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'.t. rf"'.wri yy ?t f• .''?l.o r'`!, ,iJ 1tik7 .le?`: Xc a 4"`7#,:'?s ``Y ,a•'. ,t,'?e y:Y' f!Y .eg;.v si ?`",?-a?,):.:¢.'a?? ,sf•;rq,''„£'. ,.?,, 4?,ss -.a'? ,?>*%;'?'.:i`- •4?t?' :. ?°:.•? :.},t..'", r.:.<.fi; .,l.,t. •.,.,1 ?Vs34., ..?,:•. d t, '}.?,y??+': f. ? r1•, '?'°.,S_ x .;? `: ?: j?. •l? ^'fr'•; -:s, ? r ,y," % ti ?" :<'i\'4 •' 'y?..3]}";k 5aeS4°, '.?i, y.S??M nfr .1.:}, ?1 !.?. .r. )" 71?.:. .L'.t .Ya•. `Fy r,\ ?"' V,? uK.. ?•. r:'1,?. :.t`I'',..?1•?in ,.?% ?f .,1, 'iS'?• ^'/' •.F'_. 'w", 4.? .4 z, :r t? P • •;r : a . SS a'?? '^'.y?,:z"??`i`?,tt1f.3•`c:i?:_?:'?^tCd.'???:uG,,?t..iYY"?` .x` . ?x` ? . CITY CM-11ISSION M .i'TING September 20, 19&8 s3. .a• .;. r.? +X ? [•.e.,"'det"rA` <#•'r . ?.!};??' ..:fit .»"°.,` ? r ° ;,:. •: ,. ad. ., 1;?v. +:C"-,!'yr is sa6 •? , r ?" ? f`? i•.f i;, f4k3<?L,h'S§ . ; }~.-,•4. i . _ ?i . .. ..._.. .''.lam ?.?i"... r:. a?'!$:.. .. `'f. ,s 9pr:, i„.1?"`. ?.•• xSFf ("7I?`!e' 'Y?4 )f +-t:' i, :. %;.7.',. "YI;'. ['-r,F ''`}? tiV?efE?'S?1??`Ygyyyy k' !•4y':i:':. :7•. lJr?t ?'?°-l1'S`'.4? i'T;: 1.;15•. ;'?. 1 tr?v ?T° ! :, fh?,,1••. ??iyr{{:??`,S ..fib) °.i, J;'`iy1'?,4A ; iy..' W. 5b4 id' OADI:ir,l'.Ck, tiiOHIBITING THL USL UFF iOUND TRUCE'S ni„D Cl .q---,i DEVICES ON i,:L[?IU:.;,; Wit eaLPLIFYINO SOL7,;ti, FOR nDV4itTIS114 PUi%iN.iES, 331 `ML; CITY: PRUVIL'ING EXCL."TIONS FOit D1&'jr,4.,INt%TICN OF RIi LIGIOM OR POLITI^unL i rZSn0ES t.:iD INFOM,,TION CONCERNMG CIVIC, iizCHZ-ATIO1;/,L O;t OTHLR 1,..:'T1:M OF O.:IYL%X r -.•....- PUBLIC INTZItEST L°I OM F'MWIT FRO! 1I1l. CHI F OF POLICE; PHOVIDIN'G PEtL'.LTIr",S F'Oa VIOiuu^zaNS. BE IT ONDAIAcD BY THE CITY CO;.,L;ISSION OF ME CITY OF CLEA11.1teTZI t, FLORIDA: Section 1. That no sound truck or other device or medium for awplifyi:.g sound shall be operated or permitted to operate within the Uity of ulee.r%atet, for advertising purposes or to attract the attention of the public, v+here the sound therefrom is trans- mitted from, to, in br over any public thoroughfare, park or other public place. Section 2; This Ordinance shell not prohibit the use of such sound ampli- ficntion for diaser'in?tinc, religious or political m•:ssages, or information concerning civic, recrer,tional and other -,-ittcrs of general public interest, provided permission for sax c be obt=ined from the ChiQf of 1•oliee, .-.ho is hereby ++uthorized , directed and empowered to cake and enforce reasonable rules as to such use v.ith reference to time, pl`.cu, volume, etc. Section 3, any person, rirm, or corporation violating any prevision of this oruinanee shall upon conviction in 6iunieipal Court be puniahea by a fine not to *!zceod .;IOO.UO or by imprisonment not to exceed sixty (60) Clays, or by both such fine and 1c.prisonctent in the discretion of the l:unicipal Jude3e. Section 4. That all Ordinances anc parts of Grdinunces in conflict herenith be and t::e same are nereby repeuled. Section 5. This ordinance snail bncoan effective an end enter October 1, 1948. P,i.5SM nND ADOPTED by the 1,ity uommiasion of the City of Cluarnater, Florida, Passed on First -eading September 7, 1943. Passed on second Rending -ept=ber 7, 194e. Passed on Third Reading dept. 20, 1946. Fittest: (Seal) ?? V -?Itdi A"o t C T K / Wayor-rou'.n, ssioner • R K s Honorble City Cocmfissiorer:: .,!nt lermn: , :.s Trustuea of the amity of vlcarsu,tc. Employees ren.slon fund, you ire hereby notified th::.t Joe Laborer in the Public ..erviee :je:lsexrn'c:ent, nos been uuiy exatainea by s local physicl:,a ar,4 cesidntted by him ac u "first class" risk. The ..cove employee be t;un nis service ;,ith the "ity i:tt DeceLiber 22, 1947 unu acs resiCned aua been rehired t:t short irtemLlz tnree ttc.c;, singe ,,i3 initial aL.playauilt. at.- is alno eligible, sunaect to tre a;,provi,1 of the baara or 1rusteeL, ttZ to ua;e, length Oi _erviee V.ith tae amity a.id regulutiona or ti.t; vluasiried 4ervice, uw pestitive test:, rcr oruitt:.ry t:hsr:illed laborers not being required. .-t is hereby recav=cnuea o; the i,avisoty 1.0=1ittee ti.<:t fie be uccepted into cea.beranip. Very truly .sours, A:3vI::OItY CO l:I::'v. E of the t City Employees Re ulon und t! (Signed) Lee L',cl,ullen chu i.-Man (Lirnrd) .raniz ..brrnuth„ By : 2ett}- mica Z%Unt; (Oirned) Charles P. t.:aloney Secret,'ry »v , 3 H a , i . 7 •> F !t 11 1• vY t ! s