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'p.• 1}r:??t' tw ?i. .?'?.. . r s'L F .§ t'ii ^ } d 1' t, .rot <k'i': %4x &- •?>i'(? 7L ' tifa (y".? r..(rc,': °.! `.i "h •'?S?'. e _ t., y c>?µtAlrh???aliYxS+iN?ri'f?y,'MCWM'?,we•.a'1. r:dlt4rt?dW.?..:.?vwa ?f • '' _ ' > wi 't yl .: R.,?':';'?I.!?,•1 ? ,e. X34`:: ?•f. '.`'?•.Fr1 3,JJ ??f;?->?= 3?..et'°ks •`'.. «"^~,'I? S='.3`q--`ik`°'" -''?Si ??•Ii ?Jf,!'`y?4.•?'S.'??a7:r?•?, ?43<Na??.''.?.3.- j ''?11? ..? R E S O L U T I 0 N S, s ter. ` ' :r.,•°,' s r'V xi'4?: i" . ? T' `ih r :e V,.'v ? i..,' 7 •'. . _sr:''`?. No. 58_36 s?,{fA',Y,?;i?t-GG. t"" ';i'°::id???"'. •:y, f•.•}„''`';,? .;r'_. ...; ?.?;:?.3'..S:i.'tN WHEREAS, it has come to the attention of the ,? --•Yr,. , j?.,`t ,'{ham ? ? w.,y F,?., :: ',`. r:. :•. S' L-';r..,r City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, n. ?,,'??;f•;...; ";.1,:,:?,?: `r that the Department of the Army of the United States ?''1?'•;?F'.?C r?5'}•.Si<:!:; ?..r ?t:1 " r. " F. •T. tf;k i ?4;;?rw' ~ f=•1. ,s : :;7 is proceeding with plans for a revision of the Arm ???''„'?;;;`,;'•: -.;y National Guard Troop Basis, which will result in a :art reduction in he size of the National Guard; and, _ ?, , VTfiE"ts EAS, the City of Clearwater, Florida is ?. x ? :?r`,,'S#?{,`e'er-?a!r ?_'• :?xpp•?y ,.-iE:' ?,. •'?, ?x'?a ;?; ?r,r?ti;#'.:'q+?=??r; the home of Company ,tK,,, 211th Infantry Regiment of *v e r-W B ?1?^fi 21 the 51st Infantry Division a National Guard Unit ;si?Q=yi."*?.'?;•?x?:;1' which meets at the Pinellas County Armory in Clear-? •? .,..Y .1??s}°'Yf`r:°srX;''i3 ?:•:iC-•.. '.i ' fit' 4•..f r.,, water, and which is composed of outstanding citizen Ft? 4?`:;}sits soldiers from this area and K WHEREAS' it is desired to indicate approval of 115 •i" }.^ J ', this outstanding National Guard Unit and to oppose an reduction of the Army National Guard Troop Basis which Y? would result in elimination of this Unit 1401.1 THMEFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY' COM- MISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSETZLED, AS FOLLOWS : SIN r,;r 1. This Commission hereby endorses and approves Y the excellent record and outstanding personnel of Company rixu, 211th Infantry Regiment of the 51st Infantry Divis- ion. 2. This Commission hereby approves the existence of National. Guard Units throughout the country and specifi- cally opposes any action on the part of the Department of the Army or otherwise which would have the effect of ti /,?,°w -F ?? -•--t"_. .. .. .fie .. .. .. '-M:.1?•'S ir' _--.-..t-.,.??w_-. ___-_"• ___ '-Wl.r ?e? .+u.fV?i?+YIAN!.Nf•'K', ,Ay?f' '?;c...w r,., Z?? f.? S.?;t. , , 's' .. r,,w s?r?,..., ., .r.•;??a.:uF.-ttg??'?°:7':?.:.?^'[rf?U?'S-;''"r?'n'II'?y.='•"?.E„f?'t'•+?[_.: a rT ?='??,,P?,Fr???_ .[:. •s:+ :?r.. :..<:.. .?,•§=.t .? ,.r,.'?'Itmr'bl..'..'? ,i; [=+ ??'+.'??[` ?-=?.''eaA??y?IS r;;`?{`?•'5,"`?.°ibl?[,w'a,,;ry .. ,s i'i.r 's. 't•u r'1 ?; i:?..' •, ?r `.'??i.;we v..'ti .r??i?y ?•?:?,?'C`, ? `?3 .y,: yx,.;tr, ?'` °'? h.,?7i.,--. .?'?i?., : l?-'., - `' [ Sgt *y ., •?... ?? .??-.s, ?,??7: J.?4??-S?• ?v ?' ,?r'+t?raP,? ?t17`?"`•.?t? ?x `?- }?sx?,?rl=.,?.?:+?i ?? ?9rJr?'at?? ,.?i=??:'??t. fir. ?,.rr y.:' ???h>?;?r ?.?" r? ??"'?'?'3? ?. c', Y.rtr. s 3`4h?a-???,?C..?"r`?!'?e.s+r'?i::w'??rk?',:i."zi,.v?,;',;'.'ti??[:l"...•`7??:`4n1.{?:s.7?....:'r?,:;'7f:.:#?=;i?a:fo:._,?."t,'ni????A'fl?.:?l???[??.fi??"t?6 3 eliminating the National Guard Unit located in Clear- water, Florida, or other National Guard Units simi- larly located. 3.' That the members of the Senate from Flor- ida and of the House of Representatives from this District be respectfully requested to give considera- tion to this Resolution and that the City Clerk is directed to send to each of them a copy hereof. 1958. PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 21st day of. April, yor- i Toner Attest: C' Clerk r, S ?3??i ?ci `-?i..? 14i iw f?25 ??f 14J •cf?'•~ :??`.,7.T ??3? '!' - -' ._.. .. .. .. .! r4',-ec ir.;7„Y.?i:"%9.i_'l .e?!n.;';tt%'?Et,'e?'? ., ?;:.'s._ s? .?.r. ?.< .r':t. x?ry..?, i.• 1f,?•?s;F^r t, x,r .•? ?i':l,{«# 4k1 e 5"`xii???':. ,yl°,< °r,-..i." Z":•l"F .::i-:.. '. ?'...t.. .'_. .. .....? ?:.r... Q'' - '•f , _?,.. ;d*ff T14Lr.'r'?•.?4lAIt'?'e'ir?ra4w ....?,rNih... ys" •*,r... r•?.•.rw.ti.r .+..r.4.?a....,. ,w...?....... .:.aLrrc..llr..riW rw .?. r.??w.?w.. w.:t.l. .a-..-....,..•r, ... :..<c,[l?[fis