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'h. 25th doy ot Jun., A. 0., 1949, tho City ot gl._.t.r I'" ''''''','I.,? ,.,,; ,. "'i>' ;'!,~ ""'.,: " , ." .' ..taro<! into . c.....in 1.... .........., with H...ch.... ABo,ciation ot Cl...... i:>~";';:if~ .1 w.tc",Florida, l..cing to caid Ac,o,i.Uon to.. . p.rlod or !i.. Y.'" I :J;'Jl.;;~~f,~.I.; "..'". '( beginning with the date of said lease on the following described real elltatel I "::/Ag~~~5f1.~ . J"" ,~i."ln't~t " " . . '1"~<~"'~ The North tldrly-nine (39) feet of Lot five (5), all of ' , ' ' \';'",'Jj!f~1J Lots three (3) and four (4) lUld the South twenty-one" ' :".'r'::;;',1~tJ I (21) feet of Lot two (2), all being in Blook "C" COACH- " :,:',.",t;\W1f) j MAN HEIGHTS SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 20, . . :'<;:";d~i;Br~ ' at page 26 of the Pinellas County recordst <~:.'_::/i:{':,:('t-f~;~i~, """",..,,, .."j,n,a,~, :;\.)i:~;;~;::i~f!~~a~~f;l?;t, ' , I. ~ "~~-::-~.f."}~flc>~~ :..iit;f~~:~~W~; , "!:". "". \j'fj!'t. that said leased property 1s needed for public purpo8ea this lease sball there- 'r..1,l~~rt4.}:f.".' r'~~,~'l.~~~'~~ ..f.~r'(i::.ttj~ZJ!'~'; ,~".'~,PL':' r ';~ ~ W'::~~~~fJ(t;Xr~ff;~\;~i't;~;'~,';/~:;{>{~::~::;!~. upon cease and detennine, II and '~~i~ ~', ',/ "'.';,:;:'- . .''''tIh~ lly\,t.., '~(C;"^'i.", <, {'I' h' (?i\,;,~~~~~:~r.~';1f.~:f:;~'l:;"::';'y,\'.W'~,>'f ":. , WHEREAS the City Camnillllion of the City of Clearwater hils detennined that i,:jj ~~,,:~.*t~"~';~/N::i ~t'=:."1:> .~~~,t-:.~t... '~t'J .;~ ~,\" ~I~"" "",r.. 'iJ;~ r'.f"'1f ~,~ ,.:}.i.-VlC 1"l-lj(~Yilf'- J ~~..... .+f :~ I"~ -",Xj "',::~;.~.;",;!:,:''1r'':~i:~'('.'I-:~'~'';~,';,~'';:' ';', "1' it is, to the beet interelltll of said City ""d the residence thereof th"t a 0:'." 1 !,:,'.r,l,1t:~i.l;.~I>>/~<<J'!'II"''/,,~~,;~,,~, , . "l;.' ...... ;.~1 f.. ..t~t{..\ "1't1.\~''''''';~'';.''~1.:~j;.t;!'::; ;:~~:~3~\ ii ~.;, '.:'~'. ;' 1. i'.~.'!'>~"'.l",~(:j ,,~;i~~ it~E~..j-t~"J.~.,....1 ~-I . :,' 1 - "'~'Ll")l'; -"" ",'--'.', " ',>'. - ,. , t ;'\: J) "..~ ~<~~/ {':.... d.~f1.';~r;r ~ . \. r;~~' t'" ~',')~)~''I!.."'''.4- ~: .;f" ~..n:.,.~.~L~ "'J"-~~i~ ~\}'r.'...: ;" ~"*'l~';.;, 11,1' r,;,.1P ~~ "r'- :,... 'I;"~ rJ~ l'ot.t'}.t..~..;.Jl.~:;~..::~, ...~'dJr, ~''''~';~ ' ,'.' ~1,.... # -:.~{~ J"'I')'~ '':,t~..1 ...-l .I'.'~' ~.i.!.::I~\""~':1 :'" .1}'Xt!"('::f,i':1 w' '1(?;f'1,Ll,I;,;t"~"',[, ,',:' 1 !'~;;{~~~)/"!",~l.~ \.~!. .\:: ~.}.:{ '''''to~) t~ ''ff: ~~~J1 ~)~i /, J. . k'~:;f. '~';~~~~,~~'/i,I::.~~.~ :."J}'2~t~. &:~t'i::.::,~,:;.~~. .:'~ ~ {'1.,t~, .~-'.1~'f~..!1 ~1t.t,(...~1'1t ~~.~p ~~il,..;~, '~~,).~\JI \ r~ :~l' ~,:<.t~l!':I~"'1{; ~"(.;r/:! ~~~t';"( ~~~'..'~ ,;;',!l :..~:~:~r'..~':;~I'<';-;:: ~ .\'~:,t,:.~..~ {-L-:'!l ~~ ;.,; ~.,j...;"'I. "i--',j.~.t. ".:'"'J~.. .+,' ,,'j. H. j. t~ ':.- ~~ ~~'1.~0.~:~~~!t~~~\~:X~}.~:~I' \!:;t~,t"io~'i:~,f! t, t \~t;\ t. \,'.",;,\ {..,.,~v)".", :l..'t!:' ,h~, ., F':' ~\,. Jd}, , :,/.~~, ~~~J-:.:i/:i~i:~\~.~~P:0' I. ....";~::.;; "; ;jl~.)<t~.~\:i~-; ~ l.<~ f.....~.l{~~~~~v....;'I...p ~a t" n'''ir.,\~.. hf. ~1 ~~.!J' \'. ""J:: " 'j ~..~~tV.4 ~/"rt""'~J-~ ~:.,i)'"C\ U-!'~"I..Jt. '0- .i~,<.'.. ,'~'..., ~i"j~~~~~'~rr~'t!".~ 'T)~" ""W'r,'"'' ...~. 'I...... ~ ,..... ''I. .) < f. ~. r..tJ.: i'!.~'~ i. ,,.-x. ~' <.;.::.s t r.'\'orr \,it,;} A , tA'.......: (~'-""'.t~ i1~ '\' >, ..~,.J'L,"~."',; e~d''-!''}~'' ),:" ,~-"',,'.... \ ' a;:.n~~i, t.,r~:\:;.'p,~;:;~\'~;:tl~~1' i.' r> ,\, '.~i;. ';\>'::-\1(':' h~J.Hl...o ~q'~ ...~'~...~~ y. T".r'lr~1'~H.~~i....L~"'''''''r} Or ~.~ ~.rd;\ .0',( d!::. rt,\;r-;.;'~ "1-'" ?~)l:;i/r'it" 1';;~1.1i! ~~;'i':~It;fi:I:~:r:;j~;'~ i ::,.;j,,'t}' :\{~~:r.~f\F 'rll..~";.~e~ 'X~"lt, tr.1t.:~~);'E~(~' vt,'V.,;.t'n" ""~ ~ .:.J ~",. '11" f~' "\\\.",~..'" .,;,,' .. '.l<,;,':~i~' it,;HJ~.\,":t.I;,!:\\.1'1~.\J!l";'.1 ~'--:!1~ h'.' ~ ~.~: (,l'mi-J:,;:~"\ ,:J,~, ':o;!'Q;rio/,l,\. ,\'-.'[6" .:....', ,.f,'\. 'Jk'\, .. 'It''J I' ;,' ~....~ '.c-.r:. ~...... )[""~~ ...1..' \r ,...,,' ~' "'1,\:1 ~',;"J,," ..," ~,' .", ~i'L~{=!,~l~k .~~~~~~ J.!'ft ;~ 'f'~"~'J~'+:' ",' ~ 1~~t"~f'" ...-..-Z. '~1-~4 ....(r.i,,, h~ \.1 ,;t-~,~ .\ ~...~.~~.~J..{i. '~~~.f. t;t:'!;"/;}S~:-;~~?~~~:!j)i;:r .I~ ~~,\. r~~tl'.x J:~"~~~~~J>l"\~t';~'f5{'ih;: d'~f'l" ~ ~\ 7:1:1i~ ~~ ;';\'1!~t-~~1{::~~:li ~~ ~ r,....;'.'~ .,. ': r. 'J't}. .t,- ""I"/.W..~.(f' ~ "" L\:t .... ~~. . ~ . ll\: ~ I~:l~:..~,i:r.",?,) 1 ,:.,.'. \':~. ~ ':~~f~i~\rr:(: .":'> J q ~~ ~L~ft tt:.r,~\' f:;:JJ~'r~J' '':N-t ,- ' f.,~.!t. 'f ..'~l~'.. ~ ;~!: \:J 1 :It':~~~~{r. ",~;;1W [1\,' l1";:IJ,,' ~ 0.? "~,i;~'t ~,t~ \' .,'i.,!" {t' .\ WHEREAS said lease agreement contained the following provision, "In the '. event the City Commission of the said lessor corporation Ilhould b.r proper " Resolution duly adopted at any time within the existence of this leasc dccidc certain public improvement lmo.m all, "Court street E:...-tenllion, n be inst~ed as a pUblic street with a right-of-way width of 100 reet, and WHEREAS this Commission now finds that it is necessary for the City of. Clea~t<!lr to use a considerable portion of the above dellcribed real estate for right-of-way- purposes in the accomplishment of the public improvement above mentioned; tlO'd THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Cooun1sllion of the CitY' of Clear- water, Florida, in meeting duly ~d regularly aasembled this 19th day of November, A. D., 1951, that the above described lealled property is needed for public purposes and that it ill therefore necessary th..t th" above mentiont!d lea6e be cancelled lUld terminated; BE IT F1JRTHER RESOLVED that the City Auditor and Clerk ill hereby directed to ad'dse J.Ierchantll ASllociation of Clearwater, Florida, the lessee, of thi6 cancellation, and furnillh to said Merchants Association a cert1:fied copy of this Resolution. ADOPTION OF FOREGOING Resolution was moved b,y Commissioner Blanton, stlconded by Commissioner LJrm, and upon vote being tattefl Ilame wall unanimously carried thin 19th d~ of November, A. D., 1951. U~~7