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"i ~ \~~:i' , ' ~ i' R~~Q.k!!.!IQ!i 'l I, ': ,. -" I J I .1 \'/HERBJ..S t.he elti zens Secondary !\oad Committee of Pinellas County have completed a study and made recommendations to the , ; ~: 'I :, /', Board oJ: County Commissioners of ?inellas County and various municipalities throughout the County of Pinellas that there be e, established, in accordi,nce with a general plan'developed by >.1,'., said Citizens Secondary Hoad Committee, a system oJ: improved and modernized secondary roads in the County tmich has for its main purpose facilitatinB the movement of traffic along and through the highly developed cl'~est Coast and beach areas of Pinellas County, AND WHEREAS a portion of the system or improved secondary roads proposed by said Citizens Secondary Road Committee involves the construction of a North and South trafJ:ic lane East of Douglas ..venue through the City of Dunedin and gaat of Fort Harrioon Avenue through the City of Clearwaterj thence turning ',:esterly in the vicinity of Lake View Avenue or liD" Street along the line of the abandoned rni lroad righ t-of -vvay thro ugh th e B elleview Biltmore Golf Course; then ce proceed Southwesterly and connectine \'lith Indian Rocks Road at its intersection with Belleview Boulevard and that a ne\'/ and improved traffic facility, for the purpose of facilitating t~affic from the South on to and off of Clearwater Beach, be constructed fum the intersection of Indian Rocks l'oad with Belleview Boulevard Northerly through the Belleview Biltmore Golf Course to connect with Bay Avenue at its intersection \-n. th Jef'fords Street and then pro ceeding Nortlnmrd on Bay Avenoo bV the \'lideninp-; and improvement thereof, as needed, to its inter- section with Haven Street in the City of Clearwater. ;lND i~lUERE^S, the City Conunission of the City of Cleal'\'later is cognizwlt of the great need of an additional traffic artery running in a North and South direction through the Cityof' ,d . .\ " , ' , " ':" I, .> j: "I .',. . ,/',\ l';(:c.::f'. .~\ "/,: -<' \ :' " f~' :.!..: .. 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