140p t 3 i , ORDINANCE NO. 140. 180 An Ordinance To Be Entitled, An Ordinance To Provide For tlje Issuance Of Street Paving Bondo of the sum of Fifteen 'T'housand 015,040) Dollars, In Accordance with the Vote of the Electors of said Town at the Election held on the Sixth Day of October, 1914. Be It Ordained By The Tovm Council Of The Town Of Clearwater, Florida: Section 1. That the Town Council of the Town of Clear- water, Florida., is authorized to issue negotiable coupon bonds of the Town of Cleaxv;ater.. Florida, in the sum of Fifteen Thousand ($15,000) Dollars, And that the procoeds of such bonds shall be used for the purpose of street paving as authorized. Section 2. That said bonds shall be numbered from one (1) to thirty (30), both inclusive m-A shall be in denomination of $500 each; said bonds shall be dated - the first day of November, 1914, And mature on the first day of November, 1944; shall bear interest at the rate of five (5 per cent. ) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of May and November, and shall have coupons attached for each installment of interest. Both principal and interest of said bonds shall be made payable in gold coin of the United States of America, of the present standard of weight and fineness at the Mechanics and Metals z' 4. National, in the City of New York, New York: f Section 3. That said bonds shall bear the certificate j J of validation of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Sixth . Judicial Circuit in and for Pinellas County, State of Florida, and said bonds shall be in substantially the following form,viz: .. ' UNITED STATES OF A14BRICA, STATE OIL FLORMA, PINE'LLAS E ' COUNTY TOINN OF CIL+'ARWATER y ..... ::...: . STREET PAVING BOND ' No. 0500.00. 1 ; KNOW ALL I EN BY TIME PRESENTS that the Town of Clearvrater, . ;in' the County of Pinellas, State of Florida, aoknowledges. itself t: +: `'w '? 'f< a? ' inA bt6d :;. , and for value received hereby promises to t . , , . 01 i h- ' ?. o: EU,?!{i'./•???4'??.'P ??J ?., bJ`?..i-•: l.'? .4. ??? ,l' ??:'3: ?: •:P..n ?6Nti`?i•?,`f :'.?i;a7, f.'. .,j.•,, i4t: .... bearer on the first day of November, A. D. 1944, the principal sum of FIVE 11UNDRI-M DOLLARS ($500.00) together with interest thereon from the date horeof until paid, at the rate of five (5 per cent) per contum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of May mid the first day of November, which interest to the date of maturity of the principal is evidenced by and payable upon presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in gold coin of the United States of Ameria& of current weight and fineness of the Mechanics and Metal National Bans, New York City, New York. And for the prompt payment of the principal and interest of this bond as same respectively becomes due, the FULL FAITH, - . CREDIT and RESOURCES of the said Town are hereby irrevocably pledged. THIS BOND is issued by the Town of Clearwater for the purpose of providing funds for street paving purposes, in the, said town and is iss uad , pursuant to the authority contained in Section 9, Chapter 6046, Lavis of Florida, 1909, and has been duly authorized by a favorable vote at an election duly and legally called and held for that purpose and by resolutions, ordinances and proceedings of the Town Uouncil of said town -duly passed, approved and adopted. AND IT IS IILRL-Y CERTIFIED AIV RECITL'D that all conditions, acts and things required by the Constitution and the Laws of the State of Florida to exist, happen and be preformed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, happened and been performed in regular and due form,, time and manner as required by law; and that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of said town, does not exceed any Constitutional or statutory limitation.. IN WITIWISS' WHERHOF; said Town of Glearvrater has' caused _ this ..bond , to be'. signed by its Mayor and attested by the" Town .5. 'f. •4•i «4 ?. ..1:,' .1.f:.5 .J t .. . ' •. .. 3},. 1, , ,I1 'Clerk and its corporate seal to be horeto affixed, and has i caused the annexed interest coupons to be authenticated with the lithographed fae similo signatures of each said officor and this band to be dated the flast day of November,, A. D* •. ? 1914. JOHN IT. JIi,FF0I03. 1 M nyor. seal. R. T. DANIEL i le n Clerk. (FOR1.1 of COUPON) No. 12.50 ' :. 4 On the first day of ltiiay, (November the Town of f Clearwater in the County of Pinellas, State of Florida , will ; . pay to bearer Twelve and 50/100 (.;12.50) Dollars, in gold coats of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness., at the Mechanics and Metala National Bank, :r K New York City, New York, being the semi-annual interest then ..; .5'• due on tha Street Paving Bond, dated Nov. 1, 1914, numbered ; 49 JOHN R. JEFFUHDS, InKYOH. R. T. DANIEL TOWN CLEHK. VALIDATION CERTIFICATE :.' .: VALIDAT}d7 AND CONFIRM-M BY DECREE OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE SIXTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR PINELLAS COUNTY,$ STATE OF FLORIDA, ON TIC 23rd DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D. 1914. C. W. l7IECKING, t • 1 Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, in }r' 3` and for Pinellas County, State of 1!lorida. '''.. Section 4. That a special tax of Seven Hundred & fifty (:x750) Dollars shall be assessed, levied and collected each year upon -all property, both real and personal subject to F•,,?.,< , ,? ?'' ;;r''.. is?: taxation within the limits of the said Tovm of Clooxrrator, for 4: ??,nc •s ,,:v?t< } j: the paynsent of the intereet upon the bonds and in addition to 5. r { !'. the .tuc: fo the" pa Toni; of the -irit©re yn st' as afinesaid on said `,4ti 1 "!,r :.', t• fit.; ? .. ^°1,. .`• i i i` t*„ a bonds, a fur-Dior tax of such amount as the Town Council of „said Town shall deom propor and nocesuary shall bo asso'snei levied and collected upon the rout ruid personal proporty is said Town, subject to taxation, for the purpood of provid:b a sinking fund for payment of said bonds at their maturity The said sinking fund so raiood shall be invooted in Mute and County Bonds, or outstanding bonds of the Tovm of Clearwater, or first class improved real estate mortZages carrying insluic= ice for .{' C L ruilitat of loan. Section 5. All ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby insofar an they conflict. Passed by the Tovm Council of Oie Town, of Cloax-mater Florida, this 27th day of Jan. A. D. 1915. J. R. THOL4AS President of the Town Counc3.1. Attest: R. T. Daniel Town Clark. Approved by me this 27th day of Jan., A. D. 1915. (Seal) J'OH1I R. JEE-VOWS. Mayor. c , _ .2°. :?• 7. 'i.. ice: :?E,?'. i?? ,: ,'-', • ? ???`° .• ,fit •. Gh' iii;`. ?ct'=r =';?: ,, "? `s`?'' ??? •'?