556?. ' ?,t•'k.?tyrY?leM^gf•'?'?.:{?'e i ?"'.'4. r3C`;?rf;7F? `•S.°kt'?•l:i.: ?yy?E4 4+ 3 ~? r i E ' Ys? • k r ?r?' ax Scnn} IsF?'• ` ?/ ?r?'•i ' C1 ,lr.•? ,b •'• N• -7 F'?•'ziy??? rrI `? "Sy?ro'tb'Yri ,::???,?~,c ?'?Ni?` x,+1''•"}3 • I j . ? Siti(r;e.; l Aljar' 1 W! R, ';I.;t:,r` 1 Elilyi!s;.t^•'t7.2;`'' >t. rt: S?•;?"Y y?.?N?,-'•,l''C. ?.a.r4h ? }? t'SCY , ~.. I ;,?''"S,•'Jr'FOa?"r 7?? Yyg"'.7fN""ls ip*?%Y.r. s?,?k` •• 's iT,+`r°+;i >r>t =?. • Fri t:V?r "'4.:7.k'r?"ti Y' • c: f,? 41 Nag '?9?g {. 4Y•¢1avaSy?rt„?Y.s',sz,.?i,.=ti: I t ,'•.:. ,°r>,_-. ._-.._-?Rr,-----:a.;4?• _id ,aY.-x }'n 'x. :?.t.? _r,, e-4. '.?I.i.:.rr TE.-.,e; ....a??:•l?+.r•..4.;..-,t. rn w? .. .. :s? err ?..•+s?"rs''?'.^r+tc•I.`?`y?e., 't• .i .:.. _ e.)' .7.y `,'•: ?.i, .n IIa .xi, r`'•S"':-j:; }1 i.'r. SC .1 ,-?•. •. i° +l ", : -).. `'9'-'i•'•r m -, r .¢v ;,.,, r a I' •i?. ?... ,?Ep?d .a?. • t xi$:ti•!` sl: :,,/' ?':-.' 'S'?...•.ry ?` 1. r"'. 'ME; :"+"` ?.5+$;#.^ '"'.::i':ei . ?-? :'?q': -'? ,...•.•'.:•.e., •+.;? .d:?y °s 'A-7` •, Y' •:>?, ?: .I .` .m ?'s.4. ?, ' i . d;' `•x.?` } i i, r,..-?> , r cis n i 3 r; i y„ es k. S Orda'.;N .:4,:3. 1. q] -^^•'*. .•-^ti.tl ^i•f. t.Y .5:7 `+{ a :y! '? :.'h.'iw.<r.'ry :rrr:,:t>: °.tr;r c'. X.rr?+•?°.7t Ft' "'3=;c GT?.a' r ?r ?.,a•,t• `f= . a .c k '?tix h "?' •ix' `?.;Ys ;•??,sr..G?:l?;?' ,.,. ??:??V '•-9?.YS.a.i. FF YKee:; a :.1?- •?r'n?.?,,?, 5 ,a '=?-? ?. [ ,?,'J°?S' •.Nr .^"•:. +: .-?w : yr:+ ' •' 'a ?' ?v v;'?;••::?'?• ?.`A' y..?;: ): ?•: ?;: • rr?7 +?•?d ac . _-{l?T i1'r:' -?",? 3r,? 1C'; y ??.. ??'Aro •?S ;r=, 4 rz' *?• ?;ta ` ,,CC i _ '=Y;'•'i•. ;?y'i`',?.? ii'E."'' ;>_; , ?A':.i` ?.?'?G'. : F:; :% ?-?,•.. ,?'$?S •r 9'•, r? ? °;,k a?'• SrI,•"•,?. ; ;' s ;•v, r i:'?7ei"??.,. o •- S'.I,. ?• 3. x a,'.cyl,.b.a? _ { a+sv::i a `?" ?vT•S'' [T4,^ ? ? t2- ?` ?' Ix c .?.:E?'r s°i.'?'va r#•; to •4. ;.. .(r?i' Cj???'??. ,5??,:.?7 f;..?4•.?s ^',,?s ?' p•ye? '' Iy,`?[: `r% ? ?• ;?< „?? =IA.il EPA 1'?'?'4 .d:tavA"a,pi=.•; sis!'' ^t` h,^ ..r -c,. .:x"... w I at :u°•. i, K,cc. ti;. ?; ti:: ?} r ?. ??•,s•.t.h?( t' ,sa•,a.7:f $,. p -?u '?5r.? F= 4%?? ? 7? ? ?r';;•[' ? k' _?f ?. <?G 1 -.. :.r -?.a`,4'i, t`• JF:. :;,°. `Rt$ ?'`s pd< p?i: ?F• ?? ?i? ° S', ? =, tL. •y r.,e? y,j:(?,,... .s? ?a.?.. :5.. n' i?a?:• r.L. +.,? Cs. ? ?H?. ?i ?'?•1. bw zy ?.-. [?. g •gr Y '? } .A F 1 ' ?,?, `rk.?,s J'rl 'i- ' •y ? ?: Se:.; i_.7. •.`d N. 1I",.?YV•`• '?r•4 .;;,$???`,'r,`=I ... ??,,!? J.• y'`:?Z?;7• k:A#?s.Yat't'?,? pa? ? rz., •?°zY,., '•+` i•::,?;iSi'' i- •'r???•,.?;.??•d,?3?K?-" 't•' th l ? ny+`...< ? ?'? :"' s{a: '?'r"?:?~ t ?';??:,,t h _i' ?V?.?,L.;. :.yr.„,'.i''C ? ,,4$k: ,?,, .`{.k.s`?!??, ?"P'i'• '?';.?4r• V,•n.,?.'«i;'P?''?.. ; i:c: •,?' ??`:??` :'"' ... •.<c?„?..i-.ir' . ?? • k i.,, Yf ;?% +'i7• ? r ,:1?• •dr-al ?., ni ?'. ,; 1. d,+ f 3 ?- vti '- • i!?.?• yt 4 T' •I trp? `•,yy"??:,? y, ..` t}?'.4i} 'P ""„,-. q?•: ?. ? :2-3'i..?i:-'.,:!; :':,re?Y•rw.i'sr:r:'?5. t??F`f ?`J::r*s;....?,•S r.?'t?.?t i'?'r s 1• a 6, 5 ?Aw?i,iii.ti?.lr.??t4'A1,Y:i:?Yifi;'?",x,?. ••f- ?..i ?, ?? ,{ S r'. 4?"r a. '+S y1a<,i 'h' '?•s ! rrLs'.tlwar ia.:.a+"i"-f? :..5:'.:,a:..:?ii.'.•3uw+t.;s'11['i'r?r.'•r1•'.•t+:S?` k?«???,?. ?, r ?' . . -r..r•• .+.? -.••?.... ...... i ...r :, ..? .. 't .?,F,f .,,':;, °Ki?:=''i}'?. yrs., r ?JI7'Y vVi .. rl a..?Ult .,X.ilrl.J .! i, l•' 1•,uy 17, 1944 3. ,. r .,..r.....,..•»,.m....,.*..a-.rr.r,.M.I..«.,.,.n.s,w....?IS r t t ,. .? . 01tiiIit,.IM3 1iu. 556 .iL?yA?I. r111 iI. L:.t4 i1l..S ri:l.+?•t..Nt a...I A..IlI 11t1I1 tJJ.:?l? :ili..LL i3.:O T'H JI Y 'D,-),1 Urti?f.Il4Z S! '):ii.: UI:'i JUi :SISaz.i;i Jr iiil OZY Jc saction 1. That u Spacial I.:unlcii:ul oleut:att ahL11 Do uold, in tite ' ••naur :.cram ,.ruviM, aa'.u_::JL;, .Tuna 15, MT, Or tn.a put'irasa of dotermLning vaetner curt in jea vosud ahund on anull uo Ltdo to UruinLnuu :to. 45P, tho Jlty -onlnl; Urdintnae. 00Ctian :?. i.t aLid ajoalul c:uniuipul uleati•an, suid irro gonad chungos to ar.id ?a:tLtt; Ur:i:t.ruC , t:: 1naarjorutan in urdiaL= :ta.. 555 ::,.411 tre saa:..ittod to i, vote cat's O"id v1•.:iii. cot) W. 555 •:azod a ion o"ll bp couepted or rujacted ..s 4 viola. :,eatl`.n 3. unl. ',uUiiied oleutor3 ei' taa 'Sit; 01' plc ii;tFt?r, ;;.;u ._i o 1'ruc..al tars •..lt.tin t.e Jity a:tuli be olir;icle to vota at 331d election. Notion 4. Al persons ONC11 be :}uulifjvd freeholders of the v:t; o_• 41eLr.•:utjr uho siwll be rps'!;toraQ 45 such uacarcii:tf;,ra 1.W, L:.: evilenCUd Cy t::r r3aords Of t,:3 .itiparvlzoi ai .w?iatr..tion of :iaellu'_ .:aunt;/, ilariAG, tad as an t+ carti:'iad 113t t::ilreOf sul:-ittsad b ,Z-U :;u,:urVisor :ii't! en (15) d;., s .,riar to s:.1= a!eation. .i r;ic tr „tion booi.s }ar t:::I t,ur7oues or s.:ic? .lectian ;31:..11 w£ ulaa?d ..tirsy UJ) d4; •.riar -a -.aa caul.:slve di.' the elec Llun ?aoti :t 5. The list sa zartified rind cluM tted by tiffs County ,.u: ervisoz .::all .:e oi,3n to ilribliu ln3puctiun L•t tua off0a of the vity ..u-;1tor i.n3 JleFh u..an recei ft of su".o Mau too juVarvluor un1 it U11L1l not be aCCaan.ry Q athor::_°se ;ubligh ti;° :t':?•_:es ?1_ted woutlou ts. ..t loth four (4) Oys before the dLta of s;.id a_e:tian, .t.:u Ja?:issian a_ t:.a Jityi o_ Jleur•.:Lt,r :;:rr.U ..;esot .:t taa .Dit; 11 t•a: t:te ?uz;: iua or r_viatr_rty ::uu:I ?iLi;tr tiara liL't wad to .ast:re Lily 3L---e = .!L.,ies to 4ucit _itt .i.I ..Ly .ve boon l-,"Iraporl; 01'. ttrad or c:.ricken t.,e;;elrol.t. '.na reGistrttian liar so and CZ)LQletod s,rLl= aonetituta ,.ire list o..Oters eli„ ibla to voto 1.. i;,:i4 oleatI .. i:atlae of the to 1!tj1jiso t:ia 11:tt s;.u1l be O±v_a Lt ie_sv cue :ee:s ce.orn s4id r. e!ectisn by 201jattlan ana (1) Una in 4 ito: a a:er as g .aar,-l J1.ZCU1Lt-'jn 11r, the ::ei:tian 7 ::te 'Jit Co ?i'?33an si,Lll, t6n (lu) br;: 3_It 3_id _le:tiart,. CL;tse to ba 3ualished 1 t rter?3 yf?er of zzaariil, ui:cul::tiatt :;t ti::$ '.:ity, a::ac .;a :, :'o_ L%a L. nati, . .;t: trot tae .u alto; ai t.:a ':icCtia 1, t::9 ?aQin; Iona ..IIt1 tt:? O U 3 y vo o hijule tJ vita Wrai n. . :.1aation Sc. Vot u !a Cuuh aloation swn 1" c:.at Iawa act u.; i:.'tM Uit;; :i.e itation an ..orth :i:.rdon .";unle. The polls 011 inn 4 ,. 7:Q r.1. St.•nii,.rd Time, and close ut 60J ?.::. :it;sndLrd :i:ta on the c;w?r o: r3Lid :la:Itian. 1 ` s-?r',ti;=-::i`??:.''.• `ter ?i ;?-,. ?•???y?;?:?;;??,?.i;,,''?????3v ,',,rte : . 1 rti y; • fii +1! 'fir.. r?. •y,r. y?r•' ..?.?. +.w. 1...•` ..q? •. ?? rr? . rr. r. r. ?.. .w. ".. - •f?$?'•,••F•!T9!1 ,P,k?tie..'s'iAy .,l. .?.??-?? ,.. x? dh a.9 .+J w-•?••--. .. :?'N;' .. .y,. ?r.•.?nrr ;_ vr,',°, r: .. _ rv:r?? £L % -T - - - .3 1 ,L ,?•_. .?.E?ry tir?'r'.°}';?' •e?'::iPe•: +t`'ci s'f;':tr. .a•' .,tSr.'?; ass:;?iri..i yi ?' .. _ '.'y,;,+Yr,r F ^°,=3•'•'' ':`E :'?`. L;' .. .i7 .s `?'i? ?`.':'',\.S "}. .{±,'„T?,. 1': ,`'{-%'?'^i'i4ir•.' ••.q'a`{.F Ft. •:? _ -yn4'?"'r.V ?^'? :?.:'•:T:.??: `-`3 .,.: v. 1,.?. .$? '4 ,•3? y ?..,iha j:• ?ra ;:; ,rr ;?; .,', ;'?? ;:t?'.{ t5•t .a•Yi-t. ?. ':?'??. .?> ?? n, .i?•°. '}'s s- f? .f.. ,i. *l°;?' ?'t c?c". ?5 ?,'i ?,- ?t°" ';?-•.' .: kle ? ? ° r., > ? f+ '•?:, `1T .. 3?? • '..1 :,.•: ':•<i•. F'`,•k '? E. --'4a` Vii{-`• f e .'!-?" .ra.. :el .° : i ', .f? ? _ Z?:? ? J?,`. t . ° r ? xi'? ?.- Y ? ,?, V ?• ?`,' -L...- P•,• y rF !=} i a? 4. ? r? °'a x 2"?I :. %Y`xi.j? ;'?` Y'f''`. °'X_: a ?,, i s• ",.,. ? s k,,.. ': fa- "°?.` "'+'i,r,v. r r ,1. . 3 s' .rd5'.i'1 ,.-C,.. >f+ ,i ;: l:. ..ar. .•? , .l.:;a c..-?:±?::<,.+ tt a, ..G .S.t.?.t ? 'ii '? -.' ?'? a"' „°t s ? fl ,??? ,L r. rx i`k:C;a?.t?.'?N :?: 'f' V''"• n::"".y.s5a}'°" ''j..3'•• ?1:_°?? ,?„ w? ? ?Y s t; -r .f ;w. :,??:, •b-'• :ry,1.?':::.? .'.?.ti o?• ''%i'>'f.? .'r: :. ;-',' .. a-. ..4 i't..t 3Y i;?i" D,. .3-irs.. :r` 1 "...?1`?'."FnSl`?: ?'1L '?:4 : CYk t• ' .. ? .. ra ?:: t•-:..T ,: .n?i.'.". '.w *'?. ?• ? A.. s ._A Sit __,a.?'a.Ph?'°?Fz."['Y'.;_+;?=."tf,':4F ?,ti ?5?S?:•.«:+?N:.'?®_ 7' "..st-! 'r' -.t.'`1i' ••!'.?:^,: :If!. •.4i :.YuN'.'tfA "L?`., I'"'_ t..b _ _ t., _,.. ?7LY1.!n_ l?T.hr J4 _4.?r+-,.-?A1.*Efi1F?'2F f ?i?' l?-.,FI _ e._?y_ l'fr fn??'3' • __ - ., ? ^^; t.r , «n` y?' 333 ?'!4• •.='ai'; .`\Y, 5 ....-. -. •., .. r ...................... • ... .. ., ..-., n .... -?.?..,._ww.......-. ..w .. .. -,-...-?.?...?•_,.`....• .. r... r.... r w..._ - .... -...._._. {_.ST?!,ff?•.:y„1 3yyy r! aeatinn„?? I11upentor3 Lnd Clorlca of thu election --hull be i,,.,:;jinteu by tho city Cooviiaulon, gxuelit tiwt 12 the k;0m louian 31IL !'fL11 to tij) milt sung [.t lauat two (1) 3ayu oa.ore the auto of the clout-'.)N, ti:e3 :..c;'or-:o ui?s sin:tcr MILLI L•r; oint ? 3 .i .;aetlon 10. ."lie bbllutu to b,Y Lub::titzad to the vot.Iru l.t 3.:1.1 vloution, lilt .11 uet 1'ort,i in full the Urdin..noo :3o. 55), t;.F be voted an L.nii, .Erovi'.te :3r Iadlcl.ting thoi'eon the uttmor "Yoolf or ''Iiol! to the z,uuztijn "Do you ruw)r urdiuunce l:o. 155?et tt? :lee :ion 11. The rr.:uult of th" Voting shall be certiflod by returns in duplicute, si£ned by thu Jlurlc and u i:ujority or the election Ins?ectorn. One copy of such return shall bu dalivere'1 t;I thu ..Ii'3.-volu•:1a31oI cr r, 3 I n'i 7176 other calsy to t1.3 Jity Luditar .and •:-? f?r.r,?;.• .?.' i., ., both of 1'Ih3m 3 1_'11 trLina tit Limb I'-:turns t3 the vita/ ;OL"CIZSIJn Lt u moetill(•; to ??Jc ' yy+'??'?'i,.:'Y???"-t ???•::. bf) held ut :ican itlFnclllyd 1 Ti -' .' :... '. r.ie .3a t1 la duy i'31latring the election. ..t such aeetine, •; :•?0?,. 1;,-?,1 ' :} ?''."''•?,..?,,;:. . t.110 JitY Jo .i sall on 3:1uil e..nvn s:• tile returns and ::eelu.e the result of the election. auction 12. ::Iis Ordinunue shall be effactive inmedibtal upon pusDuge. 143:.-m "M by the 4Uity Cal:miasian of the Laity of ileL1:7Ltar, :loridu: ?+ '{?:°? I RC } u'tt t: UN `L il.ri:Jl:iG 1.:u 191.$ E' ' j iy?..?t??t£??•'? mil} •? ???- r Uii Y11 itL; Jl:.G ;fL •17 <<4$ c r? _.•...:."? Jai a:l j .. ?. J .....si. G e•:e?7 17 l?l+l 1' Yj Y.uyf7lill-r"i_3.J_1ll:r- +? (+_4C,!.,.?:.I' ?? 40 1 _+a' / ,"Y". t+wx'F Y rant "? ?'f Y?I u_t;e .. tar Law qrY. „ X???x T 1;4, l J } t_'ka`,?," rtl RU I s :a:i'd^" Y?3 & r t J:1 vi 1111. : :i .wJ1l. ILS, •'7 0" a'Y::::•iv.:i J"' ,3U...::3 i43LIt; I i'iOil" ^'• x It ". ' is ?j .,n_ Jy tauZ Y. .:i, ndalpw', L.i:, 23v Jo ;e3 c:':..ver ; 1y, '' ?'??-;t'"-? ,??. F '? ?•' d` j ,y. a Li :itL ila?srai.;:tad ?1^.:b:: ursrt_.,? t:1--,t tl:3y ..;.v3 • _rll:tn_lly inspected ,.ala .?raport:• li3tad b-!1 otr :.:14 lescrlbed .is follo n: :htt sLraol or 1U11Li, t.`ltara:si::Y t_ly :.1.; .cs 3a looted ' in 5act_on 'anl'IAJJ , ounzihln t:l::et nil,a { :9 : out:., ` iL:lp3 ?'t • 7g c111 (1't} •..Gt In LialLun' J3L:it'•} t'_3'.•{:.r: ..3 . 3:10141 On?t.:a -.LL'_Xd ,lut (al:tl'_licd ::I :a: 'enail),' lc: cut 3e u:..3 i' a iatLl ;r,.l .,u^t o.' i• . z ! sw_, s:tJlrtl on ti:a• :1_t , r hl _ i)ut -.+/_ _..a1:a 3111 e'-:e 1 1 ..i L.9 .:G::9tW: J , :'l1Lt iil titer J)i:t:3t1 t:14 aL3h '14 'at :-1113,1):' L.ia :4ovo '.)2':.J.+'„rt;e 3f + :..1.y 14th. 1'146 is .,15,S75-110- Th ut t:1q;; 1,+•v-t no :rJL;0: 3r t:5at? .+114zu4 fuL' _., i-.I,. r] t fa °j ,:o rt; ri id t ia,thalr Xj.1110a tale k QG3.. ?. .-lua, or _3 !_ad only Zee i•7rith -bJve. The Lbovq 1):.13:11 113 i:Lte 1.1.711 t.1LT. t.:9 ter', is :red "''af all en?u:ttl:, lags 1:i:Ltsaet•or ind eovirs :;f: x:ia 1: nA 3 tl; Thin Up )rt isul to 1.u11V :'chit tau underpt:.nding and ict I:o ;e:t_alo a1i ti 10 C3ndIti'm WOW _. _ .. .. .,. sr.. _-•':•.. .#!e.? 44 ° A,