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Alternate 19, and because of such action there"has been a tremendous increase or traffic using said road, and WHEREAS, the said road is in a bad state of repair and should be immediately widened and repaired to accommodate the traveling pUblic, and WHEREAS, because of the tremendous growth of Pinel1as COUnt Y th ere is a great need for two arterial hie}lways to serve the traffic in said county and the area servod by U.S. Alternate 19 is far more populous than that served by u. S. 19, CF NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION FLORIDA: Section I. That our Board of County Commissioners are hereby respoctfully requested to use their power and influence with the State Road Departmen~ in having U. s. Alternate 19 from Hut.fmsn f s Corner to St. Petersburg, Florida, "repQired and widened at 'the earliest possible date. Section II. That the communities and cities of Palm Harbor, Ozona, Dunedin, Clearwater, Largo and St. Petersburg and all the communities and towns on the Greater Gulf Beaches are earnestly requested to lend their support in accomplishing this purpose_ Passed and adopted this z/y day of May, A.D. 1951. ATTEST: 't1tY~~! Clerk ~~~ " , '