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"~~:\t) ~~l"~,"f~~"t...:.;f.::.. ~ !~r.rlli!'" ~ f~I;\.' ~~J~...t~\-f..~~<("~J'~ljl'L'} }l\ ",,,, H It, e; ,.",~:;;, I'" :t11"l.-J~~~f"'~ r.: ':."fl,,"~:':,~nf~: Jot' j,rttt '1.~.~..,t,,,\;;"r::,:~l,,.'(:'tr ;i;, ", ;;,~ t.;~""":~;r~r,-,';' d.:.";,.?I.' :j,;..~. l ,} .'~ Ii- f {; .1 'f'I'\'~"l'~ *"v'\\ H'''\J, ~"". ',' 'I. ~\H '1';tr:, (t'l' "11:(:..... -il'-, I~., ..v. cl.~l; p,:1'~.~r g.:7tri~i ~r';+:'~'fi':' '''''j'','': ~":'il}.~...r:~,;"f~~'Ij.t.""'TI 7.llr J.i"J\~"".''- ...y..'}~'~;" "I1:.J:,p-., ".\:: ~i' L ;,1( t: ~j;:'k2'~..t{. '. ,',,~ ~:f:~.\7-o:,. f~~ ~:~ :,~, ... t~'tit.-;,,;),' .:"~~I~' ",'l'l.f.: Q ~..., \, ~}.~ff.f~:":~' "".~~ t;t~~fY~~\;;;'G4.: t.~~~':~l.w:~~ ,)..... 'f:~i,}).i(l(..~\~i:11 l:,~~~~~~~t1~~;";': "'? ~~3/.~~,~f <~l}i~f;f$.~i c"".~~i.\t1.' ~~I,Yi." ~ has been published, a copy of said notice, along with the pUblisher's ~ .l~, affidavit as to its date of publication being hereto attached and by reference being made a part hereof, and said improvements should not be made NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, in season duly and legally assembled: 1. That objections to said improvements were offered at the public hearing aforesaid by persons interested in tho improvements hereinaf~er described, which objections were recorded in the minutes of the meeting and were overruled by the Commission and were found, and are hereby found to be insufficient by the Commission and the Commission further finds that it is deemed advisable, necessary and to the best interests of the said C1 ty that the followiI18 work and publi c improvements be dale therein, to \'fit: Construct a 1511 storm sewer and appurtenances in Prospect Avenue from the center line of Pierce Street to the center line of' Franklin Street and in Franklin Street frcm the center line of Prospect Avenue to the existing 3611 storm sewer in Myrtle Avenue, a distance of approximatoly 830 lineal feet, and construct a pavement 30' in width including curbs in Prospect Avenue from the south line of Park Street to the north line of Court Street, a distance of approximately lJ 75 feet. 2. That the propor off'icials and employees of the City of Clear- water shall proceed with said improvements under applicable provisions of the City Charter. 3. That when said improvements shall have been completed the cost thereof shall be assessed against the property abutting flaid improvement s or.t \~hich lies in the immediate vicinity th~reor and is benefit ed thereby. ). c~. ;.~/:,':i,~.:~'\', ,'!:,: , -( 1,'.'./ ,=X7)$:' /., .... \ 1 '. \' ". " {:~~~f :',' ". ll. .' :~S~ ~ ~~~;57:~t:::;~/ / ", ..f~,:....~!.A:. '> .~~,""':.~:'.. . -':-:-- ~."~:. .~ ::..:. >;~:~j.r,.lT~\!?~~,..""V'