- - - --- - --------------- ---- -- ---- -- - --- -- - ---- --- -- ---- -- - --- - - - -- -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - ---- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- -- - ----- - --- -- --- - -- ------ - -- -- -- --- --- -- - - -- --- - --- -- ---- -- - ----- ---- -- - -- - -- --- -- - ---- In consideration whereof Seller agrees to convey title to the Purchaser by general warranty deed. The risk of loss or damage to said premises by fire or otherwise, until the exchange of Deeds, is assumed by the Seller. Taxes, insurance, interest, assessments, rents and other expenses or revenue of said property shall be paid, assumed or pro-rated as follows: ..___Qate___Qt__g.1Q.~tng,___.m.__m___m_...__m.ou__umm____m.__.__.__.___....___m_______.__.m.. Certified liens shall be paid, assumed or pro-rated as follows: m.__..NO..n.e...___...m______..___.___._...__.__.____.....m Pending liens shall be paid, assumed or pro-rated as follows: ___No.ne...__m...__mm__u. ...m.______...___mm______.. IT is understood and agreed that this property is being sold and purchased subject to the restrictions and limitations of record common to the neighborhood, and subject to any easements for public utilities, which may be of record, or may become liens through pending legislation before consummation of contract. SELLER shall purchase and deliver to BUYER title insurance policy on the real property covered hereunder in the amount of the full purchase price. IN the event the title shall be proven to be unmerchantable, the SELLER shall have a rejs,Qnable period of time after notification thereof within which to cure defects in title, and this sale shall be closed within .m..J..U days after notice of such curing to the BUYER or his attorney. Upon SELLER's failure to erchantability, the earnest money deposit shall be returned to the BUYER upon demand, and all ri hts I ities arising hereu r shall terminate. Or, upon request of the BUYER, he sill\ll deliver the title,jn itsleAi~iRg con . on., . ct to th~ aforesai? cura e period, this sale shall be closed on or before ___m...F.ebr,uar.y___l.'J.".___m'::C(..U... ..oth Ise t sum thIS day paId shall retained by the _SELLE.R.!ll'AGENTasJiquidated. and.agreed aamagesand the..ieero- all--be-.reliev -0'. alle.obI' tions- hereunder; THIS contract shall be binding upon both parties, the SELLER n n approved by the owner of the property above described. Mayor-Co ~ .. e CITY OF e CLEARWATER ..".".:." . DEED OF CONVEYANCE STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS } THIS INDENTURE, made the ___~_!tt_____ day of --------.ze.U.u&1'.J:_______________, A. D. 19_1.0__, between the CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, party of the first part, and --OEORG.E..ALXQOR.E_&ncl_____________ ------------~-1l~~-~~~-~~~.__~j_'_"_i{tJ~__~-~~~-------~_______________, of the County of --~iIl4l~Jl______________ and State of ~---.I'J9.x~--~--___~-~---, partitJL of the second part, WITNESSETH, That the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum. of ~-~~-~l"_..~-~-'!~:!_~~!)ollars and other good and valuable consideration to it in hand paid by said part_.....__ of the second part, at or before the ensealing and delivery of thesepresellts, the receipt whereof is. hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold, conveyed and confirmed unto the said part_laa.__ of the second part, and to ---thei~_____ heirs and assigns forever, all the following piece, parcel, lot or tract of land, situate, lying and being ill the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, and described as follows, to-wit: Ta. W..t 1101..016. Eaat 115 fe.t of the SouUl IJ7. 50 f.et of Lot 2J', HIGHLAND LAKE 8UaUVIlIOH. FOUR.TH .ADDITION. accordla, to the map or plat thenof a....corded ia Plat Book '0, ..... 97 of the P d:tlic a.corel. of Plne11a. COUDty. Florida. Subject to r...rvatlon. aftd re.triction. of record au 1970 ad valorem taKe. aad thereaft.r. TOGETHER WITH all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or appertaining; and every right, title or interest, legal or equitable, of the said party. of the first part of, in and to the same. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto the said part....I.___ of the second part, --th~_lheirs and assigns, to _J~j._~____ own proper use, benefit and behoof forever. , IN WITNESS WHEBEOF, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its City Manager, City Clerk, countersigned by its Mayor-Commissioner, and approved as to form and correctness by its City Attorney, and its corporate seal to be hereunto attached, the day and year first above . written. CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA Countersigned: By: --Ls..L_M~EF..~_!!_g.!__?_!!~_!"h~!~_____________~---- City Manager ._f_~~_!i~__~_~~!_~!_t__t!~~jg~~____________________________ Mayor-Commissioner .! s / R, G. Whitehead ' Attest. ________________________________________________________ City Clerk Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of: / s / Judi D, Stone ---------------------------------------------------------------- .-l~-LJH~J.ty_A.!__R!!~_~~!L_____________________________ Approved as to form and correctness: / s / Herbert M, Brown ------------------------------------------------------~--------- City Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS } I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this ____~_ttt__________ day oL_____.z.~)!--------- A. D. 19.10___, before me personally appeared .M~'-~~-~LB~l'-'-Mjm.L-JJ~~~~'_M!__I~~i~...__~t!._~~~~~~~~LJ!~_~~~~~~!J~~&.~~___ respectively City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk and Mayor.Commissioner of the City of Clearwater, a municipal corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the individuals and officers described in and who executed the foregoing conveyance to ---------~~!"..~-~~--~~!~-~-~~-~~~-~.!--~~_~!~_~!l~_~_~~~~_~_________________________~____________ ----------------------------------------------- and severally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers thereunto duly authorized; and that the official seal of said municipal corporation is duly affixed thereto, and the said convey. ance is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at Clearwater in the County of Pinellas and State of Florida, the day and year last above written. / s / Betty A, Russ ell ---------------------------------------------------------------- Notary Public State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: Aug, 1, 1970 ,~Ar' .,. ,~ . . ~~' ... CLOSQfG ITA TE WE NT C1eal'Watel', Florida ...br_rr 6, 1970 SeUer: Clt.y 01 C1eal"W&HI". Florida hl'c...r: a...... A. :woo...... EUael L. Woo.... by wlf. P..opel'ty D..cl'ipUoal W. 110 t... of J:. IIi f..' of S. 131. 50 fM' et Lot JU, HI.1tla" Lake SlIb., "tit Ad4la. C...dita to Selle..: Sale. Pl'i.. $Z.,500.00 C...41Mi to h.......': Eanae.'......,. D....1t ea.b 01& Clo..... . 4,000.00 10. JOO.00 'U,IOO.OO '1.,500.00 S.llel" I. Ex....,.: Docam..tal'J 1__,. _ Deed: Co. State .., 2. .1 $24,OOGtul"..Tax Z6.40 Cala.. Title. a.a.." Co. Titl. In.unac. $ 91.40 105.00 $24,500.00 2, 111. II $12, 3.7. 61 N.t due City D.ck... a.alty . lu1aft,ace Commi..loa 1500.00 1969 T..... J08. 93 'Zlll. J3