443„tea ?'? .`?:•. « a. t' rl- ` ¢4 ,n< .y. .a. ?.:•. Fkk j.,i ?:ti,.+?yz ^fd ^s y.: .i• ,tf, b-, t,F'rvw .,nE.-.•,. _Q`i?:i 9`?`X T a.?.. ..?.7? S .?..? _1? V'Y}•-'r';• ??:. ;r ?.i"; •r.•..?q•? .C?.. ,?1'•?>.J•a er?5 '??`?ia , a- s•.-r:•Yia,t .?•'J+.r ,;Y, ''C: { d t. -G• '-.1..v,-.!' h'• ?C°v?, i' .? ? j;j?,,gqak•q;;? ? ? ;-:d.••...'? ?, v,?c-••?'.'• ?-t "'i. ? K';p7.'?,s_ +? K•?? l?.?•}?-,,i`?•' rd'.i??; ''• ' 11.?s1.Y°..,ni•i?a+:?:.c<w.? -r:u•awau tS>'?..4rr?r.i.+c;.?nfriat,:-?: ? ' ?.7«•?.,"r ..s.•ro;....:«r•,wcS>.?a?e'du.:vr.'vib ?`x::.cox:,r?swhawl-Y-,v::,j..??+W,?••:w'E 3•'At++3'•tt.-•?v-l?e?r•,ra;•?aJ.tt?'»'1[tXis?is? ?• ;mow... • .'ir.? ? t do ?: ,-??e}?i:5%h?a?.",{{ff r•, ?:' :.,,f, }te,;ir• ;':1' 1 t'4 Sr- f7i1 X CS ?tiA,}r1r}:"'i).:' f"'.r3",Si_`•'ri"':. f? . 1v ORDINANCE NWER 443 AN ORDINANCE E21TITLED "AN ORDINANCE CREATING A PUBLIC RECREATION BOARD FOR THE CITY OF CLEAR- WATER, PRESCRIBING ITS PO'NERS AND DUTIZS, PRO- VIDING FOR TIM APPOINT=1T OF A. SUEMniTEr'DANT OF RECREATION AIM SUCH OFFICM2S AS MAY BE NECE3SARY, PRESCRIBING THE TERVS OF OFFICE OF ITS =BERS AND THE APPOn4T=;T THEREOF, AND M KIM APPROPRIATIONS THCREFOR." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COLMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLELAWATER, FLORIDA: There is hereby established a board to be known as the Public Recreation Board for the City of Clearwater, consisting of five members who shall serve without pay. the city manager shall be an ex officio member of the Board. The Board shall recommend to the City Manager some auit- able person especially trained and properly qualified for the position of Superintendent of Public Recreation, and such assistants as shall from time to time be necessary. The City Manager shall employ the Superintendent of Public Recreation, who shall hold office during the pleasure of the City Manager and shall receive such salary as shall be fixed by the City Commission. The Superintendent of Public Recreation shall receive instructions from the Board, and shall be responsible for carrying out the plane and policies of the Board. The Board, acting through the Superintendent of Public Recreation and his assistants, shall have supervision and direction of all public recreational activities oonduoted on all public play grounds, athletic fields, bathing beaches, swimming pools, and any other properties owned or controlled by the City except the Municipal Golf Course. When public recreational activities are oonduoted iL the L'unioipal Auditorium by the Public Recreation Board or under its authority, the ?bard shall have supervision and direction of such activities. On Brooklyn Field, Groan Field, and other playing fields where it is necessary to maintain a playing surface, the Board shall be responsible for the installation and proper care of such playing Surface. All gate receipts from athletic contests and all other funds received by the Board shall be deposit•od in a Clearwater bank to the credit of the Board, and all disbursements shall be made by check. The Board shall have authority to pay out of such funds all necessary expenses incurred in connection with recreational activities; pravided, however, that athletic or recreational equipment of a permanent nature shall not be purchased by the Board, but shall be purchased by the City L'anager on reoaa;.raendation of the Board. ?'--?..?- -.wry.-•---r-.?---••.,"• -r?•'?r°--k+sr" ?.?-' '•?-.- ?..'-- w- •-.w...---?•- •,.,..-•' .?;•- . '.r • a?, .war ,. ..??p, 4 N? f i tR??Y,,T t?.y`:: ????. yY?ar?•,ea ?+ a {, is r •. 11 .,i..r;r'.?,^w,t,.dsr"°i`t`°erta(...<.?., °`.. rr .•r• .: - , .,Y +S' ` Y• :?' Y:• ti " 1 ,9. 1't _ ,t t ra`r ^s" T Y.' P • !.rr r'7 't '.S ... 1, `'•s:: C?? {r C ..•S:.?` t S. dd l?ci: •:L .a? }? i .3r ?" et ?p rS d^ ? 0. , .Y. `'1•' !.=1:'• '.t:, a K+? ( .Y .°... n7 C '•i'` 7i..,?:'. ^}' :;1:.?: ?: .sty` +2 Y ° ?s' .?j?',f,+ .t ••py e's.T.'{«r:ar;•: i??i.`.' i'c 'r. .r`.u..,=•''t csm $, ? ,?•_ .:?'. a•?'1 Ra" 's' .i+li..?` <%>°e rw ? c 'r', i'?"?? dt ?y`€?'.'S""r = ? ' = f ?x, P -t+i"a +:l ?? .?.,:t<a i,-'a•Ir"i>r?••?+aaa.i' f'?r.°'..?'..,?' .:.+.a?,..r+,•«"iwr ):' a'i.'.er?>r "t;xe«:t'Sr.:Y'yY:+i. ?e3ii.K,P,.c`t.,?r??idfrww? ?.y r 1.7'x., ?},y ?"'S ?"'?'S"' '{'''O I^i Y ?'+•', i f ?r{;??'A`n';t ,?iy ?? Y ;.,?r?, K3a t ",ry,r Ff 1 rd ',t`yixriF'' 3{,{ alt 'S` {z ??•• ;x!''44'"Z .f `? .<; ?; ?,, '. L•S,' 1??• ??T•?V7": Fy u]Y2'#w?M?' ? °+• f<?y?', r?ira.?EShTfx 1'?`±?,E:?;p :•2?°. `pE.? , '? «.y't' (Page Two of Ordinance 443) 17 On the first of each month the Board shall submit to the City liaaager a detailed written report showing all reaBipta and dinburaementa during the preceding month. 71henever such a report shown that the funds in the handa of the Board amount to more than two hundred dollars, the Hoard shall submit with the report a check payable to the City of Clearwater for the amount of the excess over and abate the mum of two hundrad dollars. All moneys so received by the City ahall be credited to the Recreational and ahal be available for recreational activities, in ' .'.` addition to the funds provided in the budget for that purpose. The Board shall makes a written report to the City Commission f''; "lie on the first of January and on the first of Jul of each year. ,~cTs', Each report shall show the aativitien carried on under the supervision of the Board during the period covered by the report, ?5?;. ,? 'n^x,..r??.'?.r• ?,:'?i ' i ',,•: `' :r.•' `; s.'i?., a F?L , 1%" L, and shall inolude auy recommendations that the Board desires to make concerning recreational activities. The Board may submit r7{>? ?•i`Z'>:?{ 'i p`,ii 1:± '??, _: ;. F.. IF *`t? special reports and recommendations to the City Commission at a ' 'i•e .._ '.?f •»: :?? ?YPy[f4,4# ti a:, .K;§?•y,?:??,'r. 7u ?.1. ? 7 },Y any time it so desires,` by the _e.?,,' [r'?y,•a`,, ,,'F;'?.:-'i?i.a,` The Public tioareation Beard shc€11 be appointed b.? .s me ? t, City Commission xor the term of two years. In case of vacancy t??".?;:?i?? .S°?, ?;•` A 'c?• ? y tom. f i • '""`?';s^, ".>,'"-' in said Board, the unexpired term shall be filled by appointment u: ;':?'?E4??I,•?:::L?r,.. gig:. ;:'?rj*• ?j -, }::; ?: : ; s b>' 4 ;. .•,V. y ? j as provided; herein. :; -i°:':?`.t•= ' :,. ?: The City Manager shall, in his annual budget, estimate ,??'.:,?;."_:???:.-,;? Ri.,,3„'•,?F3f`" ??"ry.,???;???•i??,y?',, ??.: _, 1?'t' ': • •R: r•F. r 'hr;!IFi #j,.: Y: '--s'?'Y•? 4 ems" ?'??. the necessary expenses for the maintenance of the recreational p?,"r., s _ 3 }'" ii y :. ?'.<;,?;si?l. :.i; iz ?.?v'. •?;?,':f:'!'b•,.; a7 's`r`S-'F"F j ?`? r ,;1 •,', . , :.,`fir.. system as provided herein. J s•;:.,. ;,l?,t! r,','>t? p.•, •'?;'' ,'?,ti=-? ?'••'• 3'e.1_' ''<•' "r?' it LQ Vin. rr. ?? ":y y4 ;''?•- €'"'°;? " ??' Ordinance ITC. 411, adapted January 25th, 1439, be and the .i, r•l's ?•?4}?. :%•?" f.: ',{t'.?lj'`1$fj ?'''??'?fi_!;• 4h;.''s• "?f•I :` ._,-{li;•._?.:' i,:" : ,'i> a is hereby rapea1od. All other ordinances and resolutions )t: ears ky, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. :,':fj, "Xk• :?;h':°' ,}` ;'t•":; ~'S ;,^.F,-. .-• ,r ?ic!' :1?'. :1?;T•;".; Y'iL'!: 1"a: f?.?h? .5?'Y'"?'. 3 %' " 'i=:' ,• ,',. :' %.• :fir ; ?}°F?.•' This Ordinance eha11 become effective immediately upon • 1' n4 ,44 ' its passage and adoption b the City Commission. °('c'? M: M " -;; r• '•sr?'i ?F;,"S_:=', ":??:_ 'i!i _,?, :rf ?#.J?? rev ,_.r Tassel and adopted by the City Commission on the 6th clay =`61 ;I'.:; ° z, `' •! ?;$ ! r.yi of March, A. D. 1.939. j' 'I'! ::3.A `; • + '.?hf?' 2" r. r ° :-i)5 E: e , ` irL? yy,,> ' ?•i. `^`' C 'e ` 1dt,'??.^° :.t.. rey• ',?yTE•:,:?'T?1???1;*?•i;''?-;?Yi•?;'?}?;?"i^'.;-?' ?j,is?' ^1 `x'=#`??•e,r'F?`Ft?;l9?J a tr F:..??`t?`t'(ht,''1a'I`aY'-* ;"'?,?.* ?`;f>':, :? {?Cr ?-'?:., •;..?? ,?,3 .?. ?° 'k,?'a^ y?•'?CJ'Yt it,w -T,F•?LS•4 'c,?'-te,1 ?1::'?.: ..",??:, '? 4r.t Y1;Rj•`?'rt..li gtH Y-f+.. ;91?q -.:?;"?:i4er;;ii.i?.4?,C^ ?.? ..a',"q,/,.:; d*ayor-Caczmis;fiorler >.?;r` ???• s?4 '44 s•'-i':5'S'L'+fyrLtl.i'?€''t,q..{;{t:'+.( ?dr•_,.,? r,??k.".,"''_q ?''.•,, ,i >:?i St`?%,,,,???????.;°. •?y1n'n ,?,..pla .ri•f"?s'?-• ?; I6 Wit' t•?.r,4,3"i`y?e'T?i ? ,??yy: tt 1 '1 7.>/i,??'•i','s''+' i'.?h (.i5};??k.Y"SY?<y Y}?r f? 1'??}.i 1 + 1MW ?? ? f l'? A ?,Ir e ATTEST:t.??? !e €}" ?'i{ ?? y,''1 tiv, ? ?y M"i'i'y u??'rh7i4 "' 1 GRi ti.5'. ?'??f?F,r,,,t';'•?" T T4 ' r[ y „t'[`''3• ; ! d •F ,!h!_ "". / ,,'Fr,4 ?? ff,,4?,??.I??rt?•. R IX . ? •?-!I ?-r` ?'i ''r,'?' i`'%• ?y .s 'a"?.:-....- • , r.C'?,? ,,i'?1 Z?"jt• f S-`ry'?"yfF , ';`}, IfS'' 1_A"?'.`r'• nf..;1r, "y} :f.? Yrlir ity Auditor & Clerk. I "N r 'icf't J.l \ .f S t