61-29 WWW r ? Rv' A " ..,.' •. '` i j S r k+3r . I ?;{;r C?.?;4.?;:'?d: ^ t :'i`i'i'{',.: ?.F":. • , "t ;"i e?;'s•?i.j+i w?4_•,?'''e. •:w{.`'. 41ir??;: .•f,.. ': e:r s;' S kr t ?" re ,p ' .. 'tr=, '.?, yip •,lii'•, _!.`,. s+? a. };: - <?. -'•:':?x.ct•?S,it?/'4?.°,i'i?i; Yt S}lq '.?-c ' r't'-.'° y?•??.?•: yy;:4'3'x#:' '.el?r.a: y.'=?3?'??Yt•,?r'ygj' j G7,(Y ?•'.riv'fit ?t . .• It :, ;;; 3,i .fin 1',Hiy ll ??y'j•?+5..,'??i ;' •!:` 3:: ?.', 7'51:•'3!}?i.?. ;' .. .. ...... .. .. .. r. • ..... .... ......"c:"rrr.G .,°:Y.t•;+...a ,.yi>barx•+?iF::'k ?': ?t.'? .,"' }:Ir, k :,? ;.. .? . t 29 No. 61 RMOLUTION AZC0=ZM0 TM VlS;T 01' MU CZL "Ctr IML JOSH AIM MO MAT01=-C4V ; ALLaAZfiAD4A TO THE UNITSD STATZS MOM THZ RZhnHLIC OF VL`NZZUUA„ AND AWAB DWO IUM THZ CLZARWATM lrt,ZDfAL WKZZA O the city at Clearwater how ostablisbad sla appYoplriate medal to be given by it to distinguished visitors to the City$ and Y ;# : r MUMA% His Zxcelleney. Dn. Too* Antonio btayebre -Cove Ambassador of the 2AgmbUc ci Veasav'ela to the United States, because *f his distinguished accompliebmente in government and iatassatlaaal diplaaiaay, and because et his sincere friendship tawud the Qsif" states fi; F,n at Amarica, has acaeptod as invitation to be our Citp's hmwed gust du ri s the 1961 Fan 'N 8wa Festivals NO'S/ TMMI GFORS, SE IT it LVED air TIM CITY CO#rIId WON OF THE CxTY OF CLEAfRWAti ZR FLORIDA/ IN' SUMON DULY AND REGULARLY AS,fiEIdBLED AS F L MVP 1. That the Gity of Gleamater officially secogxlses His E.xcelisncy, Do. 300 e Ant Oka ldayobeo-Cora, Amb"nador of the It"blia of Ywwslai to the United States, and a"riselates his good wM visit to the City of Clearwater during its 1951 ruli in Jjun Fsstival. a. That the City of Clearwater rasdal is hereby awarded to His E=ellemey, Dr,, Jose Aatocio Ma"bre-Caret, in irecogaitiaa of his friendship and good will oceasioa*d by his Visit anions peoples of out respective countries. 3, That a duplicate original of this Resolution, together with the Clearwater msdal, shall be delivered to said Dr. Jose Antonio btayobi e,oCora, by the most appropriate means. PASSAM AND ADOPTED* this 17 clay of Apri 1961. lda or-Corsureissiaasgr ' -.° Attostc Reso. 61-29 } -1- 4-17-61 9 r1j ? 1r .r 4`= , MK z Z. i?}`e•s. '??? .j ?. .r"?r•t' .>r-`???t7?j •?' ??. :'e•Y.`-4.'!?`w'i. } I„j :, .+...'.?t'J'+•:'-..}; S,'-'dam • ::fix, _ ? .-- , .. E )'"w