JOHN K COSMOS (2) . . q~loM TO PUJlCHASE THlS AC3.ZENJ:NT lIlade tW.. 17th day of Ju4e. I".. by &ad "atwe_ JOIQf K. OOlMOI. of Chi.....o. Wiaot.. beret.aaltar ca1le4 Purdaa.er. ..dUla CITY 07 CLEAILW.6Tza. FLoaWA., . mualclpal corporation, h.re- baal-r caUe4 ..U.... WIT_UETH: lD c...We...... 01 dI. .... of 11" H........ S.venty-live Dollar. ('571. 00), r~"<"'~I""Mr.""'...Gbo..l.cla'" laW ..lla... be.....,. a.I"" to aGav".'Y W&I'I'''. D..dt....... Puro...r at aDT tim. tMt he "" ...._....1' be'o...... . 17th cia,.., JUyil. 1'10. for" '\IIft of "... Tho..'" ,0. H...........ty.,"'- Dollar. ($6. 17S. 00) tllat c.rtain plec. of real ...... .lta'" ill tJa. CO_I' of Pla.u..., Stat. of J'lorida, more panl.cu1ady ....I'l.... a.'.u...: Tb. Ea.' alO,..t 01 aM. W..t ....0 t..t.f Lot El.vea . . . (11) .. Clul'W&te.. 18........1 Pal'Jlt. aceo..'.. to the map or """1'''' .. _"_HID Plat."". fa'. 4'. Pu.WlellaeG". oIPiulla. CCNIlty, Flol'tcla. ,oJect to eue...b ........td4U... of fteol'd. SaWI.1M.. h....'" .''''e' to f.ndAllMt.cl P\\..cha..r. title in.urana. IOU.., OD Qa,e real 'I'.,....ooft.r.. h.r....I'.. the &mO\Ultol the full P'l.cIaaa. ...... .h.w....... merc.atala'" title OD or before the 17th day of J..i.y.....l 91', aad to .... to him c........ aad peaceful .......lon ol.ald pre_d... .. H HI..... 17th My.1 J.. 1970. IN WIT__ WHEUor. the SeUel' baa cta.... tbe.. pre. eat. to" .ac.teclta 1.. .__ ~T 1..0_ ........1'. City Cl.,k,c:ollDt.l'ailpe. by it. Mayor-Comada.loael'. ....."...... al tot.,. ....col"r.c:.... by It. City A UOl"aey, &ael It. 08"'l'a..."" to M HI".to attaeb.., the day... yeal" fl..., above writtea. Co..ter.iped: CITY Qr CLEAa Y(A T." .,LOlllDA / s/ Ho Everett H<>u~E1n Mayo.....Comml....... By / s / Merrett R. Stierheim City ........1' Wibl.....: AtW.t: /s/ Ro Go Whitehead City Clel'k /s/ Beryl F. Sydnor App.ov.. a. to form &ad corredo...: /s/ BettyA. Russell /s/ Herbert M. Brown Clty A ttor..y ~~~, ~:~ ~:~:~~) 'i'.~ ') ..~; \ / J- i)O S--O ( (5)