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'~~ij;...-;.h~~~~I:::''J'.;J!~~''Y,).:it'l' 2.', J~: L"'" ~ ..aA.:. ~.,...t'''lft1lt~:-:':'\'''('~J;,~:(f.~:.lt.''!JI;{r'.i...~/ 1',' .t" "'i'l;' 1.'>) ".. <' {,I'''-'~ "';,'.,.' ':c, " ~" "'( lj.;.~.i:'~l!~r. t... (:"I ~;.:~ "~i>{$f~Jt/\:..~.:~~'\ ?J'~:"'~',.. r,.... l, ; , '\il it"" ""~!~ ,J " IJ"L!:~'~i;':c' ..r,..~{'!ii.'.4/".":;.r r.....,r.. ";1.. ",..,:, ~ o;'-~ T'1"~ .v.. ..\\.~-.ll ~ 'J l r- . :. . 'l.r~"" ~::\: ......'\>.11 \~... j\;: " '\ . .?-~~~~ (t;ur;~,(t~~Jt ft ~~~~~ i'" .J:I~~';f!'/?j,',ii!~:.. "..;;i ',.l<;...r:t,...L.~~'I.,; J,.: ti,;...::::ftf;t ~t;, '"'~',,,~~, "/ " . b~!t ..~ 1~;........ It. ;"~~.".'~,::tl,.. f,: """ .', '!/1 'tR. RESOLUTION VAOATIIiG PORTIons OF H1J.iILTON DRIVE MID P}~CY/AYS, ACCORDIHC TO PLAT OF BAYSIDE UO.2 ., YJH:ERE.tW: Pati tion has been filed by i't. D. OWENS, H. H. BASKIN, B. G. BRutrBY, J. FRANK H1J::J'OOOK, JR., and J. B. owm~St JR. , showing: 1. That Petitioners ore tho owners of: (a) tho unplattod lunda on Cloor~ater Beaoh lyinS betweon Fifth Streot on the South, Oolumbia Sub ro. 2 on the ;'lost, rrhird Street on tho North and Hamilton Driva on the Ea.st; also (b) Lots One (1) and Fifty-Seven (57) of BAYSIDE SUBDIVISION NO.2, aooording to mop thereof recorded in Plat Book 27, pago S2, Publio Reoords of Pinollas Oounty, Florida; and (c) those certain ?O-foot stri~B of land, subject to easements in tavor ot the publio for street and park purposes, dedioated for portions of a 60-foot right-of-way for Hamilton Drive and a 10-foot Parkway olone the East line thereof, according to Plat o~ aforesaid Bayside Sub- division No. 2, ~hich extend: (1) North from the North line of Lot 57 of said Bayside No.2, and its ~esterly projection. A n~~~an~o o~ 380.00 foouj and (2) South from the South 2ine of Lot 1 of Bayside Ho. 2, and ita r/esterly projection, a distanoe of 169.74 foet. 2. That no part of said portions of Hamilton Drive and its appurtenant Parl~lays has been completed or used for street or purk purposes by the publio, the ~hole thereof being under develop- Inent to date. That none of said portions of Hamilton Drive is neoessury for ingross or egress to uny ~roperty lyinG in the vicinit~r thereof and the :public oonvenience and neoessity are not affected by the aotion herein SOUGht. 3. That the unplatted lands mentioned in ParaGraph l(a) herei~above are nO'1 bein~ plotted into a Subdivision designated as UOLU1:J3I.A stJB. HO. 3, whorein it 1::; dosired to establish ownership of oertain lots, fronting on the portions 01' the 70-f'oot strips desoribed in Paragraph 1 (a) hereinabove, Eastwardly to the Seawall Line' ,looated identioally ",ith the Seawall Line sho\'m on the afore- said Piat~;oi' :D'~YSIDE SUBDIVISION no. 2 and to Grant to the ovmers 'of said tots the right to eroct docks out to a Dook Line, to be ,c. , . ~ '.. I' \ ! I I I " I',' t ,\ ' , , l . ';'+"~,rvc~+t.,,~tii:n-'''\,:,.~tl~~:'' ',' '~"'".., > , ~ ': ,.;~i.~':'.-:-,~';.:.r..::,:..:<: 1.' ~.'.,. .. .~ :-.... ~. , ~ ,i .~~ ~ ., ~. oil. '.. ~. ',.'i> !li,~~'f& <"'i.. " :':';," , I", . . ""\,;.o.,~IL-}~{"",.....}..."*!~t' .,.""I~..1,~'i. \... rif,Jr,..\'t$ t}~l'; ':.";' \ ", '. ' '. ': I:~'~J\~'. I: ""~~'!-f~f\ r'''i''i<'{t' \ 1'.., 1. ~ '\ ,~.- "- ; ,,",' , , . "..'. " " ',." ''" j ~' 1.' . .:bl'~ ,~ l.~"~~';\I.~~' >. . '~.. ...,. 1 . . - . ~ '" .': : . I,. H Y ~,\.../,'t'~:~' ~ f~:,'~'I' H1lij" , ...., r.:.. .<c{~~ 1..;;,'.,:.,,:;>:..:J.n.,i"~lt'~','\' .., , ft'.' .\ .1.,t....j.~;t.~.;..'{.;.,.,.:,.L.." 'il.;'......ry./J..t'~\.l;,..t:~~ ~id ",:(1 . ~~~~l;:~f.,:-.~'::~"',::{:,!~..,:,,> . -' ...' ~,<::';:, " ,::" , ~ ., ,', " " , '~:....'; :~'.:.":: . .- -.: ',:> .'.:~;,:',: ::',:'~r:,:;'::~~';\}~f,,~'~!;;:~~f{~?~\~1?:~;~~~,~::'1f~?! " . \y r '. 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'li' ,,\......~'t..~a:~,'jV .,.:> ';( ,,,,\ .;" ~;';;S-~" '.)Jf,i~~{.;?f';'r".~l:;;/f:'flt.~ \'.\.0. of/.. .=tl).lt.... r}'..:,..II~.....l1J ...(:..I~.;.,JL~11l" ..... :P.,r;4-. pj ~ ',.,.~~.i..., "l!~r:~lt.~l.\'~i'" ..~., ;"1 tl "~~l -:~~fl~:P1.~~./..:.t!,{ .1 "!l1 ;,"1)..' "'I~ " 'J.~~ ..,", .t f.;~ Tet :f4f'f!f~1ftP+';J,f;., ,~;; ~f: .:.i~;C:,}~f;;!,w:.~f.i,' ~); t.:',...",". '....l{.Jt:t.i,~)lo '~-';f,"'I., 1{" ") 'J' ';"<'~"""OM"'j 'f )" ':. ~:"n;}I'')'\l'i1. !J#'i' '4 ~ :>/o~t ,~{,~f~-n~\~'" r;;:!" ~ ':~'i~r':.~......t;r".\>._.IJ' '~t , 1', ~if>x' ,fl'...1;~',,,,i:"4"1i~ \ ... :~.jw~,.:s:("~;~ : "i"~/,,;...~. ...~~t fr.f'//& t' "~' ~,' ..~j .' oDtabliDhod thirty (50) root Eoot 01' Boid Seawall Line t DUbjoot i \ however to tho Ilarna eo-toot ouaomanto tor Hnmilton Drivo idontioal \'lith some 00 shown en tho Plat of BAYSIDE 5UDDIVISIOll NO. 2, whioh, ~ !, , sholl bo Platted and DGdioated on the plat of COL1JlIDIA SUB. NO. 3. 4. Tho t in order to establish unu clarify the riBhts of suid owners of aforesaid Lots in OOLW~IA SUB. NO. 3 to the tee under said portion::] of Hamilton Drive and appurtenant parkways and ,~ " . \' 'to eroat Dooks as af'ol'csaid, but preserving inviolate the l'i~hts of' the public to una soid 50-:f'oot strips for street pur~oaoa as i'Ully and to the arone a~tent as now existing under the Plat of BAYSJDE SUBDIVISIOn NO. 2, it io'necessary that those portions of Rami~ton Drive and its appurtenant Par~1aYSt oomprising said 70- foot strips, as designated and desoribed in Paragraph ~ (0) hereinabove, be vacated by the city CommiSSion of the City of Clear- water, Florida) in the manner provided by law, so that the same may be .re-platted and incorDorated in the Plat Of COLUMBIA SUB.. NO. 3. ~ and i'JHE:!lEAS : the Commission has oare~lly und tully oonsidered auid petition ,and rinds that all of the ~aots alleged therein and recited hereinabove are true and that it is neoessary to grant said Petition Clnd vacate tho desorlbed portions of said Hnrnilton Drive and its appurtenant Pax!a1ays so that the same may be re-platted and incorporated in the ~lat of OOLUMBIA SUB. NO. 3, subjeot to the righ'lis und uses hereinabove set forth: ~row , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of' the Oi~'y ot: Clearwater, Florida~ that those oertain portions or land oomprisinG designated portions of the 50-foot ri~ht-o~-way for Hamil ton Drive and its appurtenant lO-foot Pa1.'kways, as po.rt1cu- lorly dosoribod III Paragraph,l (0) horeinabove, aooording to the pla,t at: BAYSIDE SUBDIVISION NO. page 32"Publio Records -, 2, as reoorded in Plat BOok 27, of P1nellas Oounty, Florida, be nnd the ,', , ;.' . .~. J ~ , .'" .".... 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