250 0I1DINANCE NO. 250 An Ordinance of the City of Clealwater, Florida, to prohibit the Carrying of virearms in the Corporate Limita of tho City of Cle nrwater, Florida. BE IT OhUAITILD BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEAMATER, FLOi(IDA. t SEC 1011 1. It shall be uiluviful for cuiy person or ? . pevaons to carry around with him, or have in his manual j possession, in the City of CleaiNiater, Florida, any pistol, Winchester rifle or other repeating or high powered rifle, without having a li.canse from the Cotuity Commissioners of the County of Pinellas, State of Florida,. Provided this section shall not apply to Sherri.ffs, Deputy 5herriffs, City or Town Marshalls, Policemen, Constables or United States Marshalls, or their Deputies. SECTION 2. Officers to take possession of arms. The officer making any arrest under the preceding section', shall take possession of any arms or weapons found upon the persons arrested, and shall retain the some until after the trial of such person or parsons, and if lie be convicted said weapons or arms shall br) forfeited, and the, Chief of Police shall sell the stfine at public sale, and account for, and pay over the proceeds thereof as in the case of fines collected, but if such persons be acquitted the said arms or weapons, shall be returned to him. SECTIOB 3, Any person or,peraons who shall violate the proceeding sections of this Ordinance,shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding %Vo Hundred Dollars (w200.00) or by imprisonment or at labor upon the public works of said City, not exceeding Three (3) Months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. S-ECTIOTI 4, `This Ordinance shall become effective on the 8th day of April, 1926. ` Passed by the City Commission of-the City of Clearsrater,' this 6th day of April, A. D.. 1926. (BESy)< f 1+xIlSiK .T. BpOTH. s ;J.Ml. CILMOM.: -Ma. earn s oner. Cit -'Auditor ?. '. Ij.' ? •?i, yr: 3 l F? : ?Nw