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"', .......':1'''..'' ,';" ;' I,' " -., ; ;. ,',' '. ,_", ,.J"." c,~I.., ":;'\.>-:,~ "',' .~; "'1!.r; .,,:,...... .~;:.':.j '::r"".$~'l,;...i 7f"~ ,~:lg;~:i~::~8}};:~~f~f,:9{;i~f~(i;~,~f~:g~(~r!}~! ,::~~~~';::'~ ':'~ ?{~ ~ ~,',:":,. :' ~ :':~~:-;'-:; ,~~'::~.~:~::: .~,:~~:~~j,P5::~:~~~{t;j~~flt~~~~~1~~1!~t?i~fW1Lt~;: 0,~~}f)fi~ . . ~z.l:,.,~.rJ,;~"U.~:~d~~~~*...:." .. ~~'::.._t_:':...iL~i.:L~,r"''','~-' Q 'RESOLUTION No. 83- 85 o ,",w' -~---~-- ~ A RESOLUTION OF TUE CITY COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF CLEARWATER. FLORIDA. REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 62-35 IN ITS ENTIRETY; ESTADLlSIl- ING FEES TO BE CIlARGED FOR TilE RENTAL OF CERTAIN MUNCIPAL BUILDINGS. ATULETIC FIELDS. SWIMMING POOLS. AND JACK RUSSELL STADIUM. mIEREAS. the City Commission passed Resolution No. 62-35 on April 15. 1982. establishing fees to be charged for the rental of certain municipal buildings. athletic fields. swimming pools. and Jack Russell Stadium; and lnlEREAS, these fees do not in all cases reflect current costSj and lnIEREAS. it is necessary to revise the fees for such rental so that all direct costs for personnel, utilities and supplies are recovered; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to establish a consistent policy of rental fees for non-profit (PUblic/civic/church) groups renting Jack Russell Stadium and other City facilities; NOW, THEREFORE, BE ,IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TlIE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, IN SESSION DULY AND REGULARLY ASSEHBLED, AS FOLLOWS: 1. That Resolution No. 82-35 which was passed by the City Commission on April 14, 1982, is hereby repealed in its entirety. 2. There is ~ereby set and established the following categories of user groups upon which rental fees will be based: A. City Related Group B. Co-Sponsored Group C. Outside Group '* 1. Public/Civic/ Church 2. Private 3. Commercial No Charge $1.00 Hourly charges (Clearwater based groups only; non-Clearwater based groups treated as private) Basic Rental Charge. Hourly Charges. and Equipment Charges. Basic Rental Charges, Hourly Charges, Equipment Charges, and ten percent (10%)' of gross. * For Jack Russell Stadium - Clearwater based Public/Civic/ Church groups ShBll pay hourly charges only; Private groups shall pay above charges or 10% of gross admissions col1ectecr-at the gates, whichever is greater; and Commercial Groups shall pay above charges. -1- ':~; Res.~ 8~~85 8/4/83 ..... ---........ ',' ~,...,.~ -------:---- t) ..~.&. .... .... ~,~,;..=!"....".,~c.,,:<.,~...:...t.~....,.'I-,~,1.., ...........;.~~~.},...:r.l~.hl......"'t~'Jo':'r"...N~,..,)~.o;, ~.<'.~ ~7.l'I"l'i~~r~I'..""..\>""~,,\)J:q~"";,~,.: ~~.,.,~..,~.~,"NI-::'i'<'(.':W:..."."'~,;~' iF""'''~~::'i:\:,.,'''t,~~:,:;,!~':'''f' ""-:';.:~-':;: '<,"; < . ' "1 '/f.~' "'. . '\ ,,'f' ", if "r,"f" '; '~h.:~:":::, ~ '~<J~i:~'-'::~'<;'i '~:}.~, !" '::::' ,', ,'~' ,'::"::,~ ,.,~,'~: ; ~ :,.::'.,::.;,r:<:;:1!iY{~~~~{:" :.';.;;' ; ..';~,..-:,; 'l~; ,\),',.',i '',''',;",.s''~~~, o.,:i~fM,~j~(\';; '-';';':'j;':l!i, ~: ." ':... '\". " " , , , ,.". '. ,,~~~p.~ X2'!,J>)'~;;;~I;:;; "al~ :';.'S:r<;;~\i;':"il.}>,;j~ ,;~,~,'"~;,~!fttt!~V'" '(i~"~'{ );e,r:~~~t""ttl<~~'~:?~~;"<<1.' }~~1~{~~~Rff~1;;~111~i}.l:{:~:t;~}~{:~{{t~:~~!~1J~::;~~~t~~}~i~~I~~~~;\~~L~:~Ir~~~t~~~~~~~~;~~I.~~, ,;tl .' 'iK';'\'I~": 'SI;:~'!.S~~'; tr, if- "; -..1:/,V,>! >, YJ"';:"'-:~'!"/~:' 'i/-ji /1 I; i; :;:"i';'Y ?~i~' fo( (. '~'::q r:' ~', '0(.'f~r.":~J,,1:t!5.'~')jj':i..~:;ia:~~',,:/r ':iF! >f~' !ii~l':! /,;:;~~?~:~.;/i~~~/r ~~/.~t;~:~.~: J:"..:-J:;.:\.;:,.~..~:~'... ~;~ ~ ';d:".~ :'~;~i~:.:ir~ (-;~ "...~).'), ;.;i;; ~:';:'.;~*'j't~:;0"r~..; ~r~: ~~..~.~~;./~:~(.I.!"', t~., :~c ~~~~~~ ....iil.'17tsi!:t{~.~.....~,~"-o ?~.. .;~ J.( ": ~'~:..;',' ~.~~:.. '.''.. ~ ~~. . ~ .11 (" J~' t~ \P, ':-I.~., ~~ t:;~,. ;"j '::J1-!.~>'G;:;;.r~ lj~ ~)..:: \i"'~';::'~~~h~~l.'-:~-:,f.i-~;;.;jtt~"~l;-n ",!"i~~~f~!iJr~li%~~1~W])i'!{i~1;:I.II~f~J~~~llfjt~~ ; 3. ~e is hereby set and established the following f~and charges relating to the rental of Municipal Buildings, Athletic Fi~lds, Swimming Pools, and Jack RUBsoll Stadiudl A. Municipal Buildings 1. Basic Rental Fees - $30 per use x nUdhet of days, of use 2. Hourly Charges a. Utilities b. Personnel - $10.00 per $ 7.50 per manhours. hour x number of hours hour per man ~ number of 3. Equipment Charges - $5 charge for each piece of equipment used (Pinno, P.A. System. Spotlights, Kitchen, etc.) B. Athletic Fields 1. Hourly Charges n. Utilities b. Personnel - c. Reservation $8.50 per hour x number of hours $12.50 per hour per man x number of manhours. Fee - $5.00 per hour (2 Hr. minimum) C. Swimming Pools 1. Basic Rental Fee - $50 per use 2. Hourly Charges a. Utilities b. Personnel - $6 per hour x number of hours ~5.50 per hour per man x number of manhours D. Jack Russell Stadium 1. Basic Rental Fee - $125 per use x number of days of use 2. Hourly Charges a. Utilities b. Personnel - $27.50 per $12.50 per manhours hour x number of hours hour per man x number of 4. That the fees established in Paragraph 3 of this Resolution shall be paid to the City of Clearwater and shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreation Department of the City of Clearwater. 5. That. when applicable, a deposit of $20.00 shall be required to reserve any building, pool. or Jack Russell Stadium, and $10.00 to reserve an athletic field. Said deposits shall be submitted with the application and will be refunded only if application is not approved. 6. That those organizations or agencies which have current separate facility agreements with the City of Clearwater shall be exempt from this ResollJtion. 7. That this Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption. (It:.. ~I.~ City Clerk L ' . ~' PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 4th -2- Re'9. 83-85 8/4/83 " , " ~ '1 ;....:- .':.~ < <' I,' :'\-0, ~ . - ~ ,", "'--of .... ..... ~'~'~"~Q". ~.~"t"'''I'~''''''~~'~l;'I-''''''''''~~'''''''~~if!-'t~.f.-~'Ilt:~~t7: 'I""I!III!I f , ..w.t ~~ I..J...~"M- '.,~....'t~... t~ I' r~"", :, ~ ...,..~.....~.\,., '-. ~"Ii-"". , .""~. ~r%.' .. /"":.1 t.'?~1I;t'v.~'~ll..;w..,~.rll:#lt"";:,~~.,. .' :', . " ~'.. '.1- .'': j::i,.'.;.. :.." .>,<":, 1'. ..... . "...' c' ~ 1 r Jt~;\~.-~~.'XII;~~i~~ .<;' '~;~~~~:~::,~,'.,~'~"':.~,;,:C .~~ ',-P," ,",",' ,',.~~,','~. 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Cetegode. of um group. l'f;r~~t::' \w~~"~~~\'l l'r.t. ;',' I~ E i ti Pd' l~~i'!.. :.J ~~.~ ~......I~ ,....~-1';,." "\ow",!!,/,, x s ng ropose .,..".\'"" ",h;:>;rj"lt ~',f::':{(.\r':i-'L:{\}.:f~\;':':;~~;, A. City Related Group No charge Same \~-;.,):}::~~';: ,;'~'Y;.,JJ:S' 1}\."";'I! ;'I.)' ~r'j" ,I ~~.....lr.' .. ; ~l> ,~ . +..; if -;. 'L\:"'/; f.:r ;.~j.J,.~' l B. Co-Sponsored Group $1.00 Same C. Outside Group 1. Public/Civic/Church Hourly Charges (Clw based groups only) Same 2. Private Basic Rental. Hourly Charges. Plus Equipment Charges Same 3. Commercial Basic Rental. Same Hourly charges Plus Equipment Charges. and 10% of gross. II. Fees and Charges Existing Proposed Impact of Fees A. Municipal Buildings 1. Basic Rental fee $30 Same 0 2. Hourly Charges (a) Utilities/hr. $8 $10 $2 per hour (b) Personnel/hr. $5.50 $7.50 $2 per hour 3. Equip.Charge (per $5 Same 0 piece of equip) B. Athletic Fields 1. Hourly Charges a. Utllites/hr $6.50 $8.50 b. Personnel/hr $10 $12.50 c. Reservation fee/hr $5 Same C. Swimming Pools 1. Basic Rental Fee $50 per use Same 2. Hourly Charges a. Utllities/hr $6 Same b. Personnel/hr $5 $5.50 D. Jack Russell Stadium 1. Basic Rental Fee $125 Same 2. Hourly Charges a. Utllit1es/hr $15 $27.50 b. Personnel/hr $10 $12.50 $2 per hour $2.50 hour o o $.50 hour o $12.50 hour $2.50 hour I '.. Res." 83-85 ...... > .j c:~.". "<./" ".J\ ~.' ~~J.