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"?,. a ?` ':r, •. i)•.w:> ,: i , ..:>:;, .j; r i '?: :;'AS"",- i, t,. ,,H. ''j -??wl;??,?r,?a??.????a'?.?jy,"a}.;,???;?,i?'s'•:;?.;p:?..?:'?.-.,r?.;.a'". >.,..,:,f;':a1. ,"au:•r:_:.iSrb- - • a i?"1Y `:S `'-?-;?5;41itizY, L:?:' ..»::d.,:.w.F..?i:iwv«ri ?»r + ry; ? fY ,rte', n d.y? . 0LUT10H `x? NO. 59-32 ?mfr ??• ` ??•,• 'dHEAEAS` Briley, Wild and Associates have heretofore been re- MAY tained by the City of. Clearwnter to perform services as covered by the statement therefor hereinafter described; and, WHEREAS, said services, as so described, have been performed ... " and there is due ;ind a ably said Engineers from the City of. Clear- 4 p sr. • ,. i-y 539.55 F according to the statement of said water the sum of Engineers dated Parch 2, 1959 a copy of which is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof; N01THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THM CITY OF CLEARUATErt, FLOAIDA, in session duly and regularly assembled. as follows: 1. That the surn'of 5x9.55 be paid from the Construction Trust Fund by the First National Batik of Clearwater, Florida, Trustee thereof of Construction Trust Fund Agreements dated June 10, 1957, which Construction Trust Fund is derived from proceeds of the sale of Utility .-revenue Certific _tos Series of 1956. 2. That a• certified copy of this Aesolution be delivered forth'-- with to said Trustee, Svhich said certified copy shall constitute the direction of the City of Clearwater to said Trustee to pay the foregoing sum directly to the said Engineers forthwith in compliance with Section 3 (b) and other provisions of said Construction Trust Fund Agreement. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 15th day oC March ? lg 59 t I*i? -uo , Attest: issioner Acting City Clerk. , ?:. '???*,4)iY't L. k:r ?:??ti fs;.%'. ?.r` ,r3? _ .. .a, ? .,. .. ...... ?.. - 1, ?1 •+ :; 1 7. I, tl.4•i,• r4 i rr_: 'w• q '.t?' F/tr {rw.h,r• . ,a` S . , , .. , r f sa . _ . , , .. + r- P? -?4'' 7 O r' I1 '?, 1 '?'??zt5. ? ? ,. 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J 1 Y ?i• s •'f !dt wI ?-•??! -s•".., st r. - .. •C>" s:i !.+?Y. ?.i ??^ :9 r; ,, :r3f r ter-, t °.ve •r?"-?•!• 'r _ .. .? . ; t '+r as^•" ) +r-r $ S' ?• ?!? }f ?, •?!? 'ice rr«.4' I' >?a ?? % :.k' :fr :1• vj: ? f . } nai ,t°\ •'fYl i• el •'1r •l ,, rs' ?i.' k ? 1+ rp r 4F :?l'• ? "Y+ a 9af• t. ° { •?r.> -n: : it ?r ' P Lb r1•' mil, Yy ? '1 3. ;s? r. ;,???'. ='•.ie; _:t•.;?' amp,§. Lj1:4 ??o"Sii_'ta !' .:`,~?iyt?Z t ?•/, '?'? F tl s V r IN ACCOUNT WITH BEI&Y, rWild & vgiioata1ed IMCOII?OIIA7i0 CONSULTING ENGINt~CRS City of Clearwater p. 0. Box 3002 Clearwaterp Florida DAYTONA BEACH, FLORIDA Engineering Services in connection with preliminary and tine], design studies and computations including conferences in Daytona Clearwater on Skyerest Plant, addition. Salarlee & Expenses 40% Overhead DUE & PAYABLE t, Margh 2, 1959 $30139 $539155 ww.+?i""?'".r: i i, i'•r:ir?.i3it},:rr L;?c:?fir::`Fr°!?'' •5a,