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ORDINANCE NO, 465. 1l ) rt . } A;; ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LIOENSING, REGISTRATION AND REGULATION OF ALL PERSONS FIRMS AND CORPORATIONS ENGAGED IN CERTAIN BUSINESS, 6CCUPATIONS OR PROFESSIONS IN TIM CITY OF CLEARWATER FIXING THE LICENSE TAXES FOR SUCH BUSINESSES, OCCUPATIONS OR PROFESSIONS; PROVIDING TERMS UNDER WNIICH 5WH LICENSES MAY BE OBTAINED; REGULATING THE CARRYING ON OF SUCH BUSINESSES, PROFESSIONS OR OCCUPATIONS UNDER SUCH LICENSES, AND AMENDING SUCH OTHER ORDINANCE 11; CONFLICT HEREWITH; P'ROVIDII;G FOR PERMITS AND PROVIDING FOR TER14S UNDER WHICH SUCH PERMITS AND LICENSES MAY BE OBTAINED; BMULATING THE CARRYING ON OF SUCH BUSINESSES, PROFESSIONS OR OCCUPATIONS UNDER SUCH LICENSES AND PERMITS, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY CCN4(ISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: Section 1. The following words and phracen where used in this Ordinance shall for the purpose of this Ordinance have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this section: (a) An operator is one who owns, leases, manages or controls any of the machines or contrivances hereinafter described in this Ordinance. An operator is to embrace any , person who for a percentage or the funds derived from the public use of the machines or contrivances hereinafter described, or for any rent or other nonaiderationa permits the use directly or indirectly of the said machines or contrivances. (b) A location is the place where any of the machines or contrivances hereinafter described in this Ordinance are located for the use of the public. (o) A person shall include any firm, association or Corporation. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any operator to operate, own, manage, lease or control, in the City of Clearwater, any automatic phonograph, piano, organ, victrola, or any musical instrument or music playing machine of any kind and character operated by the use of a coin slot, and for any operator to rurnish music through the use of any mechanical device to the public for a consideration, until a license has been procured from the City and also until that said operator has paid to the City of Clearwater an occupational licence tax of $ 200.00 per year. Section 5. In addition to the above and roregoing occupational license tax, there shall be paid by the said lioeneea a permit fee of v 1.00 for each location where any coin operated amusement machine, device or games are located, and the Chief of Police shall issue permits ror each location upon the payment or the said additional ,$ 1.00 herein providedi zi.• ' fir. .c'.? ?P`E-r-T?,7'j':`'?'? ''a'Rj #?K. ':?': tS?,f,?Yr?•wi"?n:f Si:??;::i.-.x,:,. _,? - ? • = r, ..?ti:•' - r ?, - `-SW.sri3?L:,i:.. ?.,_ .??.,w, . , r ,...iuS .']ii,. ....:{-?. .. -.: i:-'i?.i L'..... .x?.+r•.. a 1t_,....'? ' - -- ....5.........'..ra•.:n.?+-?. " '...?.::?'lri'......rcr'• , _: i..:.ifi.? 17 +? 5 '•7r r? P Y•^ 5 ?t? 3t=y?'_ •'e'F ry.(7 •f ,, V,?f rcr. r•r^ . •"y" 'jj.? ?,.• ter. r' •.' Vii'' ! 5 , i ' 3 . .1 Y ?V' '3•• ? (' "ifs" ? 17- . . y? •7.S ' d7 i _ ' e F ' ?... Td'µ•ki it t{ •?`. 'is .?'x ?bky??n•?y,S,t,4wL??i+%?y'-/Y',?.i, y(^•)• it II?1?"??1? •t:' 4'a`I?'. }I nln''ii.l}4 r + ???'?:i; '+• .R .y's; `<f;;••*'' . .. '? ,. ,.. .r•t:.,..• .e"•r a, ,•r, - . .. .. : ... e•'?;'J'i"?... ". en[r+?yy„',?l3ce,;' . .3! ,.....va•:?.'crft.?i4r«..-'e...,+,.. «:.a :., .. s4..?.?. .. ? .. ., ;;a t,•.`^. _ s1,. w:IC. t. L a 1. 'k +17, 3 , ? A [1 t{p.Jak.k:.iLa^i-i:,f?: j':??€v'l: 'i•'.'?f'. ` 1r,.f ?rti`,i3`: M?»iF€e •?'k?. is ii?".. ?t t+? :?ys :. r.- •'(S'Z r'?:?fs.':`i'y ?. ,Sia .i-v",?1?:?:'.?? it e r, Va ;y:a.:i FF.SrF: ::S V-' ;vl..• .fir. ;? f.:'%;•?Sy.' r??:':? Y: Tc: i'j;? ' M1?.??: ?FJ} •';?rs?: •€h no r -?it??i-•i°h4'•,?t.a`?•••aa. ??,Y.:i;.t ;.?ir4?°:'.t•.. j1'?... _ _ .u...,•_.?. ry..: :.i t..,;.' is k:3r:. 3u .• - .' r .,i:.:i?,'r*^+^'- ^^•^?.--?r-^?^r.-r••.c...,,. •. s. '. - - a<'uY.t:..:ca....•w:.`.mew.r:;nw'..?:.:bi.e?.<iti?l.us8 i YM77 777%' Z?J ?3 L 5 ; . tip, ( a' =?.''r /R .''L'.+..s•„. '...R.y.,o?`• % f . ..t, YQf°, }" t.^ .gay.. •,r:. ?.. .e . ,r`^'., •-1,-.€?^c kf?'+ .•V. {,Ly. .t'F .M ,r+r.'s: r;.Y ?Fi '.':. ai •'/3"EC :w:. '. n'1, 's'v{, Y.'•i, ^^.:V} :f'4P'. ?`3:^ r'S.,V° ?. ?Y4K"?tfi?sr,tuv,e •• ':7*:ibY«k?.?:t'la".K-•`??•`» ?i.`.°» ?»:f ...,?"4f,:%•?v:+y`.":.`..'.'.:e: ?:.?:..r,,,s•s••s...r,,,.>a..roviNrY^rr*.Zi?.".?•u'::::a.".?`sz..° ,?+c.: vh.iw"•Y?wiidt,.:.:??? ? --yy ., y{.. y ? ;>i'> ^ ?.s . w I ,i?wr, 1, , - - FFF r..4 Section 4.' nerooe the issuance or any permit roquired in Section 3 horeor, the Chicr or Police shall determine that the operator applying for the Said permit has not been a party to the maintonanco or any nuisance, directly or indirectly, in tno City or Clearwater for the preceding two years prior to the date or the application for the said license. The Chicr or Police may reruac a permit it the operator applying has Dean convicted of a felony, involving moral turpitude, eitaor in the Steto or Florida or elsewnere. Section o. Upon tuo Chief of Police notirying the operator licensed under meotion 1 or this Act that any location wnere no boa any machine or device as set up in Section 1 nereor is or-ating a nuisance, the said licensee shall within tno period of five (5) days reetiry cue said conditions satioractorily to tho Chief or police; and upon the railure to ao an, the City Uommissioners, upon the re- commendation of the Chicr or Police, may revoKe and cancel the permit issued for that pnrtioutar location. Upon the ceasing or said nuisance, upon application tao Chicr of Police is authorized to issue a new permit upon compliance with Section 3 hereof, and said now permit is subject to Section 5 hereof. Section B. In e-ant of non-payment of the licensee herein provided, the City Clerk is authorized to aeize said machine for such non-payment, in which event there shell be added, charged and collected by the City of Clearwater, an additional sum in the amount or Ten Dollars (010.00) for storage and hauling charges for earn machine so seized, and such machine shall not be released or returned until and unless the operator has paid Co the City of Clearwater the 1 license foe and the 'i'on Dollars (910.00) storage and hauling charge. That the City Clerk of the City of Clearwater is hereby authorized and directed, in all cases where there has been a seizure made for the non-payment of the license fee for the machines described in Section 2 hereof, to notary the owner or owners, whore possible, of the said machines that same are being retained under the provisions of the Ordinances of the City of Ulearwater, and shall, during the period or thirty days from date of said seizure, permit the oti.-ior or ovmers to regain possession thereof by proof of ownership and the payment of all charges connected with the seizure and storage of the machines. ,....Yj .-.a:-•?,=:'? "w?l.±?___,,:Ma-e;i :. .;r- ., a ?. --- , _ , .. , .... i a i t:l • `i h '`Wes ; :et:°?'' : ? try..;?'??:: `'E'x.`:'••5,'' ' ?3ir, r. ,y ???...yyyi?(",•[:"rya ytxk.`Ya}? r?;; ??,i'{?l.S.:.?:' , t,6 .:i R- .+-??',? ?S'7',?,a'?+'r':'M =•. 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"., '•?.. f,r ' -`?'`?', ?___.. r;'.".: _ . 1 .. ..';."?. -.. - _ 7 _ ,. i. ,;a:f': -? •. - ?'.{i;+ ?l if ?a?t•'+?;s?'1?,? "?7i... ,i ? z 1?v? i-kPg??s. }a?...¢. e• •1,'f.':,'4t ?„?..i?'? ..:?+-iHk+.ii?,+:,.? "`C... i?,.,r try ?7 .F ..rr?iWlisiti!$e???C£?i$?'?y.?4T?".ihT1?+`.?:t'c=:•^a L: •"i'><'','A!.t. i f? F l a•Y K 4?5f.k;i ,i G .7, ws ]'-ti44wi3?i Ini..?Sa,Lf?r,)^et•.jj. _J1 L ?r. Ir .p WW:iR '?S.ir ????PM'? K.• fr . ? ..', V ' 9• yi'?" ??`t q--.:1f: iA > ?.v,-: a S"'-•{f+F7.' •{,i : -: •-s,t:??"? Y-. ?, ;; ti r r:•6 ;mot a hr t•,j1?"-} 5 :e"; .ikJr •tS,`s .+?ry} .M;'l, ^ ,SstC12k' • 1 E r That arter the expiration of said thirty days period the City Clerk shall sell any, such machines not claimed or reduced to possession by the a-enor or owners thereof at public solo, artsr ten dayst notice in writing-to the owner if no can be found, and by advertisement in one issue of a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Clearwater, Florida.' That out of the proceeds of the sale of any such machines, all caste and storage shall be first paid, and any balance remaining shell be retained by the City of Clearwater in a fund in possession of said City, for a period of six months in order to enable the owner or owners of said machines to prove ownership of said machines so sold and when such ownership in proven, such surplus fund shall ' be paid to the outer. After the expiration of six months, as in the paragraph nest preceding provided any sums arising from the sales of the said machines in accordance With toe provisions of this. Ordinance, if unclaimed by the owner or owners of the said machines, shall be transferred to the general funds of the City of Clearwater. Section 7. Nothing herein contained shall allow the owner or operator of any machines, meenanically operated, to gamble with or allow said machine to be operated as a gambling device. Section S. All laws and parts or laws in conrlict with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 9. If any part or parts or this Ordinance are far any reason held•to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 10. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be a necessary measure on toe ground of urgent public need for the preservation or peace, heglth, safety, convenience and general welfare of the City of Clearwater. Section 11. Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of tnis Ordinance shqll be punished by a fine of not more than $100.00 or by imprisonment in the City Jail for not more than sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Judge.. • E ^?•'Tr"??*r..*•?,,,•-••..,r•-..•?,..•. ?.w-.••- ?• -'•+?- ?..- -?- --w.- rte'- - ?r-- Ml?rww?we?rr?IR'-s1 _ •.• ?r111??r??w?a!±???rtruE7ur?i 'i?tM ? ? 1 f : e v '"'y,, ti"s ew ?''pr ? ?'-w•, ?, _ {°.. ... ea.....r.r. .: - .. - .. ,5... ..e?r"?. .... , , ,._£ . er W°' . ) r•,y,.; Sk . A ' } v .F f" A i .I` lf'? r, i 7 '4-? F YI'itg45! ty Auditor and Clerk. d 1 ri Sf t , t , -'li..l:'.? »1'??! a?.>r 1 - t. r. ..d..., .a.. +.w+lu:..?til...?.::.•..a„•...r::.: ay:..'V .. i1 §? 'K "",f1C?', .17''"x?"+Y:' A? '?' > ? ., .,,rsw: .«?..-•?-.?T. •,. t'•,???,?..'"'?'.,!a:#?i'? t . , f•?z: J ' <.w:. ?.,7- : r' ? ?s ' `o'va f!??'1'{?.'?r'S., IS'' ?',' i'. .. .. r .. ..t _ 1. ,??i. :i' r.. ?? : it ,. ? i ? ? r ' ,?, r?..??...?.??" 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Na ,r:4Las.?.% Jy: ,bi:.a,>+o,1: si i c • 1. ,r_i..},. 5•C???.^5?_ eft 5? r ,? ?? ? w -?? - -- ))_ ]r.i+. - --?r ?rrr.-m ':S'it'-?!' ? !fyy-???'?7 1 S•, .R. il:.. ?'fi }, L';' is i?u•.?,, 1° TI 7 ;a /•{' , r ' • ; .. }. -! r. ,. ' r >` '..i 77 777 Z! t - Beation 120 This Ordinance shall take effeot } immediately upon its passage. t PASSED AND ADOP'T'ED by the City Commission of the City ? of Clearwater,'Florida'thin 23rd day,of September A.U. 1Y4O. ' Ltayor-Commission ' 1 .??,??r:??;.,i,,`..',;?:;3?,gip .?'?:;r;•.t,-? a ' ,??f ,dm's ?•^•"?.`N.'':.?'y1. ?.•.?s':. ,,#?,," Vie, : ,., ; ? ??::;• . Attest; . ,'}'?`'S ?,:, ' is ..iW;F';r3?a ;•??; >