CLEARWATER COUNTRY CLUB "1- ....~ (~ ~I / L ... 'i--' - / j '.. ;~(~';;:l: :;..1186 _499 " -j ,I, ~. OP CUAD.Aua D,~i~.' 0 P 0 0 . .V ":;Y A .~.._. , ",'~r, THIS DmrI'1'_,~... ,tJM 218' 4&7 or .rane. A.D., 1950, between the City 01' 01ea~~.., :, PlwlcSa, a. JalD101pa1 OOrpOl"atlao. party 01' the tll'.,pa".,h:..' ..~""e. OOUll.t PJ .Olubl._ a P10r1da corpora- t10n, Dl-ew 8t....; _r , ." Lane, C1earwat.... norlda, paR7 or the leoond Pal't, , WITNESSE'fH, . ~t tal,e party 01' the "ir.t part., tor &DeS In 0011- 81de1'atlO11 ot -.'.. or Ten Dollar. al14 other. aood and valuable 001Ul1de1"ation to It 111 band pald b7 .ald part7 ot the second part, .t.or betore the ....llng and dell'1e1"7 01' the.. pre8ents, the receipt whereot 1. l1ezoeb7 .cknow1edpd, bal granted, bargained. lold, conve7ed all4 contlrmed unto the sald pan,. ot the second part, aDd to It. .ucoe..orl .nd assigns tor"er,.a1l the followlng plece, paroel, lot or ......ot 01' land, sltuate 17!ns and be1ng 1n the . Oounty 01' 11n.11&. aDd state ot PlWlda. aDd delcr1bed as tOllows, to-w1tl . '. , BEGI. at taut' '1at;er..ctlonottb. oenter line 01' Seaboard AlrllneRal:l.-:&:;i' and Bttt7 Lan. a. shown on plat ot OOUNTRY CLUB · Olf a. recorded In Plat Book 7, page }6,~1De11ae.,...c$\ll1ty Rec~'~.nd J'Unthence along sald Seaboard Airline Railway 00.6 center line and a curve to the lett. ahord. bearing If 80 43' 31" B. 339.12 ft,.; THENCE a10DB 8.1d oentsr 1.ln. . 770 35' 57" B, 83.44 .tt. tor p.o.a. ftBNOB S 6 3" Ja3- B, 511.60 ft., THENCE S 510 46' 2'- E" 48.51 tt~J fDlfOJ: . ~o 05' 57" .,311.38 :, tt., THENOB. 210 20' 48" ., 610.59 t't., to oenter l1rfe - ot 8ald Seaboard Airline Ral1_7 00., THENCE alont ourve to r1&t and ..14 oenter..... 1111.., ahord beariDS 8 16 25' 57" w. 13 . ,s, tt., THENaB 8 770 J5' 57" Wal0118 ..14 oent.r line .~.48 tt. to P.04~, 1... Seaboard A1r11l1e Rall_,. 00., rf'&bt-ot-_7. "tJ!~;I,. . j."~,l 'lOGETHBR w1tb the .to' ""'.. .~ tie and ...emente. name 1,.: · rlgh~-ot"'l1n "" ill 1iiJ:'t7 ot the tiNt part tor road or .tr.,. purP...:: ,iil". t.. .a~ 'Pa:P.el oon.e7ed ov.r and aloac a .trlPI ,~.... 1'.~7 t..t _14. rurm1ft8 par.llel '0 Q4 s....as.!, .0Ub or the rlSht-ot-ft7 ot the S..boarcl jU1in., Rei ..... ,ateDd1l1a tr_ Bett7 Lane on the W..t to th..b.... "-.o~lbed traot on the Bast. ! 'l'OClB'I'HJ:R 1I1U ..11 .....~.:th. te~t, beredltaments and . m~~~:::"'~~::l -::~~~~l't~1a~! ~;:7 J;~sht. ~~~ .~~..~....... :... .. .11r~ pAiSot ,-a~~th8:...t!_il""'--~..'"~C-~">~==o~~-_~-______ . _ t .. ... .~'fO IU.Q!:.n~ · .... :~Ii& ~~f,llh. .oJ.dJllll't,. o~ _ ..801ld "(ii part. 1t. .1100......1 "'!, ".,", . ;"to Ita own proper uae, benetlt :~:; and behoot ter..... '. ":1' '.' I Ii "rl~~~lt 'I:',' .,.Ii: ; III WI!'OI8 -",~,_t'" part7 or the t1r.t PArt he. oauaed the.e pr...ak'":Jj~';:~o"'" 1n It. name b7 It. 01t~ JlaDager 1',1 1:, , ".'1 '!',.I '1!1'~ /~~i~~l:[ ~i;!~' ~.'. Ii:: l~ :tJ,,:::' c,::,,:';' ) . -,I -:": ,', l'I!l.U;:!} I, ,v~ut'itI. "1.11" ::i.,:1ltf ,,~. ,~i <, '~ '! 'r ~ ~ ; I ;'I"j l.f..l.!~.'~... ~l~,.,., 11~~I.ll{...'..: !(" ,;p;;.I:~.JI~" ,: ;;:~: ;:rr::'~:: ," ,;::}l .' "'.'". . .' ' *~1 ~"fil': I. , ,,} '", I,,; ill ~'~~"'I~i~~ '~I~~,,'i_'i:.. :,lj~l~l}HI lI!!~'i ., ,., ,.,il,. !',d!'" ~...,I".." 'liI' . "''''ll' 11;11"""111'"'1"1 ";,., .'. ":!.:.""~",c~rc;c.. V .:""~,, 'lkl,1 ,,:: " '.~' .' . ~ t,l,\ . I :':"~'" I: ~ :.,[1:': . : ' . ! ~ ,". I, I ' , ;:'1:1::, , II.' ':r-' "~ j;l::i:!~';t .' , i ',m,llti. ""i'~~'.," .t!r:;'f:~' . '.'.' ~l Ii. I ," <:'~)';~"\~i.< ;. :':"H';l~li ii/I" I ,Ii r ! i,l;~ . ~:r " ".' :,',.....,..',..1,:.',.,.,..:,.,.:.... !r:'.:I;<!llt~,~\-!.,q..t., i~rr'. !:."I /i ,; / J I 1" : ' , ..,. ,'" "t,;"li",.,....1 ~~" .... I,: .'. ,- "\,'" 'I I [HDt_ _500 , aDd Cl~7. ... 1,*, t1r.';'j,~ " ,,', 'I ! . ", I '::... '<\\ / . .... ", . -: ':;r~ ~.. ~~; 'J;i" Slgned. .ealed aDd 4ell ~.re4 1n 7;no. orl ~~AU~~) ~t ~,.._.,~ J.pp.....ec1 .~.. &lid "-~~ . ~ .",..-- 2. 7 r-7 1'.llfB OP PLoRml ) COuItTX OJ' PIJlRF.T,A. ) I. BtdUmY OBM'IP!'. !bat _ thl.3,/ 4&,. ot June. A.D.. 1950. b.tore .e per.oDal17' ap~e4 BoJd Be.ett, B.CIL .111&0 and. Bar1'7 D. larseut. r..peotl~.17 C1t7 llanaser. Cl1;7 Audltor an4 Clerk uul "70r-C01lDll1..1c.er o't the C1t7 o't Clearwater. a Bm101pal oorpora- tlon exl.tiDa ."r tIl. law ot the State ot Plor14a. tome aoe to be the 1A41~1.lJala aD4 .m...r. 4..crlbe4 In aDd who executed the to"fo1ac ..ftJUl.. to O1.earwat.r C~t.,. Club..a Plor14. oorpora1; .. alIA .ft.raU7......"....... the .uoutlon ther.~ to .... th.ir tr.. .ot aII4 ...4 .. 111Mb ClItn.... theN\IDto 4u17 authorl..4, aJI4 that the .'tfl01al ...1 or ..14-.101pal oorporatlon 18 4ul7 attlx.4 tl1...t.. aDIIl tIl. ..14 OODY.,...o. 1. the aot and 4eed or .a14 oorporatlane WI'f1IB88 -7 .1.-'.e aDel ottlo1al ..al" at Clearwater 1n th. 001Ult7 ot PlD.l1u aDd ata.~.~~__.1~~ dq_~_~_;LuL .b()..-~~.~~~~-"~ ,..------ ~~ _0-J'7 ~ 0 e 0'1 noJ'l4& at tar... -7 001181..108 Bxpire.. toIIIIfY NItIIc, ... " ,... tit .... "., ~......I_ .,..,.. OK. 27. 195'2. ..... ~ ~ !urwIy c.. M No Y. , 'II" f. ..... ~~6./.NAt ~ ..~.# i9tJ7.r. .. ... WE ... ... ... dII ..... ..filii" ~ ca&..... en.... till CI...lt c.rt. '1_". ""'''__!;~~I!'I_ ~__ ..., CI_