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ME', {'1.; KV yij Lt•I''r S1 ? )?'•?` rf?i t• •r:?Iti.N .f;..- ?{, I ??- 1•u'i+rw?Ifl .1-? .<ri • ?. .° w - • -- to 1bdJLDMM Mw 436 arsfiUOO All 0:-17IIiAI:C:: FAO'-'Inl:;n FO? TV F COUST'iUCTIO:I OiF -Y 'a':21 kGB S ST?A, AM TO L11, III FIZIAIM'"- T??': CUSS OFF -All CO"^:m::iICiIOII, F:l0Vl 'iiO :.OFi TAS IS?U::::C:: 07, f?272,000 tV::N:? C: rRTIFICATES OF THE CIT" G' CL? " 1, .P„ FLO:;IDA, 'OLELY FRO!*. T"tl: R:iVEIM-S D---gVlZD F116 E S.Ii: S.JlIT.,`Y SE.*.-:R.,G!'' SLYSTE1.I. No l8 ba W. rmmw, aad road to hilt. Aar a alaamealOp tt1wmeo ur. Dom a0w71wMdw SMA (?tdlt?aolta be A!!oplad as rmdrl Oro Ciloar oaeoadod tbo catLOAI. Vom SOU OAM6 tho tblurdLou IvEe mw pol? We BatcbO2*r, up. ONW70 IIOPT. owe. 2boracvcc1, boo sta doclarW C dlomeae M. du17 p"oad v9m U a tlli0 roadU%g* Ur. DLnT PEA !atoll Ordltmms Mr 4:36 ba load IM alooond Wo ?allasitad aotro me plolla de A7alst "P. IlorRrtt, Elt'r. F17O?t7lj Use D"270 are Uauwm WdP Cr1CO. mc94egp49k. WM 3u *.10%* a fv r 8a01tt rod the u*Um paoaed, am4 *no Ordlumoo ma read • oonoe d tSm by Its Utls. Ir. Dmw7 tttwd a&M Ordlaattoa Ea adorftd as cow. We Or la0 sooo sod C'm caumo up= roll OR14 the t'blloulnc votto ma 0o11od. awe ?. t3rr•t?, 1r. Dato•s ur. tbrr vor "d. :.'.!'o wi-ar:', ?? I1LibQ. Vuwaup=, tba M7or*C =%.=locmn- dooUmne cold Or^dL^=wa Cu17 pumcd vpom !to Oooood roodtoj. trN llarr7 Maud 094diaanM 1:0.436 bo !rood Sta Ml-rd and MAI tsm* Lr• Mlea aaear4W tto catlana Uari roU aan& tr.o C3I1 wftij; mto ma ?ic+4t '= k Awom u re 'lu4sbv dre wtoaclor, tr. ms:w, Dre L1ur--y, '.Ire Ct1Co. )ram ZiSiYdr ' i fi 1 E f 1 a ' I I r c .t rCii:_7? li :war S r• 4'???awa.^ .'?• zs 1 i? s' i •`'F? i'z° Y•[' YS r'?+•. rtiyr `iY K" ? h??. e' r ,5. , S•t:. S .3? i F?ti?. lS VS r,?y"?yL•LrL;. ...?, ?.+ls:}?'_*`y.,,,y""'^: v.. ,r<..!,,7.4yc,'?r.:r'}!`. ,'r;{:'+.? ?. Ct. {f?'a' R ,t' ??' 4 ..S .•?,., • .? y ?,? 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S7?' _• s 4?! -'q. ?r e ?i''??s t 4n;; t as;tb? ?M .` .4!1 •n:• x: :?s sl•?4.d1. ;at t l it i?S? ' ' t` t3= ?" ,:?- '? ,^Y'• i"?e. `,x t^ri r G'?:..:.' •yv 'r :??r ?.`• i• fks r. ,r ?sr. "?'??;;z?'is-i,,?????w., ,?:-t:: ,:. ? ? ?:` t' r c??' J r4.l: a?, Jq's C;„.. F. +-„ S i5t 1` 1 ASX, :L• a' ?i+??,#,? ,??7Sf' ? t ?,r y, k•i:;.s l.4'? .?. +}5.,.? ? ? ? r tar' 35•? ?3'iF?'?°.'p? ? ?yy t _'a `? :.L? i :l:?C '??ra i;; i`.r,w •!. `-.+ 4•.:?• ? 7 °•F -'?r1y.?;1 ,: v? '+= "'?nn•fy ? 7S ?• V ??o + `i 4 .4i 1? ..a ?Re: :r•E 7• ? ?'> ij=. ,F t4,. D•• ? S•r 4,r: }ls?? IV •'i;'v Y _ SCR f !°:.'. r?-a,02, a .?y ?/ t a v d I J N '? ?' ? ??'It. is "7•tJ ?' j?? d'ni ?' r =.?,`.'Y-` }?^?? ? :..?S;•" ? t"4F ?a F X+ '?. s? 5 3? ei?>. ?`?' b"4? ?-???t'1,? r'i;"t? 3" t L ?c>• ?•_ r.= r -'? A ?4' , ?, p, .ti ` ya,?t:' '.i;,'z'-.w': ?`;f t' r'.• ;.F'r"I'? .tyr. ,.`^?Y ^??s; v'vK?;; v;?, #i.`?*?c..•'?S'+ ?? ?;. L i•''??'.`T" ?' ?? 'i ,. r, y 1l 6 :'? s 'r 1 .: `c ::? zxr 1> L••`'':? ? ?• ?'Y +,.;?t ?. ?+ r $a +°?n:?f •: ? ?} •y ,, 3 ?? +'z .~h n , ,?, .?a, , ,xi , i. .? , .. : ?,.. as}`o„ S 9.7<..?7 r.,, s t.: ?a ?' et,X?}i'b!Y f•,•t j l.' ? ? 'ss y4.' ' , f b??er?,?4s R?a . '1 .. ...... ..... t5•d+? .?iy??t?'t$i3? a'??1?4`t?.yr?t?i?f.'Y•F ' . -.iMwni?m??r?i ?rrwwiiw:,.w•' .?Yy ?_??'v::s EGq° ???{'v y£<sr': • , ? '??1.• r. wnapac* tha tl 4ar-6CMira cacr 4mlarod the es um passado taro E)ar!',r cr*od only OrdLMMMa ba tttglly adDptad an aaa4. ?. arm Crlao 5000ndad tba toE10C?. Upon roll Calla Va'a fOXIONVIC vote AV" IW. Hurilbs are Lbaa wl0!'s ?. tkslao ra a'. LWMa im. CrL"* ifo,Yoe Mime. %borecipano Me goyuVwCocsriaf+l0oor GCOUrod too &334un poaoad and OrdIDOOoo Me d4liy sacptad, •nd aLL;wd DOW Grdinanoo ? approval Livrwts sti <'?". ,e .:s . ?'f., t' '"s .:"r'`§,l•:'f"u i.??+?c, :'n e.: •, S. _, n all ).i{. "..?• . . . ; _?;3:`M =1` .. i;. r 3• `,S° . ? i " ?.s" .,a • ';? :?1: '3: ?F. 'T.i', < . ?::.rnrr'. i'T 1Y' - ?Eel?L-E• s'i`r. . iii 1.1-•-.'W4• . 4 .. F. .3 p, f '4 t d A? .t cis S'^/ Y. t'P• ,.i' i xx ?i _ •S., .l... a :F. j ,rk}-.;r=?,•?rv T"' i ?.{ p i.r9 ..f '.k7r•1b •3,"^ -Y . J.'.:. `:Fir" ?-.S.S '-t' E ,i i4'r:Yr":?\??•l: ?r'•n :?S,._ ?'?qj ,...-%.r.isL:.`rlbriaitr'•:iY.3:Y. .u•f-..•?.ra.wna.'' F -'cYn.:.:'`..k L.:«.' '.l...ir:-%"v'?hN:.:` ,°re4»y. yK.?"-i ?g"t?` s tMuJ r ??:?. sC. fM.'\':.."Y ,' ,' y:rs T.t,aM r.,v,-?, •e.. °;'4.s i "i•..i! 1 ?? -s": ??• ?.? 'l•^'"•?, ?,. ;n ?,' { _'`•• ? ?,{ +,i?•',y.?? ,f-??=?` t ?y: ,?;e•t?rafq. ..i35. .. .•-...;Z..` "?`?S?'s:°t'4:t:..'.zt:.'?,.:4'«.".}i.._. # ? ?? }` ?.?, '? ? ?:J ?'J ?': F .?.z.L st !I u''r J: ?' L. `e :.Y`i:y"h t "t, ;?a-::><.?:' :ray ji'r1+?:+c?.•. ,liar ??`, .. 1',. lk? f to serve for terms of two years each, from January End, 1939. Passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, this 21st day of December, A. D. 1038. L. A. Marsh, Mayor-Commissioner, Attest: J. E. Satterfield, City Auditor & Clerk. The City Commission then proceeded to canvass the returns of the Special Election held on the 20th day of December, 1938, on the question: "Whether or not ordinance Ito. 437, being an Ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance Regulating and Restricting the Use of Land and the Location and Use of Buildings and Structures in the City of Clearwater, Florida, creating Districts or Zones therefor regulating the intensity of use of land areas and the incation of buildings and structures thereon, establishing building lines, providing a method of adminis- tration, and providing penalties for the violation of the terms of this Ordinance," and in said canvass found that the vollowing vote was cast: Number of ballots cast 464 Ballots mutilated 2 Ballots for the ordinance 314 Ballots ggainat the ordinance 148. Mr. Batchelor introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption. Motion was seconded by Mr. Baker, and upon roll call, the following vote was polled: Ayes: Marsh, Batchelor, Barry, Grice. Nays, none, Absent and not voting, Baker. Thereupon the Mayor Commissioner declared the resolution duly adopted, and signed the same, as follows: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, met in special session at the City Hall in said City on the 2Mbb day of December, 1938, at 12:00 o'clock noon to canvass the returns of the ?eoial municipal election held in said City an the 20th day of December, 1938, said election having been called and held for the purpose of determining whether of not Qpdinance No. 437, . being andrdinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE; REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE USE OF LAND AND THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS HND STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF CLEAR':IATFR, FLORIDA, CREATING DISTRICTS OR ZONES THEREFOR, REGULATING THE INTENSITY OF USE OF LAND AREAS AND THE LOCATION OF BUILDIIGS AND STRUCTURES THEREON, ESTABLISHING BUILDING LINES, PROVIDING A METHOD OF ADMINISTRATION, AND P=OVID11IG PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THE TERMS OF THIS ORDINANCE," dhall go into effect, and WHEREAS, the said City Commission did find that 464 was the total number of qualified electors residing in the said city who voted in said election; that 2 ballots were mutilated, and that 314 votes were cast for the Ordinance and 146 votes were cast against the ordinance. NOVI; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO=ISOION OF.THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: That the voters of the city of Clearwater have approved said R 1 i :'''fP,r°•?Y.w?i: mss" -'2`'1F;...- '!'-C;i•'k':y.r°'l`s".4.f'fsC?'??'F rix-?h?1411fC'a •7 S I. ' Y' ? fit ?••aa' y.. ? l , , . - 1, ? - ` `"J r{£i;F: ?te; :?? r?••f4 ?? ' 1.` . t s r :. Y