149 ? I ? .3•aY ?•.?..... 1wn...,__,.•.•.....?.. .e r,._..,....,. ..., w.. _.. ...... ._ «. .... .r ., .. .. ..a ... ..... r.,,., .. ," ,...,_ ....-?, w -.:i°°«. rte: .%•>t 4a:'r ..1 212 Y " :J f 1 OI DINAIICF NO, 249 O VIL TO al OIL CLIsAW'IATM. FLORI7)A. i An Ordinance Entitled. "An Ordinance, to Repeal 01,01nanco IIo.13.2 of the Town of Clearwabor.l+'lorida. onti.t led 'An OrAi.nance Amnndina Snotinn 119 of Ordi.nnnan Ifo. 104.1 and to Antend Section 119 of the Code of the Town of Cloazltilnter, Floridn, prbvidinA for the Assesstttont andrCollecti.on of T a.%es.n ' Be it .Ordained, Irv tho Town Council of the Town ni' Clear-' tvmter,Florida; Sectiion 1. That Ordinance No. 1122eutitlod "An nrt3•inance Amending section 119 of Ordinance No. 104," passed by the Torn Council otz the nth day of :"cinch, A.D. 1919, be and the saute i is beroby repealed. Section 2. ':'h.ctt Section 119 in Chapter t; under title of Revenue of the Cole of the Town of Clearnator, Florida, as "., , ' .. adopted the Bth day of February, A. D. 1912.be,and the same is r hereby attended so as to read as follows: 'f 'ja 1 Section 119. It shall be the duty of the Town Tax Assessox,.4mmediately after the tzssassment of the prop, rty of the Town has been corrected, and the amount to be zlaisod for defraying the exponses of the Town ;ovorrv::ont".Izas bosn detoxl- ntined.and the millare to be assessor !)as been fixed,, to calculate and' carry Qut in aoparnto columns the several t naunte .: ,. of said taxes, setting opposite the several colusttns sat down the value of real and personal property, the respective swiss assessed for ta;:es tlioreon, the dollars and cents, exor;pti.ntr; all fractional parse of a cant. lie hall also add up all the colut.tns in the assess-- ' ment roll and t cdca i;ize??eon such recapitulation tables as may be required by snW. ` dvin {council, And the Assossor shall make out a ` ! copy of said nasossmont roll when completed and shall affix to 'I?1T..;y ., L?w:' ?r,`,r s '3 lii? r ?.tTp?' ' ? .. r the original Lopy the following affidavit, to-grit; ,Srt r #,i: ?4 f?P'? i 1?: 1• ":3 ? "'-?.',?y: .. `2f 1. i r ' ? ' }• =•?g1?M; 1. . S?,a<'h `£3.. tfi{ ?"l,?ft l 1 ,. r ' ?ss?? fuct ' t 7w'?`acrtsCY`'?rfat+RTL.T11 « i S Stato of Florida, County of Pinellas, Town of Clearwauer. Personally appeared before me Assessor of T&' os for the Town of Clearwaber, ,rho first boing duly aworn nceordinc; to law, mays the above and foregoing assessment roll contaihs a true statement and description of all real and personal property in the Town of Clearaater subject to taxation and liable to be assessed thereon, and that the value thereof, do far as they are made by him, are just and 'correct. .l Tax Assessor. Sworn to and subscribed before me t4is day of A.D. 19 • Notary Public. N'y commission expires And shall have the same completed by the fourth i,tonday in July of each and every year, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at which time the Torn Council shall examine the or#i:n&l and the copy, and if found to be correct, shall so certify on each of tho books, which certificates shall be signed by at least a majority of the names of the Town Council, and the said Assessor shall then deliver a copy of the said assessment roll to the Town Clerk, and shall deliver the original to tho '.Form 'fax Collector of thesaid `!.'own, after attaching to it the following warrant : . State of Florida, County of Pinellas, To Clearwater: Tax Collector of the Town of You are commanded-to collect from each of the persons and corporations named in the foregoing; roll and of the owners of the real estate described therein the taxes spat dorm in each, roll oppc7site, their names, and to the 'severalz;parc, silp ;6f'li. LTid, M p -3- therein described: and in cape any porson or corporation upon vrhich any taxes are imposed shall refuse or not Joct to payl ;he same, you are to colledt the sage by levy and sale of the goads, chnttels,landn and tenements no assessed, of the persons and corporations ao asseased: and all sums so collected you are to Y mo t: .1,• • ;1. l e ? ,k .?., , ....... i:t :j,f 1?• +, ' J r F t t . g.f "A" puy into the Town depositary daily as the sauna are collected: and you are futher roquired to malto all collection payable the first day of April next: and any and all taxes vwhich shell be delinquent and unpaid on the first clay of April you will Immediately peoceed to levy upon, advertise and sell the sanic for unpaid taxes, as provided by the charter and ordinances of the Town of Clearviaterjo Given under my hand and seal this dray of A.D. l .. Tax Assessor for Elie ' oUn o Clea vtater, Florida: Section 2. All Ordinances or Darts of ordinances in conflict hereviith, are hereby rauealed.. Passori by the Tnvin Council of the `.'own of Clearwater, Florida, this 24th day of FebrliarY. A.D. 1915 J.lt Thomas Presic)en t Town Counc . Attest PY T Daniel: Town C er c. APPHOVIM by me this 26 day of February A. D. 1915. Sohn R Jeffords Ls aVor . ¦ X1'3 Is . r.5. ?,,i ., ` g.' '1. `43g:.1 x'493 ° ,. , % •j ,..ri-. ?''•: yr` •?"?^` 1`6: •P ?? it .f. f. `F• ??f.r ?5.` r.'. , Z1 y r a { l: a 3J' .. v;: s