587*.' ?,•e .??. ^:'K'!' .'?y'd?fc?,.} .d e'?nr.' ? .'. Y'r `.?Y ... ... ... a.Y n. .. ..ti ... - - - t 1 S5 _ ? f t y ¦ ~ b # "v y°i1V,n •t i' ? ...r`i'd':, • i ,e5 {e ., {i' a• -((?'• .:1 ? I'ti ?(. .., =titi'2: -•zs •.?1 '.), nr•r 's .{ '> ? ?]r' t !a? '1?4(?' w .,,-,?` E5.• .7'• ':iatit.:••, •,.'''!, v.E •r. 1'f:. •?, ,, .-ice' ' F . ?l' ?a: N 7J .E4.4b. j • ?k- ?` •'?'.n'yr°?t/:s1 ^arsii.suwsN.?ra(y'tari,e?a.'ew..sw.i.f5st O:Y.:.i.115.4ixvlL:4CLwsw?,•:'-:u^a`a;:.'>t'..x ?:.."r,.v.w.,i...,,r.'... .. ..r•?w sriRR,kVlwvL*F.<?F *ucla• A t 3 I, `'r.Y?A??9'?i+?'4'fi}'?`i?{?•w[•Ai'r '>Y l>r ?l ??.>r.t.. ,.atop. ,..w...+IV February 7, 1:50 , ?'°,?N+ . r•`;a'-:f`;:'.:. ° j ORDIITk11CL 110. 587 , '•lr,:ids*. ?':: `,..:.';• . ??;,?;,. `?'-.4?..? r?. .1 '=Y?',5 •' '':1 ;4•`iel:at+ S?tlµ It?? t?4''?e . '.y'1l/t f XT ' V, "ALA41 ?q. T Y ?7 17W 'b•" . F • ?1?' s+,?stL1 't's / ty? ?? v :, 5r. iav rat. li4 1 T, ; fit?''.`?14';ti, WY, ';?:f/:??: ?.•iF. ?.: ? U•." CIF ,E ,F! .kit ORDII+AITCE, OTMAI;ZING THAT THE PWIMM, FIXING AM) 6V•AI;1- TAItiI1iO 0I'' ANY ':R££$, 5lfRtli,+Mn, OR OMER 013Ji;C l 01; THE PARYWAYS OR ON PRIVATI; PROPER^Y ADJACE;IT TO STRL•W IJI^.E1t- SECTIONS OR CRCSSIITOS 111 THE CITY OF CLEU11471M UHICII OBSTRUCT THE IJRIVI;'(1 VISION OF THN OP14PATORS OF 'AOTCR V1ih1ICUS PAOSAINO OVER A;11) ACROSS SUCH 11112 i81:CT? ON; CONSTITUTES A 111ISk1WE; PRESCRIBING T13ii l•;Li1tU13 AUD 1:1:,1115 FOR VE ABAT11 EUT OF SAID IMI,SANCri FIXING A PLUALTY FOR THE VIOUT1011 OF VIM 011L'INkNCc, AND 11i:PlU L1.I0 ALL _.,. 01tMIANCia AM 111,1175 OF ORDINAT;CES Ill CONFLICT 111,11011711. WHEREAS the vehicular traffic upon the atroeta of the City of Cluurwatnr has created a condition which when not rroporly reg;ulatod aauaea a public nuisance and A. ha ma rd and danger to the 11 to, liea1th and property of the Ira*wLItantn of acid oityj and MIEREAS it has been undo apparent by records and investigation that a great percentage of rhn causes of in,jur7 to parsons and property by vehicular traffic in said city are collisions at intersections of atrnotsj and WHEMS such collisions at such intersections are due In rang instances to the obstruction of the vision or the operators of vehicles by :lees, shrubbery, and other objects planted or placed upon the panccvrays and the privates property of individuals, firma or corporations, adjacent to said intersections; and MIEIIEAS it is apparent that for the protection of the life, health and property of the inhabitants of the City of Clearwater it is neeausary that the planting, growing, fixing and maintaining of any tree, shrubbery or other objects on parkways and private property ad;acent to streets internoctiona, which obstruct the driving vision or the operators of vehicles in the City of Cloarvrater should be regulated; NMI, VIEFEFORE, BE IT OT%IJAIVED BY :1TE GM MVISSION OP THE CITY OF CLt:AMIATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. That any person, firm or corporation, l• o plants, fi.,es or maintains any tree, shrubbery, or any other object upon any or private property within tite City of Clearwater adjacent to the intersection of any streets ir, said city, which oontr•uctn the driving vision of the operator of any vehicle properly upon a street apprcaching said intersection is hereby declared to be guilt? of ccrsiitt:ng a nuisance. Section Whenaver the City ;-:anger of the City of Clearvister, alter Invastik;ation, shall deterr:ine that any tree, shrubbery or other object planted or fLtad upon any parkway or private property in the City of Clearwater adjacent to a street intersection, obstructs tho driving vision of the operators of vehicles passing over or through such street intersection, he shall cause to be served upc:1 the owner or cecup'ant of the pr opert; abutting; such parkway, or the owner of the propert; upon which :iuch trees, ahr:bbe:y or other objocts are planted or fixed in violation of this Ordinance, a written notice requiring such owner or occupant to remove such tree, shrubber; or other ob,ject,' or to trim such tree or ahrubber-,; or reduce the half;ht and uldth of other objects so as to eonply with the provisions of this Ordinance. Tyro notice herein pro- vided for shall be nerved upon the owner or occupant of the property herein described and shall require the said awtior to comply with the directions contained In said written notice, within fifteen (I5) days after the service or said notice. Said notice ra; anal can to served by placing; a copy or the notice at a conspicuous place upon the property abutting, the parkvn;t, if the offending; object be thereon or upon the private property upon which the offending; object ray exist. Section 3. The owner of any property affected by the directions of the above notice .can within the t-Ine specified in said notice appeal to the City Cors#:,snicn of the City cf Clearwater and until the City Co::aiaaior, stall act upon snid appeal, the said appellant shall not be required to cor.,ply with said notice. Socticn 4. if after the sarvico of the notice heroin provided, the ward owner or Cacu ant dolls not coriply wlthr the directions contu,nod in said notice within tho tine specified or does not have an appeal grunted by the City Cor,:aisaicn the Citg :::onager shall have the necessary action taken to relieve and terriinate said traffic laxarc, either by.l:aving; such trees or shrubbery trir:rled or by having; it er then removed. Section 5. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the awner of tiny property fror. erecting or r.>aintaining buildings or structures as permittod by ordinances of tile City of Clearwater. Section 6, Each doh of violation of, or each day of non-complionce with, ary of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be and constitute a separate offense, and shall subject every person guilty thoreor to all the renulties proscribed in Section 7 of this ordinance. Section 7. Any person who, alter receiving the notice herein provided for, does not abate the nuisance herein defined, within the ti:-.e described therein,, ahull be pun_slled by a fine of not more than Twenty-five Dollars (F;25..:0) or be imprisoned fcr not r:ore tl-,an ten (20) Clays, or both, vlltl:in the discretion ef t1.e -utg;e. Section G. All or=Trances or ;.arts of orLinar,ces in conflict h:erew-Ith are hereb:- repsalod. R I: ... .... .,..•:?+f_g'. L"?rners+.r+:+?a ,...wrw ".'J .?•„ ,),+ •.,), ,i 4,r., - ..,,,.«-w.-,... .>,. .... , ._ . ,f. ? , b ?w E ' t 4. d, 1 ;sk yr5'd- R " 6 , ? 4 Y rl w t ?• ? W ?'? d ka ?. •c" "? < ,b,tb• .Y A S+x Nd }?'+.i-. w. ?'i .xt x h ','t,?r Pr t Y: ,•°.{f.`:'Siy'_3:'r3.'; F '.•d 'xs t IA' ?: <'S° ' i'f'.' .-g1?'!'yr?S I•, yrL'f 1 '•:iA jR`[y , :r •Yu r '',r:,°a'. ?; ?,leY?., vit;'.y r,: M,).•; ,3 V?..i? ;x' .'.:Fish ;?"•?rtv.`s;•i- .: ,es.?g:'' yl:?3^ ;:?°, `c•?:' S:js`?`tK?.f r?;`: v a Y' di, ' `L`• ? ' ?g- ,L ?:1 ` ° , rE .. , 'yid t( Y. `•.: ? • . yy,, " e a , Yi ' i i,y '• ., ;fit' •' ?`. "' 'd . )+11..•. •??F•.: ?2 `4fk? f s: •''xC s. t.-'. ',112:=....... a •, v rtf,'., R, Ni . }E r 1 ?9 L 't ?. ',r,?.•i.•=N ?•y... >:.y?`?it},a',sr?t??`..•?a,.?+. y,,.. ..A,. ., ? "^ ,'w?o?Y:.•?:».??', ? ?'?. •' , ' + .. ,. ' j, ° E ?a. • k r •: Yr' r'.k.'s' or s" ry.:i. `r"= >!Y, t•i'I 1:.: .t'r,:= ,:''.c ?'.7i''sf' ..,.+.-'' •R•.. ?'.i:«'' '.:? ?- +r,'r1?. ''a? _ "1 c• FCC" y ?Y 'ls- 't 1 ?r y'rM, •?- g .'YS. pr+',.r - `?J :?:'.:t .y„`?,9 X ;?..r ?At-•''"y"-'?'rt„ [ r' E. ( ?i•-RS's-1r' t I°?".,' .XiY .•t .f'. .L• .i a?F.. .. -.f`' jss a .'a• '4`?.. +. 3'.. ? ':4'• ..1 r,:? ,;... +}'' P t ,r4, t+ ?;y, 4 •'•t• it .a -r •t` 't ''s? t t i-•Si. .rf Y4' ON tti, s l ?.. 'v '3 ,+' -!"?".-?. r1' it 'v• "•fi,=",p .s •P a -"S -7 L•t yF`1r. f :'S ? :?:' I •08 C h 1" ?i:.: A. et,!r.r• ..Lla'Y?k. :F,C :.F. I•E'i ,•i.''rt>G+, s.': `'..?>•. :'i .=f:.'::1 t:,:`°H .??r. .r 7 r r•'r:, ,! P t1," a°r.. ., ''t-::.°. ., 1?,` _ :.3???' .„x:?lr?:: ^;? , - rr• 'p°.iS'.^ ..?:' a ".L 'W.i'' ,•1»: a_' .f^?'i. u.:`{,7; t,a'v.•o ..?..,,,>. ".C'' ,1, ,,,;,"n ?.. ? .t jv. '+, to ''?`^ • 1 i' C a . .z , 4- ? ;.'i tr ' s-:•, 'Z .f?.' -f }. .-.,.i 7 v•?r'3• `°:`?. ,s•« .s'' ,. a'? k.:- ..? •-3?K. .. *t ! eon. rl, ="k=t .! t `•a:. ,i s'•' :i5:'Iru% a. ')?`'Y ?:?:' 1 !'?•k ]7,, 't• t ? . ? 4'?r ^ri ,x .i f ds.•+h !U' r. Kit x'l?' 'A ..t• . "F '. 7! •Y! F? {. -••L . Js•I "?'"'i: :n.4 ' ; t . _ ?''i. .?t a 'i •.e %.? ""K'• `F '1. .".L.. s + .-?a .+ r E.: N?a",y ?.•::•: a. e'.. >r:a•.'?,1 ::. .`.t-? 1. ?? r• <.d.. v+ w :7•' •'F'iw 'f l' .Y i'•. ':v:''i s ?a-" t""..: ••3.;w° ?ya?q,, '.'cS r!r t':k,-? •.t •.'r.:-t.??.l ?a. _ty., {Z.:?:s f• •F 'T! 2`-r iati :9:; ;i, ?.'•;•:' `? ' ' Ye ?' 1.. :h'•L-.•,a, k ''3'• fi L? + Fl.u ry , a ?. t?. qi?{ y j ;' , } : r ...... `r .,r : s. '.-twn?. ?•?'?;, r ?*?' m d tY.JSq(? ','?` T i. ? ?S' "K ?'23 7x?yA •.f•:._C.°i', ,?, l? 'li.t ?r ?? .SM "? •fa' A ?° .y,"''.. }? 3/°' `?'k"',l, q lit.. »P v:f.' I?._ :t, .'?? '.; `.,.';_, ?? }4••'.?;. .i:^.. ;,,. ? ,7 •F'.: ?. x K § `l,. :,.?...i'''.. te.•rt ?R'iE7."x :+i .y.. .n'?:-,M r-qt i`£NSr ?.g 1? rrl z F'°°n.:5-' .,.r:ey :'r', ..t.' S ..,_,'..,: tiT, r "° ? q• •.:e';?"'•- Y6? st':., {I ,4t ? ??i 7F A'?S :,-6?}7r '.R x ^", .'t °Pr: ..?' t* :.,`I •tY. ?' ii } i, >:rLw rte ;" - . y. i'. ?y :.?.° ^ 3 ,fi, .l.• a ' , v ,+ 11 ttkk 'F •d{ ° "tY . J ,IS :•i o.1 "` ?•I?S+.', . ir.f?$$ °+1 a' Ate: 'S.C :Af .Y ''t`, ,' •'Y•'.* -i 4'<9'0. •'?? C'"?.,i'- ao 't. •?" :`,?;,. y'>:.. .i'; • y.^? ;,-:.:?h°?, 'fir.. r,' ..t '1',r? ?x'.9 p •,S •'.'s',: •?0a . i , ,?k 6 ,t.T. :?? .t°. -r !'?a :'1?? '•f':t•`' '# ?1!. I;.. ,, ., •f. '7>tn . 34 j'M. 1 n.`!"0 .l'? f' * r ? 5 ?ti:, 'S As, k `:.f• ."F? ?I M `(" .1.' }', '-;alai } a f„ :'a. t.q?i? T 1?`*s1.tt-?:a?a4,._ ._ c_ __. _ _ .:.....•c•.AU7r.:`•_ .._..,.,,......,_.. __ _ .- .. .. _ _ W ._,.. .. ._ ..n .',. rcaS{iK...v?_ ,>,FQ'•.k+?,?'.. __ ?],\'9y ?' Y. 1E. ..r •j° f?l;`y e??fG yy.1.t: 4 41. $iSii ..\....: !?, ;'•I. b ? t{? 1 . 1, CIT11 C011105I0Ii ME1rTIG • `: ; 7 1960 Februar " :y , y fs?r,,:,., rI•.t ,: ce 110. 587 ccnt'd ordinance 110. 587 cont'd. c:jt s ?? .;y$_•. ,'°,? • Section 0. This Urdimnea ahal. be effective irutodiate17 upon paasu' 9 1 ?f?g??Ch'`{'i?iA B'a'd d'4 y'?'1 `• ' i PASSE AM ADOI TI 3 by the C ty Commission of the City of i 'v' `r. t'r ?....'•a ' Clearwater, Florida: <t'y14 '3 ,r `n,{§? r : t!?XV4 PASSED ON 1773T [iJtDS 0, Jnruar;r 16, I950 v J' ,• ,. ? ' PASSED 0;1 SEC.C:ID 'n READING, . nua ry 30, 1950 PASSED 0 ' t THIRD IMADI110 b 7 1?50 ` F ' d ,r :•? Ott K? }?•?° ?fSd-E""'? S+y? „ , e rtlaly , ) k g , ' ;? ?r'i1?p'?'^t-":t°,.t "?.,:•; Leland F. Drew AC tit g ayar_UOT7 1 sa andr E :. . . ?:';' N•,P,, W'r.??ig•i'•i;''r'_.', ';;' .a,ki.;'xt p 5 Atteat: ' - E wil-:., ?.^` ?- ??E.. ?: ?.. ., ?? n.,'8 , -'?',t •?F'?? G If Win o - a?.z:?}?F.°.:F•.;,e;;r.,': ?:::?•' :•? . . g v ty Au ar an t. er: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - Vii. ar•,:t rz; s,•_ ,; b L; r;r;:; .'.r , 4 ,.t;,'. ORDINANCE 210. 888 4 AIt ORDIIIA;ICr TO FORBID AND i•UIIISH A:Y ACT (THIN > ::°? 'I??°s: `:'Y;i_ '' )' :F?= ;fr:y::??;, ,.• THE CITY LIMITS MUCH SHALL BE RECOGtUM, BY ME LAWS OF FLORA` ,. f,. ?..::'• A AS A Yn? °,?l'11}'... F: S••?'itr'.fS',•, f.5{???? a ?/11? ,-,i :. ,: 1'I: i'?, ?.':>. ArY S Y'••T ''1_ '- ,;•Ri: f'°:C' ..,r: J?'•L 3E 14 OR..ATINED E TUE CITY G4J S +•-ti:-'e,..+, t „j,.?,e 1:I5.tlbti OF THE CITY OF CLe+,'raTER, F'LORII A: r'.ai' l>< • M r; S, CTION 1: it shall be unlawful- to Cot-riit, within the limits of the it, C1par- 'r, ::`aC ° „!i • b':, ?4 G ;7 Of r; v::',`•'kt..? it;"• , }?rt'?' e,i E"'r fiF;=e 1:qy fr ?'•'{+'SZl water, any act which is or shall be rocagnizaa by the lairs of the Sta to of Florida as p*.>r,,w,"{rb,':?r •:s.; x eta; at° y Q misdemeanor; and the co>:zFtission of such acts is hereby forbidden. ?.•rF '. ! ??(,\?•`,y?•27??t` !?N;1`' 'a ?? "r,??tE ??:?? 2} `i',E.E,f?4iSi???i'.'.r.':?u' 1 VIA, I. SECTIOU 2; Whosoever shall violate the provisions of this Or'diranco uron conviction tik??:rr tk:e:o51, s2:a 1 to punished by the aano penalty an is therefor provided by the Laws of y':; t p} thn State of I•lorida, out in no case shall such penalty exceed a fine of Two Hundred In Dollars { 200 00), or an Imprisonment for mote h than ninety (00) days i n t he 'I a htttq t .,t>. City Ja 1. ;a>r # f? ' ? t,i°r ?. ;? n..4 t_?< ? ..? , 1 1 f. F l,`?`Y,: '4`7'sSy`.ce•s?' 4 ?, 1 „ LaY ,fit 1 '??? ? ,?t ?? ?•?_? .. ?-' K ?,.":::• ?, rte ?,??` ?_"N iqr< PASSED SSED AIa AD0P_'FFX3 h„ the City Colmias-'cn of the City of Llea:rratar, r ?•? F r &r r,r !'#t f " ' ?°•'???? t 9: ??`.'?{n.`4:!'S:jy F r ? ?:.; -'? Y„'• eA•7A,* ?sfr ?•'? A I'G'?'l.la=;.fi it`:F: W k \r,v l :..? t•l 4••Yf? "PA ^aSiD on first read nCj TQnunr7 Ya, 190 ?• r ' ? `t???° ?Y=" PASSED on second reading January 30, 1950 ,qt„'!P:.,•,ri;t?, .i aj.l,ld•'51.+' 1p?4s'i,. ?115S:uD on third reading rpbrusrt 7, 1C50''•?•-`;'., :?I-';4,-r"r:?•` Leland F. '.;tart °_' •? ?;?; ?'•r,. ?>;?:'r't f ?`+P „ • tea '* r ? Y ",.c n•=? ';: J y s"t t..a-,cr-I:Orm sa Oner •? + '°t•1 i?' kF3 S:, r ,"?+'Js" t Y• .Sr', tF `•t.6 "5 ? Acting ` '? a,dK. st,,? Attest: .•'?i?` ?3' ,.;'.:`t..r ???, ^ yg t "'t..rylt'.f(r3`", t y a ??a t?: '?j. ?i?i"j?If3?t s.??ip?t?lJ f??!^'X'. ?-e? ?4y° ?^•!ti ' ,1??39.y3.I,734 °!A "a!'? '?'-.{ •?''` ?`'N°?x'' '(t"`:;? • Fl!`° r.`&r ,., ; " {j • R a :tar ar C err ;$ + ; ,r,• i .:r1, i l?r?-L• :d ti? rsil•. f . ?`'• Lc ,,0 •it?r '. i" ,' +f'r'. 1;. :'-rri?d; -i ?'?.?` ?r 71.Y7 • sa P,,. "{tom,. ?... { r3=+.-4.?'`F1.'`'K •?`d- : } '•} iL'lk`<.; L`' ti.i ?fw? abet ?4R. tY??.?•`' R, qz '? 4?^y . t'F':rP r. ri4rir `rh y,?s ??? ---------------------- ,?'f '€'F ' • oRDIIIAtrcE :ra. sea Ali OR=ANCE, DECLARING TI1.L.' TItF?03'r M "' IG AFFIXING rc-f> 4 I'ir: -tk.?::I?:?r?,Y}rim •?`•:?'-:. ,f.i :;, LR FiIST R:EUTIGIT OF r A1.1 HA:?l3ILL, CIRCI: R, CARD OR C^.t! , =#_'t,.`: i;, w?' r? •`•. ,; a ER b; .irrr , r ADrzP.TISZ::G AND CC.I:i?ERML I.:ATTER IIr ' OR UPON A1 7Y STR - 1j". •F.., 's?", ?,?°e?%'?• ?• •`?'t`Y`' r , PUBLIC PLACE OR :.10^_0R Vi:1. r ? ICL: LOCATED =REOI1/ n ,0 BE ., 1;r'e+'i `' :^ ;K r''!`•,;.: t• is°? ?,•'..?SS i="in. 4??' S''}"' - AGA M .xT THE PT'BL,.G I1IrL7,I11 .+ SAFETY AIM WELFARE A1rD q 'q CRDA:ItI::G ?ra SeL:•:E TO GOIISTIT{1^= A 1rUISAtiGfij E:iC.,.. ??" "- -:ii•. •. '., i::G , ?? C t?s .?•?:.i? FRO:'' ITS PROVISION'S NOI+E-CCI:T..ERC;AL, RELIGIUUS AND :u' ',; r 5 ;7? °r :^."•T .. , to ?> ?II?jq Ys d ,4 ts? ', r $7 ;: t li yikn.:' POLI^aGAL UTT ER A+: 7'`A FIXING A PENALTY FOR THE V`O"TION OF THIS ORDINANCE. ?'P? ' 4P c!?., '.`?S ti ?+?:' :•?•'??"`r? r`.?r:} 4 js.:."l r " "mil:? ,e;?l ?'?. fit, g•! A't` ?h .,- ' :MEREAS the act of throtY_ tnrir cAStI:IFi, affixing or d_strlbtinEi 21sn,.°b{lla, ci:ciulars, l? _ i,' j ?`..'•`•? ' ¢r °a, '' " t r cards and otter advertising and eors'tercial utter in or a on the blie streets or places of the Cit7 of Clearwater! Florida or in or upon rotor vehicles located thereO has the d 1'.t`x•."-,G,+;,rgr , F:::y v itact of n fact of littering said areas }. ' h w• rr r -?.? in an unllsalthy and unsanitary :..snnp^ and ..a.`4Z n '?•:s?• ;v?'' ?t?yl?= ?-Zr•,. .i??,`<'?;`s";ti?nr'.'(r-'l:r:-,T,ak'`•?t""r`.??i1.°rr{i .?i+'y:tyd' {t?,'n4''F>'r'' ?{t'" y ?"° <YrLf ;ty ? i.•°,; ',fIIEI'sAS the e •: rti?i as p' .,: g .t _ et of so doing; i;i xA vas paraons othenelce having none an excuse to =}•y' ? ? Ar:7.{''a ?_` .=fi'; ='' ?? V' V. approach and touch motor vehicles not their own, the effect of which in rang rstencen ; j •:4„?s•r' ,,?;q : ; +?s' ' .{' _a to aid or contribute to the theft of slid vohiclos or a ,.•r, , r c, rticlea t`s+ere_ ^rrc r t: . and _ '.t";,...?j"r,L iF-•'t ??i.?J? r, ?sr°??°c'yh`1J 1" eK[(, {?'ir Ti:a . -:a"` s .:{' '9?: _'. ''3. rc+ ?r.1 ss? t; x •, ti'rlil::R A3 said acts should be prohibited in the interost of A- - ubl'c l:a Aril and 39 9 t..y; i? .? •r 19 TR T,` '?:? ??,'xl?,e? ?'"` ??r?`?• ?` ..,'h?,. it :IO17 I_P.cFCR..., ej`i'1 9 ?'. ?? f.iwti? 4+.n. iLs: '? •?,? ,4iy.?x,?? ?:}-.n'????;;?.' a <n` ? ?''",3 ?r'1•=''1.i )1'E :! } I. t 5'y[ 1. ,? ORDA:IIED By ME CI'r1 CC:w•:I`'`'_0:[ C? THE n T T-13 s ?.a __ ur C...:.1,:i17' .. ?i3. n. , h LeR;ui1 S ,;. (II"+. S.?r -"'!'S",.: •,. .... ,?. h.•? 1 ?+'f'? I :..a'.,y"' d, DDD ',? Section l.rt That any ;arson. Who throws, costa, s:fi:o3 or d?irt.r_bt ttya any handbill, I ? ? ??? .£ >•• ? ,?; . circular, card, booklet, placard or other advertia!nS and corimiercial -.otter :h }; - in cr upon urt•• public street ?_ or place of tho City of Clearwater, cridu or in or upon ' t 'f a an or vehicle lcca ,, ted t:toraon la hereby assIarei c ::51. bRs;.;;?c:;?°.. rl;?.r?t•",?,'.'. f t:.at to be „IIi1t, of cr.:_-titti^ a 93ncU. t.•,,' 'i{. r•??' ;????,L rl:i! , .-:< r ?? c y, ,.`+'1'1*i?:?d' dt !+!r;?•-'T??:? f; Sna,..on 2. That nothing, COntainetI t ? -7•• . i at r'??': si;u?+,?rx??;'3:„?. ft in tiliJ 02",' _:5nCe 3.tA1- La :3e 1:reL to or ?h•ni,R r'+x . .L.,.rw. ..,<., •.a :tf-- x.« •r,xe•'h?? "?rr'?,t.,"-_..•.+„•.,rv .;a+...., .,..- _ .. ... r, +f t' ,