617?, ;.1 ?• .i .. '.S fit' ST •C" °: i. 777. 5 .r r=. w?r• ?x.? 11' j5. rw?• •i?F ,?. •`r,, _ (' .. S .t' t?'S"1 "''r'..•='i'.'r° 1. .l.r I NP t,n,f=?,. :.f.• ,:'`s-` 'is:i 'ors sx?r - en ,. .3r. ;??' t ? _ . a.r >•... F r ,.i•;: j:• ; g'. ?L•+r?l??.?SS.;:L.y:.::,i:.°Y«' ..?'_tF.:s:a:. .: c ?wi..s rn.:,.s„<.. <,,...+.:»..................................».__ _..... _..,.._....t e..?ws -i;?:...•.:. w.:ti.:r ...._:<. _ . _... .....,...? ?«?.... ,...:;'.'' i ,k,r ?3?-!`?'r,se?r`:ssj',N-•??tf,?Ts;i. ?.3• ? .,......I..7i". r •rs;• _ ORDINANCE NO. 617•' - " ? ,? ?; •A1 ... ,,. -_•..'--- , ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 609 SAIIE BEING AN ; ORDINANCE AMEND114G NO. 560 BI-ING SECTION S of CHAPTER 19 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CLEWATlltp FLORIDA ''`` = a 4 1950, AND BEING THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ORDINANCE.. BY AMENDING THE CLASSIFICATION "THEATER" THEREIN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 2. That Ordinance No. 609 being "AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 560 BEING THE OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE ORDINANCE; AND ADOWING A NliW OGCUPA- TIONAL LICENSE ORDINANCE, FIXING THE AMOUNT OF CERTAIN OCCUPATIONAL, BUSI11FSS. AND PROFESSIONAL, LICENSES FOR THE CITY OF CLEAR DATER, FIARIDA; PROVIDING FOR f THE MANNER AND CONDITIONS OF THEIR ISSUANCE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR FAILURE ' TO COMPLY THERDIITH AND PROVIDING THE EFFECTIVE DATE, OF THIS ORDINANCEp" be and the same is hereby amended so that the classification "THEATERS" appearing on Pages 12 and 13 thereof shall be amended to read as follows: 0 to 100 Seats $7540 " 401 to 500 Seats 100100 501 to 700 Seats 130.00 ti 701 to 1000 Seats 200.00 1000 to 1500 Seats 300.00 Over 1500 Seats 350.00 Drive-Ins 250.00 y.: Ordinances in conflict herewith SECTION =.?, '._.. . II. That all Ordinances or pants of be and the same are hereby repealed. `;i.,>;"'; :, •;r ,;?_'`, F , SECTION III. This Ordinance shall became effective immediately upon its passage and adoption by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida. .. :,. k =, PASSED ON FIRST READING Pe o emb e r 201.1951 PASSED ON SECOND READING December 28th.19 1 1 F : .1t .. a ?. ., f , PASSED ON THIRD AND FINAL ' ;;V= READIlVG AND ADOPTED December 28th.1951. , -f• ; •y, ;'.• I?ayO Q eaioncr ,r+3..v•:f' t:-'"; i??."?':F:7 ,-,;, ?` ',. ATTEST: }',tif.:; "_ •,,t ;;:. City Auditor Clerk ,il'l,Y.,,iIs:rLtf 1 f S.?:??:•r, ,?.?; ..r' .l.., ., a, `rf r'' •f .y 't ?, id[e:! '?? 4L, 'if(?,?•?:. 'l l`. :i; .,s[' ,? .1 3,; `.,, 4.° ?,r..i.. ? '. 'not ?^.': i r4 ?}?.?'ss••1?1'.'YCL•?•d".:• ?;, `' •-:. A i'??r._':' ,r+£'d '"y.': •• ?" `• yJ.!??r;????? 1 {?..?^:'s'?. a `S' t li4 . , . r , ;!' n'?• a ?'t: +ggg}c { (`???=ji?y;•.• x, 1 ?...t Ord. .r 4 ..F , 1. r 111 -?*?.3??i?`,,u? t ° . , ?.'l•'? A HL IV it I DIL SUN Published Daily Clearwaler, Pinellas County, Florida NOT16f. Oil PAYRA( ORDINANCY. ORDINANCE NO. Notico In horehy given of of lira follovfittz Ordlnanco of Clearwrrter Ordinance ORI)INIANCh Adtl?Ndl: ANCF. NO, 609 OABIF, ORUINANCF. Al EN13I? MIMI SMTION 9 O1' 19 OF TIM COVE Or Or. MrARwATr.R. lq.10. AND 13EYNC TII r Owni COUNTY OF PINELL AS, STATE OF FWRIDA Before the utuiersigned anlhority personally appeared W. S. Zschach, who oil oath says that Ito is the General Manager of the Clearwater Sun, a dally newspaper published at CIoartvater In Pinellas County, FIckridal that the attached copy of ce of Pa s e of Ordinance-, odvnrils[unalt, being a „ . I???>?'f# ............ . .?.. g.............. .. . Ordinance ................. ............Na......6...17 .............. in the wetrt?er of ... Qity.. af.. Q1.P 1x: ist '.. I .. F.1 Qr:L6.a..QX din an ne.. HQ..6.17 I .. . ...Amending, Ordinance, N1o.609 ...................................... bVVW ......... :........................................ 2K)a3q#, was published In said newspaper In the Issues of ..cYanijArzy.1x..1952 ...................... ........................ .......................... Afflant further says flat the mild Clearwater Hun is a newspaper published at Clearwater, In said Pinellas County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously puhilshtQ In said Pinellas County, Florida, each day and has been entered an second class mail natter at Wo twat office In Clearwater. In mild Pinellas County, Florida, for it perind of ono your next prceeding the first publication of the attached copy of advertlr;enrent, and affiant furtLor says that he has noitherapald nor promised any lwrson, firm or corporation any dleoount, rebate, tlnnlnllsalon or refund for Um purpose of socurin thls advarti one for publication to the said newspaper. . ?L....... ...... .......... ..... Sworn th to ' befArO me tills 3r , mo Y' y of . January , A. D, 19,..5.2 (SidAAL,) Notary Put l glory P611c, Stole o( Flortda al large My commission expires April :a, 1755, JEnadld by Amoticsa $Y101y CA- 01 6, L r. Oir : , iil9 lho pAtsr¢f;e TION "THF•ATFIt" TIIRZIN. Passed on' first reading December 28. lost. PR•r?rl on Necond readlnll December M 3D51. Pear,-A nn third nnrl final reading' end ¦dnpterl 1).remher 29. last, ]I. G. WINGO city Auditor 'mini Clerk.