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Yl.r 1 i.'. ..51 ?^f S?••jv aC. fe';,-:.rt x .y ? ,.i,"? :•JJ..-S? ?Ia s?. m.^ 1L, s+'SaW '-St3a+... l? y? .??+,:! Y«_.. `: .°! =a. '? '? w'•+Sr ?S ,+ ,'['," ri _?=? '' o+.r ';?` a'.'' s, t,, st.r ..t 4- '?9 ar,.?,,.d:?". }f!,'[• ?`? :'r.. ? ? a , : ? .'oxf" , k : <.r .[.• .,?i , f,< 'tt *ts :? ?'+ ,'4h •:? S <s ° Y,#'• • ' ??dSs};'k;?,?=:- ?, ..fi:' s:' ?, ? ?, .?$rx} . .? •?••i •y. ' V'•r: ?? t, 'W, ,.+rt,,?r s?:•t'? at'. .,fit. •.ii r,? s- '?y =:. ..yy? .b'?:. •'?;.? S:4•{" y:'}:r r+ [.,?u ,tyn J'"";i: i"' +?'?'t ..5-. ,.t ,. ..' $Y' f to,??'r ,z ?, t . ?. . J: .;,. ;} *:l ??rf: 'D?..,a . ,}i>-•'+! •,/>,.. u:? '? .4'° x :.? [^.?; ?;S :?53:??,'?i''; ?,f , it •y'.y?KSi `'?4?''4.!,?+?t?,'v <?a . s,e?T.'?^ .?s??ar .,. E- ?,? ? ? ?`1tr,. ,:'?z,,,,-$:.?. °5f,?j'?1;'f '<^ .: ?t', +. ??• -.Ja},., rr'rff.. 'S ,c: ?%?f •rm:?''t•, s?+.:.'"'?€<. ?`,.,•¦.. ,I.+.? ,.I.?6 'r_rs,;?':. :,.?° -r,+.. ?tr...•, •y?',. Jr. As.?y .a FY,• .? .,,1 t'"??.t .,., •.?`" ....tt?? 2 L? f.. 6, wy• ?•,, ti't:'f -n? 'err. 1,' :'i^' .:ii•:-?1'f•' -.,l ? 1, ::/w .3 i1 ? 7:1'••iF'i2l';vS.R •i•i.°(itK i l v Ytj?§, Ly, [try+,r" 4°. th. ? [ - ?+?[°'1 ?,.. }?''?',b ? f ."1 f4ax+ -"aa .?#. 5'k?4??i??'a??'a•;-S`??2'?'`s +•?+`[ e 'k.?,.••? .. .?? ? ?.°' !', > 0 1 ,*•S:t+.,+:?r.•,:...tr}?. e.?.,?ao5}!'?e-'Sa??t?.n•7.°, b:5::.; :.:Yp.w;k,,r.tr. k.u?,y4?7 :5.? ,yt l?3.?1 , !'.s ''. - [?`. e?,?+F'LF?I F•. ;, f f ?, t.. ,f'i;,r ol` :. ,a °!? .?Y ./'+ P.. ?.? :E'zi,t ii: J w•:k`RFrri't<'>."•-•jl. .. ~ 9GY }'C.iM.I.W`. ?l 'fiki'':. k"! *1 "c}s„11r.[hpf K•ry'1A:.??i,'i,. ;' •. ;?. i ,:l. J?s?'??i?}; ?r t:+??:ran°E[_?a'?:`°z ;` a Mal f?*t ?' k!. ,£-' ?YS:4??s ?'i., :y,: ,r y?m}_,•.. ? [4=?. :4y-' F?. -? f`S 'F 'i, f(*, ,'A:?Y t'.f',•."i.:tt>ti ?1J `•A'?w?-?.`??.j`j'?' -'??-:'?1'=r. .: ?r+; Iii . ?i ?'..;®,}a, ?yo ?.?.,•?.,[ ? .r tti. ?<`.v???• ??,"?{?`.r?•,rl/.C#? `''-?;? +•r• fi't`'°?'.;'"".' ..b ... 222..1 c... .. i.1 ,.?,v`.?5 "•'1; ?.. :;.,. , Yr, •2?'-; 4.,, -?'`... /:7'.' it iJ,.r?: % "i.:11:5 USl':D I:1 THIS 0ItDlllfktlG2; PROVII)IM ?:L.T ii.L z; ,; 1:i.?j.3 .3'.1ILUIIM ,3::.-U.T-FROFFM 4LUD/Ult i.; .. ..';-FRI ;XX ':0:1DITIJI4; REWIRING .k-Z;UL.lMt3,3 ,.:11) Ui.IL.:i".'Tlr? BY H rt=l1 Or li.r,L7'If 0rl'I'?..ii; c;tUEtIbTT:;;G iti:•:UVrkL OF W.ri-PROOPINGI 4,XsUL4MNG UL' r2U:G.G.: 0r 0RGi,NXU L:r.T'i' R, iFFOItDII:G FOUD Ur; ILLM304L.04 SUst .u.T:i ..ND JkUJL ;UI.fi'i'IilG OF C«itTnlil Ut%T,121A,LS l1Y ;ki,:si:; IN TIL : CITY lU.GUL.TI:1G GO.ISTAUCTY.U:I OF FUTUIii: dtCLJI:lG:3 ,.:ID jT.lUZTUil:Z U:IO;+ItGUI.;G VRai•• VIDI:IG rr:IIJ.LiI.:S rUtt iii.: VIUL.MAT OF '.'HIS ORDLItnttC:: mlM 1:1(UVIDIi1G FOR TO THS CITY GOI:;. SI ;1011. 13:1 IT 0RD,.INZD DY TH.: CITY C01IIrZ33IUIl Or TH.; TTY OF CLLkte.l.,TZt, MUM,: Soetiin 1. Di:.MUTIONS. Thl,t for tho purpone of following sections the following de:initions shall apply. (.t) :'he tern llBUSIl1:-Sj BUI1:7WIl:G'l shall mean any structure, whether public or )rivutu, tLut la uduptad for aeculiancy for trunsuction of business, for rolldoring of pra1'ausinnLl sarvices, for amusermit, Par the d1upluy, sole or ntarcge of goodo, enures, or Llurellandise, or for the porfur:funaa o: :,or?., or labor, including; hotols, roorlitlg 11at1sOS, office buildlaga, publiu buildinwo, churches, schoolu, hos .ituls, .16unl Institutions, stores, thoutres, houses, v,orkshops, faetori^s, buildi:lE•s where' puogle zay assemble or uongraGato, and 'all outhouses, sheds, burns Lnd Other structures an proLUses used for business punt ason. (B) The term 111L.T-STOii'ek01;" or lllb,T-P.hUOFINGlt as used heroin apply to a relutivuly Inaxpensive Tara of rut-proofing to ,ravens the ingress of ruts into business buildings from tha extarior or fray one business building to mother. It eansists issentlully of the clasiu3 of Lll opea?a+Ga in the a:.torior valls, : ground or firut _flours, busements, roofs and founduttons, that uuy be rcuched by rots from trio '. E;rouad, b:• clirabing, or by lsurrat'lials, with material lma ervious to rut-gm wing. (C) 2110 torte sh-11 m_:sn any condition axiating in,' under, over, or outside u structure or uny kind erhioh proviu.?s cheltar or )rotuetion for rats,' thus favoring their Llultl?11CLtiUtl. (J) .'hc tarn as used heroin Linens the Gounty lluolth Diraotar ar any duly uutt?ari: ed parson who my ru,?rosu_it hin. («) The tart 110'".14:." shall ttet.n the uc-wU otlnur of tue busino-; building;, whotht-w indi:'idu:,l, purtnsrsul,) or corporutian, or the ugcnt of t,-.O building ar other parson lmving; custody of tha building or to •rihcm runt is said. In the ct.se of business b;:illinl;s loused wima a u!Luse in the lotxa s:ecilfying tha lesson is r-:s.tonsibla :or muln%enunc0 -ad tho lessee will bo considered in such cLs?r, :s tl:n for t1a3 urn#ooa hur%,of. (:) Thu tar= 1103JU.1:;i" as used hirein s:lul] t:_^an the :-Vt ners..ir or 'ear 7orctlan thut hus the use of or aecu.,ias v:ty buoine=s bu!lili•tg ar t 3:.rt e; _;:cti:.rn tl:areol ;tautaar the actual owner or tonunt, I:1 -.a: [:ice a:' rcornt 'avz. :Loua huil3i:i,;s Or LILY %LCL.It sort!Dn a: u bustnuss building ?:.o oc:nar, t.I;a;:t or of t:r parson huvine,- auutad.v of t,1+3 building sr.ul? h:.vu the :,L:.:9 re .+saslbillties 1- .:e acre t:tr. aoali'7u11L of t11e i:U-'ldt:lh s:+ vLUC tad. g°.nyy.yew'. ,a'-'•,-.'t wa+S .... .. .. ?p?.rw??;.r?[t?.trt??? r4 ,i•o,? -P e.';?.a ., rs?, 'M .??+?jyi•J 4i . , l • ? •t tel. f .f'i'?fe'' i y;•S,'`HS Yr•:, •E 1 r:itd IS .. ?rl€,161 ly1`? r?',l k , . +i r K tc`? ??p c i' JJ?(r' [ ?FE s }(G ?r• , }4G7i d" aA j 6. ?wy? ? ? t'f•r 3?. % Iy; % r? !r°. 1 .? 4 i r mm W4 l,. r.? 3. SAMOA,* r: z s r `I V rt?,__.f`• .u 7t ...r-?- :.?r't at,Z:?.t?T?;•;?iri,.t„r. ,:r'•, i°'Cy-- .. _ ? ? ,. .. ','%;j?°."t, ,. .'i. .. ,' ...?..,tfF'".w'i•„ .I.+?. nrr ,S .i;4f;?[?i.''i•?tt`;t:r!?. is" :Iraf:{?' ice`»iiy' ,i. •f' .''x ._?,'t.•.: y:.sz..' 'r,.t i?,,;4sx= -`'s r ,,# s;r i' l' :. _ : sa', :• ??, yid., ?''.f' .. _Jf'•' "t4te: , ,P. „4 ;'} . ,.?i; i,i'.? . 'k„° -` `r$?M1',r;:: , •,? ,T.,.X '''1•iX ?tf ti : §:. { E. r'e„? }Y.r ,11°ii•?s. :?°,;. r;:f?'1!}.. 'i{'t :? y17.L:' ?;:•'r s? '&--a-.:•?i -r a??.,t .l, 4 ? •i 'ILI,?' ?. -y .:j,? JT. . :i;Jl .•Y.; :..?'y... 0.- „? ?`?': Iy,.. M1 'Si'?'3i` fF ?}- {'?r'i. i4?2 r-°?•': :){?? „t. Et"r.', ` ? •n ,yu. c ? w(}?,y}y..•i%F•?'i:,'k. = s5.: ,''1,, ,??„I.K-?'x?rar.l. .s d .,?; ??1M' sJn,4'Y '3? r try, t7 2? cc## '?1§?'•'g { s ,.'r:. .','• '%i?:.c _ ,.4'??'t.,;':`?. ?:t ,.i}: t.f::'?z. ;:,_ .?: °:'Y?:?.?t::•^'?. .4, r '?i'#•i, '? R -e:'! .i't'Sf` Y:-'.`•. .r A., .?i.*#'! }. L:r t?? y?°i,? .:r•.. «tr , e's s?'?e:,;:: 5.r ?'.,::" :`!?- ., ;?'.'?.? ? r • - `:i ?., ?{y?n?1' 'u •e y t:T.C''?. •.'t,,: '.t:: ' :r' n.i?,' •:?': .e 4aa ,.. WHO ; <• ..:=,.'r r .r Y ?' .4• .7`•.•*r...? j"'il`:t .??? _ : :r.. ;.y .,:b' :;',1,5'=?-'. S??h - 't ?^' ?.i. t ,r?'?' .k':• 1 :e;i:.`Cir::_ ;a _ ?_?', •'i:= `: 'f r°;5? .? ?L.. ~-s?r :rtr °+'r'-•?,+a,. ?i, .3 ';r ?•? y, 4 .1. ?.••a.? if r ?'T ^M-'S stool .. ?•T f?^ fi Wfs ?,' 'S.. Zip -k .iY'??, ?•)R? +T i S.S?.1?rt K ,5! r.?a ,tt .F• •`P?s ?' F3n'''^• \?? J, 3 °. i'T' _?i ,?} ?, •F > •l,i!' ( i .t A?7,? ?t i' ..b i- M'""? l" f' > ., f ..Iai. tit-5 '?'?i r4.i i„f'`JJya f' '• 4a` -?tl Sid , tt. I I r.''':?'fiV[?., It 'on-, .1"WSJ. ,?3 3, . [ . •?;F?':..?' .,_;5?,,?Y,?' ?•,?s? .€ t;? ,ty ??t"=1'} "':fdcv F+??.jai•:?4?r .ti'.l c.. ;<. w-.?F sa a^gt, •ct:.: .h-° 8 .n. P;i.? :;.i,M + ,. ..t•r .7 ?, i•i ?,?, t?), 4?.?3 -. ?':4v, S. .r,.?3 ^, .f Y'i ?b sw 1 .y "{"' "f5? .JVitir e .`i14 `TE :'S :, i•s, .s°R3`7r?rs-. .,, ,aia3 w :? .!'f s11 .? .C' yy? V':r 'N -*?J. •.i A',..r.tr:'n',l•T"c s:[- ,:c. :..{i• .3 ;;i. ?'?j rL-..?:, a. ?6.:;.57=?::e n^:: ;..-,.. 5.. t' }•••r .r= y :s,, s. ?: '!b •E ?? ? .Y?e1..r ,•, r: P" r'ir+ fu ? ?f•:, t ?r:'?r'satx7'}'C .»h :: .: !'r.'i?,; -t c.:3, si.':.., •.?'F'S'f . :',?r..? a r' >??y?,y ?{ ?4 `t s :: rr ,?i,' ?.,:# ' °)_t,`, F'a? '`E' :;i•' t f - 's 'i:.. ;i..; E^? -r >> ?,.s? ??,!a,'i.`J?:i'z?aY-,.c ?. -,'i°°.§. ?':f2YF:?3-,? ,-?'.ts.:'€.;, b ii?,....,, ?q-y.°3.°i'S+'•T°-?t2;'•;.+?'1'.,yY L:t+ ;'+Yrly ''?yj` Y ,.,. -y 12. :q.' .-iJ, _ •?I[ f'.'3.,, ?t.' f9: :'?. ,i <F`r*T;4q y2 i+r¢tfU_.? ?? .A?. ?'.S?rsit?s.?1E': "'? Y,n4.,n .i> 'f''•. .4;+" , _ ':t• ,r.,_F'_r...,s x-?. _. 11 f3:Tl.i" it °:-a4 #•?lt S"?L2' Y '`a al.xp, CITY C01-i6jij:1 Uctobor 4, IV48 ; :. 4 3nution :1. 13UaS1;:?.i:i That t OIL bunineuo buildi.t ` t,s in the city of Cleurttuter shall be rut-ylronfad, 2'racd of rota t . F<.""A and malntuinud in u rut-propfed and rut-free condition un,tar tha dirnution and auperhoian of the Jaunty iieath Officer. ....r i _ .. ::.psF?, 't •_ Action a - A. I;O1,itl.In113.. Iii? .141L , r BY Cy ;I "tj A 101 idr: ?, t ::sr?t n: or711.,t upon r'Coi t of o written notice or order froc:t th:t ii_t.Ith o:fleer, "•'?•' the owtur RUN the time specif Y+ l9 ied therein shall take ir::r:,o4iLte mbusures Tar rut- proofing suah buildsn(3..nd th:.t Lialsss suid ,:ar , k rand isrrov..::anltta hl.va boast con,3latad '£•`?`..?.M:;?sa '. ';;-.. by the ot'fnur t,lthin tha time opeulfiud is suid tfrittia notiuu or or^-+', =:1 as Jvaat to a Yin, t::un riftiaa (15) 1u s or vrithitt Ma t Al ° {` "„ s;'1 ::=?`<<'.• .. , y , i u or L. trr' ',tte n tsxLansiJn a_a,l rluy `-w .,rr!'?.A?. ?f1.,+w _ ?e :r z;.k 7'a?zi'p'. •Y ;•;?F•:':rtfa.' 1 l ?f.:srcar, t1; .! , 1n=^ ;: :,-rte "' S'`-+• °;i;zre.. ' Me baett runwd u y 11 altt ?v i ?= tom(" :r ?; y n tlln at•rnor J1' soil cu_14i{a{; no t'ail_ t5 ..? ?5 ?_'"+:,•s?,rr`.', , •? M'..1y .?Iw1 .r:?i•"ti'•?rs'. ;' ?'. ? 42j `•?` '' Cozl_•ij t:ith L:lu '1lroatiJns and torms of scid •:aittun not 44.. tr. t,.?i?f:';: i•°r 14a or order skull be duer~udls,, '•3.•zrs #,it%?r?YC-%'-.. '. Cal L`!'•'.'hj=:-'`^ Guilty or Lil or. =3 un1?:r the ;sovisio.ls of ;;action 2 tltznur;h 12, both ' inclusive; and 1 ?,.:. '• ??., 1a3at.^ the au Id 1 .. , to JiI'icor sh 11 5 c.ut : N Y , ?;.., ; ^'`f• ori-_cd, rafter nn i:lt :sti,?etian _n ',A4=.!.l_ tian by him 'off';;'" E ns t:1Lt tat sr<s is rlannCtl J. rat s ± ." • $5 ' r } - infuutution of uca build n_, to ardor si-A build_-1,, ' dii: i;'f< s 1 Ai . u::runtlaved L r r r aY-??d?` r":p'?•??*•?p.'? }? r?ivf' !.=•-. ,•?t;.:; °ur 6 a'1 :rJltibit any ss ..rsJn:r]:t A:1LCad Y; ,;., *? rq?y?S• 'r u:1,. ks' a2>;?.'?[ $$$```?}i S ,r'trt, wr uuuntia ay tau .l-•..ltn U£Picur :1I ui ;JZtCd ,:iti .. 12_0;rd sietnod by t:.: ? ,? , =u 1•N 4r ve? 6)1 U F'•'`.;.'i;n :1?"ri:£.1 YYl • :r ? Yl jl?h? ? ;:. £srs. .• _,.N U=Lcu1 ur•t.'nU all pnrsatlw t.:Lt .Li 'I r..:1 -t:1. ... , . _1 cu?1.. ?; in "near•.,u:.rt:• o.? it s..Lll be if- :Jr .arson to inter uny build. 'rg is+ ,. so placed under yuurantine by the uaulttt WTI - WR I: U, 1 • {?{ F?" :?4` f'.?'•. , the -.".?.,'{`:f"'.,.?,,?i¢Aa.t= -'°Z y??a•!?#,?'}4•• °Y _u u.1os.rcooLdt a t'rritt•3n notice or order final the liz::lth Orricer the '?i1 tli1.3 ? t 1 z r r ..f.A??T.;,?•`?.?4?#' J7CUlltlllt n.` LR;J $114.1 buliL.:lg :3[1Llw _r0004(I :'litn t1:_' '.3r'°:C1C;:Lian :Tort; {ra13?r.ia;,, .,. _, ?'_.•1.?, ;€.s'rt.:?„yt,,,;?..e*5'?'k;. ni.: 03. Lgs : aknvv 1 , r:u:.ia-t_{an, to nauss:;i.r:l to . rcu the { ' i; - - t s in .. __'l:t•..r !';;; ?r°•tix.•s'?. r { . r"; ?`''" . 3t•4 .: ' j :ltl nrl?,-_ aoWit!ana up rovud J;,• MC HOL1tli Offscar n. d h„11 c _ LIn t' life ti:iZ ^Jr_. 3:nLi1 3ai 1 ?_, a ; g..f, I. r h r 1tid:;, •'... -:z., .: <•- . ?r 1 `:{ ,i ?? , 'a' 77 f. »q,?? o.:J?•."''Sir, 'a - ?. :''.• ? .r ) z:-- 1011 1 '• _`7 1 t e:: ?.w.L - a t?. ;; ' .fr 9 ,>a r t!E r a,; :r:14:d of Ms. It S:Li1 be the rc?1 rai.`3 t .. y J. t(:' 'r.. o ? s= ?'• ?:3+, JCCt1.:'_alt LJ rr':C F xti <'i7; r YA . y` ?•Sd3A,- ? J,???'?€ ?t ?? thEs' nz' ruts -end to .....iat_i:t tn': build':tU In v rut-f_ »?a Ca,.,•±H ??; _? _ost t...,_•a ?'t?r• in {'::;?'.??•'z" }? -?i•`yy?^'tF ?i?`?"??'?'?fj aF " ? ta;--?w?r;?1'•'#,;'"€ai;??"?:r ,?`'?itF'e t ?l/3 t r? ,i _t, tfl'] ;}v iat ~...it] bui.l:li:1G boo.)-ae 1 r'f.: d ?Y•,w : _ a.11, s t', ,;•r •,i;t. s rei:tr.,'e.5t;;d With rt.t:: tkrJUgh ncci_ealt or atlt_:ri;sa the ^ 7 ?,,:l??1j,.r ei? i?.. i, r ?,'?t'•7r'.4• +?` •' :i _ y'.'a'•? , _ 1 traudod tritil a.s,rov^•] t! -• ?' !..- ? 'i r?5~€,y:sES.? y.a =k?>b =°e:?F•Sr..Yi.:r,t`•]CC111IS[l`. 911.111 • 41errs:3S LJ a..•ia 1rcl! ?• It of .,.t3•n C::3:.t of MOP "W6, ,i .:?4 r t ? °5d?!,r. :';•1=:`Lr?s'• ?4'{?s>F,k'. FS„+t,',€.•e#;. # r?q ':t= f t fLiiurtl to Corse Jitn tuc,directiane ..nd tar..s o, -.Ito .:_•iwtoa notiaa or ordw. from the JiSIA nr ti11 JCCIl:?. n', Ch::ll b:1 •le•3:'CSl u:1L' Jf Gn u:l.: 59Ct 2 ° v r? 1 ? both Xtlcl.ssivl_, :.nu tha iieclta U_1 e_r •ar : t ? ?;"•, ?''r - n!; quu:L:.t_ :BL aid ? ?#? a,z^? ?•• Jrd c,id bu 1d Al-l ? _ ;ro::i:li w _n, ; oraoa fF.-ni ont_rin?, `- sail building in tl:o su::a :1 _ .?.s,., :sr uz 'stayi ..u. In .,ecti= .?r }!? & ?• ,.s.'• -s.?:?_- ^? `„?i"•3??? 1. S: ?F} ?? ? rwY+???t'?'iyr;?t?'•fr?.rya:?+•,(.i.;??r`•• °} #- r ?,,1?i, :->"r, ?.`{5:?`+??.?r,:i'.',.,;?.....•. Iffy:: P?y{',.,'# - n -} R?1yy'rN..',»'.1a i .a 1 r_ eC`r. ._7: 4. ..1.:? r;. {ti.. J ::'.za .i p;:.U. Lt L hs aCCtl_L:t3 :, r,`1J rr' a'i l'rJfJ3 k J•r('r a: c ss. t ro >rnafc., bn3_:lc, ilu__:1Cs ..ra -_?4'u.s^ to sa ;0 1 ., s -2-1a In. tLin t. . _ . -1 ' % fp ?4 ?t .1'yy,, ! ? i?€?4l,a'_'.f j',•f, r?'? , a? •. prJJfal CJn.:itian and to . ?uir all A Ms or Wks th4 : t:o; occur in tl:C .:t !' ./' ?vk t-:rJJri:t?g r *?i': •'• ?'r l.::lvuac suoU b-•_,.":3 or lsr u Av ilai we :.tsar nsu1t 1 _ .t, :rDr:.t_,J: ? t.: 17 J ta_ tl'i{ ? .. 0.. -,... of _-•.turL _:t„ .:,??,?,?•??' ?' "? "?", r i.. 9v.3.:t it shall bC s:"' .'a. ,1..= r t. . i .i .§•5;,,11 ., 'y:ti?•y, •y»`0? .::°;Jaii. :•• 4. ti.v a aa?' to ? tna .si3 J00tiJ:: §. U'c`r'T3_t-t7',:.:...:a iEl ...•t:.; i:::.'_.;.i_:::i, 'ihti lth J:fi?sr•is ,Y?. ?a-_.. , au?3J:'rur5tt La'l.lukc un..n.sJltr?o's,i itt+ .?oaLia:t:? a-, the intyriJl• and ux._riar of t:rtsl.isas jjE a ,` J 3'. .s'1. --!? S• ;f-x-'i•;?a...z•c ?,?••t n? fit: -{R;.. . ffy,T--...,.w ,. •t• .. _ ?r ..s,•F..,y 3w.n.r•„!.•.•r... ? .. .. . . •.4 .. - tii. WOO [4l jF $, (( ppel :S43YL?iFt?;' R r it h' [k !S}?? ' l ' ' :j 7 s _3 € d'1.SF?`n`)',vF"r '.7' 1?r is •'fe•`a=•+?`.. ??', ..: `.?" ;•f ?F`, .. 'ter NX 4? 'o "I ;SEA i.i}k.tr.J? Y?'} i1.. :rAi• , (,. 1:`P?it-•`,.-'if}", s.F'•rr?i!'a;'r?:: i? `??"?'4?1 A -t ti•• ';4??s `??:'%F ?' -:t??F %;i'sr,te!'_ 1..1]11] •,,^,r(-':?1?:.., i^t•? _,??o-t )1C? :'311 ?`.?.y...,.. •l _531 ,?..,, >,,r=•': r %t".;t,w ; ', i'} ?s?' a`i4t4; n4, r7,!- . ??I.rtj?a a'v.3? si`x;.?3 J•; :?!?'. ?k ?''j? , i ";+•r-,y.••; 7 3 . . "r?" i.,':? '.5' Yr y e•S .! i r,, ?at.°?.?:,.3's"s •YS.r g?, '' -![-i, ?6 :fey »€: ':,'? .t,'•°:"'1-,M• '"}•,'•rr' sy',; '"?`'•i? r`, of°? ?' !`' t .?` a ,.k,; „a `"4: •r: v ..i r't,'':., ??•r ?`i°. !?;=°"5 !: ,$ "iJSi`:.".1,s ,red. 'r .5.. ,,??(( 'F, =>"$"r -iS.Rj?:l°? felt rK. .i+`?i•. itip:.;: .4, r A• ,/''.?- ,y ?t 1-4`x r3:k, l.l" c? ?'t?• a. i.3 .?. ?. r...2'C ""r :J?" '! :-F' '?t?i"?'? ? .'!?: rt? 4• ?' ?1? .1?:' y? a.i .? <i, era?t.``:' .•v - .3 S .k`4'F1 ..i.:` S. ',' 'k}'•:5 :•'? n "?'::.'?s''' nbC ?(" ? ,I' 1? y?F'L+: k ?`?C?' ,p ..F'i>•: '+'t :rr :.5:. '',k?.. :.xs'?,?=.,1`i., .,??''71 ;,k' .ev .s a.' ice, .;f ? ',! ..v=: t., ? h 'a??.: '42?`, w." ?,.w,?„?:' ,y, .tra'^ ??g"•.ri:'.rr.: ,E,. 'i::' Ft^f?+ 1,..-' `.'?'',!' ::o.' -! ?.?' •?k.. }.??. ^e.,,*. 3? ,'S-,"r =a^"tS,-.. T?i l'r• ,rvr''? x't" .{? ..?'.;, > -''f'x: .: i,i:q:l , _L??:i'?3 . . a. ,. i:' a';'• 1? ?. , a •T- T i ,` i-.4*,., . t ': d •tt!' :?^ ??? .i ? t.?: ?t,^?e?-"''n?? _ 't•i'-.. • . ?.:: ':, :? 3..;i; .i:1?r:: .f.?'bl?r .t??n ? .?? a it } z'* r^t s1e°: ? •'f ,; ..ti r" v?F" _?:..:..:. "?;. ?- ..,,i ? ,: ?s1yS„ s iv-f rr .S ? ,?' `X'`-°,' ?, . w{3?'!!$•'}. ,''i? 'x' '•f`'i'+ ~r{' =r,(a'.' ''f..r nrS' :k'';,.~?'t' «.'^ ""?. C,m,. .r?r -? .?'t -,?? "a-r 4s°m?liS..v: ""Ly" .ti?' ;.Ia: ?'.fi=,:."G':;•. y "?•S'.' s??', -X,`::Y, 'r'k y? y';.? F f$ !S. .. i." 2y S• •v??l:+¢?.=--.kl: :l.- ,?f'..'t A, .t'; ?'i'??:,:?'?f.. •?ijr 'i..';InN. ?y?,!f'.:.a:,?',9 ` -S,r'v:l r++'3',.q?? 'n ''.?t9, •'? k .}j?? ?': ?,? ? n:??:? '}l ,,'k `,"T', •: yr,p :Y..e., i.? ?:4;t?'.S4„:.t„cl.- ;? ..?,,P? :4„ .is,y.'? r. ;:hw :;?Y .{.c?3r '.,y,r«f.,pJ>Fi ?{.? .P y:,.r,€????' r ?1T. i ..f•:. ?•r1? ?.. t:ja: Y? !i3..' .d;.;? ? ',.fir.,'.:', .,, •f.. .:jf r>??.?,'"ci:. 7 Tr 4 ^3+41 ? ? ? _ ,?` ? r 'R r „s€, .i: ? '.#? •?, ,':,.::,er' 'r.,? A .:;;?' ?<' .Fi T`; vs, ;as. ? `:?' :Ei'?tr, x ?jf?f-,a.?',..`?,? J`•!:i'?<. ?t.? ;:,'??,. ;,.r:Q'.,'.::'E, ,}?,t. ?;;"=:' '-' nd• 1::'•:'i?S' ,c: ?,?s?'?,r},??5:. ``? ?`n.••yk5?, ?,;ui "?, T ? ? .'! s !.'? . i'.,.. ? . f.y d? ?31.. 7 ? ? . is ? •,f 7:. r 3? r •'?; - ?t ",?, ° .e; gui,.. .. ff. „ ... ?, : ,„•.,,, 3'•• E`tc: ? s ? r,t .S o` 4 €LL[[ ,C!? -r:`% .7., ff,•±"`'?:`. s•'F '-t'1 U:;.t :Y .'1 s4 .C:., i.? -•: `..9'. `°?" ;.?.r'. .t? 'c .l\:. "4i!?"?v t'7'• '+,.Y' ,.y?s.?. k.S(: II ?.Y•$'8?:, .5...?"s;? ?F..r'n'?i1 T•?Y' t .?1!t •. S t f.f ?, iii. ,7'lti r.(-1 si+t: 1".d', r? :?j ,y? .?:?sL3e.,Lt_ .. '-iI `'_...-.u. c, .. f_.,..- , : li.! •- ?-4'•?N:'n i-. .. - ,.ti k's..';. _. ,.... J•`t...._...Me!': ,X!?'?'?d????a`RT'? s?.a. . q(,10 ,V buildings, La is1 his oplnlun ;:uy bkS t17k)a u.r,, to ?.:t?r::::'s ..i ?. _:..:i a:u: tU 3aations 2 tlu'augh 12, both inclusive, and tho iiuult t Iti'i,feetisnu of all List-utoppud aulldinga to det,rr:,.in-j ?vl.Ikntco or rut 1afa4)tctian and the 'iXiutvaue of Ikea brouku or le"Its.in trl3ir :.t-Jtaai'ia c,nd s:hon uny evidenoa Is round indlautIng the ctroa,jaa.7 o:' Zeta ai• L;11 ':)U.;j1 1,01.1031 r..t8 muy L_y`.in outer bualueau Uuildiaga* the iieulth Jxfluor 011:.11 servo Lieu ovirLdva or aacupunts tiith notices and/or orduru to ubuto tile.coaditiana found. ;itsatian G. UV :i-:,L`C:i That wihunavcr ca::liti:lns i:iuido or un.iwr bujiiluus buildings ?rovlrtu uuah s tenvlvo turbo" go tar r..ts th..t the :itiul w4 urfieur 1aeLAU it nacJ,akl.,ry to trll:ai-'1b t4 such h r sot ,yo, he 11.7 r e'',uire the ounor to latitull suitubl0 c's[aent floors la w ziau i1 tu, or to re )l.,ca :faa€len first ar ;round Vloaru ar rer;ui,ra the owner to oirrect aue_h othor cotsdit.ans rol,tad to rut lmrborLed 01;3 1,101,`; bct necuus:r, In order to ;uuilituto tkit3 arLdiaLtlm of rLt3 in a re Lswa.bla tlue isud thereby to reduce the cost theroa£. ;'ectiaa 7. UMf .r'YUL TO :3..T-i O0I:'TiiG. That it shall be unlu%tful unriur the provisions of Sections 2 through 12, both inclusive, for the oeculiunt, o'anur, colltrLetor, oubl.io utility compuny, pluaber or, uny other mrsoa to rtmove the rut-proofing from uny buildinr; : or Lny purpose and foil to'•r eatore such: La u. a .ti:cr',.ctar,` :iannsr or to n..k2 any not, o*)oni ,3 ti1? t .I9 :1.)t cslosed or sealed 1 Uuin it the antirfrrwe of ruts. :section S. :IJU",. r! -Sly iTUUK F2.43 T.; Sa ::Z:1 Thtt all food L'nd feted leapt within the vlty of J1aar::Lter far the purooue of feedinG ohiakens, a3YiE1, 1)ISO, :iars,4s c.nd 3t:Lez-4111.r>iula 31:411 bo A wad stored in rut-free ur_d rut-proof containers, eaia;iart=arlts or roams unless :a t 1j. L rut-,)raor building. -.0tion 9. ;.,.i?,..G.: Jii L; Jk3i 1.I:,: Thut "citsti2 the cor?far..te limits of ti» Jity of 01cur:'re tar ul'_ r,urbuge or refuse aon- slsti:tr, of ?,,w;te unLaal or wog-:tk ;11e mutter upon which rLts r,1uy rand stalll be :3=oL3 t.nd sitartid until collected by•toe ,j"r.:aGe aoe 4rtmont in 4ovezeU cazt;it:tire 3f u typo ;reaaribed b. :iia li,iblth officer, and tats it is itereLy declured unit cvivul ,ror un Zama::, firra or corporatlan to 3ur.'ia or ilLco oil any premlacs, lLnd or antarray, un; aa!_;:ulo or any '. ust:3 ve.?ct?ole or n!',al :.:utter a! Ln;• ',-.Ind. :iact.an 10. UJ-,...> lTL _U -It n4L-1 . 61 uni,'.£ul for uny ,ferior: to s1LZO, lauva, dims or par=it t3 u uWulu.c u:cy g:•raL,a, rutjbls.i, or ill c.ny D1311di:.r; or ,,lrk.: !Z03 =.'t :;a t , t SL:..e alv.l- ;1r rmy Lf.x d Yaau a: :.:.: uaz .i,s V or r. ,.tu. 11 , etC 77, i ,r. SFr}':' ?. i'. 3- t J; 1K f 1 ^ JS... `•y.,.: 't'F•.. F. l'"9'u a l•R,^,:.v+ae,-!4?•w?.< ,x,1;1' ".p-t;• wr'X,.w/H.F"f'ti•`^!t.k•,fi? rq, a ?•?• :.":.,k ...*, } TrtQ'f N; fs?." .. : ' ; i?"•'"' •., ' ?%;4` `." ° ' ?: ' ?.." : .1,,;.a :,.: , -, r:7 .. ° `?' a? t,?. #?±a?"IIsy;???'• .?i .\,,. •r ?r? ,y.: ti..., `i•': ?.<: es of {t1• .k la + ?,,p :t•e f: -1? •v ?., Y' f. ?,'t is 4': ?'`' .•?'1 f> :i,..?;:. ?• 'a ` 's.?: '?: ?;t' ,r•r'-e>a,?, :!`:% a .i •t'a. :r.>'t;' '?'e4. r L tY;+ 1 • Y U':Y•• ?" '. i• `ti'p' .:?', `1',... , ?r. y. ...:iaF. f!S ° ?''a1 -? ,.l.??u !t'?` ' s• ?°(•., ,.,. : •. r t ;a` _ .f'r?'..- ?.h•: ='CF." ` ,.f,?j 2?t' 4? 4':. ?"?" 9. ¢. 'lr q. 4; 'k. .b`v , if , V'}•, 7)``f , 3.Yq., (:# fT^.,?,. . . '.J; :' • y r f - c-i?rw ord. v ?;3 _ ?W .??? .a..a.1r-'i?'ra" a. .&!. -'ur•ii.v'?J+ "? ?,,. au ..3a:' ?.?, ?s<^ _ ?'"s?4f?.ti'?zt..a., ?•?,5?3•'st?ti:?i ..n?... ..2. '?:. .C _c5. ??d+ ..,t, vt ^{ • .n'• -1 'F'.:S` J, S?,ia..t .. !:d 'ix .5..:' »4.?`a#` '.1y .k^? - .k.- S F.. ?Citi.cr.x rr"''r' «v .s 4: F.?f :.?iy.. ,." ,-.s ., k,F.'- •?u'•'i...:.war?;i?P ?y^x.r ?'3,.. Yet f»?e:?? N .F +`? t? tf'` ` .t€'..,.,: .. }: tls,., ?».i ai1'' :.:5•" i.?'`r P'i~:?• •'u s-^,x'? a; -`i 't •--.1; A.'d e.'S,_ f' ''yi ,.. } rt': :m .' ; g,r sq? , ..+.a k16.3;,.5.. ..;n,r a; rt•-•; }`:<' 7 't?'?11 ??#^ ir•? ? "* ?Y? .v5 ,, `?, :kr?' s?; '", ?,;r ''+• ,L r;'' .'r., '! '`?°.. 1 r: `r ??`?s=;, <1??;:i•.:??'f•: .'?'; _..r:;'... $ ,?,. _°??,?.y r'?' ? ?, ??^^ LI ,,,,q? s.:y5 ? , '?• '„ ?.,, i4. : };;` : ?'?... •1•' .?..3v 'f'e,. .,,, .u,t '?t;. t.. _,??- ? •? ? ?"+? >'fy h', x ?., .''§?7 ''rL. N 'ri..`?.+f.-'SL • "f:?° •,,.'? - c... . -'t .. ii:-., •,?' `..?z ? J ..iy f..: e. '? • w Cr F a ,r .5'S. _ •,rd •e: :" % ...-`<''.?ti rr_.. '.? ; i ?, =??' •??•'. , r.:;: ;..: ? : sx;• .e .`'' 'e,,?.'•'' n irt,`::'%}•• .,^,,. v„? sk., •t: ra• i,f '.8;• } kqf t { - : .rl j Y.,''j-...,?'tLU •'•#' •?i ,?, f< p i3iiYt _^i ?',` ""e,. ?:F t`°.. .r 's ,b,,.. ?• r'??rh"•''t•.. r ?f :,,40` €??s!'?{?.i A ?'' ? -# •, -:: ,t?' r•'?.;?•,=d;t?' .,€•:.? .'•s . FF ,????r•?' :.?? "?:' %,iS : .'•f?. C.':i ;?'::'' ,,3: w . ? r „? L':a}c Af L. ?t r,•C''^ ,t }_,:f,r, r . ,F ? ,y'S,53tI{•'sa "?.[?ql?j ; ,.+: G f dr4 'n,^.:y. .;t-- ,•1' ;`;, i7•. •Nt? ..t?•',•'!,'.r €r.. ,.,:.,?_ .71 '? :?F 1_ r:.r,'.g.?., •.;; <, >"k ,hi!'SSJ? , k +t %, bF! 5i L :?YA+`Y F.'" :.p 4!. ,`Yf v.A?t.. ?',la •>.(LN T.4 F 7s-`n(y3• ?, „F ?l T' .S *"+ .s'9'' f'.€' '•+.. :jf, :; :ML: .YLb S ??"' '?^.^? a5, . o.?d tli. Y ] ..tip f•<. -!3'",::.. ''>•' ']' f" 1' a 0 /? 'tirJ3 ,F ?;y', }f?•': Y }• f -i..e,r'?, ?1. 4r`r'n ?'7:f^7" . iis. :'i .?I. Z:? .??rr ,?o'::? ': t'r a.-?-s ??,. ,5?:: :.,.- •. cr s t } `; N / ? s? s? t^ :ir, ,f.1 r€.'z;?.; •'L.: ,.,•'. „5 :h;,.., -t. `r„• 'r"?_;.r.,:.'.rr,,'.;.-':'a;•fl •.s,><,.::?.'.?`a}[t`'rd..+rG ,.tt n•1.' f• `S• :'ts ,'7 . "''? a 'r , \>1.'.r .`..,a { .r.u•,y?t't w'in.Y, . ' i y °ds!?-##' ? a i?'s..,,...4 .. >; a??l???1?,p.•?9?.Ed•.f'u.r":' '4 '" ., ... w . _ ..... .. .. ff ,. s.''? - qq ._ t. ??`F:.... t. v. ? ., .. ... ... ..,at .wa'',r,: +;'....t..f,e _.: ._L.' ::i ?. .r I =34?:. :: q'?°;._•... 1' i ?:. r ,4 7 n?Sarx _ . s.. 1Y,'`t.Ria`k?#'! ,-hi . r f az?:*,:: r.+s 4 y s ri' s? °?? °? F???'-?5.=? ' ? ••a"??'? 'i'r;-:""k?•Yn tt''?'a:• •;.?],Fl?'.r7 ? ? '1$,?? {,??'' 15';y«,?, ,<. , _. °'r' "?55''= r ax ,? ; JY ?•,t'?" 7' ? 3 v',s,? FTS.[rS a ?'S'?;r?k ;:3.. ?{t•, '4 •'•.. i?t r,'•+.qt•??. "?: y,^ fyr'•?r .'t'•;f# i''-rk' "? ? ??? [kt?°iL ?,j '' 's?':`':??:'i?9t":: :h 3S= Apr ?'; I ?F: 1-''? ??:r:..• ',tt;.'$.?*twf;?{?'?'E' ? i??':??Mn??'ss,r,`:45•:1 •:r ?. - € '=; ..w? :V;l% ? ?'i. ?"vi'r•!'.°`:-s,: t-:. ? .r3v:', ry.tl?>'"?:, ?`?`.,,:'?,.an?•e*.'-?,. . CITY C021il.i:iTJ1( i•;I'iZi'T.:.,i t °,• : r. ;:F _4%it ' Uatabv. 4, 1948 ?'.'i i,i,rr:q, • .. ,y,?,?F-:S i:rc??iM1`?r. ..' s.`: :. , ,. •.,:? a>?s-?., :??;Ft..'?'':',?,.r<°.''d;'t .3eutian 11. UIIL:.:,I'lJL r4C0UL:iJIr.TTDti OF (.:s"tdT,.Lt thet It nhull be i an Ln 1vhoro in tha ;1t± ; . ?:. [:;::.';.,,• 5.': unitns£ul for uny cor=n to ,aMIt to L.00=114i to on Luy rrer. s , 5' JIt.. L1 u11 tt,J:t lots Lt 1n in the ry'?•; }„' ,° , ' : Litaita or ulisLini?itor, irtprovad or vuuunt, Lid on uila ' .+' ?:?'w°.- +•. -.,. bur bow barrels, Uriaks, ntatlno or aitullur totstarll.la tn..t ? r+.tur Ltty lttt;t ' •:,... , ;: , , of 0 laur•. «W bo ;urnittod to rar,tuin thereon uLtleas autao unull be plucdd an 3msn r:.,at:a th:t ;iru r all ,) ilod or ats.e'srzd L e ];round and t l' 't n than eighteen l Inc. ',:s ,:j}„t .',, ?,w i W` •' alsvutod riot 1')o (8) laa uava tile av r e_Alon - ,f w•--s., ,?_.. ,.:?,fv??L ?._ ?r 130 tltut Lt:Jaa :-rsJturiula trill slot sY£ord 11u:baruGQ for ruts. ..ny exc to this ' 'rugalution snull onnuo only with rpprovul a. the H-tuith Officer and such upiravul oun e•a ,hun the o:vnor, or occupant, of the property at.rriiJS ff 617011 'u; tlla 1 t-:L1th Uf^1on_ only y t' .! ::i,s..;',rk•,, i'}::;'t'¢', ~ e s.•.•::: :::€ •?r i? ='';_ ''':'' ;' v?l of LhF] ii::rltn OI':ioer an -)7r0 t Y• : r t. L tan i )ra ruct that meets the 4 in s 'f a,]Linuous r t ar dia,: 1 g _ On :. [S : uch pIiourty where such un2.tr.r2Ul Lacumt3lt; ti7n QXlfltd. .. '_'^ '. ==?.?fy::tiK.q r''' ?•? }'P'','?^,'1y' .. ',4G: '"':;yid, ?y?•':?; ;w?}rf:'• ++ * 7 •!'' .•?}'`., +` ?rl'?.' °;;:?,•:5;? :ieatlon 12. i(..,; di}1Lili.:lG3 ....A .:,>ZSilG i, tttiOTUt?iS tTtJ.":tGUI'iG it.i 1V , :3..._.?T .i•r,,;Y;}?Yr?s?',1-?;3't°,:•,.,?,. ??+r`,4 a= =zt - :'E ..U01`' the City ^ of ti1e;,r•:,otar shu11 be • t0 be COIIatTt1nted In ?.11 build t ?• , li...-s,u A..nB s hers:.ftor ?,? ?.• r.c..:,t,,.::-• r ,? 4 ='Y tel' "'Ji.:-.i.•t.?t,. .,:r_._.,4 ?.'x rr•",Y ,} G ? ?. :,? •.u i'..'.r.;. y,. ,3, ,,, •.. )ulxs s11t:11 ta stud .. t ~' •ti,; ; 'S?e. a; , ,M, ;, :` • t.u du rt:t-praaf Lnd any Qxiutlag buildings undergoing mufJr r31 r, rLt-: rOJf .:; €r (, T x 'i i a "' 1 , :-:' E,S,K -..•i. < , ; f' ???• .,'s`;,%!' ? ;.; ,,with this flsetiaII, it ariull be the duty of tha atvnor of the X11 ardor to t;ssu <yK,,,y ?F.. :n compliance ,":' r` M ,arrs?1°? ' '_' ;' .•,,+y ~.:?=';5"n; . r,<s;,:,' pra,ta ty on v)liioh the structure Is being n]wly built or utuiL-rgolug r.:u,)ar rops,ir, to atJ`uin !" v :i{,?:? tile ;;a:.ltlt J:',Icar's rt 11Jrovti1 of ' SPOCI iOLtl0aa for such utructurLl plunn 05 it rult:tas '• -ei'.€? ?•"_ {'•'!'w.%•st;"n;:r• •''? ?'?• s r,... ? ??' `??, ' :'••_?',:??' •.'???';:??? .°}:'i?',.;- to i•:,t ;ra:Jt'iu or •Y'A`'7-v'}'?*:'F,. an w ha 4 L l` s ';:t'?.a;?'? ..' j? n•?` °'F§'' .inctla11 13. _+..rL.L116. +ily persoa, fire or caruaruti '7ha 9ts.11 YIJLtC Ln`• ] :)xavis '.in a provisions of Section 2 through 12, both Irolusive, shall, is Uraur?ht to ? x• ,'1' •i? `? .? ?J .? •,`= r'?^???,K?r??c?'?i."_ ?;?:?? ??? I t r?in.i? iY??t e F?.?ry Lr14.1r bJ triad In the +w „unicipul Court of the Lity of ClL'irw4iter, Led u, ?mi)o€1 cnvict:ofS :{,;fi, ;:,`•;`?< •„i- l„'+?? i As f" :.: ` '':'' s.t:+ll by nnt_shed t) f i:l > u not t0 J10Qed "'t'rcnfr?y-five ('125"00) Dollars or Imprisa l L }'' ?` : 'k ;,° `_'?t' f•.';c, ' 7 3 ;' t ' ns..eat :F +g IF'." inI (3O) duys, ar by bath seats fina .,.td luPri3ant:ant. . r.ch da3' t r .. ?j?'?=•se. not bore tuuu tt: ,. ;;:...' for .d ':•t ?-';"w ., r(?? ;; (ji.': :::; 4?' r°-.?' .'?l f?S °k.?r,t. s. ? r 1 if v aluti a ,°,y,''ip;:•.?, 'r S, : \::;t:?F , r. ?.?':,:n,•:?::••'- ::? `"'<`;':r; t; atl shall ao aLl }^ •r ;•,. ? taro a aapur;Jta of;ans@ i•,x:`? tam „?,3 ?•_`,} y iiaulth 6Lctlon 14. •:1•• parnoa eg,,rieved by Ln3 cet ir arJur of the .:qunt ( ,€+• ?, gTii3.4. •, *;.: "f'?•'.?, ?+,' °"; ?t..4 ,d 'J ?'~. t71'-taor, or his LU=Oii:.t}d rJ )ro:ientotivu, u5 a rasalt of this Ordi nLACJ, 91411 t::..9 ? t `[ [ld `.15 I V;. . }: ; r _ ?i r 1 A it ? ,??`: {•• % a J_dor or act aata::lLineda:, ,.1 to tr,Q d.•'3 of t'.a ` the riCSat to! v:ithin ton (10) . 3)Y' 4gi. t ('` Fq i1 .. % +,t7. Oa"aisstatl of a tt1a JitJ of v1cL. ,.tJr eLn3 ttla tacit lon Of tit,J Jos tc:_nsion slu.ll JQ ;; }! '° . tt. t` '% ?4•',? :}; `t-^•Z'? 4;i; }rye... 5.`vxj i .s ,. S 4?rtYu{,R"..rctc.°??_ r '•.r::t::s)??,' i I-,,..,. ?:;???.3f'rrt,3};..... 4„i t'3 8y;?? c ea ,:'.'s•b, 3aation i j ", g, 11 ardint na ;s or its of oidlaun in conflict tlare?Jith, or . i tL?.,li?l ref", F ':+h ttl:i provisions of thin ardinuncQ1 u re harabY re3oclod. ;:tl `':i .2 ' ?:+ Jr?,?. •`• °?' t i ' ..,,G. '1?, 5G:1: t?' S ?•."L il> ?J??'y",?,?S?T ??e J'l?a Fr ??.. Section 1a. This al•di t odaJS.:n affacLiva i..L:edis.LQt u:tatl ?JnssLga. .< i•??.?- .r<'••?°???{: ;' _y t v t tutled s hi.11 [y 'hrr, Y.•R. i,' :- -:','.Y'^?at" r' 4 ? .i;ii5?>.,'i*..j r; cr , t r :lari. z: t .,]J_r"r7 by the J1Ly sija of L; j it of ,rla t a 1? .fir `. s f.. v J it a y s' - usaad an First :U LLL i:lg. 5811 tf:izcer 2,7, 1944 -:t'S •S` AlfS:p.c•m; sa:rs? r 33 ''.NSF r•t''r',:'6 `°..??`+ ?T`` . `r ,tri F.r.•• ,tP. ?. ',.F: ,•. j? •" ?K3 ']??"!`i .? ?Y', ,??_ ? ???`?'')?? t"??,'t•'. :t,sLoLl an iac3nd• r.e?di.tU. :3spte.:bar 20, 1948 tt?o-?ut?t ::7`3..?? f9 Y? 7.f ?; ?4 `i,•.}." !' pti S?k- J <?;["".7= :l??i1? ?i^?11;,.` t::'_? 't''`,•:':Lsa ! 1'GS9?.1 3Ll hard Gat3b3r 4r 1-113 c??'',;t•i: Sa ? t', ?, 4'1 7-S _:: i:::;,t=tr,! ' ti ?'y? 'rte J ?;. ".;s•,•"?_ )' '. ?' ?f? WP f, ?' ?%?' j•s,•_'r• 4si? . 1. ,5?.>2 S'•'?;?{rF?`t.'? >k.it •„?'„ ' e?.,,F:ryfi?` ?? :;it''.ly`+; 13?• if?;.?z-;u p: ::i?S. Sdy?: =::.. ,L ..?^'h, L`:,'r :- a ls•'ar-R+Jt•=.11.5« d a s -: ,': 4 ?;13? , z f ???•y:?ir'?'}t? ? ?'SStf:!' -:?,:,:r,??;4:?ts ?:r ?.j .: -,; ;;?.., ?! L. ? "`'S.Ys r?fs?i==' ,•i";" ..Least .z:v ?::7;,7?.9:?.r .afA"'.t'°?.; :`?; ° 'k""? zi J ?/?I??????V/ /?/t•t-Q try ;?;ijN.:,?q?h??} ?t ^. r z • ".f v Ly ,.ut: tJr a. '3 Y I' L?f?''- ?°. b5 L : ] F StS': F -'•. Yf R ?9. .:q•. ?W ":t /wnr•;Y-n,•`°h R` - .. - :rM.iq.s, . ?.«-rw - . < s .. . y , .. .. _ I ,. ,+.i. ° P.