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''•..'? r:l' ,jiif • `rY' -.1 Sri.; ep. , r, - , aa.:.a ?; Y.'',.a Sr..., } •q.? }*!" ...? _. .• .,? ._ _ ..__....,>__......z?.:.,r?;??:e..3xi".. .f.----f$r• ?!s?^'•-¢=.?,?v.ytt-3?`s???:tr,t,?ii+?...?;..__?3.?, ?> -taa? .?+ !$C Vii; ;,u; ..a q,a•'r' o }-. 'A V ('?gl,. a,'?f 1ie'n.®Yi_`iC:,r ?(??•:?. 1:-,'I: !ii 44 •.; A; , - s 'a M, :?37r'a 'i5 ::, .y ?}''. ?`,?,-:; 4:rs: ?'; ,?F „?,._E .• ;•. against the properties facing and abutting; and receiving benefits from said improvements so made,-and, :4HEREAS, certain parcels of real estate facing and abut' tine, and in the vicinity of said improvements have been benefitted thereby and the pro-rata cost thereof shall be assessed against such property; N91, THEAEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLlEARIIATER, FLOATDA, IN SESSION DULY AND AEGU- LARLY ASSEMBLED, AS FOLLGIS: 1. That the above described improvements in the area ©f Pierce Street, Cleanaater, Pinellas County, Florida, •r r r•. I M r ro:... L r }\? RES0LUT'I0N No. 59- 11 be and the same are hereby accepted and approved as having been,completed. 2• That the following described properties facing and abut- ting and in the vicinity of the aforesaid improvements are hereby deemed I ` ..•E,a?r t~i?%. ?' it % to have been benefitted by said improvements in the following proportions of the cost thereof, and the same are hereby.assessed in accordance with the following schedule: WHEREAS, after public hearing; on the 25thday of August _ 195 _8? the J.3ity Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, determined that certain work and improvements hereinafter described should be done and made'. and, '1HMr ASS pursuant thereto said improvements have been made as follows: Construct 8 inch sanitary sewer, manholes and appurtenances in Pierce Street, on the North side from the existing sanitary sewer in Prospect Avenue Easterly to a point 150 feet West of the West line of Greenwood Avenue. The properties deeming benefit from this sewer are the properties on the North side of Pierce Street between Prospect Avenue and Ewing and the North and South lots on Pierce Street im- mediately East of Ewing, Clearwater, Pinellas County, Florida. MpDDMM I 'JHEaEAS, under the provisions of Section 123 and other per- tinent provisions of the City Charter, after said improvements shall have been completed, the City Commission shall assess the cost thereof ,r A 1 ?1tl,F.-.••w?.'Ittstt?f4!/?"yt"'`i`hY?°'Y••i"z3S1K3T'Ft. _. .r. "?4Y?7'•Y'?-?'?t+.•?'e?^•: ys?+. al ...rw.p_'y..ry.?Y••rr'p'°,r..-!' i,,•+?.'.'+r,? v.: - ' `, 1/21/59 W.O. #A258412. ASSESSMENT PIERCE STREET SANITARY SEWERS Total cost $29444.07 t Total front footage 644.89, Cost per foot 3.78+ Front •w 1'pPerty Owner .. .,?? .... .....0.?8`__?. .?...: Amount i Coachman Heights ;. Subdiviaion Block A E 25' of lot 4 Thomas A. Pendleton Jr.etal 25y00 $ 94,75 :-less street 908 Pierce Street Clearwater, Florida Lot 4 less street Paul Johns 85.89 325,50 &. less W 100, & 201 BaYside Drive .. , : ?:,r?t•r, less E 251 Clearwater, Florida Lot 19 less street Larry Dimwit, Jr. 184.00' 697.34., & less W 50' 603 S.Ft., Harrison ;s Clearwater Florida Y,"• `_'' :"?i` 50, of lot 19 Thomas A. Pendleton 50.00 189.50 less street 908 Pierce Street" Clearwater, Florida Farti.1'. Block B Lot 6 less street E.H.Coachman 150.00 568.4? c/o H. Lane Coachman 1103 Wallace S. Bldg Tampa, Florida g t;I, Lot 4 Larry Dimmit,Jr. 150.00 568.49 603 S„Ft. Harrison Clearwater, Florida ri 644.89 $2,444.07 Vt 111 h rb s a as ment C ssia A4,- inu a 8/25/,58 ; ,?Y•'??'f 'lr'>r.s i?1 +•1??'t•t+F•. M1t,.-.:.- , - - r ,_ ? 7G7t'` r P 11 r a?•Y ?`i2 +?,?s, j„'.?? 'Ff fiy}11i??•.r?•:''• ;Ff:`; t,?.. 1 1s _ .'•! -IR t'L' ht L??..Pk,..',,i•4?'tr •Y _ ^.,'.'I+• (' , 4<.'"? _. •F ?l :,,t "f,c X» ?rk?''r r:'•? '+ki.; ,(•'' - ' , _ .. - : t . . , ..t.e"????rN .,-? -. 'BPS` •S:^ {:k 4 - •,' . ?., ,: 'r ' .':;i:'' _ =;s; ,.i• +•%'r"s:}•M: `? I .1 '? I •X • `i Ll'•w iF,' l rrte?,, .A.?.? y "1'+r ?•^1-,. lL".`.C ..3 "i F•.. Tjfi ir. Ig.. 1'R•. y1•• :i .P f r''T .,.?. 1-.`? X7'1 L'•''? F .`I .. .1 .1?'?..`li ? ?•?' ?.,1. `si• J: .S`.'..'r. e, 's tiC. J, I r`•r':.;#v j` ((?i,C •y??' rF. T° i ?i; .Lr". ur. 1rC ?,. .??y I'' l s a yP t 4 r'. "`!t')I'?: i ?t,ti. [:' ''x. 'r'•T ":. s.[' :t ?? S•" ? •t±?f+S . ? ?1<• C: • . Gi . I ' ? •Li ? ° h .r 'S . f' ' {§y. ' _ - . !??w.,?a4rtFEt?" f???C bt};?3 .}a. ?,-? -4Si".??5.:.?.t..r-?4,Fx rew.rra? v.....'w.,,awuv..,:. P,,.?; .:.:...-...:.1 :?yfe:_ dJ. f •?, Y:: .: sue. vil_w ? Jx'A...:R d ? `•?'?Mi? :.R y+wl"•.yj.y ' `? ry„-,.. .:Y ..l ``}i .6 'n .?y ^µ.. S. P, . , •5? • , Zw, .i 4't;.f . ?as• ?tF T??.§ F?t'. rV4?I??}V=(y;?. :'_? z" . ;:. . 7 , n•?'v.'.. ° .. v ? .. ? , o;??•...,,f,' , f tr?r.? h k:*x?'! , ",.,.v, A`'^.±:?i.i . f ?:. , Y .,.wars. -Nai: ' Iiny'•.''??:F'Fit: „E'. ..°s'r?`.i.?r: ?' :?.; .'F7, :,?Y... P.s: r; .C.i•`i -'?;'' .•?»i, S;-t'..l? ;a ''•?S: 1MI 4°; ?; d+}s?,•'.:rLx.:!'q`.?.5 •.:1." .R :,c?i:i. 1„v:R.t'-t, i?E... '9 •??":"':!<.' :;iiy` t"Fe '.'?'.=1,^i•'•:?: tk;. ,sue ^st^-, ?i' , t Y ? • 3. That if asseanmonts heroin rude are not paid within .c • 'i `<' '".frrr thirty (30) days from the dale heroo?, the City Treasurer is here- by directed to issue and sell certificates of indebtedness under : „g ' ? .••i, , Section 124 of the City Charter, which certificates shall bear in- terest at the rate of eight ($) per annum against the foregoing propertir.n for the assessments herein made immediately upon the °v'F^ expiration of the foregoing thirty-day period. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this y? day of 195JL. k or-Co missioner f Attest ci clerk •??;• )};; i{,. •,t^ < i, Ma ter'. '.:3sF.t j '?,' _ :. t 7-, :;1' F . ? . ,F , y ... E -?,'S ++.M 1 i y.. z.,; R ,.y..•5? .. •?, :a'''?RJ l?J. ,r`.• z - ?", ? ?' ;''? - ,`? 3:? •.?'. ?.t?•7 v1 :?•i., ,- ::S'^!,w'?•`?'F'.•?s r.'t.. r +`-???^S?. -Fh:u X'i•??Q " .'t,-. ..i -y?r yam- ?r.•??,. t - SikE +i ?! ` • ? ??>:!?*?iE??.xS1AYi?:.?P??i?+?°? Lh'??`r?`? "Y.?.- r#7.'t.wa!+ .i'.? i?15M