614 f 'e{ b' ,' \ i`f+i'Te":':.".fris:,'.:A.`i::'^: ) • r 5:./P:w9."?li . e .. ti"? `a_fu. ..J.Ir -.,:•3'i.441:i.'. •t.+(.';a•.Wl:s•i•ff't ...1 IS d- 4•r , r ? w " r-1., ..<°k -.;. 7.r'I'?= .art, r'N'•":' 1 ? : .f - .p¢.?i7?F?83rlar+Jr?a.?.vP?:;ir?%tY<+uw. n.l,f GS.w+•: i.. 4'.J.? .. OINANC ' ILO. 6v1 ` All Ord)IN.ANCN A1.013DING 0II1)INANCE, NO. 455 A3 AIWIDM :i SAT~:C BEIIIG TIiL ZONING 010INIX-7 OF THE CIT-r Oi !:LLARIIATER, FLORIDA; 1VID PROVIDING FOR SU134ITTING 'DUM BY TILT; F'IDI,' HOLDI3R5 THIS AI1III!}Iril'?tJT TO A ]V .F,,% OF THE CITY OF CLEARFKATER. BE IT INACTED BY THN' CI'T'Y CU GAISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEA1Vi AT1;R, FLORIDA: " i SECTION I. That Section III of Ordinance Ho. 455 au amended, some being the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Clearwater, rlorida, be and the u4;mc is hereby amended to read as follows: IrSECTION Ill. USE DISTRICTS. For the purposo of classifying, regulating, and restricting the location of trades, industries, and other uses, and the location of buildings erected or structurally altered for specified uses, the City of Clearwater is hereby divided into districts of which there shall be seven, Imown as: (R-lj RL;SIDENCE DISTRICTS (R-2-A) 11ULTIPLE D;-MLING DISTIIICT (It-2-B) I'NLTIPLE 17`r+' 1=4G, HOTEL,, APART11-EN`!' HOUSE 1IJID L11,1ITED BUSINESS DISTRICT. (B) BUSINESS DISTRICT (I.i) Z1AWACTURING DISTIUCT (UZ) UNZONED DISTRICT (P) PUBLIC DISTRICT which said districts, together with their boundaries, are shown in full upon a certain map marked., "The Zoning Map of the City of Clearwater, Florida, of 1951," signed by the City Auditor and Clerk and the City Manager, and countersigned by the Mayor- Commissioner of said City, and consisting of an index sheet and bearing the date of December 5, 1951, said map aforesaid accompanies and is hereby adopted as the official Zoning Flap of the City of Clearwater, Florida, and by reference thereto is hereby made a part of this Ordinance. No premise or building shall be used or occupied, neither shall any building be erected, altered, or extended for use or occupancy for any other use or purpose than that permitted in the district in which such building or premise is located." SECTION II. That Paragraph numbered 9 of Section V of Ordinance No. 455 as contended, same being the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Clearwater, Floi3.da, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 11(9) Accessory buildings and uses necessary to and customarily incidental to any of the uses permitted in R--2 zones when located on the carne lot and not involving the conduct'of a business other than customarily carried on in connection with uses permitted in R-2--A zones, including private and storage garage iAien located not less than 40 feet from the front lot line nor less than 20 feet from any other street line or 3 feet from any and all lot lines, or a private garage constructed as a part of the main building; provided, however, that non-commercial (not operated as a business within itself for profit) public parking lots and/or spaces on vacant lots or portions thereof for parking passenger motor vehicles shall be permitted in R-2--A zones. SECTION III, That Ordinance No, 455 as amended, same being the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Clearwater, Florida, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the title to Section V so that the same will read as follows : ITSECTION V;A. USE REGULATIONS, fl.R-2--Alr MULTIPLE, W11L,TNG DISTRICT." ' om 4 # o,/ 7-1771,111717717 - 71 1 7 ''y. ? Sir; •'?i. J.,.. r. •,;97 .'4vvj;,, tact ..?..wwl??'' Vii`; P,?°,??.', ?s :?7'1 Si`+dy?;y>•'j. ,, . • e a r e .. N , ? .,... , y, fit- '??i'• 5 :r'' z?T•"e. .};• .c. .i,..t fir, 0.) .>I. ' 'f'. iSir. " ?`l .i•c .k.a? 'S p',=.?f?. Ilan 7 _. .? S..a..id.r..-......k: ?.,t. r`,si,.-_r. ,, ..... '2%?[.'7YY,t.t;ur',axe;a...,..._?__..,....,..31:?.F..e•x.?rC., ,?.- ...I/C? .,. .•:.}. ' ' 'did r .3 L ?.3.= 4 ''ei rz,a:?..•. J.`•#t,,ti1,.r?,Ys?fl,?.ijr? Yr,.':a:,?y,:.. i 1'Y1J '7•i L'yr{l arv i{:.,i'?',3.°',r'. IF j•. Ilr .l:. ?1".. k`??-: ' r 7. ..,...,.:..4•,.r.:t?r^':'•..•sK.ra-ei.Fa«,.•Ne.ra-a.....it.r,i..>t.Mw,awW,w.•ane,2mr.•.,vcrM:.nnr-.w. rrn.?:eoLtrla?r?»+r. (st ?+`: ?? -2.. ! and by adding Section V-B as follows: 'SECTION V-B. USE rMULATIONS (R-2-B) 14ULTIPLE DI LLING, UOTM,, ' APART MINT HOUSE, AND IM41TM BUSINESS DISTILIG'T. No premises or buildings shall be used or occupied and no buildings shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered, i unless otherwise provided in this Ordinance, except for one or more of the following uses: 1. Any use permitted in R-1 District. 2. Any use permitted in 11-2-A District. 3. Combination hotel and business buildings; combination apartment and business buildings subject to the " following limitations: In any hotel or apartment building containing 16 or more apartment housekeeping units or 16 or more hotel units (guest rooms) business usages shall be permitted within said building under the main roof thereof to the extent of four business spaces for the first 16 such units and one additional business space for each additional S units above the number of 16; provided further that no street or exterior advertising or display signs for said business spaces in excess of two square feet in area shall be permitted.°s SECTION TV. That Section XI of Ordinance No. 155 as amended, same being the Zoning be and the same is hereby amended to Ordinance of the City of Clearwater Florida , , read as follows: ItSECTION XI. LOCATION HEIGHT AND AREA REGULATIONS : (1) No building or other use shall, extend beyond the building lines shown on "The Zoning Map of the City of Clearwater, Florida, of 1951." _ ; :r ??"isiM : o,"• d;;2 ii _Y (2) The height of all buildings shall be governed by the City,l s :?,',?.T ? a ..,,,:'s?# ..?..M; • Buildin Code and other pertinent ordinances or regulations. . _ r ,°• (35 No lot or plot having an area of less than twenty five .:i_ :'°'4'ja?^ Ra=';? 4 • , hundred (2,500) square fee shrill hereafter be used for building in R-1, R-2-A, or R-2-13 areas, neither shall any builcling other than accessory building be hereafter erected thereon having a ground,floor enclosed area of less than seven hundred fifty (750) square feet '' exclusive of orches and breezeways. SECTION V T." uct Qa 7 VIII of Ordinamce No. as amended same being the Zoning Ordinance of, the City of Clearwater, Florida, be and the wine is hereby amended to read as follows: ??s cTl?ra xvlxl. IIlTL-RPIMATION, PURPOSE A1:D CCIFLICT. a. In interpreting and applying the provisions of this Ordinance ' .•... • ...,. . ;:p.J,^<.-;o'„ '' ;;_ :,R ,°_ •. they shall be held to the minimum requirements for the promotion , of health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community. It is not intended by this Ordinance to interfere wi.thf abrogate, or annul, any easements, covenants, or other agreements heretofore ;-• ' ,,.:;:':.: „ existing between parties; provided, hourever, the jurisdiction and ;'•'f' authority of the City Government of the City of Clearwater to enforce building and zoning; restrictions shall be confined to the enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance and neither the - =..-±y': ° .• : '':• City nor any department or ernployeo thereof shall in any wise involve the City in the enforcement of any privately created easements covenants restrictions or agreements between such parties. SECTION VI. That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION VII. That this Ordinance shall become effective when approved by a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Clearwater who are freeholders within said • • :S.%?1 rye. •"'?r ??iir _?Y •".,y)Y r. f`F . ' ? 1 ? • i?'y(y 11.7??' j?-.-,'t;,?:iy It fjr t,5,t?w .. '. Ord, ?- 6 ?, -5J " '? , .. oaf .. _. - ? .;,,•.7?,., <,?? K [ t'?S.'' \f•1 t 7 . ?e .r. .F"•r. ' „?.,,t '.. -i;.:?,-.y„. ter: ... f. 1 .. - .. .. ?1=• ,. s?. .??'' :r.?rr r. itx 4a `.t.•. '6-,•. `?.: fry. ?Y. Cf •,?. 1''y k' r,?° -X. ? a. ^l4 "Yt ~' _ _»..,.,.yw<a?....H.?vr..a?...ra.w,rn,•sava'+C's?13$S '.?," ,''. '?,, •.. !tqf"•,. ",.• fib' ` :`5: •,'?? ?r? ;:-• 'Jf•...&CrMS'icWaaw..u,...-'-rs........:..,...,.o:..i......G:.,?...•.. a.?.,. r..., ... ..?....,... ,..,<.... __. ., ._.... ...t'.. ,.. .....n.. _ 33A'??` ;`?7.W``?ai• f°. §'r;y V's i:s'" +s i qf- ??;fiU?:;?;•.%i4ti?4r:'.'.'ifr.,;,?•'?..:-: f/r 1 S ... . •? 'nvs J' i 'f•i }'1.r 'r?4'r:..(; ., +F n . _ • ' City voting at a spueial election called and held in the manner provided by the City Commission of said City ,for the purposo of doterminirig whetlier this amending Ordinance shall go into effect. PASS10 AND AUCPTETby tho City Commiaaion of the City of 'Clearwater, Florida, in session duly and legally assembled: PASSED ON VIMT READING December 5, A. D., 1951 UPON MANIMOUS CUNSENT Or THE CITY C01011ISSIGNI S PR14 W AND VOTING THIS ORDBIANCE WAS PASSIM ON SECOND AND 1Hlld) HEADING Docember 50 A. D., 1951 r Mayor-Commi,s3 er Attest: Ci Audi or d Clerk 7 t; r? -ECG ?`?•/ (? Tto ?l L!/s+.v tiKGAF' e ?H.1 ?a?l?.tG?,Gl.Ge3'tJ - '400, `?GC f d ?1 :y / .rl.! C?GG?.r/ ?'r? O??.Cti4 cur GC? A4 G r ? , ?`- ?z- .- ti 1 I 1. .>: ,J•'. ,,7, ,' 't ?:"',?.,:? r ;M 1' ? -'?"tom:'+'J? 3,}S ''t'.?'?5•':'. ' , ? •Y; . '? ':' . : .7 • " ' x,.. : 1« ??e«e h __] - - III 3 nnaaudtuan ;o•,zrigrollo tUCIA 1-1 1 pavoA90 SIP ' N?.,......t.f <.. . -. .. .•. „-. ,. .. - .. .. i r.wwra, ntlnrr Y, ....,--. c..•?.•r?.. _... l:f_,<.,•?.t,:..Ey. . ORDINANCE NO. kill J - TIM CLEALLW.M]"Elt SUN AN' ORDINANCO ABIMI)iNa 01WINANct, NO, 455 AS A111ND- Published Tinily F:u SAAM IILM11 TIIN ZONING ' Clearwater, Pinellas County, CIorlda ORDMANM, OF TIM CITY OF r ' ' f COUNTY OF PINLLLAS: i 110VIDING PonLSUBAll- INn tifA1 pa?ol'l ;' STATE, OF FMORXDA TIRE AAMISIDMENT TO A ltl•+'I+ i t ?°?(otl(ali EItJ1NDUAf BY TIIE FREFIIOLD- i Ileforo the undersigned autherlly personally appeared W. S. Zschaeh, 1Vho ERS OF TIIE CITY OF CLEAR d:aitntlo, on oath says that he in the General Mana 1vAT1'.it. per of the Clearwater Sun, a daily newspaper . , ? Published at Clerartvnter In Plnellne County, Florida, that the attached copy of IIF IT F)NACTED BY TIM CITY COMMISSION OF' THE CITY ' OF being a ...Q???[1 ........................... CLEAfWATkR. FLORIDA: t. Tr t advortlonant, [• ' S13(:41ION I. TI at Sectlon III of Ord:- ................. ....................... In the matter of Inaclca No. 455 on amended, scone be s { ` !nt; the zoning Ordinate" at ilte' City ,d • •1707 • • • • • (1 [] Cl O . ,• ....xp.???n?.? m. sip..........?5.5 ................ f Clearwrtcr. F1nrldn, be and the ? 'tt,.•,'.•';,•'.•.' nainn is beraby wriended to read- na ................................................................................. fullox'r; "8=11'I[)N III. US)s DISTRICTS, p For tits S+nr 4pre of clnaaliying, ` Df}LL¢9C .................................................. I'M nblishOt1 1Yl rrgulnlinl;, use restricting the lu- eeld not" ... ...... rntlou of trader. Induelriea. and PaPar In the issues of .. others uaea, ant the IftlMon of buildings erected or ntiructurally ..................... y ............................ nitered for rpecilled ones. the City of Clearx•atar Is- hereb • divided h there obeli Afflant further says tltlat Lilo tattld Clearwater Sun In n newspaper published at be lie.ai, k klat now at n whicw. Clearwater+ In stud Pinellas County, Merida, and that the said nims a r has be ta P 1? fR-1) III•:SEDLNCI•I DISTRICTS , horetoforo been continuously publlmhod in said Pinellas County, Morlda, malt day 1(R-7•A) MULT1PLM RAVELLING and hna beett entered as second Blase mall mutter ut the post office In Clearwater, DISTRICT ; In said PInellm County, FlerldaY for a perlotl of one year next preceding the first 11OT , APAITZ-1ENT } OU publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that AND LIMITED BUSIRMS DI8- Ito has neither pnld nor promirod any person, first or corporation any disomml; (niR (111 . SS IIIBTItIC'r rebate, 1xlnunisslen or refund for the purpose of securing Lida adver Brit for (1t) AtANSINF UI1'ACTUItIN4 . DI S publication in the said nalvsllapw. ? THICT (UZ) UNT.ONED DISTRICT . (P) PUBLIC DISTRICT + .. .:' . .: ( ..... ... ....... wlsicis rnld'3htrictr, togothor with . their bnundarier, sire rlinwn in full Sworn to and. C 1 bcftyro "pan n cart4tln map marked, "Tito " zoning mail Or the CIty of Clestr- water. Florida, of 1951." signed bY' rilB td #i d of G2A1t7,81"...,, A. D. ifl,.S the City Auditor and Cleric and . Z•,• -,? '. ...,..•, et. City AyKrr, and eounlea , the rlf(ned 143' the A[nyor•ConuulnllOU- pet stud ca of {sTdE?It) Notary Public ai of vaid Cit as In og ahhem! end hearing ng tits date of o[ December 6, 1951, Ir1+! Notary Public:, 5tote of faorldo of 1a,9t and, aforeeald accompanicl and to My CDrflmi s4un c.Npncs 11pu4 '4, hereby adopted as lire official Zen- " 4 , Ise: Map of the C1tY of Cirnr-e'ater. .. i iqadad by &nrr4ctit Sur411 Lz9. 'A fit Y. Florldn, and fly refarenr:e thereto hereby made it part of ibis O j F?3 _ :k ''' i• h.: ;. ; tr. -"`., ,'. < a ,.. No tremtan or buildin shall lie 1 + :; 1•=' ``' ,• V,:;,:' {.. uxrd or oeeupled, nOtthor F111111 1111Y hullding be erected, allrrr.d. or ex- tended for use or occupancy for any other sae or pnrtvose titan that permitted In the dlNtrlet In which I"eh hutidinl: or prornlso Is to- ' rated". 'Lott BfcrtionTVafn! Ortglfnnnroi No c46 ru amended, same being III 7etnlntl Ordinance of the City (if Clrarwrtnr, Ftoride. ttr. mul the satne In hereby; atnended In rend as follne'a:, 1119) Aveesaorl, buildings and, uses necessary to and cuntalnnrilY ?• lacldentnl to any of the urea per- ;{? . . ntittt4i in It•7 tones when IOCated,.. i on the ntm lot and not Involving' s' file conduct of a bueineas other. - - i ; thalt euston5arlly carried m4 in roll- 6 ' neet[op ,%'1(It Was ppernnllted In R•T.. f j A sonel, iacluillnig private, ¦nd rtoraga garage t#'hen. located not Iona than IU feet from ftle front lot line nor'ioss than :9 tent from any other ;trlot 1 rq or 3 feet from ' ¦ny an ¦ I sea, - or-a prlvatn. " ?arutKO camA tt-dvi Ila w part of tlrn main bulhilnK; prorldwl, hox• +. ., ' over that nnu•comutercial (clot uprrated as a buslnras wRitlit It- " .4 isndlorr 11rf seen! oil vaeatntk lots ar pnrtlons thereof for parking pa,t- nenger rnolor vehicles slfalt bepcr-- rnlltnd la R•3•A sons. ;: .t d'1 1 A.C1ION fll. Tort Orlhnanre N,4 .'456 % alt amrn,led, note hein{f the. xanhtK•" . ;??"•?- Ordinance of the 01), of Cirarwater, A. j S;•. -.iii,' •;,: eo: rY ,3r. _;?;• '1ra1Y ??''- ;;.r - Florida. be and the tams too harnhy E-s nntrnled hr nunrudluq tl,e title to •?' ?: - ?i?':`:7- r „'•_=?i- Br,•Ilpn V no that the ann4a 'All d -?t-1y s.r ..i.r i:r.L „Y?. ,tY 'r ti+t fultaw.• ,?. r'=: t'e?,^: ;.Y+;:- '?: i• !Sc •!, :r' ,...Y+,+.,t+T4w?,.1,?.x•?.,,nmwSats?i^w.'lM '4 } x•1;:.3 r C. pro 4i"'e ,, L:?>• ?.,n Z ? ':r.:.. ` ?+1 t:. < . . - ,: i? 'l: ( tf; .r " .?%• .'k .,tee . Wallis L`"•r7 '?1 F`s ;3sf; tan.r;1{:.;Pr'?'n,?t r. •: s,. ?: i=`1: ..... 'S• .. i .....?.... •.. - ,1.1 • - ^ o- , k TION SIB I17A'U13bIULTZPLfi. ° DIVELI.}NO-DIRTRICT.'.' , ?', lint fy arldlna Rr"effiln V-I3 as followir •SXCT14N VII. USE f(k(j1ILA- ; 'II O N R (R4-11) 1ttULTIPL19 t 111VELLING. IIOTISL, - APART." XIFNT IIOURF. ANT) JAILTED `. IINe,selfillitla0a or Ibulldlnjla Phall be ,serf or oerupled and no build. Imes shall be herrktftrr prrclelt nr strueturaltyy altered, unless ether- wise provided In. tilts Ortllnancr,, ' rxcept for one orMoro of Uka (a,. Iort•knK tiers: .. . 1. Anr use permitted In R.J. Dip. , tract. 4. Any use parrnitted In 71-:•A I11s- trier. a. Combination lintel and liusinese bulldlnhfs: combination n rtart. m t int and buainpm buildings t' subject to the following limits- thing: In any hotel ' ar apartment hullding contalnlalt 10 or rnt.re " npnrtrnent . hptleekteulnk units or 18 er ntnra hotel units (guest' roome) business upsFl?rs shall he permitted within said'buhd-- ' Ing under the insln of there-' S• or to (he extent of four buss- naps spares for the first 16 sue}, units and one additional bunt- nrsa space for enrh additional % 8'tmils above the number of 16: provided further that no ntrret or exterior advertinlnir or dls• play idg s for nald business spaces in asreps of two feet ' ar tisro in area shall be permit- t , tea' SECTION IV. That Section Xf of Ord.= Inanre No, 455 na amended, soma' be. ' % Ing the 7ening Ordinance's[ the city l' of Clearwater. Florida.- .be and tho' r ?"?` same Is hereby: amended'. to,, read as follows: ItrtfJlitT AND r Aries WGULA- TIONS: 1, No hulldinK oY' other Vita shallE 44as ' ` extrod beyond tike ..kiultdlntf', lines Shown. na '.Tho' Inning, j lfap of the C[t ' of Clearwater, • ; t`- Srlorldn o['IR51," t "+ 4. The hellihl of all itttltdings sbilt °., be g?overned by t)le rClly"s Bull dlitg cod 0 0 and, 3the per-',•.i Moat ordnces or ' regula- tone, No lot.'nr 'plot havlng all area ](!Sri hat p (4,500? square five Ptah all Hnrrafter he used for building lit R-1. It-4•A. or, n-4-11 areas, ltelthrr shall any building oth- er than accessory building be , ' hereafter erected thereon ]lav ing a ground floor enclosed' ' nrca of lens than seven bun-- dyed fifty (7[10) square feet ex-. 1. `,;r• e ;, : . Itnilve of porches and breese•. l { ways. SECTION V.. That Section 'XVIJ1 (,f Ordlnanrn No. 455 as nmended, estate bring lite Zoning Ordinanee of tile City of Clearwater. Florldann, ' he'lind thu Paine IS Itareby mnendaa to'read'... " as follows "SECTION %VI11, INTERPI=A-.. • TION, PURPOSl,` AND CONFLICT t In litter rotating and applying,.-L"- the provlslous of. thin Ordlnahcd tile k q'" thry'shall Iw held to the minimum , j. requirements for the promotion of... health. safety., morale, slid general . j + 3 '-' ?'.•t- • : tF;: , .;?. s(' welfare of the comhtunlty. IL' is ` nlrr[creltirlthb Af?ro? bedtornninul of .ilia' Clt • Vin. Clearwater tr whn,,are( { ratty easements, covenants,. or othar'y ireclwldara lwktllht Bald City Vatinq at : nfireements baretofora uxlsting .be '', a-rpecfal electlou cn[1rd and hahl luf:••;'`;,• ` tts•ecn psrtErs; ,provided, However,. the manner provlfled by (Ito' Clty Coln- j -' •"- % the jurisdiction and authority of:,., mission of said- for the purpose ,.. , the City Government'. of the City- . or, daterndning' whether, this amend- ' . of Clearwater to enforcd building- In?d'' Ordinance allall'11fro' Into effect. and tening restrictions . Phu11 be . 13ASSFI) AND • ADOPTED. by.-(lid - . ronfhled to the enforcement of,the; Cityy Commission af'tha City, of clear. provisions of this Ordlnaurn .qndwateM, Florida !n. reeslon duly'sad }` + - nefiher the, City nor Andl+,def+art- IcggaIty ttsarntb?ed: t' i •? . Intent or employee thereof .><hall 1n,. YASSED OhT'FIRST READING Do'- any wise InyDlye the Clt :'In ilia. - cernber 5,^A. D,. 195E ° ..UNANIMOUS . CONSENT OF. ' . ruforrement of any prlva ety 'ere- UPON T ated easements, revenants.' rotrlrie- THE CITY ',COMMINSIONI9ttR PRES- bona or agreemanla between such , FNT ' AND' VOTING ? TIT IS , OIIDIK- : . llarlles." ANC]:! . VAS' I'ABSED ' ON BECOND RA'CTION VI. That all Ordlnanrra• AND TIIIItD RNADING December , ntid parts of Ordinances In' aanfllcl A. D.,s I451.;. •; f IJ a ", AC ;T1 .yt3 r „fir; 4 I 41 sssst+'N'. hernwlth be and the, "Ina aro Itareby Ilerbert X. IIrotan rntteeled. ]fayorvCommlaslaHer { RE CTION VII. That this, rOrdinance, Atleat• j'. t- shall became effect wllrn a prernri II..C. p Vino .a i` by • a majority of , the unlUlrl! steel s Clark. ?k? ?' 'r ' -1 :•? 1 ar . < City u, i ur and E (,' ; a •? r' r 1. . f: • Y``• "'"?' ,E,.{ :q ? e'en. .rt.?' '»?,"?o'°'r?i'. _zzn 5 . r 52; r ? ,?f f t' "?'•Y? area.. • '''s ' , _ f v '24 Se.. ty`'? r % }_x t f •t + ?L -Gn'' 1. '°Ery '+r _ 4 i. ?r •f:= i r 'd? 1M •:i' ,?r `;!E y "Y°''r.r? ,} ,...?.-rat" ?`" ,. •cr?: -'•.•?..'. "? •. ?,::;r ,'n. ,t % .? ;, r'• .W `,'ilit'.' 3,.. :'S. Mf w i" `}] t 'f.+ "'x r? "7. ?'? •161 :3>.. ?"s gA- "i"?a r? '.Y 1 3,>r. ''J. 'S. :?". IJ ?.. :.'E?• ..R +i•T' .::rY _ `! - '?" ..Fit: •..c` 'a- .its ':4 •ti r.Ca- :r+' ['" d [?_. •%;t* t?• .'S:•. fit :'.i' ''e »;? trt, ? 54'f, .,•?`. ,.k"I?1: `tv;Y.:a.'r `•'t.i•:ti> : r.. ..Yn a',tw".&`$.•?' .. !? :€r4 .'j'..'. .. .'?`.?.•rw..tt...r ", r., .?r........-1, - _ Fill! ,,.,..r ....k.:....r.? ?..... J?il. iFRr